The Angband Ladder: Mouse, Hobbit no-class by <>

                 [Sangband 0.9.9, beta 13 Character Dump]

         Mouse           Age    :             29  STR!  18/140
    the Guildmaster      Height :     3 ft, 7 in  Int:   18/71   18/120
                         Weight :          83 lb  Wis:  18/116   18/150
Gender : Male                                     DEX!  18/170
Race   : Hobbit                 Slayer of         CON!  18/***
                         Murazor, the Witch-King  Chr:   18/70   18/120
                                of Angmar
Max Hit Points      838  Power                93  Max Mana            0
Cur Hit Points      -11  Score               267  Cur Mana            0

       (Melee)           Unspent Exp      329930         (Missile)
Blows/Round           6  Gold             221437  Shots/Round         5
+ to Skill           17                           + to Skill         14
Deadliness (%)      109  Max Depth        Lev 93  Deadliness (%)     96

                          (Character Abilities)
Melee     : Fair       Saving Throw: Legendary  Magic Device: Heroic
Shooting  : Heroic     Stealth     : Heroic     Dodging     : Fair
Throwing  : Good       Perception  : Heroic     Fame        : Well-known
Digging   : Heroic     Disarming   : Legendary  Infra-Vision: 30 feet

   Speed       : +26
   Armour      : 78
   Kills       : 4137
   Time Elapsed: 29 days, 9 hours, 18 minutes   (2938804 turns)

  [Character Attributes]

      abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust Currnt
Stlth:3......3...3.        STR! 18/100 ...1.....32.2 18/140
Invis:...1.........        Int: 18/100 ...1........1 18/120  18/71
Aware:........1....        Wis: 18/100 ...1.....3..1 18/150 18/116
Disar:.............        DEX! 18/100 3..1........3 18/170
Devic:.............        CON! 18/100 .6.1.....3232 18/***
Speed:.3**.......3.        Chr: 18/100 ...1........1 18/120  18/70

      abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
Infra:............3                     NFuel:.....+.......
Tunnl:.6...........                     Steal:.............
Save :.6...........                     NoMag:.............
Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
Light:.....3..11...                     Aggra:.............


      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
Acid :+............ Light:.........+... Food :...+....+....
Elec :+.......+.... Dark :............. Feath:+............
Fire :+..*.....+... Sound:............. Shine:.+...........
Cold :+........+... Shard:............. Regen:+..+.....+...
Pois :......+...... Nexus:.......+..... ESP  :.............
Fear :.+........... Nethr:......+...... SeeIn:+..+.....+...
Blind:.........+... Chaos:......+...... FrAct:...+.........
Confu:........+.... Disen:............. HLife:.............

  [Last Messages]

> The Unmaker touches you!
> You feel weaker for a moment, but it passes.
> You have trouble thinking clearly.
> Your wisdom is drained.
> You feel clumsy for a moment, but it passes.
> Your health is sustained.
> Your features are twisted.
> The Unmaker touches you!
> Your Cloak 'Colannon' (h) was disenchanted!
> The Unmaker misses you.
> The Unmaker breathes chaos.
> You die.


Archery - Slings  :  91%    (max 100%)
Magical Device    :  92%    (max 100%)
Burglary          :  94%    (max 100%)
Perception        :  91%    (max 100%)
Stealth           :  91%    (max 100%)
Disarming         :  89%    (max 100%)
Dodging           :  91%    (max 100%)
Spell Resistance  :  88%    (max 100%)
Bowmaking         :  85%    (max 93%)

  [Character Equipment]

the Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d11) (+10,+12) (+3) {Angamaite of Umbar}
a Sling (runegold) (x8) (+7,+7) (+6, +3)
a Jade Ring of Speed (+10)
the Ring of Power (Narya) (+1, +10)
a Scarab Amulet of Recharging (charging)
the Phial of Galadriel [3] {Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain}
the Hard Leather Armour of Himring (-1) [6,+15] {Angamaite of Umbar}
the Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+13] (+3 to stealth) (charging)
the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (2d5) (+12,+16) (+1)
the Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+16] (+3)
the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+7,+6) [1,+11] (+2)
the Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Nevrast [3,+0] (+3) {Angamaite of Umba
6 Lead Shots (mithril) (1d3) (+10,+8)
12 Lead Shots of Wounding (1d3) (+12,+12)
10 Lead Shots of Frost (1d3) (+1,+1)
4 Lead Shots of Electricity (1d3) (+1,+1)
15 Seeker Shots of Frost (1d7) (+5,+4)
24 Seeker Shots (1d11) (+5,+6)

  [Character Inventory]

a Cyan Potion of Mental Awareness
18 Golden Brown Potions of Speed
23 Tyrian Purple Potions of Healing
a Vermilion Potion of *Healing*
7 Scrolls titled "unum vlyvly" of Teleportation
10 Scrolls titled "iship micfor" of Rune of Protection
2 Damascened Rods of Perception
3 Electrum Rods of Recall {Bolg, Son of Azog}
a Tarnished Rod of Healing
an Iridescent Rod of Teleport Away (charging)
8 Corundum Rods of Blinking (1 charging)
an Ivory Rod of Dragonfire
a Brass Wand of Annihilation (1 charge)
10 Jeweled Wands of Doom Bolts (9 charges)
a Cedar Staff of Teleportation (15 charges)
a Butternut Staff of Starlight (3 charges)
a Mahogany Staff of Healing (0 charges)
a Baobab Staff of Banish Evil (6 charges)
a Baobab Staff of Banish Evil (5 charges)
a Baobab Staff of Banish Evil (6 charges)
a Laurel Staff of Detection (6 charges)

  [Home Inventory]

4 Sprigs of Athelas
17 Golden Brown Potions of Speed
50 Purple Potions of Resistance
9 Scrolls titled "reeep sunorg" of *Destruction*
5 Scrolls titled "compsna oxy" of Genocide
3 Scrolls titled "snikther ornip" of Mass Genocide
4 Scrolls titled "shusna gar" of Nightfall {Thuringwethil}
a Silver Rod of Lightning Strike
a Shining Rod of Northwinds
a Mulberry Staff of Power (8 charges)
a Mulberry Staff of Power (4 charges)
a Teak Staff of Holiness (6 charges)
an Ivory Staff of Doomspells (8 charges)
the Amulet of Ingwe (+3)
the Metal Scale Mail 'Taldach' (-2) [15,+20] (+6 to stealth)
a Robe of Permanence [2,+22]
a Sling (runegold) (x5) (+14,+12) (+3 to infravision)

  [Special advantages and disadvantages]

Posted on 26.8.2003 01:27

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61. on the Sangband Ladder (of 287)


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On 26.8.2003 01:27 wrote:
I was trying to do something a little different, and play a hobbit burglar using only slings and magic items. I didn't want to bother with essences and forging (other than, of course, bowmaking.) Did pretty well, too, thanks to a x8 sling... But as I hit the higher levels I realized I was in over my head.

Very cool variant. It got pretty repetitive after level 60 or so, though. I don't know if there weren't varied enough opponents or what, but it seemed to get to the point where it was one demon or undead pit after another. Not to mention the super annoying legendary hobbit rogues... %!*& pain in the asses.

I think I'll wait until the next big release to try this one again.

On 28.8.2003 07:32 wrote:

Ill tell you why you died and I suprised you lasted as long as you did because theyre all basic things you should know.
#1 You didnt have resists covered you needed to be as deep as you were. No sound shards or disnechantedment is suicide at lv 90. If you would have learned armor forging and gotten essences that would have been an easy fix
#2 You didnt put any skills into melee which is just plain idiotic
#3 Slings are weak you should have picked longbow or xbow

next time put pts into karate, mellee, wizardry, holy alliance etc. why play sangband at all if your not going to use all the skills? thats the point!

On 29.8.2003 07:34 wrote:
Thanks for commenting, I guess. But if you'd read my comment, you'd see I wanted to challenge myself and keep my skills limited. And not using melee isn't "idiotic", it wasn't my strategy.

On 4.9.2003 01:50 wrote:
Wasnt your strategy? what?
I was just trying to help take it or leave it. Ive won sangband five times and i was just trying to tell you what works. and challenging yourself isnt worth much when your dead!!!

On 3.6.2004 07:09 wrote:
Yes, but playing the game isn't worth much when you enjoy a challenge and you're not getting one.

On 23.5.2005 16:18 wrote:
Not to mention the super annoying legendary hobbit rogues... %!*& pain in the asses.

You mean, super annoying hobbit rogues like yourself? Oh, and that's a supremely nice sling. I might have considered wizardry for the phase door, and finding essences to help with forging. Nice work though.

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