The Angband Ladder: Faceath, Draconian Monk by <>

  [PosChengband 4.0.1 Character Dump]

 Name       : Faceath                      ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :        18
 Personality: Combat                             INT  :        10
 Race       : Draconian                          WIS  :        17
 Subrace    : Crystal                            DEX  :     18/10
 Class      : Monk                               CON  :        17
 Realm      : Death                              CHR  :        17
 Level      :        7                           HP   :    -6/125
 Cur Exp    :      589                           SP   :     24/24
 Max Exp    :      589                           AC   :        38
 Adv Exp    :      650                           Speed:        +0
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :     2434                     Melee      : Excellent
 Kills      :      339                     Ranged     : Very Good
 Uniques    :        3                     SavingThrow: Very Good
 Artifacts  :      0+0                     Stealth    : Very Good
                                           Perception : Very Good
 Game Day   :        3                     Searching  : Good
 Game Time  :    22:14                     Disarming  : Excellent
 Play Time  :    02:14                     Device     : Very Good
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 g) a Brass Lantern (with 4671 turns of light)
 i) a Cloak [1,+2]
 k) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [2,+5]
 l) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+3]

                    ~ ( ]]                                  ~ ( ]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijkl@              Abilities    abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .............   0%         Speed      : .............
 Electricity: .............   0%         Free Act   : ..........+..
 Fire       : .............   0%         See Invis  : .............
 Cold       : .............   0%         Warning    : .............
 Poison     : .............   0%         Slow Digest: .............
 Light      : .............   0%         Regenerate : .............
 Dark       : .............   0%         Levitation : ............+
 Confusion  : .............   0%         Perm Lite  : .............
 Nether     : .............   0%         Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : .............   0%         Hold Life  : .............
 Sound      : .............   0%         Dec Mana   : .............
 Shards     : ............+  30%         Easy Spell : .............
 Chaos      : .............   0%         Anti Magic : .............
 Disenchantm: .............   0%         Magic Skill: .............
 Time       : .............   0%         Spell Power: .............
 Blindness  : .............   0%         Spell Cap  : .............
 Fear       : .............   0x         Magic Res  : .............
                                         Infravision: ............+  20'
                    ~ ( ]]               Stealth    : .............
 Auras        abcdefghijkl@              Searching  : .............
 Aura Elec  : .............             
 Aura Fire  : .............                                 ~ ( ]]
 Aura Cold  : .............              Sustains     abcdefghijkl@
 Aura Shards: .............              Sust Str   : .............
 Revenge    : ............+              Sust Int   : .............
                                         Sust Wis   : .............
                    ~ ( ]]               Sust Dex   : .............
 Slays        abcdefghijkl@              Sust Con   : .............
 Slay Evil  : .............              Sust Chr   : .............
 Slay Undead: .............             
 Slay Demon : .............                                 ~ ( ]]
 Slay Dragon: .............              Detection    abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Human : .............              Telepathy  : .............
 Slay Animal: .............              ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............              ESP Nonliv : .............
 Slay Troll : .............              ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Giant : .............              ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Good  : .............              ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Living: .............              ESP Dragon : .............
 Acid Brand : .............              ESP Human  : .............
 Elec Brand : .............              ESP Animal : .............
 Fire Brand : .............              ESP Orc    : .............
 Cold Brand : .............              ESP Troll  : .............
 Pois Brand : .............              ESP Giant  : .............
 Mana Brand : .............             
 Sharpness  : .............                                 ~ ( ]]
 Quake      : .............              Curses       abcdefghijkl@
 Vampiric   : .............              Cursed     : .............
 Chaotic    : .............              Rnd Tele   : .............
 Add Blows  : .............              No Tele    : .............
 Blessed    : .............              Drain Exp  : .............
 Riding     : .............              Aggravate  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............              TY Curse   : .............
 Throwing   : .............             
                    ~ ( ]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : .............     14  1  2  1  0     18
       INT  : .............     13 -1 -1 -1  0     10
       WIS  : .............     16  1  1 -1  0     17
       DEX  : .............     15  0  3  1  0  18/10
       CON  : .............     12  3  2  0  0     17
       CHR  : .............     14  2  1  0  0     17

==================================== Melee ====================================

Attack           Dice   Pct    Dam           Your Fists
Punch             1d4  24.9%   0.6           Number of Blows: 2.00
Kick              1d6  26.0%   0.9           To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)
Strike            1d7  25.5%   1.0                   95  72  48  25   5 (%)
Knee              2d3  11.1%   0.4           
Elbow             1d8  12.5%   0.5           Average Damage:
                      Total:   3.4            One Strike: 7.5
                  Criticals:   1.04x          One Attack: 15.0
                 One Strike:   3.5 +  4      
=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Breathe                1    2  49% dam 1              3    9  75%
Assume a Posture      25    0   0%                    0    0   0%
Double Attack         30   30 100%                    0    0   0%

==================================== Spells ===================================

Realm: Death

    [Black Prayers]         Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Detect Unlife             [Be]   1   2   7% rad 30             18    2  10%
 b) Malediction               [Un]   2   4   7% unknown             0    0   0%
 c) Detect Evil               [Be]   3   4   7% rad 30             16    2  11%
 d) Stinking Cloud            [Un]   5   8  13% dam 13              1    0   0%
 e) Black Sleep               [Un]   7  11  22% power 14            1    0   0%
 f) Undead Resistance         [Un]  11  18  79% unknown             0    0   0%
 g) Horrify                   [Un]  12  19  37% unknown             0    0   0%
 h) Enslave Undead            [Un]  14  23  53% unknown             0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Stronghold      : level   3

You were killed by a Novice ranger on level 3 of Stronghold.

 Last Message: . . .

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  4

  Arena:  0 Victory

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 339 enemies including 3 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Freesia                                    2
  Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog                  2
  Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog                  2

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Carnivorous flying monkey   8     1     Jackal                      1    45
  Bandit                      8     2     Giant white mouse           1    44
  Novice ranger               8     2     Giant white louse           3    27
  Copperhead snake            5     1     Small kobold                1    14
  Novice ranger               4     1     White worm mass             1    12
  Black naga                  3     1     Novice rogue                2    10
  Radiation eye               3     1     Green worm mass             2    10
  Giant white louse           3    27     Soldier ant                 1    10
  Salamander                  2     7     Giant white centipede       1    10
  White jelly                 2     4     Rock lizard                 1    10
  Large yellow snake          2     2     White icky thing            1    10
  Giant black ant             2     3     Salamander                  2     7
  Wild cat                    2     1     Cave spider                 2     7
  Cave spider                 2     7     Large white snake           1     7
  Novice priest               2     5     Filthy street urchin        0     7
  Novice mage                 2     4     Grey mold                   1     6
  Novice rogue                2    10     Blinking dot                1     6
  Blubbering icky thing       2     5     Floating eye                1     6
  Novice warrior              2     4     Fruit bat                   1     6
  White harpy                 2     5     Novice priest               2     5
=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alignment: Chaotic

You are a bitter enemy of Faith.
You are somewhat virtuous in Harmony.
You are somewhat virtuous in Temperance.
You are somewhat virtuous in Patience.
You have strayed from the path of Mysticism.
You are somewhat virtuous in Unlife.
You are an enemy of Compassion.
You are a bitter enemy of Honour.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) a Book of Death Magic [Black Prayers] {@m4}
b) 14 Rations of Food
c) 8 Flasks of oil
d) a Potion of Slime Mold Juice
e) 3 Potions of Infra-vision
f) 4 Potions of Speed
g) a Potion of Heroism
h) 3 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
i) 9 Potions of Resist Heat
j) 3 Scrolls of Phase Door
k) 5 Scrolls of Identify
l) a Scroll of Monster Confusion
m) a Staff: Identify (9/9 charges) {@u9}
n) 5 Brass Lanterns (with 457 turns of light)
o) 4 Brass Lanterns (with 4954 turns of light)
p) 2 Brass Lanterns (with 2105 turns of light)
q) a Robe [2,+0]
r) a Robe [2,+0]
s) a Robe [2,+0]
t) a Cloak [1,+0]
u) a Sabre (1d7) (+0,+0)
v) a Flail (2d6) (+0,+0)
w) a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+1) {Dg, @w0}
x) a Small kobold Skeleton {Wanted!}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 18 Rations of Food
b) a Piece of Elvish Waybread
c) 19 Flasks of oil
d) 2 Potions of Slime Mold Juice
e) a Potion of Booze {!q}
f) 3 Potions of Infra-vision
g) 3 Potions of Detect Invisible
h) 15 Potions of Speed
i) 6 Potions of Resist Cold
j) 5 Potions of Heroism
k) a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
l) 8 Scrolls of Phase Door

 ( page 2 )
a) 3 Scrolls of Door/Stair Location

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Set of Gauntlets [2,+2] {Day 1/17:51, Level 5, 'Thieves Hideout' Reward}
b) The Corpse of Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog {Day 1/10:47, Level 3, 

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :    362
  Objects Bought   :     25
  Objects Destroyed:    106

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                 11      1     0     2
  Lights                  37      1     0     0
  Body Armor              17      0     0     4
  Cloaks                   9      0     0     3
  Gloves                   9      2     0     1
  Boots                    1      1     0     0
  Totals                  84      5     0    10

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Staves                   0      1     0     0
  Potions                 42     11     0     0
  Scrolls                 30      3    10     0
  Totals                  72     15    10     0

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                   20      0     0     0
  Arrows                  22      0     0     0
  Spellbooks               1      0     0     0
  Food                    31      3     1     0
  Corpses                 68      0     0    65
  Skeletons               33      0     0    27
  Totals                 175      3     1    92

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Speed                   19      0     0     0
  Totals                  42     11     0     0

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Identify                11      1     6     0   5.2%
  Totals                  30      3    10     0

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Identify                 0      1     0     0   3.8%
  Totals                   0      1     0     0

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   1      0     0     0

  Egos Found    :      2
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:      0

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals                239  70.5%
  Breeders                93  27.4%
  Humans                  38  11.2%
  Uniques                  3   0.8%

  Evil Monsters           39  11.5%
  Good Monsters            5   1.4%
  Neutral Monsters       295  87.0%

  Resist Acid             14   4.1%
  Resist Elec              4   1.1%
  Resist Fire              7   2.0%
  Resist Pois             52  15.3%
  Resist Conf             23   6.7%

  Totals                 339

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It claws. (You retaliate: 
You punch.) It claws. (You retaliate: You punch.) It misses.

You attack the Carnivorous flying monkey: You elbow. You kick.
The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It misses. It claws. (You 
retaliate: You kick.) It bites. (You retaliate: You kick.)
The Giant white mouse attacks you: It bites. (You retaliate: You kick. 
You have slain the Giant white mouse.)

You attack the Carnivorous flying monkey: You punch. You strike.
The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It misses. It claws. (You 
retaliate: You punch.) It misses.
The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It claws. (You retaliate: 
You punch.) It misses. It bites. You have been given a Graze.
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. He misses.

You attack the Carnivorous flying monkey: You punch. You punch.
Lagduf, the Snaga says, 'Fine leadership!I hope the great Ugluk will 
lead us out again.'
The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It misses. It claws. (You 
retaliate: You punch.) It bites. You are no longer bleeding.

You attack the Carnivorous flying monkey: You elbow. You strike. The 
Carnivorous flying monkey flees in terror!
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. He misses.
The Carnivorous flying monkey is scared stiff!
Lagduf, the Snaga yells, 'Nazgul, Nazgul!'
The Carnivorous flying monkey recovers its courage.
The Carnivorous flying monkey attacks you: It claws. It claws. It 
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. You stand your ground! (You 
retaliate: You strike.) He misses.

You attack the Carnivorous flying monkey: You kick. You have slain the 
Carnivorous flying monkey.

You attack the Novice ranger: You kick. You strike.
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. He misses.
Lagduf, the Snaga attacks you: He hits. He hits. (You retaliate: You 
strike.) He misses. He hits. (You retaliate: You kick.)
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. (You retaliate: You strike. You 
have slain the Novice ranger.)
Lagduf, the Snaga attacks you: He misses. He hits. (You retaliate: You 
elbow.) He misses. He hits. You stand your ground! (You retaliate: You 

You see a Novice ranger Corpse. Auto-destroying.
The Novice ranger attacks you: He hits. (You retaliate: You elbow.) He 

You attack the Novice ranger: You miss. You kick. The Novice ranger 
flees in terror!
Lagduf, the Snaga attacks you: He hits. He hits. (You retaliate: You 
kick.) He hits. He misses.

You attack the Novice ranger: You kick. You punch. You have slain the 
Novice ranger.
The Novice ranger casts a magic missile.
 . . . Goodbye, Faceath!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       *Always*
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Ironman Quests:     Enabled

Posted on 11.5.2016 02:59
Last updated on 11.5.2016 04:56

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18351. on the Ladder (of 19032)
2253. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
63. for this player (

Related screenshots:
Faceath, Level 1: The Beginning
Faceath, Level 4: Before 'Thieves Hideout'


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On 11.5.2016 02:59 wrote:
Day 1/6:38, Level 1, Outpost

Trying something different again.

On 11.5.2016 03:33 wrote:
Day 1/17:20, Level 4, Stronghold/100'

The innate retaliation that monks have is so good. Wonder how it does in the late game?

On 11.5.2016 04:03 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Retaliation will come in handy in the mid-late game against enemies that don't resist Stun (in which case you can combine retaliation + STUN for more fun)

On 11.5.2016 04:05 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
And the Double Attack at clvl 30 makes retaliation + STUN **WAY** more fun as well

On 11.5.2016 04:56 wrote:
Stumbled onto a summon trap that spawned Lagduf on me.

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