The Angband Ladder: elliptic, Jelly Monster by elliptic

  [PosChengband 4.0.1 Character Dump]

 Name       : elliptic                     ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR! :    18/200
 Personality: Mighty                             INT! :    18/110
 Race       : Jelly                              WIS  :     18/04
 Subrace    : Shoggoth                           DEX! :    18/210
 Class      : Monster                            CON! :    18/***
                                                 CHR  :    18/104
 Level      :       50                           HP   : -253/1096
 Cur Exp    : 12948934                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    : 12948934                           AC   :       156
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +21+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1674851                     Melee      : Legendary[40]
 Kills      :     5816                     Ranged     : Good
 Uniques    :      233                     SavingThrow: Legendary[7]
 Artifacts  :  123+170                     Stealth    : Superb
                                           Perception : Fair
 Game Day   :       38                     Searching  : Good
 Game Time  :    18:25                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  : 15:33:35                     Device     : Heroic
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Claymore 'Crusader' (3d9) (+19,+30) (+2) {WiIf;Bs|V/Z}
 b) a Ring of Speed (+13) {Sp}
 c) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Unbeliever [0,+13] (+2) 
 d) The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Snow Field [0,+14] (+4) {Sl;*Co;Nx;Hl~Tele~UL}
 e) The Set of Gauntlets 'Roaring Lightning Dragon' (+8,+8) [2,+12] (+3) 
      {SpStInDxCnSlIf;*ElFi;AcCoLiNtNxSh;Si Master Tonberry}
 f) The Metal Scale Mail 'Shadow' (-2) [13,+12] (+4) {Dx;ElNxSoCa(DxCh}
 g) The Leather Jacket 'Registor' (+4,+3) [12,+12] (+4) 
      {Dx;AcElFiCoPoLiDkNxFe[E Ubbo-Sathla}
 h) an Amulet of the Magi (+4) {InMdSr;Es A:Alchemy}

              |=]]][("                                |=]]][("
 Resistances  abcdefgh@                  Abilities    abcdefgh@
 Acid       : ....+.+.* 100%             Speed      : .+..+...#
 Electricity: ....*++.+ 100%             Free Act   : ........+
 Fire       : ....*.+.+ 100%             See Invis  : ..+.+....
 Cold       : ...*+.+.+ 100%             Warning    : .........
 Poison     : ......+.+  65%             Slow Digest: .........
 Light      : ....+.+..  40%             Regenerate : ........+
 Dark       : ......+..  30%             Levitation : .........
 Confusion  : ..+.....+  40%             Perm Lite  : .........
 Nether     : ....+....  30%             Reflection : .........
 Nexus      : ...++++..  47%             Hold Life  : ...+.....
 Sound      : .....+...  30%             Dec Mana   : .........
 Shards     : ....+....  30%             Easy Spell : .......+.
 Chaos      : .....+...  30%             Anti Magic : ..+......
 Disenchantm: ..+......  30%             Magic Skill: .......+.
 Time       : .........   0%             Spell Power: .........
 Blindness  : ........* 100%             Spell Cap  : .........
 Fear       : ......+.* 100%             Magic Res  : ..+...... +10%
                                         Infravision: +...+....  50'
              |=]]][("                   Stealth    : ...++....
 Auras        abcdefgh@                  Searching  : .......+.
 Aura Elec  : ......+.. 6d7+2           
 Aura Fire  : .........                               |=]]][("
 Aura Cold  : .........                  Sustains     abcdefgh@
 Aura Shards: .........                  Sust Str   : .........
 Revenge    : .........                  Sust Int   : .........
                                         Sust Wis   : .........
              |=]]][("                   Sust Dex   : .....+...
 Slays        abcdefgh@                  Sust Con   : .........
 Slay Evil  : .........                  Sust Chr   : .....+...
 Slay Undead: .........                 
 Slay Demon : .........                               |=]]][("
 Slay Dragon: .........                  Detection    abcdefgh@
 Slay Human : .........                  Telepathy  : ...+.....
 Slay Animal: +........                  ESP Evil   : .........
 Slay Orc   : .........                  ESP Nonliv : .........
 Slay Troll : .........                  ESP Good   : .........
 Slay Giant : .........                  ESP Undead : ...+.....
 Slay Good  : .........                  ESP Demon  : ...+.....
 Slay Living: .........                  ESP Dragon : .........
 Acid Brand : ........+                  ESP Human  : .........
 Elec Brand : .........                  ESP Animal : .........
 Fire Brand : .........                  ESP Orc    : .........
 Cold Brand : .........                  ESP Troll  : .........
 Pois Brand : .........                  ESP Giant  : .........
 Mana Brand : .........                 
 Sharpness  : .........                               |=]]][("
 Quake      : .........                  Curses       abcdefgh@
 Vampiric   : +........                  Cursed     : .........
 Chaotic    : .........                  Rnd Tele   : .........
 Add Blows  : .........                  No Tele    : .........
 Blessed    : +........                  Drain Exp  : .........
 Riding     : .........                  Aggravate  : .........
 Tunnel     : .........                  TY Curse   : .........
 Throwing   : .........                 
              abcdefgh@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : ..2.3....  18/80  5  0  2  5 18/200
       INT! : ..2.3..4. 18/130 -5  0 -2  5 18/110
       WIS  : 2.2......  18/74 -5  0 -2  0  18/04
       DEX! : ....344..  18/80  2  0  0 11 18/210
       CON! : ..2.3.... 18/120  4  0  1  5 18/***
       CHR  : .....s...  18/94  0  0  1  0 18/104

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Claymore 'Crusader' (3d9) (+19,+30)            Accuracy
 Weight : 20.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : !Master (+20 To Hit)                                25 92%
 To Hit : 19 + 72 = 91                                        50 88%
 To Dam : 30 + 27 = 57                                        75 85%
 Blows  : 5.91                                               100 81%
 Damage                                                      125 78%
 Crits  : 1.19x (13.4%)                                      150 74%
 Normal : 439 [1.19x]                                        175 71%
 Animals: 596 [2.97x]                                        200 67%
 Acid   : 596 [2.97x]                                        
=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Divide                 1   10   0%                    4    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  99

You were killed by Zeus, King of the Olympians on level 98 of Angband.

 Last Message: rip

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  4
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11
  Brodda, the Easterling                   (Dungeon level:   6) - level 12
  The Variant Maintainer                   (Dungeon level:  12) - level 14
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 17
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 18
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 19
  Sir Gareth                               (Dungeon level:  24) - level 21
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 24
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 25
  Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir              (Dungeon level:  38) - level 27
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 29
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 32
  Ulik the Troll                           (Dungeon level:  44) - level 36
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 36
  Nidhogg the Hel-Drake                    (Dungeon level:  50) - level 39
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 40
  The Yamata-no-Orochi                     (Dungeon level:  56) - level 40
  Hypnos, Lord of Sleep                    (Dungeon level:  62) - level 47
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon              (Dungeon level:  76) - level 47
  Doom Quest 2                             (Danger  level:  55) - level 50
  Fenris Wolf                              (Dungeon level:  88) - level 50
  Oberon                                   (Danger  level:  99) - level 50

  Arena: Champion

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 5816 enemies including 233 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Oberon, King of Amber                     99
  Sauron, the Sorcerer                      98
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs      95
  Cerberus, Guardian of Hades               94
  Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos          93
  Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst            92
  Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods   91
  Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One               90
  Kaschei the Immortal                      90
  Fenris Wolf                               90
  Raphael, the Messenger                    89
  Tulzscha, the Green Flame                 89
  Poseidon, Lord of Seas and Storm          88
  Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves         87
  Demeter, the Goddess of Nature            86
  Hephaestus, the Smith God                 86
  Artemis, the Moon Goddess                 86
  Apollo, the Sun God                       86
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon               85
  Loki the Trickster                        85

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Great Wyrm of Power        90     1     Great Venom Wyrm           55   210
  Hell hound of Julian       83    17     Bloodletter of Khorne      34   133
  Spellwarp Automaton        80     1     Emperor wight              38   115
  Lourph                     79     7     Hill orc                    8   114
  Cyberdemon                 77     1     Snaga                       6   102
  Unmaker                    77     1     Forest troll               17   101
  Fenghuang                  76     1     Air hound                  20    89
  Warp demon                 76     1     Water troll                33    85
  Aether hound               75    11     Cave orc                    7    82
  Sky Drake                  74     1     Ancient blue dragon        38    72
  Black reaver               71     1     Giant fire ant             35    67
  Bouncing mine              70     1     Cave ogre                  26    67
  Great Wyrm of Chaos        67     1     Stone troll                25    66
  Shambler                   67     1     Warrior of the Dawn        45    65
  Ultimate beholder          66     1     War troll                  40    64
  Grand Fearlord             65     3     Olog                       35    63
  Chaos hound                65    20     Ice troll                  28    63
  Behemoth                   64     1     Black orc                  13    63
  Archlich                   64     2     Fire troll                 25    62
  Shadowlord                 62     4     Nightblade                 36    61
============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) a Mushroom of Restoring
b) 7 Potions of Speed
c) 12 Potions of Healing
d) 3 Potions of *Healing*
e) 16 Potions of Curing
f) 30 Scrolls of Phase Door {75% off}
g) 30 Scrolls of Teleportation {90% off, !*}
h) 5 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}
i) a Rod: Detect Monsters (3/3 charges) {@z2}
j) a Rod of Simplicity: Detection (3/3 charges) (+2) {Es, @z1}
k) a Rod: Recall (4/4 charges) {!*}
l) a Rod: Heroic Speed (1/2 charges) {@z3}
m) a Wand of Capacity: Teleport Other (15/15 charges) (+3)
n) a Wand of Capacity: Stone to Mud (34/48 charges) (+3)
o) a Wand of Simplicity: Annihilation (7/7 charges) (+3) {Es}
p) a Staff: Enlightenment (13/14 charges)
q) a Staff of Holding: Destruction (7/7 charges) {Hl, !*}
r) a Staff: Healing (2/6 charges) {260}
s) a Staff: Healing (4/9 charges) {323}
t) a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (5/7 charges) (+3) {Es, 337}
u) The Rapier of Tomoe (5d8) (+10,+14) (+1) {St;Di/*Z Quickthorn}
v) The Executioner's Sword of Solar Wind (4d5) (+20,+14) (+4) 
     {SpStDxCn;FiCa;FaSi|F/XUL Crisdurian}
w) The Trident 'Cat's Claw' (3d9) (+17,+25) {|P/XU/* A:Earthquake Poseidon}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 18 Potions of Speed
b) 8 Potions of Resist Heat
c) 23 Potions of Resist Cold
d) 4 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) 2 Potions of *Healing*
f) 2 Potions of Life
g) 7 Potions of Restore Mana
h) 7 Potions of Restore Life Levels
i) 2 Potions of Strength
j) 4 Potions of Enlightenment
k) 3 Potions of Self Knowledge
l) 4 Potions of Resistance

 ( page 2 )
a) a Potion of New Life {!*!*}
b) a Potion of Polymorph
c) 2 Potions of Stone Skin
d) 15 Scrolls of Phase Door {75% off}
e) 48 Scrolls of Teleportation {90% off, !*}
f) 12 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}
g) 70 Scrolls of Remove Curse {25% off}
h) 4 Scrolls of *Enchant Weapon*
i) 5 Scrolls of Mundanity
j) 20 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
k) 9 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
l) 2 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*}

 ( page 3 )
a) a Scroll of Crafting
b) a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2 charges)
c) a Rod: Detection (2/2 charges)
d) a Rod: Angelic Healing (2/2 charges)
e) a Wand: Teleport Other (6/10 charges)
f) a Wand: Teleport Other (7/9 charges)
g) a Wand: Teleport Other (9/9 charges)
h) a Wand: Teleport Other (8/8 charges)
i) a Wand of Simplicity: Teleport Other (8/13 charges) (+3) {Es}
j) a Wand: Teleport Other (13/13 charges)
k) a Wand: Teleport Other (8/10 charges)
l) a Wand: Stone to Mud (2/9 charges)

 ( page 4 )
a) a Wand: Stone to Mud (9/11 charges)
b) a Wand: Stone to Mud (16/16 charges)
c) a Wand: Stone to Mud (4/10 charges)
d) a Wand of Holding: Stone to Mud (26/26 charges) {Hl}
e) a Wand: Clone Monster (6/6 charges)
f) a Wand: Clone Monster (9/9 charges)
g) a Staff: Enlightenment (2/8 charges)
h) a Staff: Destruction (5/5 charges) {!*}
i) a Staff: Destruction (2/4 charges) {!*}
j) a Staff: Speed (0/6 charges) {50% off}
k) a Staff: Speed (8/8 charges)
l) a Staff: Speed (7/7 charges)

 ( page 5 )
a) a Staff: Speed (4/6 charges)
b) a Staff: Restore Mana (3/3 charges)
c) a Staff: Holiness (6/6 charges)
d) a Staff: Holiness (7/7 charges)
e) a Staff: Holiness (5/7 charges)
f) a Ring of Speed (+12) {Sp}
g) a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp A:Speed}
h) a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp}
i) a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp}
j) a Ring of the Dwarves (-1,+13) (+2) {StWiCnDg;-Sl;DkNxSoDiBl;FaSiRg(StCn}
k) a Ring of Combat (+15,+12) (+4) {StDxCn A:Stone to Mud}
l) a Ring of Combat (+0,+20) (+1) {Cn}

 ( page 6 )
a) a Ring of Combat (+17,+8) (+4) {StDx A:Heroism}
b) The Ring of Dragonkind (+1) {SpCnCh;*El;Di;Si A:Fire Ball Power (Narya)}
c) an Amulet (Defender) [+16] {DkCfNx;FaSiLv(Cn A:Protection from Evil}
d) an Amulet of Devotion {DkNt;RfHl}
e) a Barbarian Talisman [+7] (+1) {StDx;Fe[M}
f) The Amulet 'Cruciform' (+8,+11) {CaDi A:Dispel Evil Ingwe}
g) The Jewel of Celestial Guidance (+3) {SpStWiDxCn;LiNxSoBlFe;Si 
     A:Clairvoyance and Recall Judgement}
h) The Stone of Otiluke (+4) {In;Li A:Polymorph  Stone of Chaos}
i) The Stone 'Corona' {AcNxCa A:Destruction  Armageddon Stone}
j) Rusty Chain Mail of the Olog-hai (-5,+4) [14,+10] (+4) {StCn;-InSl;AcPoSh;Rg 
k) The Rusty Chain Mail 'Registor' (-5) [14,+19] (+1) {Sp;ElCoDkNx[E 
     A:Lightning Strike}
l) The Ring Mail 'Power Matrix' (-2) [12,+30] (+2) {StSl;ElDkCfSh Giles}

 ( page 7 )
a) The Metal Scale Mail of Heket (-2) [13,+14] {*Co;AcFe A:Genocide Julian}
b) The Chain Mail of the Fairy (-2) [14,+9] (+4) {Dx;AcElFiCoPoDi Arvedui}
c) Bar Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+3,+5) [18,+14] (+3) {St;-InSl;AcElFiCoNt}
d) The Metal Brigandine Armour of Diamond (-3) [19,+17] (+4) {Cn;AcFiNtNx;Rf 
e) Splint Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+7) [19,+25] (+4) {StCn;-In;AcPoDk;Rg 
f) The Full Plate Armour of Helldiver (-3) [25,+7] (+2) {SpSl;ElCoDkNtBl;RfLu[E 
g) Paper Armour of Celestial Protection [4,+17] {DkSoCaBl}
h) The Rhino Hide Armour of the Gods (+5,+3) [8,+17] (+4) {SpWi;LiCfNxSo;Hl 
i) The Cord Armour 'Poison Barrier' [6,+13] {PoNtSoDi}
j) The Leather Scale Mail 'Camelot' (-1) [11,+25] {ShCaDiBl Thalkettoth}
k) The Cloak 'Shadow' [1,+16] (+3) {Dx;AcLiDkSh(DxCh Jack of Shadows}
l) a Fur Cloak of Retribution [3,+6] {[ShAt}

 ( page 8 )
a) The Fur Cloak 'Flameturner' [3,+20] (+1) {Dx;AcFiCfCa[F}
b) The Ethereal Cloak 'Total Solar Eclipse' [0,+30] {PoDkNtSoBl A:Recall 
     Heavenly Maiden}
c) a Shadow Cloak of Aman [6,+26] (+3) {SpSl;LiDkCfNt}
d) The Large Leather Shield 'Skin of Dhole' [6,+1] (+3) {InDxSr;AcElFiCoPoCfSo 
e) a Mirror Shield [10,+14] {Li;Rf}
f) The Iron Crown of Nevrast [0,+20] (+4) {DxCn;Fe;Fa~Tele~TUL(Dx}
g) The Golden Crown 'Lion in Flame' [0,+20] (+3) {SpIn;AcFiPoNxSo Dragonkind}
h) The Golden Crown of the Spellcaster [0,+20] (+3) {StInDx;AcPoDk}
i) The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Rituals [0,+23] (+4) {SrIf;PoNtShFe~Tele~oUZ}
j) The Hard Leather Cap 'Helka-Turma' [2,+3] {*Co;ShBl Indra}
k) The Iron Helm of the Everlasting [5,+26] (+3) {SlIf;*Ac;ElFiNxFe(St 
     A:Terrify Monsters Terror Mask}
l) The Iron Helm of the Ninja [5,+20] (+2) {Sl;Nx;Si~Tele}

 ( page 9 )
a) The Steel Helm of the Devine Jewel (+5,+3) [6,+5] {AcLiDkCfNx Hammerhand}
b) The Kabuto 'Skin of Dhole' [7,+29] (+3) {St;AcDi;FaHl Yositsune}
c) The Set of Leather Gloves of Lungorthin [1,+16] (+4) {StWi;FiCoDk Cambeleg}
d) The Set of Gauntlets 'Great Snowfield' [2,+11] (+2) {If;*Co;DkNxDi;Lu 
e) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+17] {CoPoNtCaBl}
f) The Set of Cesti of R'lyeh [5,+30] (+2) {StDxCn;ElFiSoDiBl;Hl A:Magic Arrow 
g) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Springsleeper' [2,+6] (+3) {WiCn;AcCfNtSo 
h) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Arctic Ocean [2,+11] {FiCoDi;Sd[M Pair~ of 
     Glass Slippers}
i) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Scorpio [3,+15] (+4) {SpSt;Po;Lv}
j) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of White Ice [3,+16] (+1) {Wi;CoDkSh}
k) The Rapier 'Skullbuster' (1d6) (+7,+17) (+4) {SpStDxCn;Di;FaHl|F/p(StWi 
     Silver Chariot}
l) a Sabre (Life) (2d7) (+14,+11) (+4) {Lf;Hl/UL}

 ( page 10 )
a) The Broad Sword 'Death Sword' (2d5) (+6,+28) {|PV/XU Tailbiter}
b) The Scimitar 'Crash of Rhinos' (3d6) (+3,+12) (+2) {StDxChDg;NxDi|EPV/*T 
c) an Executioner's Sword (Crusade) (5d5) (+10,+21) (+2) {AtWi;Fe;SiBs/*UL(Ch 
d) a Blade of Chaos (6d5) (+4,+4) {Ca}
e) The Blade of Chaos of the Borg (6d5) (+20,+20) (+3) {CnChSl;NxCa/TPL 
f) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
g) The Spear 'Bloodrain' (1d6) (+17,+15) (+3) {SpCh|V/DL Hagen}
h) The Spear of Soul (1d6) (+7,+12) [+7] (+2) {SpWiIf;CaDi;HlBs/XDL/*pU(In 
     A:Frost Ball Aeglos}
i) The Lajatang of Darkness Storm (2d7) (+22,+17) (+2) {Cn|PV}
j) The Trifurcate Spear 'Zombie Claw' (2d9) (+31,+9) (+3) 
     {SpCn;PoDkNtBl;FaSd|FPV/* Wrath}
k) The Tetsubo 'Black Star' (5d8) (+9,+32) {Si|Q/*U Nyoi-bou}
l) a Mace of Disruption (5d8) (+4,+7) {/L}

 ( page 11 )
a) The Dwarven Shovel of Erkenbrando (1d3) (+16,+18) (+6) {CnDg;Sd|E}
b) The Short Bow of Alaska (x3) (+16,+14) (+4) {SpIf;CoDi;Xs[M}
c) The Long Bow 'Amanitaceae Aroma' (x3.85) (+5,+9) (+5) {StIf;Ca;Te(St Bard}
d) The Long Bow 'General of Winter' (x3) (+15,+15) (+4) {Cn;CoCa}
e) The Light Crossbow 'Melted-in Balm' (x4.55) (+15,+19) (+3) 
f) The Gun 'Quicker' (+4) {SpChSlSrIf;CoNtCa A:Beam of Light Railgun}
g) The Harp 'Icy Manipulator' (+4) {SpWiDxChDg;*Co;NxFe;FaSiBs(In 
     A:Clairvoyance Apollo}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :  14108
  Objects Bought   :    152
  Objects Destroyed:  12030

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               1518      0     0  1269
  Shields                223      0     0   184
  Bows                   305      0     0   253
  Rings                  139      0     0    17
  Amulets                141      0     0    23
  Lights                  36      0     0    21
  Body Armor            1451      0     0  1177
  Cloaks                 332      0     0   269
  Helmets                607      0     0   493
  Gloves                 281      0     0   226
  Boots                  320      0     0   272
  Totals                5130      0     0  4020

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  180      0  1968   144
  Staves                 147      2  1039   112
  Rods                   159      0   829   117
  Potions               1072     74   403   435
  Scrolls               1119     76   119   777
  Totals                2677    152  4358  1585

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  987      0     0   986
  Arrows                1957      0     0  2060
  Bolts                 1497      0     0  1553
  Spellbooks             226      0     0   228
  Food                   427      0     8   369
  Corpses                844      0     0   847
  Skeletons              284      0     0   285
  Totals                6222      0     8  6328

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    88     33    79    38
  Curing                  78      0    47    20
  Speed                  115      0    75     9
  Healing                 54      0    36     6
  *Healing*               15      0     8     2
  Life                     2      0     0     0
  Restore Mana             7      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     54      5     8     9
  Strength                 9      0     3     1
  Intelligence            13      0    12     1
  Wisdom                   8      0     8     1
  Dexterity               11      0     5     6
  Constitution            14      0    12     1
  Charisma                13      0    13     0
  New Life                 5      0     3     0
  Experience               1      0     1     0
  Totals                1072     74   403   435

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Word of Recall          74      7     6    79   2.5%
  Identify               186      0     3   184   2.4%
  *Identify*              39      0     0    40   3.7%
  Remove Curse            82      2     2     2   2.7%
  *Remove Curse*          26      5     6     0   4.0%
  Teleportation          182     51    41   128   2.7%
  Teleport Level          21      0     3     1   3.1%
  Destruction             18      0     0     0   4.5%
  Genocide                10      0     1     0   4.5%
  Mass Genocide            2      0     0     2   5.8%
  Forest Creation          6      0     0     6   5.8%
  Acquirement              5      0     5     0   4.5%
  *Acquirement*            3      0     4     0   6.8%
  Totals                1119     76   119   777

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Stone to Mud            17      0  1511     0   1.7%
  Teleport Other          16      0    86     3   1.7%
  Dragon's Frost          13      0     0    13   1.7%
  Dragon's Flame          12      0     0    12   1.7%
  Dragon's Breath          4      0     0     4   7.1%
  Meteor                   8      0     0     8   1.7%
  Whirlpool                3      0     0     3  16.0%
  Disintegrate             4      0     0     4  25.0%
  Rocket                   1      0     0     0  42.8%
  Totals                 180      0  1968   144

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Identify                15      1    89    18   1.7%
  Enlightenment           11      0   263     4   1.7%
  Telepathy                5      0    64     5   1.7%
  Speed                    5      1   164     1   1.7%
  *Identify*               4      0     0     4   1.7%
  Destruction             14      0    52     9   1.7%
  Healing                  3      0   246     0   7.1%
  Star Burst               1      0     0     1  51.8%
  Darkness Storm           1      0     0     1  51.8%
  Restore Mana             1      0     0     0  74.0%
  Totals                 147      2  1039   112

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest  Fail
  Detect Traps             4      0    29     2   1.7%
  Detect Doors & Stair     2      0    23     1   1.7%
  Detect Monsters          1      0   160     0   1.7%
  Recall                  11      0   125     0   1.7%
  Detection               12      0   373     0   1.7%
  Enlightenment           11      0     0     0   1.7%
  Sound Ball              22      0     0    22   1.7%
  Heroic Speed             4      0   119     2  25.0%
  Angelic Healing          1      0     0     0  42.8%
  Invoke Logrus            1      0     0     1  42.8%
  Totals                 159      0   829   117

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks       111      0     0   111
  Fourth Spellbooks       26      0     0    26
  Totals                 226      0     0   228

  Egos Found    :   1770
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:    860

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           27      0     1
  Ring (Defender)          6      0     0
  Amulet (Defender)        2      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind       6      0     1
  Boots of Speed           4      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals               1589  27.1%
  Breeders               116   1.9%
  Demons                 553   9.4%
  Dragons                579   9.9%
  Giants                 164   2.8%
  Hounds                 719  12.3%
  Humans                 423   7.2%
  Orcs                   588  10.0%
  Trolls                 716  12.2%
  Undead                 548   9.3%
  Uniques                233   3.9%

  Evil Monsters         3888  66.5%
  Good Monsters          152   2.6%
  Neutral Monsters      1809  30.9%

  Good Droppers          519   8.8%
  Great Droppers          39   0.6%

  Resist Acid            669  11.4%
  Resist Elec            790  13.5%
  Resist Fire           1446  24.7%
  Resist Cold           1622  27.7%
  Resist Pois           2486  42.5%
  Resist Conf           2499  42.7%

  Totals                5845

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It misses. It crushes. It is 
zapped! It misses.
Zeus, King of the Olympians fires a rocket. You stand your ground!

You attack Zeus, King of the Olympians: You miss. You hit. Your weapon 
drains life from him! You miss. You hit. You hit. You hit. He seems 
The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It misses. It crushes. It is 
zapped! It crushes. It is zapped!
Zeus, King of the Olympians throws a Psycho-Spear.
Zeus, King of the Olympians breathes disenchantment. You stand your 
ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.

The Shambler breathes lightning. Zeus, King of the Olympians is immune.
You attack Zeus, King of the Olympians: You miss. You hit. Your weapon 
drains life from him! You hit. You hit. You hit. It was a good hit! You 
miss. He seems weakened.
Zeus, King of the Olympians invokes a dispel magic. You feel yourself 
slow down. The heroism wears off.
The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It claws. It is zapped! It misses. 
It misses.
Zeus, King of the Olympians fires a rocket. You stand your ground! *** 
LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.

The Shambler attacks you: It claws. It is zapped! It claws. It is 
zapped! It crushes. You stand your ground! It is zapped! It crushes. It 
is zapped!
Zeus, King of the Olympians attacks you: He hits. He misses. He hits. 
He hits.

You have 9 Potions of Speed. You feel yourself moving much faster!
The Shambler attacks you: It claws. It is zapped! It claws. It is 
zapped! It crushes. It is zapped! It misses.

Zeus, King of the Olympians attacks you: He misses. He misses. He 
misses. He misses.

You attack Zeus, King of the Olympians: You hit. Your weapon drains 
life from him! You hit. You hit. You hit. You miss. You hit. He seems 
Zeus, King of the Olympians fires a rocket. You stand your ground!

The Shambler attacks you: It claws. It is zapped! It misses. It 
crushes. It is zapped! It misses.
Zeus, King of the Olympians attacks you: He hits. You feel yourself 
slow down. You stand your ground! He hits. He misses. He misses.
The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It claws. It is zapped! It misses. 
It crushes. It is zapped!
Zeus, King of the Olympians attacks you: He hits. He misses. He hits. 
He misses.

You have 8 Potions of Speed. You feel yourself moving much faster!
The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It crushes. 
It is zapped!
Zeus, King of the Olympians invokes a dispel magic. You feel yourself 
slow down.
The Shambler attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.

You have 7 Potions of Speed. You feel yourself moving much faster!
Zeus, King of the Olympians breathes disenchantment. You stand your 
ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.
The Shambler attacks you: It claws. *Ouch!* It is zapped! It claws. 
*Ouch!* It is zapped! It crushes. *Ouch!* It is zapped! It crushes. You 
stand your ground! *Ouch!* It is zapped!
Zeus, King of the Olympians breathes chaos. You stand your ground!
 #######                 #############%### 
 # # # ##       #####    #.....##.'.....+##
 #      #       #   # ####.###..<.#.....#%%
 ##     ######### #'###  ..######.'.......'
  #     '         ' '   #..>#  ###%##.....%
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          #   ##%E%P#.#.%>%    *.%   #.#%%%
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          # %           %.%    %.%   %'%%..
          % %           %.%%%%%%.#   %.%%#%
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       %       %        %....%%..........# 
       %'#  d%#%        %.%%.%>.....#%%%#% 
       % %+#+%#         %.%#>%#..%#%#      
     ### D    %%#%###%#%%.##%#%..%         
     #          :       ..#   ##%%         
 rip Goodbye, elliptic!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       *Always*
 Wilderness:         Off
 Arena Levels:       Never
 Ironman Quests:     Enabled
 Random Artifacts:   Enabled
 No Selling:         Enabled

Posted on 12.4.2016 23:10

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3132. on the Ladder (of 19032)
288. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
34. for this player (


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On 12.4.2016 23:10 elliptic wrote:
Jellies are pretty cool, and I'll probably play another one. My melee damage was sort of bad against a lot of monsters by the end though, which made it less fun. I did find (in a vault) ridiculously good Master Tonberry randart gloves... probably the best randart I've ever seen.

I learned this game that fighting Zeus with +21 speed unhasted and only one pip of rChaos/rDisen is a bad idea - usually I have more by now I guess.

(As in previous games, played with MarvinPA's changes.)

On 12.4.2016 23:50 wrote:
I'm pretty sure anything based on Master Tonberry will turn out phenominal; I think Master Tonberry has one of the highest (if not *THE* highest) power levels in the game. Before v4.0.0+, Master Tonberry actually really messed up androids that got ahold of them; see
for details.

On 13.4.2016 00:06 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
I wonder if it is possible to find the Set of Gauntlets of the Master Tonberry from elsewhere besides the Master Tonberry himself.

On 13.4.2016 00:55 elliptic wrote:
@TheOtherMITZE: Yeah, but this one is even better than the Master Tonberry randarts I've found in the past.

@Hugo: It is possible - that is what happened in this game (and it has happened to me one previously as well). There's nothing preventing it from generating normally other than it being very deep and rare.

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