The Angband Ladder: Melechesh, Maia Paladin by Avenger

  [TomeNET 4.7.0b @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Melechesh        Age                435       STR: 18/200       
 Sex         : Male             Height             204       INT: 18/100       
 Race        : Maia             Weight             203       WIS: 18/180       
 Class       : Paladin          Social Class         1       DEX: 18/130       
 Body        : Player                                        CON: 18/180       
 Trait       : Enlightened                                   CHR: 18/***       
 Mode        : Everlasting (infinite lives)                                    
 +To MHit           88      Level             50    Hit Points     -282/1071   
 +To MDamage        74      Experience   6760252    MP (Mana)         1/ 157   
 +To RHit          -23      Max Exp      6800726    Sanity         ********-   
 +To RDamage         9      Exp to Adv.  7000000                               
 Total AC          144      Gold          159957    Status              DEAD   
 Fighting    : Legendary    Perception  : Fair         Blows/Round:  9         
 Bows/Throw  : Very Bad     Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  2         
 Saving Throw: Legendary    Disarming   : Fair                                 
 Stealth     : Poor         Magic Device: Very Good    Infra-Vision: 120 feet  
          You are at -1700 ft in Angband (Khazad-dum).                         
          You are a Maiar spirit, bound to Irmo, Master of Dreams and          
          Desires. You suspend your pilgrimage in Aman to spend time           
          in the mortal land. You have green eyes, wavy brown hair,            
          and a dark complexion.                                               

  [Skill Chart]

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         23.140 [1.400]
     - Weaponmastery                              08.820 [0.900]
         o Sword-mastery                          50.000 [0.975]
         . Axe-mastery                            00.000 [0.600]
         . Blunt-mastery                          00.000 [0.975]
         . Polearm-mastery                        00.000 [0.975]
         . Combat Stances                         50.000 [-----]
     . Martial Arts                               00.000 [0.500]
     . Interception                               34.600 [0.800]
         . Bow-mastery                            00.000 [0.300]
         . Crossbow-mastery                       00.000 [0.300]
 - Magic                                          09.490 [0.600]
         . Holy Offense                           00.000 [1.029]
         . Holy Defense                           30.400 [1.176]
         . Holy Curing                            40.131 [1.029]
         . Holy Support                           41.160 [1.176]
     . Astral Knowledge                           50.000 [1.250]
     . Magic device                               05.000 [0.800]
 - Sneakiness                                     01.000 [0.550]
     . Stealth                                    00.000 [0.550]
     . Dodging                                    00.000 [0.600]
     . Calmness                                   00.000 [0.600]
 - Health                                         10.000 [1.000]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.040]
     . Digging                                    01.000 [0.700]

  [Character Equipment]

a) Long Sword 'Ringil' {+,40}(4d6)(+22,+25)(+10spd){!*}
b) Orcish Shield 'Maedhros' {+,37}[20%](+4){+StCnCh (In *AC*CoEl Rflct}
c) The Short Bow 'Salmar' {+,28} (x2) (+12,+9) {*CO* XS}
d) a Quartz Ring of Speed {+,46} (+11) {!*}
e) a Quartz Ring of Speed {+,46} (+11) {!*}
f) an Origami Paper Amulet of Devotion {+,37} (+4) {!*}
g) Wooden Torch of Immunity {+,32}(2981t){*FIRE*ColdDark !*}
h) Power Dragon Scale Mail {+,46} (-3) [40,+28] {!* @x0}
i) a Frostwoven Kolla of the Teleri {+,40} [3,+20] (+2)
j) Jewel Encrusted Crown 'Obel' {+,40}[0,+14](+2){!* +Inf DkBlSo ~D ~NoLive
+HReg AutoID}
k) Set of Leather Gloves of Tauron {+,48}[1,+17](+2){+SlBPRCrit /T rAcCfSo FF
l) a Pair of Witan Boots of Speed {+,40} [8,+19] (-2) (+10)
m) (quiver)
n) a Dwarven Shovel of Digging {+,26} (1d3) (+14,+15) (+3) (+5)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Tome of Holy Curing {+,20} {!*}
b) a Tome of Holy Support {+,18} {!*}
c) an Astral Grimoire {+,14} {@R !*}
d) 77 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {!*}
e) 93 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {+,3} {!*}
f) 94 Manly Potions of Heroism {+,1} {!*}
g) 28 Ivory White Potions of *Healing* {+,12} {100% off}
h) 92 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7} {!*}
i) 27 Scrolls "an ornab mebul" of Phase Door {+,1} {!*}
j) 27 Scrolls "bucon reafid" of Teleportation {+,5} {!*}
k) a Scroll "trolsne umnej" of *Identify* {+,18}
l) 2 Titanium Rods of Detection {+,10} (charging) {!*}
m) 2 Zirconium Rods of Disarming of the Istari {+,27} {!* @z0}
n) 4 Zinc Rods of Trap Location {+,9} (charging) {!*}
o) a Gold-Plated Wand of Stone to Mud {+,15} (0 charges)
p) 4 Wooden Torches {+,1} (with 2500 turns of light)
q) Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail {+,40} (-2) [30,+28] {!* @x0}

  [Last Messages]

You hit the Black reaver for 151 damage.
The Lesser black reaver gazes deep into your eyes.
You resist the effects!
This location suppresses teleportation!
You have 27 Scrolls "bucon reafid" of Teleportation {+,5} {!*}.
You intercept the Lesser black reaver's attempt to cast!
You intercept the Black reaver's attempt to cast!
The Demilich draws psychic energy from you!
You feel yourself slow down.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Black reaver looks deep into your eyes.
You resist the effects!
The Black reaver looks deep into your eyes.
You resist the effects!
You feel very good.
You have 29 Ivory White Potions of *Healing* {+,12} {100% off}.
The Elder vampire draws psychic energy from you!
The Lesser black reaver misses you. (x2)
the Lesser black reaver hits you for 26 damage.
You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Lesser black reaver gets zapped for 7 damage!
The Lesser black reaver is repelled.
The Black reaver misses you. (x2)
the Black reaver hits you for 32 damage.
You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Black reaver gets zapped for 4 damage!
The Black reaver misses you.
You feel very good.
You have 28 Ivory White Potions of *Healing* {+,12} {100% off}.
The Lesser black reaver is repelled.
the Lesser black reaver hits you for 26 damage.
Your Set of Leather Gloves of Tauron {+,48} (k) resists!
The Lesser black reaver gets zapped for 9 damage!
The Lesser black reaver misses you.
The Lesser black reaver is repelled.
The Black reaver looks deep into your eyes.
You resist the effects!
You cover before the Black reaver's attack!
You miss the Black reaver.
You hit the Black reaver for 100 damage.
You hit the Black reaver for 98 damage.
The Demilich points at you, screaming the word 'DIE'!
You resist the effects!
You miss the Black reaver.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Lesser black reaver points at you, screaming the word 'DIE'!
You resist the effects!
The Black reaver misses you. (x2)
the Black reaver hits you for 17 damage.
You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Black reaver gets zapped for 3 damage!
You block the Black reaver's attack.
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Lesser black reaver misses you. (x4)
There is a wall blocking your way.
The Lesser black reaver gazes deep into your eyes.
You resist the effects!
The Lesser black reaver is repelled.
The Lesser black reaver misses you.
The Lesser black reaver is repelled.
The Lesser black reaver misses you.
the Black reaver casts an nether ball of 383 damage!
You keep hold of your life force!
You were wearing Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail {+,40} (-2) [30,+28] {!* @x0} (q).
You are wearing Power Dragon Scale Mail {+,46} (-3) [40,+28] {!* @x0} (h).
The Black reaver is repelled.
The Black reaver misses you. (x2)
the Black reaver hits you for 23 damage.
You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Black reaver gets zapped for 10 damage!
the Black reaver invokes a mana storm for 418 damage!
You miss the Lesser black reaver. (x3)
It was a good hit!
You hit the Lesser black reaver for 130 damage.
It was a *GREAT* hit!
You hit the Lesser black reaver for 262 damage.
It was a great hit!
You hit the Lesser black reaver for 203 damage.
You miss the Lesser black reaver.
You hit the Lesser black reaver for 120 damage.
You block the Lesser black reaver's attack.
the Lesser black reaver hits you for 33 damage.
The Lesser black reaver gets zapped for 7 damage!
The Lesser black reaver misses you.
the Lesser black reaver hits you for 25 damage.
You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
The Lesser black reaver gets zapped for 3 damage!
the Black reaver invokes a mana storm for 427 damage!
You die.
**You have been annihilated by a Black reaver.**
Time for lust, time for lie, time to kiss your life goodbye.


Maia         ...#######..##########..########..#..##############%.L%..  #. %%..

Paladin      ............##########..###########################.#%%%.%  .#%#..

Knight Cmdr. ...........<%#%%%%###%..%%%#######################%%....#WW%.#..%.

LEVEL     50 ...%%##%#%#####%#%%%#%..#%###.#C!CZ..Z...(.....b##%#..%.%.L. ....#

Xp ########- ...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%#..%#*##.#CC##############Z##.%##%%.. ...% .%

AU    159957 %..%%#####%#%%%%%%##%%.....##.#U#.~[ZZ..Z.....#Z##..%%..%%..#...#%

      }      ##%#%%##%#%#*##%###%%%#....##.#.#CC##########Z#o##....#.%......%..

[+++-------] #############################.#.#.##.M$Db##.#.#u####.##%..%## %%.#

STR:  18/200 #############################.#.#.#.[C..&d###.#e#####.#%#.%.%# #%#

INT:  18/100 #############################.#.#..Z..Z....##.#p#########%#%.. ###

WIS:  18/180 #############################.#.#...CW....-?#.#.###......%.....T%T

DEX:  18/130 #############################.#.#.{C.CS.SSSS#.#.##........  ...P..

CON:  18/180 #############################.#.#.CCZuSSSSSS#.#.##''####  %%*%.L##

CHR:  18/*** #############################.#.##LAC.DSSSS##.#Z##...'P..%#%%%% ##

SN:********- #############################.#T###.?.(SS.###Z#Z###C.'..u.##%#%T##

AC:      144 #############################.#L#-##UU.=,##U#Z#Z###'T###..#%%%% #%

HP:-282/1071 #####.#######################.#P#############Z#Z##TTT####T.#%##T#%

MP:   1/ 157 #...++#######################D#ZZD..ZZZZZZZZZZ#Z##T.T####.C..# #%%

ST:  10/  10 #......######################.# ###############Z##########T...T...

Bl    FK       .....   .. ..............  ....Z....ZZZZZZZZZ,############ C....

[*********-] ###....###.................######################.          #####%



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             .##..################..################ff.f.# ####..........######

             ..#..################..################..#ff.# ####..........#####



             ..#..################..##################### #f.   ###############

             .......................              ##########..    ############ 

             .......................##############  ##########.  #  ######### #

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             ..#######...#############################  ######## ..%  %%### ###

             ...........################################  #####%.. .%. %.. ####

             #####......##################################  ##%...  ... %..####

             ..oo#.#########################################  #%%#.. .. .%.####

             oooo#.##########################################%  .. .... #.#%###

             .ooo#.############################################% . ... %..%.###






                                                  Fast +46    9 BpR  -1700ft * 

  [Unique Monsters]

You have slain Freesia.
You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Smeagol.
You have slain Bullroarer the Hobbit.
You have slain The disembodied hand that strangled people.
You have slain Mughash, the Kobold Lord.
You have slain Vort the Kobold Queen.
You have slain Lagduf, the Snaga.
You have slain Brodda, the Easterling.
You have slain Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman.
You have slain Robin Hood, the Outlaw.
You have slain The Borshin.
You have slain Grishnakh, the Hill Orc.
You have slain Orfax, Son of Boldor.
You have slain Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
You have slain Boldor, King of the Yeeks.
You have slain Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Nar, the Dwarf.
You have slain The Rat King.
You have slain Gorbag, the Orc Captain.
You have slain The Icky Queen.
You have slain Bolg, Son of Azog.
You have slain Lugdush, the Uruk.
You have slain Ugluk, the Uruk.
You have slain The Queen Ant.
You have slain Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai.
You have slain Ibun, Son of Mim.
You have slain Sangahyando of Umbar.
You have slain It.
You have slain Angamaite of Umbar.
You have slain Khim, Son of Mim.
You have slain Khufu, the Mummified King.
You have slain Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Mim, Betrayer of Turin.
You have slain Uldor the Accursed.
You have slain Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain.
You have slain Bokrug.
You have slain Fasolt the Giant.
You have slain Bert the Stone Troll.
You have slain Bill the Stone Troll.
You have slain Tom the Stone Troll.
You have slain Fire Phantom.
You have slain The Wight-King of the Barrow-downs.
You have slain Groo, the Wanderer.
You have slain Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings.
You have slain Giganto, the Gargantuan.
You have slain Draebor, the Imp.
You have slain Castamir the Usurper.
You have slain Kavlax the Many-Headed.
You have slain Mother Hydra.
You have slain Uvatha the Horseman.
You have slain Emperor Mimic.
You have slain Shadowfax, steed of Gandalf.
You have slain Jaws.
You have slain The Kung-Fu Yeek from Hell.
You have slain Medusa, the Gorgon.
You have slain Strygalldwir.
You have slain Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source.
You have slain Rogrog the Black Troll.
You have slain Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir.
You have slain Glaryssa, Succubus Queen.
You have slain Scylla.
You have slain Charybdis.
You have slain Eilinel the Entrapped.
You have slain Waldern, King of Water.
You have slain Quaker, Master of Earth.
You have slain Ariel, Queen of Air.
You have slain Vargo, Tyrant of Fire.
You have slain Adunaphel the Quiet.
You have slain Chaugnar Faugn, Horror from the Hills.
You have slain Utgard-Loke.
You have slain Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust.
You have slain Malekith the Accursed.
You have slain Zoth-Ommog.
You have slain Akhorahil the Blind.
You have slain The Stormbringer.
You have slain Ghatanothoa.
You have slain Scatha the Worm.
You have slain Yibb-Tstll, the Patient One.
You have slain Itangast the Fire Drake.
You have slain Charon, Boatman of the Styx.
You have slain Ren the Unclean.
You have slain Fafner the Dragon.
You have slain Garm, Guardian of Hel.
You have slain Eol, the Dark-Elf.
You have slain The White Balrog.
You have slain Ulik the Troll.
You have slain Harowen the Black Hand.
You have slain Ji Indur Dawndeath.
You have slain The Glass Golem.
You have slain Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth.
You have slain The Phoenix.
You have slain Nidhogg, the Hel-Drake.
You have slain The Lernaean Hydra.
You have slain Hastur the Unspeakable.
You have slain Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep.
You have slain Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw.
You have slain Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be.
You have slain Daoloth, the Render of the Veils.
You have slain Baphomet the Minotaur Lord.
You have slain Artsi, the Champion of Chaos.
You have slain Shudde M'ell.
You have slain Jack of Shadows.
You have slain Saruman of Many Colours.
You have slain Uriel, Angel of Fire.
You have slain Azriel, Angel of Death.
You have slain Gabriel, the Messenger.
You have slain Hoarmurath of Dir.
You have slain The Cat Lord.
You have slain Hypnos, Lord of Sleep.
You have slain Glaaki.
You have slain Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger.
You have slain Tselakus, the Dreadlord.
You have slain Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops.
You have slain Rhan-Tegoth.
You have slain Glaurung, Father of the Dragons.
You have slain Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil.
You have slain The Norsa.
You have slain Ymir, the Ice Giant.
You have slain Surtur, the Fire Giant.
You have slain Khamul, the Black Easterling.
You have slain Lord Jubei, The Legendary Swordsmaster.
You have slain Null, the Living Void.
You have slain Omarax the Eye Tyrant.
You have slain Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God.
You have slain Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai.
You have slain Hela, Queen of the Dead.
You have slain The Unicorn of Order.
You have slain The Serpent of Chaos.
You have slain Ungoliant, the Unlight.
You have slain The Shadow of Dol Guldur.
You have slain Mardra, rider of the Gold Loranth.
You have slain Y'golonac.
You have slain Yig, Father of Serpents.
You have slain Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness.
You have slain Atlas, the Titan.
You have slain Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer.
You have slain Cthugha, the Living Flame.
You have slain Hrungnir, the Stone Giant.
You have slain The Mouth of Sauron.
You have slain Thiazi, the Storm Giant.
You have slain Qlzqqlzuup, the Lord of Flesh.
You have slain Cyaegha.
You have slain The Witch-King of Angmar.
You have slain Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin.
You have slain Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss.
You have slain Pirotessa, Succubus Empress.
You have slain Ithaqua the Windwalker.
You have slain Pazuzu, Lord of Air.
You have slain Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves.
You have slain The Tarrasque.
You have slain Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord.
You have slain Mephistopheles, Lord of Hell.
You have slain Loki, the Trickster.
You have slain Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness.
You have slain Kronos, Lord of the Titans.
You have slain Shuma-Gorath.
You have slain Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire.
You have slain Tulzscha, the Green Flame.
You have slain Ancalagon the Black.
You have slain Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One.
You have slain Fenris Wolf.
You have slain Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods.
You have slain Vecna, the Emperor Lich.
You have slain Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar.
You have slain Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.
You have slain Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan.
You have slain The Destroyer.
You have slain Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst.
You have slain Jormungand the Midgard Serpent.
You have slain Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs.
You have slain Great Cthulhu.
You have slain Michael, The Guardian Overlord.
You have slain Sauron, the Sorcerer.

Posted on 21.1.2016 23:51
Last updated on 25.12.2016 02:20

Download this dump

211. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)

Related screenshots:
GSM + Gold Dragonrider = bad news
The Norsa is VERY VERY BAD
Melechesh's Last Stand


Jump to latest

On 21.1.2016 23:51 Avenger wrote:
My latest foray into TomeNET, a Maia Paladin.

Currently have all basic resists covered excepting only Chaos.

Build is Swords, Astral Knowledge(instead of Holy Offense, for damage), Holy Defence, Holy Support, Holy Curing, with a few points in Devices and Health.

Hoping to get back to a Sword type weapon at some point, but the randart lance fills a resistance gap and grants a massive speedboost, and won't spontaneously evaporate if a Nazgul wanders within 300 feet of me.

Have had a few deaths already, but mostly recovered from them by this point - the nastiest loss wasn't to a death, but rather to a Nazgul sneaking up and popping my 2h sword with mana regen and disenchant resist.

On 22.1.2016 06:20 Avenger wrote:
Rebalanced my gear, filling all basic resistances, and two immunities. ESP from spell is more then adequate, just gotta remember to keep casting it, lest something bad sneak up.

On 22.1.2016 13:33 PowerWyrm wrote:
Did you check That was my build for my Maia Paladin and I was enjoying that character very much until I teleported from a summoned D pack to a pack of time hounds and back to the Ds. I took Interception instead of Holy Curing, since it helps in melee.

On 22.1.2016 17:16 Avenger wrote:
I like the idea of Interception, but can't really justify it till post-50.

I do like having Curing, since I can keep Sanity topped off while diving, and can also quickly fix stat and XP drain and even black breath. Additionally, it makes finding heavy curse no drop items much less of a pain.

I suppose for a maximized power build it wouldn't be strictly necessary, though.

On 1.2.2016 07:46 Avenger wrote:
Level 40 post. All basic resists covered, not counting the special TomeNET resists, and 3 immunities. Base speed ~+10 with full load of supplies. After some conversations with other players I'm beginning to work Interception into the build, but it will take a long time, and won't max by CL50 - still, it'll be better then nothing.

Have had several more deaths since the last posting, including a nasty one where a Grand Sword Master disarmed me, and after finishing him off, a Gold Dragonrider woke up, summoned a pack of Dragons, and breathed time to finish me off before I could collect my sword.

Still, my current weapon is quite a bit more powerful in general, but I haven't been able to take Khamul or Witch King yet. Might scum for them in Paths with Stormbringer, but I'd prefer to find an Art with Slay Evil to make it less painful.

Further updates as events warrant.

On 1.2.2016 18:25 Avenger wrote:
Cantoras is down and he left me a present - Crisdurian. Time to hunt down Khamul and Witch King.

On 2.2.2016 05:26 Avenger wrote:
Khamul and Witch King are down. Crisdurian has been released back to the dungeons, and I've regeared for as much speed as I can get while still keeping resists covered.

On 4.2.2016 06:57 Avenger wrote:
Couple of setbacks, but overall forward progress.

I've got a pretty sweet kit right now, with all standard resists, 3 immunities(lacking only lightning), and tons of speed.

I picked up an amazing randart espadon with 3 attacks, slay evil, and pretty heavy hit/dam bonuses. I really didn't want to give up my randart shield with reflect and acid immunity, though, so I ended up creating a swap macro, which unwields the shield, equips the espadon over my scimitar, and switches to my rank 3 offensive stance(and the reverse, which equips the scimitar and shield and transitions to the rank 3 defensive stance).

Just starting to get used to it, but hopefully it will prove useful - I haven't really played with the stance options before.

Interception is slowly creeping upwards, and it occasionally actually does something, so that's coming into play a bit more, too.

I've also purchased a huge warehouse to sell cool stuff out of - if you play TomeNET, come to 25, 13, right outside of Gondolin.

On 4.2.2016 18:28 Avenger wrote:
Dol Guldur down and CL47. Certain monsters in TomeNET(Shadow of Dol Guldur among them) have an annoying habit of refusing to close in melee combat. They retreat if you get to close - luckily, they don't pay attention where they're going when they retreat, so if your anti-summoning corridor has a blind corner with a dead end in it... they're out of luck. Elmoth made quick work of him back there.

On 7.2.2016 08:47 Avenger wrote:
A few hours ago I was diving, and had run out of ID scrolls. I decided to stay a bit longer and check out a vault which looked like it might have speed rings. In the course of doing that, a Law Wyrm came out, and I killed it. It dropped a long sword(4d6). Hmm, that must be ego, I'll pick it up. Inspected the vault, no speed rings. You feel the long sword (4d6) in your pack is special...
...nah, couldn't be. Just a randart. I recalled, and ID'd it, and... yep. Ringil. Never even seen it before, but now, it's mine for at least a month, and my base speed is absolutely insane. I'm sitting at about 42 or 43 with supplies, and can boost all the way up to 58 with Empowerment and Speed potions.

Formerly very bad things are dying without difficulty now, so it's time to dive deep into Angband, root out uniques, hit CL 50, and collect as much epic loot as I can so I can take Sauron and Morgoth(and probably Tik) before Ringil disappears.

On 8.2.2016 02:35 Avenger wrote:
Game over. Almost had Ancalagon down, when a GSM that snuck through a hole he's disintegrated, along with lots of other p's I was mostly ignoring, managed to disarm me. Ringil was sitting on the floor with stuff on top of it, and I couldn't do damage anymore. Teleported around awhile, tried to lure Ancalagon off, almost got back to Ringil but the area was a death trap thanks to a bone golem and Ancalagon summoning. Died just as I was about to reach it, and instaresurrection pulled me out and deleted the level with Ringil still on the ground.

Technically the character still exists, but there's no point playing it anymore.

On 4.12.2016 22:47 Avenger wrote:
After about a year of inactivity, I finally got help recovering Melechesh from the bottom of Angband where he was trapped without recall.

I've now finally reached level 50, and knocked off Ancalagon and Kronos, two of the biggest uniques I had left up. Next I've got to find Michael, then think about making the journey to Mount Doom to say hello to Sauron. Maybe I'll try to upgrade my speed rings first, but they seem ever more difficult to find...

On 5.12.2016 05:24 Avenger wrote:
Just attempted Michael and he is way out of my League... I caught him in a fairly perfect spot, at the entrance cell of one of those checkerboard permavaults, and he only had room to summon a single Cherub behind me.

I tried fighting him for quite a few rounds, but between mana storms, disenchant breaths, and his stupid strong melee, I was barely able to take off 1 star of his giant 28k HP bar for drinking so many heals, and called it quits.

It was then that I realized I was still in the area of effect of the no teleport flag on that particular vault - so the poor unfortunate Cherub behind me had to die so I could escape the vault and teleport far away.

Not sure when I'll be trying him again, but it won't be soon. Maybe want some *Heal*s or even Lifes, and probably as much more speed and armor as I can work into my build, because that was not pleasant. I think I may take Sauron before I try Michael again.

On 7.12.2016 09:51 tangar wrote:
Very interesting story!

Sad that you are EL :( I would be very glad to take down Michael together.

On 10.12.2016 01:31 Avenger wrote:
Heh... if I weren't EL I'd be long dead... if you ever build an EL character I might be interested in forming a party, but I don't see myself reaching endgame content with a UW char. Death is way too likely in TomeNET - I almost wish there were a safer mode then EL, because losing items, as much less painful as that is then losing an entire character, can still be very devastating.

Those +2 EA Cesti in the dump are gone now, and I have no way of replacing them - stuff like that is just way too rare =\

On 12.12.2016 03:58 Avenger wrote:
Gloves are fixed, found a set with +2 EA, with Crit and Stealth thrown in, so my DPS is back where I like it. Can't post the dump yet, though, still down in XP compared to the current one.

On 23.12.2016 05:41 wrote:
Back to level 50, Ringil is mine again, and Michael is down. Gotta rebuild my stock of *Healing*(used 60(!) against Michael), then I might think about visiting Mount Doom...

On 25.12.2016 02:20 Avenger wrote:
I decided it was time to either win the game, or move on, so I went down into Mount Doom to kill Sauron, then started hunting Morgoth... found him, but he kept summoning greater undead, and I kept teleporting away... eventually I landed next to an existing pack, and wraithformed away right into the outer boundary of a permavault with no wraith and no tele, where I was wedged in while Black Reavers and Archliches and other friendly things crowded in around to curbstomp me.

TomeNET forces permadeath for anyone, even Everlasting characters, who die on a level where Morgoth is present, so that's truly the end for me.

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