The Angband Ladder: Hugo$oul 7992, Possessor Monster by HugoTheGreat2011

  [PosChengband 3.5.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : Hugo$oul 7992                ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :    18/105
 Personality: Fearless                           INT  :        10
 Race       : Possessor                          WIS  :         9
 Subrace    : Logrus master                      DEX  :     18/70
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :        18
                                                 Chr  :        15

 Level      :       25                           HP   :   -58/267
 Cur Exp    :    38390                           SP   :     55/55
 Max Exp    :    38390                           AC   :        71
 Adv Exp    :    43750                           Speed:     +6+10

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    14358                     Melee      : Superb
 Kills      :      631                     Ranged     : Superb
 Uniques    :       10                     SavingThrow: Excellent
 Artifacts  :      1+2                     Stealth    : Heroic
                                           Perception : Superb
 Game Day   :        4                     Searching  : Superb
 Game Time  :    15:38                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    01:30                     Device     : Superb

============================= Character Equipment =============================

a) a Broad Sword of Westernesse (2d5) (+19,+12) (+1) {Clvl 19, Tengu Swords
c) a Short Bow (x3) (+8,+2)
d) an Elemental Ring {Fi, Clvl 23, Old Man Willow quest reward}
e) a Ring of Protection [+8] {A:Stone Skin, Clvl 24, DQ1}
f) an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {DxSlSr}
g) The Phial 'Pathfinder' (+3) {SlSr;Sd(Cn Galadriel, Clvl 24, Dark elven lord
h) Hard Studded Leather of Elvenkind (-1) [7,+14] (+2) {Fe, Clvl 19, Mimic
i) an Elven Cloak [4,+9] (+1) {Clvl 24, Orc camp reward}
j) a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+13] {~Tele~Z}
k) a Set of Leather Gloves of Slaying (+3,+8) [1,+6] {25% off, Clvl 23, Morivant
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [6,+0]

              | }=="!((]]]                              | }=="!((]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .......+....+  65%           Speed      : ............#
 Elec       : .......+.....  50%           Free Act   : +...........+
 Fire       : ...+...+.....  65%           See Invis  : +...........+
 Cold       : .......+.....  50%           Warning    : .............
 Poison     : ............+  50%           SlowDigest : ......+......
 Light      : .............   0%           Regenerate : .............
 Dark       : .............   0%           Levitation : .............
 Confusion  : ............+  50%           Perm Lite  : .............
 Nether     : .............   0%           Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : .............   0%           Hold Life  : .............
 Sound      : .............   0%           Sust Str   : .............
 Shards     : .............   0%           Sust Int   : .............
 Chaos      : .............   0%           Sust Wis   : .............
 Disenchant : .............   0%           Sust Dex   : .............
 Time       : .............   0%           Sust Con   : ......+......
 Blindness  : .............   0%           Sust Chr   : .............
 Fear       : .......+....+                Dec Mana   : .............
 Aura Fire  : .............                Easy Spell : .............
 Aura Elec  : .............                Anti Magic : .............
 Aura Cold  : .............                Telepathy  : .........+...

              | }=="!((]]]                              | }=="!((]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl
 Slay Evil  : .............                Telepathy  : .........+...
 Slay Undead: .............                ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Demon : .............                ESP Noliv. : .............
 Slay Dragon: .............                ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Human : .............                ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Animal: .............                ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Orc   : +............                ESP Dragon : .............
 Slay Troll : +............                ESP Human  : .............
 Slay Giant : +............                ESP Animal : .........+...
 Slay Good  : .............                ESP Orc    : +............
 Acid Brand : .............                ESP Troll  : +............
 Elec Brand : .............                ESP Giant  : +............
 Fire Brand : .............                Magic Skill: .............
 Cold Brand : .............                Spell Pow  : .............
 Pois Brand : .............                Spell Cap  : .............
 Mana Brand : .............                Magic Res  : .............
 Sharpness  : .............                Infravision: .............
 Quake      : .............                Stealth    : .....++++....
 Vampiric   : .............                Searching  : .....++.+....
 Chaotic    : .............                Cursed     : .............
 Add Blows  : .............                Rnd Tele   : .............
 Blessed    : .............                No Tele    : .............
 Riding     : +............                Drain Exp  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............                Aggravate  : .............
 Throw      : .............                TY Curse   : .............

              | }=="!((]]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR : 1............  18/55  3  0  1  1 18/105
        INT : .............      9  1  0  0  0     10
        WIS : .............      9  0  0  0  0      9
        DEX : 1....3.......     17  5  0 -1  4  18/70
        CON : 1.....s......     14  4  0 -1  1     18
        Chr : .............     13  2  0  1  0     16      15

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: a Broad Sword of Westernesse (2d5) (+19,+12) (+1) Accuracy
 Weight : 15.0 lbs                                           AC Hit
 To Hit : 19 + 0 = 19                                        25 86%
 To Dam : 12 + 18 = 30                                       50 77%
 Blows  : 3.60                                               75 68%
 Damage                                                     100 59%
 Crits  : 1.10x (7.7%)                                      125 50%
 Normal : 131 (115-147) [1.10x]                             150 41%
 Orcs   : 177 (129-226) [3.30x]                             175 32%
 Trolls : 177 (129-226) [3.30x]                             200 23%
 Giants : 177 (129-226) [3.30x]

 Attack : Your Kick (10d2)                                  Accuracy
 Weight : 15.0 lbs                                           AC Hit
 Profic : Unskilled (-10 To Hit)                             25 88%
 To Hit : 26 + 11 = 37                                       50 80%
 To Dam : 9 + 14 = 23                                        75 73%
 Blows  : 1.00                                              100 66%
 Damage                                                     125 58%
 Crits  : 1.10x                                             150 51%
 Normal : 39 (34-45)                                        175 44%
          Stuns                                             200 36%

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: a Short Bow (x3) (+8,+2)
 Range   : 100'
 Shots   : 1.12
 Mult    : 3.18x
 To Hit  : 8 + 8 = 16
 To Dam  : 2 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 0 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Possess                1    0   0% Lvl 36             7    0   0%
Unpossess              1    0   0%                    0    0   0%
Double Attack         30   30 100%                    0    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Detect Monsters        7    3   9%                    0    0   0%
Magic Mapping         15   10  17%                    0    0   0%
Healing               20   21  52% Heals 165          0    0   0%
Invoke Logrus         30   25 100% dam 10d10+100      0    0   0%
Summon Spiders        25   20  57%                    0    0   0%
Summon Demon          35   50 100%                    0    0   0%

================================ Recent Forms =================================

Most Recent Forms                 CL Day  Time  DL Location                    
--------------------------------- -- --- ----- --- ----------------------------
Logrus master                     24   4 10:30  25 Logrus Master  
Sabre-tooth tiger                 18   2 18:02  23 Wilderness     
Earth hound                       17   2 10:04     Outpost        
Tiger                             14   1 22:56  12 Wilderness     
Bloodfang the Wolf                14   1 22:55  12 Wilderness     
Soul                              14   1 22:55  12 Wilderness     
Bloodfang the Wolf                 6   1 10:39   8 Wilderness     
Red naga                           3   1  7:28  10 Wilderness     

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Dragon's lair   : level  60

 You were killed by an Ethereal dragon on level 60 of Dragon's lair.

 Last Message: There's got to be just more to it that this or tell me why do we

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  5
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 19
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 19
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 23
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 24
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 24
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 24
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 24
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 25

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: Defeated by Biclops in the 21st fight

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 631 enemies including 10 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 10 >
  Old Man Willow                           (level  22)
  Lady Zhurong, the Avatar of Flame Spirit (level  14)
  Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief            (level  12)
  King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings     (level  11)
  Brodda, the Easterling                   (level   9)
  Bloodfang the Wolf                       (level   9)
  The Wounded Bear                         (level   9)
  Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog                (level   2)
  Mori Troll                               (level   0)
  Noborta Kesyta, the Yeek President       (level   0)

=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alighnment : Evil

You have strayed from the path of Justice.
You are a champion of Temperance.
You are the living embodiment of Valour.
You have strayed from the path of Patience.
You are an enemy of Honour.
You are an enemy of Compassion.
You are very virtuous in Sacrifice.
You are virtuous in Harmony.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 9 Rations of Food
b) 14 Potions of Speed
c) 7 Potions of Resist Heat
d) 37 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) a Potion of Healing
f) a Potion of Restore Intelligence
g) 21 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
h) 5 Scrolls of Word of Recall
i) 5 Scrolls of Magic Mapping
j) 5 Scrolls of *Identify*
k) 2 Rods of Trap Location
l) a Rod of Door/Stair Location
m) a Rod of Illumination
n) a Rod of Probing
o) a Rod of Teleport Other
p) 2 Rods of Disarming
q) a Rod of Escaping {25% off, Clvl 19, Morivant '7'}
r) a Wand of Teleport Other (12 charges)
s) 4 Staffs of Perception (4x 21 charges)
t) The Soft Studded Leather 'Call of Thundercloud' [5,+11] {ElCo[E A:Lightning
Bolt, Clvl 24, DQ1}
u) a Scythe (5d3) (+5,+7)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Mushroom of Restoring
b) a Potion of Restore Charisma
c) 2 Potions of Resistance
d) a Potion of Great Clarity
e) a Scroll of Summon Pet
f) 20 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
g) a Scroll of Word of Recall {50% off}
h) 5 Scrolls of Light
i) a Scroll of Monster Confusion
j) a Scroll of Destruction
k) a Rod of Stone to Mud
l) a Wand of Annihilation (4 charges)

 ( page 2 )
a) a Staff of Object Location (15 charges)
b) a Staff of Probing (8 charges)
c) a Ring of Protection {FaSi}
d) an Elemental Ring {Ac, Clvl 25, DQ1}
e) a Ring of Protection [+9] {Clvl 19, Tengu Swords reward}
f) a Ring of Protection [+9] {Clvl 19, Mimic quest reward}
g) a Ring of Combat (+0,+3)
h) an Amulet (Defender) [+3] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Ch}
i) a Barbarian Talisman [+6] {[T, Clvl 19, Tengu Swords quest}
j) The Phial of Galadriel (+1) {Clvl 21, Dragon's lair 60, ?Acquirement}
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [2,+6]
l) The Corpse of Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog

 ( page 3 )
a) The Corpse of Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) 4 Snaga Corpses
b) a Red naga Corpse
c) 3 Hill orc Corpses
d) a Bandit Corpse
e) an Orc shaman Corpse
f) The Corpse of Bloodfang the Wolf
g) 3 Vorpal bunny Corpses
h) The Corpse of King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings
i) a Tiger Corpse
j) a Devilfish Corpse
k) a Black orc Corpse
l) The Corpse of Lady Zhurong, the Avatar of Flame Spirit

 ( page 2 )
a) 2 Dweller on the threshold Corpses
b) a Wererat Corpse
c) 2 Orc captain Corpses
d) 3 Stone giant Corpses
e) 4 Huorn Corpses
f) The Corpse of Old Man Willow

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :    833
  Objects Bought   :    228
  Objects Destroyed:    246

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     7     67    27    10
  Speed                   12     10     7     1
  Healing                  1      0     0     0
  Constitution             1      0     1     0
  Charisma                 1      0     1     0
  Totals                  94     87    44    54

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall           5      7     6     0
  Identify                 5     11    15     1
  Remove Curse             0      2     2     0
  Teleportation           11     70    30    10
  Destruction              1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              1      0     1     0
  Totals                  90     90    61    32

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Teleport Other           1      0     0     0
  Totals                  10      0    12     1

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Perception               1      3   175     0
  Totals                  12      3   178     7

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Trap Location            2      0     1     0
  Door/Stair Location      1      0     0     0
  Monster Location         1      0     0     1
  Illumination             0      1     1     0
  Teleport Other           1      0     0     0
  Totals                  12      2     2     1

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   8      0     0     0

  Egos Found    :     43
  Egos Bought   :      1
  Egos Destroyed:      0

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Amulet (Defender)        1      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals                187  29.6%
  Breeders                 8   1.2%
  Demons                  52   8.2%
  Dragons                 10   1.5%
  Giants                   8   1.2%
  Hounds                  46   7.2%
  Humans                 149  23.6%
  Orcs                   111  17.5%
  Trolls                   1   0.1%
  Undead                  21   3.3%
  Uniques                 10   1.5%

  Evil Monsters          283  44.8%
  Good Monsters           43   6.8%
  Neutral Monsters       309  48.9%

  Good Droppers            5   0.7%
  Totals                 631

================================ Last Messages ================================

> You hit the Young multi-hued dragon. <x3>
> It was a superb hit!
> You hit the Young multi-hued dragon.
> You kick the Young multi-hued dragon.
> You have slain the Young multi-hued dragon.
> You feel something roll beneath your feet.
> You see a Young multi-hued dragon Corpse.
> There is a granite wall blocking your way.
> You collect 118 gold pieces worth of emeralds.
> You see an Oily Yellow Potion. <x2>
> You have an Oily Yellow Potion (f).
> You see 5 Scrolls titled "wah snofoo".
> You have 5 Scrolls titled "wah snofoo" (j).
> You collect 58 gold pieces worth of silver.
> You see a Scythe (5d3).
> You have a Scythe (5d3) (u).
> You have 14 Potions of Speed.
> You feel yourself moving much faster!
> How impatient!
> Stop, you brute!
> That was rather dishonorable.
> You hit the Ethereal dragon. <x4>
> You miss the Ethereal dragon.
> The Ethereal dragon breathes light.
> You are blind!
> You feel scared.
> You dastardly villain!
> You struggle to maintain possession of your current body!
> What a noble sacrifice!
> There's got to be just more to it that this or tell me why do we exis
> Goodbye, Hugo$oul 7992!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "044ad5e31902b275f4"]

Posted on 18.11.2015 07:53

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14637. on the Ladder (of 19032)
1557. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
403. for this player (


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On 18.11.2015 07:53 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Um yeah, nice try....definitely

Hugo$oul 7992

Key possessor opportunity
Locke, the Superman

Initial stats
STR 15
DEX 16
512 Au
21 MaxHP
zero mana
AC 1
zero base speed

Key stat upgrades
At clvl 5 interval (as a Red naga): STR increased from 18/20 to 18/30
At clvl 10 interval (as Bloodfang the Wolf): STR increased from 18/50 to 18/74
At clvl 15 interval (as a Tiger): STR increased from 18/49 (drained) to 18/67
At clvl 20 interval (as a Sabre-tooth tiger]: STR increased from 18/77 to 18/88
At clvl 24 upon quaffing a !CON from DQ1: CON increased from 16 to 18
At clvl 25 interval (as a Logrus master): STR increased from 18/98 to 18/105
At clvl 25 upon quaffing a !CHR from DQ1?: CHR increased from 15 to 16

Possession history:
Was a Lost soul until clvl 3 after possession of a Red naga at swamp south of Outpost
Red naga [clvl 3, swamp south of Outpost] (clvl 3 - 6)
-> Bloodfang the Wolf [clvl 6, wilderness cell north of Outpost] (clvl 6 - 14) [lost control of body after attack by a Tiger in wilderness north of Outpost]
-> Bloodfang the Wolf [clvl 14, re-possession at wilderness north of Outpost] (clvl 14)
-> Tiger [clvl 14, wilderness north of Outpost] (clvl 14 - 17)
-> Earth hound [clvl 15, wilderness NW of Outpost] (clvl 17 - 18)
-> Sabre-tooth tiger [clvl 18, wilderness north of Outpost] (clvl 18 - 24) [starting at 36 min mark!)
-> Logrus master [clvl 24, Logrus master quest] (clvl 24 - now) [starting at 1 hr 14 min mark!)

Notable events:
@clvl 21 - ~0:50 mark: kicked out Telmora Arena after losing to the Biclops
@clvl 21 - 0:54 mark: stairs collapse enroute to Dragon's lair via outside entrance

On 18.11.2015 10:54 krazyhades wrote:
Always exciting when the stairs collapse in Dragon's Lair.

On 19.11.2015 02:23 murphy wrote:
wow you got pretty far in the wilderness!

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Seen 935 times.

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