The Angband Ladder: Amanar, Longbeard Necromancer by letslaugh

  [FAangband 1.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name    : Amanar          Age                    24 STR         13
 Sex     : Male            Height                 52 INT      18/40
 Race    : Longbeard       Weight                145 WIS          7
 Class   : Necromancer     Social Class           42 DEX         16
                                                     CON      18/10
                                                     CHR          8

 Max Hit Points      204   Level                23   Max SP (Mana)        40
 Cur Hit Points       -3   Experience        19303   Cur SP (Mana)        37
                           Max Exp           19303
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.       21000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           2   Gold              15122   Shots/Round         1.0
 + to Skill            8   Score              3328   + to Skill           13
 Deadliness (%)       36   Base AC/+ To AC  21/ 27   Deadliness (%)       33
                           Game Turn        956397

 Fighting   :Mediocre(39)  Stealth    :Fair(4)       Disarming  :Fair(35)
 Bows/Throw :Fair(41)      Perception :Fair(27)      MagicDevice:Very Good(62)
 SavingThrow:Very Good(53) Searching  :Fair(26)      Infravision:50 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a
          credit to the family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight
          brown hair, a one foot beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : East Beleriand Level 13
 Previous Location: Thargelion Level 11
 Recall Point 1   : Thargelion Level 11

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:........+....  30% Confu:.............   0%
 Elec:........+....  31% Sound:.............   0%
 Fire:......+......  20% Shard:.............   0%
 Cold:.............   0% Nexus:.............   0%
 Pois:.............   0% Nethr:.............   0%
 Lght:.............   0% Chaos:.............   0%
 Dark:.............  40% Disen:.............   0%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.............      M-Mas:.............
Feath:...........+.      Stea.:.............
PLght:+..........+.      Sear.:...........2.
Regen:.............      Infra:.............
Telep:.............      Tunn.:.............
Invis:...........+.      Speed:.............
FrAct:.............      Shots:.............
HLife:.............      Might:.............

  [Specialty Abilities]


  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str:     12   3  -2   0     13            ....s.......
Int:     18   1   3   0  18/40            ....s.......
Wis:     10  -1  -2   0      7            ............
Dex:     10   2   1   3     16            ....3.......
Con:     17   2   0   0  18/10            ....s.......
Chr:     10   0  -2   0      8            ....s.......

  [Last Messages]

> The White wolf bites you.
> The White wolf bites you.
> The White wolf bites you.
> The White wolf bites you.
> The White wolf bites you.
> The White wolf bites you.
> You die.
> Dump type [(h)tml; (f)orum embedded html]:
> HTML screen dump saved.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Magestaff (1d3) (+7,+9) [4,+0]
Found lying on the ground in Eriador Level 6.

Powers:  Provides permanent light. 
When activated, it restores 10 spell points (mages and necromancers
Takes 6 to 10 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 96.4%
2 blows av. dam. 3 against all monsters.  + 8 to skill. 
Radius 1 light.
Clears rubble in 3.9 turns, magma veins in 9.7 turns, quartz veins in
26 turns, and granite in 145 turns.

b) a Short Bow of Accuracy (x2) (+12,+8)
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.

e) a Malachite Amulet of Sustenance <+3>
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
3 dexterity. 
Sustains strength, intelligence, constitution, charisma. When
activated, it teleports you about 200 grids.
Takes 32 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 95.7%

f) The Lamp of Gwindor
Found lying on the ground in Hithaeglir Level 3.
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it
illuminates the surrounding area, dealing 2d15 damage to
light-sensitive monsters.
Takes 4 to 8 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 96.7%
Radius 3 light forever.

g) Leather Scale Mail of Resistance (-1) [11,+14]
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Provides resistance to fire(20%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

h) a Cloak [1,-1]
An inheritance from your family.

i) a Wicker Shield of Resistance [2,+5]
Dropped by Brodda, the Easterling in Ered Luin Level 12.
Provides resistance to acid(30%), electricity(31%). Cannot be harmed

j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,-2]
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.

l) The Pair of Leather Sandals Magungon [1,+10] <+2 to searching>
Dropped by a Spirit in Amon R�dh Level 16.
2 searching. 

Powers:  Renders you fearless. Provides permanent light. Makes you
fall lightly. Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 
Curses:  Speeds your digestion. 
Attempting to uncurse it may destroy it.
Radius 1 light forever.

n) 19 Arrows (2d4) (+2,+3)
Found lying on the ground in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Av shooting dam. 14 against all monsters. 

o) 25 Arrows (2d4) (+2,+3)
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Av shooting dam. 14 against all monsters. 

p) 38 Arrows (2d4) (+1,+3)
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Av shooting dam. 14 against all monsters. 

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Tome of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses]
b) a Tome of Necromancy [Dark Initiation]
c) a Tome of Necromancy [Blood Novitiate]
Bought from a store in Belegost Town.

d) a Black Mushroom of Cure Blindness
Dropped by a Black pudding in Amon R�dh Level 20.
Nourishes for around 100 turns.

e) 14 Rations of Food
Nourishes for around 1000 turns.

f) 10 Pungent Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
Nourishes for around 20 turns.

g) 14 Brown Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
Nourishes for around 20 turns.

h) 21 Scrolls titled "progo cuistus" of Phase Door
i) 6 Scrolls titled "creguo" of Word of Recall
j) a Scroll titled "so exorius pa" of Identify
Found lying on the ground in Thargelion Level 11.

k) 2 Copper-Plated Rods of Trap Location
l) a Silver Rod of Door/Stair Location
m) a Palladium Rod of Light
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.

n) 3 Adamantium Wands of Sleep Monster (23 charges)
o) 3 Beryllium Wands of Confuse Monster (30 charges)
p) 4 Antimony Wands of Stinking Cloud (16 charges)
q) 9 Adamantium-plated Wands of Wonder (51 charges)
r) 2 Mulberry Staves of Perception (44 charges)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 5 Tomes of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses]
b) a Tome of Necromancy [Dark Initiation]
c) 5 Flasks of oil
Bought from a store in Khazad D�m Town.

d) a Scroll titled "licto impersus" of Teleport Level
Bought from a store in Khazad D�m Town.

e) 2 Copper-Plated Rods of Trap Location
f) a Silver Rod of Door/Stair Location
g) 2 Electrum Rods of Illumination {squelch}
h) 3 Bismuth Wands of Stone to Mud (18 charges)
i) 3 Platinum Wands of Light (23 charges)
j) a Bronze Wand of Slow Monster (11 charges)
Found lying on the ground in Thargelion Level 11.

k) an Aluminium Wand of Scare Monster (9 charges)
Dropped by a Hobgoblin in Thargelion Level 11.

l) 10 Mulberry Staves of Perception (56 charges)
m) a Holly Staff of Detect Invisible (33 charges)
Found lying on the ground in Thargelion Level 11.

n) a Brass Lantern (6602 turns)
Bought from a store in Khazad D�m Town.
Radius 2 light.

o) Soft Leather Armour of Resistance [4,+11]
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Provides resistance to frost(24%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

p) a Pair of Leather Sandals of Free Action [1,+3]
Dropped by a Spirit in Ered Luin Level 12.

Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 

q) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Stability [2,+4]
Found lying on the ground in Hithaeglir Level 3.

r) a Short Sword of Burning (2d7) (+4,+8)
Dropped by a Black ooze in Amon R�dh Level 16.
Branded with fire. 
Provides resistance to fire(50%). Cannot be harmed by fire. 2 blows
av. dam. 27 against non fire resistant creatures, 12 against other
monsters.  + 5 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 3.7 turns, magma veins in 9.0 turns, quartz veins in
24 turns, and granite in 114 turns.

s) a Broad Sword of Freezing (2d5) (+3,+4)
Dropped by a Spirit in West Beleriand Level 14.
Branded with cold. 
Provides resistance to frost(42%). Cannot be harmed by cold. 2 blows
av. dam. 20 against non cold resistant creatures, 8 against other
monsters.  + 4 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 3.5 turns, magma veins in 8.5 turns, quartz veins in
22 turns, and granite in 94 turns.

t) The Dart of E�l (2d5) (+8,+8)
Found lying on the ground in Thargelion Level 11.
Branded with poison. 
Provides resistance to poison(50%). Makes you vulnerable to
light(30%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 2
blows av. dam. 23 against non poison resistant creatures, 9 against
other monsters.  + 9 to skill. Av. throwing dam. 105 against non
poison resistant creatures, 57 against other monsters. 
Clears rubble in 3.8 turns, magma veins in 9.5 turns, quartz veins in
25 turns, and granite in 133 turns.

u) 4 Magestaffs (1d3) (+0,+0) [4,+0]

Powers:  Provides permanent light. 
When activated, it restores 10 spell points (mages and necromancers
Takes 6 to 10 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 96.4%
2 blows av. dam. 2 against all monsters.  + 1 to skill. 
Radius 1 light.
Clears rubble in 3.9 turns, magma veins in 9.7 turns, quartz veins in
26 turns, and granite in 145 turns.

v) 98 Bolts (2d5) (+1,+1)
w) 34 Arrows (2d4) (+2,+2)
Found lying on the ground in Eriador Level 9.
Av shooting dam. 14 against all monsters. 

x) 43 Lead Shots (2d3) (+2,+3)
Dropped by a Novice priest in Hithaeglir Level 3.

Amanar the Longbeard Necromancer

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
         1      Khazad D�m Town    1     Gained the Unlight specialty.
     14992       Hithaeglir   3     5    Reached level 5
     27757       Hithaeglir   3     6    Killed Pongo the Devious
     39974      Khazad D�m Town    6     Killed The Complainer
     96436       Hithaeglir   3     9    Found The Lamp of Gwindor
    118994       Hithaeglir   3    10    Reached level 10
    288756         Belegost Town   14    Moved house to Belegost.
    308600       Thargelion  11    14    Killed Mugh�sh the Kobold Lord
    312889       Thargelion  11    15    Reached level 15
    377588       Thargelion  11    16    Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
    401048        Ered Luin  12    16    Killed Lug, the Hill Orc
    440451        Ered Luin  12    17    Destroyed Courtney Campb, the
    458444        Ered Luin  12    17    Killed Brodda, the Easterling
    509343       Amon R�dh  16    18     Destroyed Alex Ulyanov, the Zombie
    509368       Amon R�dh  16    18     Found The Pair of Leather Sandals
    551636       Amon R�dh  16    20     Reached level 20
    567509       Thargelion  11    20    Found The Dart of E�l
    616889   West Beleriand  14    20    Destroyed Amanar, the Zombie
    892996       Amon R�dh  20    23     Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
    956397   East Beleriand  13    23    Killed by a White wolf.
    956397   East Beleriand  13    23    Killed on 08/03/2015 at 02:10 PM.

  [Map and modes]

Standard wilderness
Disconnected stairs
No selling


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 31.7.2015 23:18
Last updated on 7.8.2015 05:30

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15. on the Competition No.177 Ladder (of 35)


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On 31.7.2015 23:18 letslaugh wrote:
A vorpol bunny had me down to 1 pt. Other than that very slow but steady.

On 7.8.2015 05:26 letslaugh wrote:
Died doing foolish things.

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