The Angband Ladder: Hanara, Android Necromancer by poschengbandplayer

  [PosChengband 3.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name       : Hanara                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             Str  :     18/97
 Personality: Craven                             INT! :    18/210
 Race       : Android                            WIS  :         7
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :     18/30
 Class      : Necromancer                        Con  :    18/138
 Realm      : Necromancy                         CHR  :     18/29

 Level      :       42                           HP   :   631/631
 Cur Exp    :  4446718                           SP   :   450/450
 Max Exp    :      N/A                           AC   :       163
 Adv Exp    :  4600000                           Speed:     +2+10

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    37128                     Melee      : Very Good
 Kills      :      654                     Ranged     : Superb
 Uniques    :       65                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :       46                     Stealth    : Very Good
                                           Perception : Good
 Game Day   :       72                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :     2:28                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    08:00                     Device     : Legendary[10]

============================= Character Equipment =============================

b) The Wizardstaff of Saruman (3d2) (+8,+8) (+3) [+15%] { A:Resistance}
c) The Sling of the Eagle Lord (x2.90) (+17,+18) (+2) {cursed, DxCn;LiDi;Si}
d) a Ring (Defender) [+12] {PoCfDi;FaSiHlLv}
e) a Ring of Protection [+7] {Sh}
f) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2) { A:Protection from Evil}
g) The Shriveled Eye of Vecna (+2) [+10%] {cursed,  A:Eye of Vecna}
h) The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {Nx A:Genocide}
i) The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20] {cursed,  A:Resist Cold}
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {cursed, Di}
l) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {Dk}

               \}=="*[(] ]                               \}=="*[(] ]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .+.....++....  72%           Speed      : ...........+#
 Elec       : .+.....+.....  50%           Free Act   : ...+........+
 Fire       : .+...+.+.....  72%           See Invis  : ..++........+
 Cold       : .+.....++...+  75%           Warning    : .............
 Poison     : ...+........+  72%           SlowDigest : ............+
 Light      : ..+..........  50%           Regenerate : .+...........
 Dark       : .......+...+.  65%           Levitation : ...+....+....
 Confusion  : ...+.........  50%           Perm Lite  : .............
 Nether     : .............   0%           Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : .......+.....  50%           Hold Life  : ...+........+
 Sound      : .............   0%           Sust Str   : .............
 Shards     : ....+........  50%           Sust Int   : .............
 Chaos      : ........+....  50%           Sust Wis   : .............
 Disenchant : ..++...+.+...  75%           Sust Dex   : .............
 Time       : .............   0%           Sust Con   : .............
 Blindness  : .........+...  50%           Sust Chr   : .............
 Fear       : .....+.......                Dec Mana   : .+...........
 Aura Fire  : .............                Easy Spell : ......+......
 Aura Elec  : .............                Anti Magic : .............
 Aura Cold  : .............                Telepathy  : ......+..+...

               \}=="*[(] ]                               \}=="*[(] ]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl
 Slay Evil  : .............                Telepathy  : ......+..+...
 Slay Undead: .............                ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Demon : .............                ESP Noliv. : .............
 Slay Dragon: .............                ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Human : .............                ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Animal: .............                ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............                ESP Dragon : .............
 Slay Troll : .............                ESP Human  : .............
 Slay Giant : .............                ESP Animal : .......+.....
 Slay Good  : .............                ESP Orc    : .............
 Acid Brand : .............                ESP Troll  : .............
 Elec Brand : .............                ESP Giant  : .............
 Fire Brand : .............                Magic Skill: .............
 Cold Brand : .............                Spell Pow  : .............
 Pois Brand : .+...........                Spell Cap  : .+....+..+... +45%
 Mana Brand : .+...........                Magic Res  : .............
 Sharpness  : .............                Infravision: .............
 Quake      : .............                Stealth    : .............
 Vampiric   : .+...........                Searching  : .............
 Chaotic    : .............                Cursed     : ..+...*.++...
 Add Blows  : .............                Rnd Tele   : .............
 Blessed    : .............                No Tele    : .............
 Riding     : .............                Drain Exp  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............                Aggravate  : .............
 Throw      : .............                TY Curse   : .............

               \}=="*[(] ]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        Str : .......4...3.  18/32  3 -2 -1  7 18/102   18/97
        INT!: .3....2..2... 18/110 -1  3  1  7 18/210
        WIS : .........2...     13 -5 -4  1  2      7
        DEX : ..2..........     18  1  1 -1  2  18/30
        Con : ..2..2.....3.  18/63  3 -1 -1  7 18/143  18/138
        CHR : .......4.....  18/39  0 -2 -3  4  18/29

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #2: The Wizardstaff of Saruman (3d2) (+8,+8) (+3) [+1 Accuracy
 Weight : 4.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 8 + 9 = 17                                         25 80%
 To Dam : 8 + 5 = 13                                         50 64%
 Blows  : 2.32                                               75 48%
 Damage                                                     100 31%
 Crits  : 1.05x (4.5%)                                      125 16%
 Normal : 40 (37-44) [1.05x]                                150  5%
 Force  : 61 (51-71) [3.15x]                                175  5%
 Poison : 86 (67-106) [5.51x]                               200  5%

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Sling of the Eagle Lord (x2.90) (+17,+18) (+2)
 Range   : 170'
 Shots   : 1.25
 Mult    : 3.04x
 To Hit  : 17 + 5 = 22
 To Dam  : 18 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 0 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Beam Cannon           35   30   6% dam 151           79   19  19%
Animate Dead           1    1   0%                    4    1  20%
Enslave Undead         5    3   0%                   42    2   5%

==================================== Spells ===================================

Realm: Necromancy

     [Stench of Death]       Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc            Cast Fail
  a) Cold Touch                [Un]   1   1   0% dam 2d6+42         3    0   0%
  b) Summon Rat                [Sk]   2   3   0%                  286   41  13%
  c) Detect Life               [Be]   4   3   0% rad 30            95    0   0%
  d) Detect Unlife             [Un]   5   4   0% rad 30            20    0   0%
  e) Poison Touch              [Un]   7   4   0% dam 4d6+42         1    0   0%
  f) Summon Bats               [Un]   9  10   0%                    4    0   0%
  g) Eldritch Howl             [Un]  11   9   0%                    2    0   0%
  h) Black Touch               [Be]  13   7   0% dam 6d6+63        85    0   0%

     [Sepulchral Ways]       Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc            Cast Fail
  a) Summon Wolves             [Ex]  15   7   0%                  599    4   1%
  b) Black Cloak               [Be]  17  10   0%                   40    0   0%
  c) Undead Sight              [Un]  20  12   0% rad 30            11    0   0%
  d) Undead Lore               [Sk]  22  11   0%                  296   16   5%
  e) Repelling Touch           [Un]  25  18   0%                    1    0   0%
  f) Vampiric Touch           ![Ma]  28  14   0% dam 168          637    2   0%
  g) Dread of Night            [Be]  32  25   0%                  515    3   1%
  h) Entomb                    [Un]  40  56  10%                    5    1  17%

     [Return of the Dead]    Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc            Cast Fail
  a) Summon Zombies            [Un]  26  36   0% unknown            0    0   0%
  b) Summon Skeletons          [Un]  28  36   0% unknown            0    0   0%
  c) Summon Ghosts             [Un]  30  39   0% unknown            0    0   0%
  d) Summon Vampires           [Un]  32  42   0% unknown            0    0   0%
  e) Summon Wraiths            [Un]  35  48   0% unknown            0    0   0%
  f) Summon Liches             [Ex]  37  40   0%                  974   12   1%
  g) Unholy Word               [Un]  40  73  10%                    8    0   0%
  h) Lost Cause                [Un]  47  89  31% unknown            0    0   0%

     [Necromatic Tome]       Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc            Cast Fail
  a) Draining Touch            [Un]  25  12   0% dam 5d5+21         5    0   0%
  b) Unhallow Ground           [Un]  30  68   0%                    3    0   0%
  c) Shield of the Dead        [Sk]  35  24   0% dur 20+1d20       27    1   4%
  d) Rending Touch            ![Ma]  40  31  13% dam 20d20+42     309   38  11%
  e) Repose of the Dead        [Be]  42  59  21%                   18   13  42%
  f) Sepulchral Wind           [Un]  45  60  30% unknown            0    0   0%
  g) Deadly Touch              [Un]  48 119  39% unknown            0    0   0%
  h) Necromancy                [Un]  50 149  45% unknown            0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
 Dragon's lair   : level  62
 Graveyard       : level  70
 Icky cave       : level  10
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Arena           : level  55

 Now, you are exploring level 70 of Graveyard.

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 23
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 24
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 27
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 28
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 28
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 28
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 28
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 28
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 28
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level 40
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 40
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 40
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 40
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft           (Danger  level:  50) - level 41
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 42
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 44
  Doom Quest 2                             (Danger  level:  55) - level 44

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: 21 Victories

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 654 enemies including 65 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  Invisible Pink Unicorn                   (level  67)
  Lems the Cyborg                          (level  61)
  Nidhogg the Hel-Drake                    (level  55)
  Petshop                                  (level  54)
  Shudde M'ell                             (level  54)
  The King in Yellow                       (level  53)
  Khamul the Easterling                    (level  53)
  Hoarmurath of Dir                        (level  52)
  Bull Gates                               (level  52)
  Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed               (level  51)
  Nappa the Saiyan                         (level  50)
  Garm, Guardian of Hel                    (level  49)
  Charon, Boatman of the Styx              (level  47)
  Fangorn                                  (level  47)
  Smaug the Golden                         (level  45)
  The Stormbringer                         (level  45)
  Scatha the Worm                          (level  44)
  Judge Fear                               (level  43)
  Quaker, Master of Earth                  (level  43)
  Jack of Shadows                          (level  42)

=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alighnment : Chaotic

You are the living embodiment of Knowledge.
You are somewhat virtuous in Mysticism.
You are the polar opposite of Diligence.
You are the living embodiment of Unlife.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.
You have strayed from the path of Patience.
You are somewhat virtuous in Sacrifice.
You are a bitter enemy of Compassion.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 2 Necromancy Spellbooks [Sepulchral Ways] {@mb!k}
b) 2 Necromancy Spellbooks [Return of the Dead] {@mc!k}
c) a Necromancy Spellbook [Necromatic Tome] {@md!s!d!k}
d) 17 Flasks of oil {@q1}
e) 17 Potions of Speed
f) a Potion of Self Knowledge {!k}
g) 28 Scrolls of Teleportation {@r1}
h) a Scroll of Teleport Level
i) 2 Rods of Recall
j) 2 Rods of Detection {@z2}
k) a Rod of Teleport Other
l) a Rod of Disarming {@z4}
m) a Rod of Havoc
n) 2 Rods of Stone to Mud {@z3}
o) a Staff of Curing (8 charges)
p) a Staff of Healing (3 charges) {@uh}
q) a Staff of Healing (2 charges) {@uh}
r) a Staff of Speed (7 charges) {@u1}
s) a Staff of Speed (6 charges) {@u1}
t) 2 Staffs of Power (2x 5 charges)
u) a Staff of Holiness (5 charges)
v) 2 Staffs of Destruction (2x 5 charges) {@ud}
w) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
x) The Long Sword 'Excalibur' (5d5) (+21,+19) [+5] (+3)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Necromancy Spellbook [Stench of Death] {@ma!k}
b) 2 Necromancy Spellbooks [Sepulchral Ways] {@mb!k}
c) 4 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
d) 2 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
e) 2 Potions of Resistance
f) 5 Potions of Clarity
g) a Scroll of Curse Weapon
h) 14 Scrolls of Summon Monster
i) 11 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
j) 5 Scrolls of Recharging
k) a Scroll of Destruction {!*}
l) a Rod of Trap Location

 ( page 2 )
a) 5 Rods of Illumination {@z1}
b) a Rod of Monster Location
c) a Staff of Starlight (10 charges)
d) a Staff of Detect Evil (14 charges)
e) 2 Staffs of Curing (2x 8 charges)
f) a Staff of Mana Storm (5 charges)
g) an Amulet of the Magi (+2 to searching) {InMdSr;FaSi~D}
h) an Elemental Charm {Fi}
i) an Amulet of the Magi (+2 to searching) {Sr(In}
j) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3 to infravision)
k) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching) { A:Illumination}
l) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed)

 ( page 3 )
a) The Stone of Lore
b) The Paper Armour 'Oozearmor' [4,+15] (+4 to stealth)
c) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {CfNx}
d) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to
e) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Aragorn (+7,+3) [4,+17] (+2)
f) The Dagger of Fiona (3d4) (+6,+9) (+3)
g) 2 Blades of Chaos (6d5) (+0,+0)
h) The Glaive of Pain (9d6) (+0,+30)
i) The Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' (1d9) (+10,+20) (+3)
j) a Light Crossbow of Extra Might (x4.35) (+8,+6)
k) a Capture Ball (a Lesser black reaver) { A:Capture Pet}
l) a Capture Ball (a Demilich) {25% off,  A:Capture Pet}

 ( page 4 )
a) a Capture Ball (a Demilich) { A:Capture Pet}
b) a Capture Ball (a Black reaver) { A:Capture Pet}

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) The Ring 'Shitwit' (+1) {In;FaSi(In}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :   3508
  Objects Bought   :    723
  Objects Destroyed:   3118

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    17     62    55    10
  Curing                  15      4    15     8
  Speed                   80      5    60    14
  Healing                 17      0    16     1
  *Healing*                6      0     5     3
  Restore Mana             2      0     2     2
  Restore Life Levels     24      0     0     1
  Strength                 7      0     7     0
  Intelligence             7      0     2     0
  Wisdom                   2      0     2     1
  Dexterity                5      0     5     0
  Constitution             3      0     3     0
  Charisma                 3      0     3     0
  Totals                 375     77   187   131

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall           7     51    22    18
  Identify                35      0    28    14
  *Identify*              10      0     4    10
  Remove Curse             3     22    11     3
  *Remove Curse*           0      4     4     0
  Teleportation            8    341   268    53
  Teleport Level           7      3     3     5
  Destruction              5      0     3     0
  Mass Genocide            1      0     1     0
  Forest Creation          1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              2      0     2     0
  Artifact Creation        1      0     1     0
  Totals                 190    454   371   139

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             5      0     0     1
  Teleport Other           1      0     1     0
  Dragon's Frost           1      0     1     0
  Striking                 1      0    13     0
  Totals                  31      0    16    10

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Perception               3      1    41     0
  Enlightenment            4      0     0     0
  Speed                    5      0    19     3
  Healing                  2      0    15     0
  Destruction              3      0     1     1
  Mana Storm               1      0     1     0
  Totals                  91      1   100    20

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Trap Location            2      0     0     0
  Monster Location         1      0     0     0
  Illumination             5      0    74     0
  Recall                   2      0    29     0
  Detection                2      0   341     0
  Enlightenment            1      0     0     0
  Teleport Other           1      0     4     0
  Totals                  42      0   490    13

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        10      0     0     1
  Fourth Spellbooks        2      0     0     0
  Totals                  25      9     0    17

  Egos Found    :    370
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:    235

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed            0      0     1
  Boots of Elvenkind       2      0     0

================================ Last Messages ================================

> The Shoggoth crushes you.
> You are covered in acid!
> Your Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror is unaffected!
> The Shoggoth misses you. <x3>
> Target Aborted.
> Target Selected.
> You do not have enough mana to cast this spell.
> The Demilich casts a mesmerizing illusion in front of the Shoggoth.
> The Shoggoth disbelieves the feeble spell.
> Vecna, the Emperor Lich casts a spell, burning the Shoggoth's eyes.
> The Shoggoth is unaffected.
> The Demilich casts a mesmerizing illusion in front of the Shoggoth.
> The Shoggoth disbelieves the feeble spell.
> The Shoggoth is unaffected!
> Vecna, the Emperor Lich invokes a mana storm upon the Shoggoth.
> The Shoggoth is destroyed.
> You stand your ground!
> *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.
> You failed to use the staff properly.
> You feel very good.
> You unstack your staff.
> You have 2 charges remaining.
> You feel yourself slow down.
> Your Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil drains mana from you!
> You feel yourself moving much faster!
> How impatient!
> That was very diligent.
> You unstack your staff.
> You have 6 charges remaining.
> Failed to open C:\Users\Aban\Desktop\poscheng-3-4-4-win\lib\user\dump.txt.
> Screen dump saved.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       OFF
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "ba2eccd7c1025c7556"]

Posted on 5.5.2015 17:02
Last updated on 6.5.2015 15:51

Download this dump

7923. on the Ladder (of 19032)
564. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
5. for this player (

Related screenshots:
mountain city
High Necromancy
Vecna and me,Face to face


Jump to latest

On 5.5.2015 17:02 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Android Necromancer is just awesome.I am not hindered by the exp penalty that would follow because of summoning,and levels are gained very,very quickly,but the actual game length will probably be the same because the items that give lotsa levels are almost always not necessarily the best choice.So practically,I will have a high level char with crappy inventory.I choose this combination because of roleplaying factor.

I found a really,really beautiful touch in mountainous regions.A random location seems to be "small city" in the midst of a mountain.I think its beautiful.I also took a screenshot,lets see how I can upload it

On 5.5.2015 17:17 Regalia wrote:
02:21 - cl38 - that's androids for you...

On 5.5.2015 17:41 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Smaug was so kind as to drop not only one,but 4 of my third level spellbooks :D

Also,I killed him with my vampiric touch.Seeing how strong it is,I decided to free up one hand and gloves,and ditched gloves of pippin+spear of hagen.I think I will go terrorize Camelot now,with my mighty horde.

Regalia:Yeah I leveled very quickly.Infact,I gained 31 levels just from doing the morivant and outpost quests :3 .(Chain mail of arvedui was dropped).But I still do not believe I am overpowered.With a normal character I could have gotten to level 25 in under half an hour

On 5.5.2015 18:15 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Now I have collected around 10 eye drujes,5 dracoliches,5 demiliches and 2 or 3 iron liches.I intend to do the cloning pits...But should I?.....I think I stick to my first plan and do Cameless,I mean camelot(sorry,bad jokes) :DD
Meanwhile I would appreciate any advice ;-) I would like to know which of my captured summons I should use in the cloning pits and also old castle.After Camelot I also will visit dragons lair and try to capture arch liches...

On 5.5.2015 19:30 clouded wrote:
Good idea using Android

On 5.5.2015 20:51 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Hanara the first died,but I made the exact character again,and I will update it in this dump post.Currently level 32.
I had some insane moments!The first one was in the icky caves.I had summoned a hostile rat thing and didnt notice it until my hp dropped down to abysmal levels.So,there I was,with only 3 hp.No healing, - 3 speed or so,no option to flee.Did I mention undead mounds ( brown j's) were surrounding me?
I had 9 unitentified scrolls.Since I was going to die anyway I read em.AND IT WAS TELEPORT!

THe other intense moment was in the mimics quest.Angayito of Umbar was summoned and made short work of my wolves.Long story short,I only survived by levelling up like crazy trough equipping the loot around me on the ground.Then with some tactic I took out the phantom beast chasing me,and used bazooka on that guy.I also had found a potion of *healing*.I dont know where,I think on the very same level.Had I not found that potion,I wouldnt have had enough hp to kill him.......

All in all,the RNG is strong with that one

On 5.5.2015 21:31 krazyhades wrote:
Nice RNG!
Also, I thought that PosChengband monsters drop no items unless you kill them yourself. Still I agree Android a smart choice for Necromancer.

On 5.5.2015 21:38 poschengbandplayer wrote:
@Krazyhades.I thought so too,but they DO drop,infact,sometimes I miscast and hostiles are summoned and they drop stuff too.I don't know if the Necromancer is some kind of expection as it is kinda an extreme summon dependent class.Maybe even the drops are worse.I don't know if it is even affected at all.

On 6.5.2015 09:38 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Hanara the Second died too #@($U@)$#@$&)#$&#@)&.
But in german they say all good things are three,and here I am.I got a very crappy armour in the wight quest that took me all the way up to level 40.I lack basic elemental resistances.I will go do Orc caves,Icky caves,Camelot,Lonely mountain,cloning pits,maybe castle dungeon,and then old castle.I really want that "special" reward that is promised to Necromancers in the #comment section of the quest.
Things I notice:Androids can drown and they most likely will be able to use hand and eye of vecna.I am a highly organic Android :3

On 6.5.2015 10:05 krazyhades wrote:
If you ask very nicely I bet chris would be willing to make it so you can't use the Hand and Eye of Vecna ;P

On 6.5.2015 10:21 Regalia wrote:
Alternatively, androids could be renamed to cyborgs. No need to start a(nother) nerfing spree.

On another note, why are you not using two shields?

On 6.5.2015 10:48 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Just finished the Micro$oft quest.I gotta admit the character propertiesdescription of Bull Gates is hillarious. "..This evil human thief.." lol
Anyway,he dropped the necromantic tome.Unholy ground is a glyph of protection?meh.Never used them.I will use it against Smaug.Rending touch does as much damage as a mana storm,nearly.But it will fail 1/3 of the time.
Next dungeon to go is Lonely mountain

On 6.5.2015 10:49 poschengbandplayer wrote:
I can't wear gloves and I have to keep one hand empty because of my touch attacks.
I am heavily immersed in my char as of now,roleplaying <3!

On 6.5.2015 10:51 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Oh,Also.I have 2 sources of poison resistance but I have 72% res...
I have innate poison resistance,and I think necromancers gain at high levels innate pois. res. too,so they both stacked?nice!

On 6.5.2015 11:25 Regalia wrote:
All you need now is the Head of Vecna.

On 6.5.2015 12:06 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Cloning pits:Done
I entered the pits with 2 archliches,2 blackreavers,and some dracoliches in capture ball.For offense I had a staff of power,holiness,wand of striking and etc.
It was a walk in the park.Bringing those two Archliches (Who I named Ela and Wela now)was like bringing a machine gun to a knife an open daylight.
They manastormed the s*** out of the place.I just stepped ocassionally in for the killing blow.The drops were not good at all,but the quest reward was(boots of thror).I also got an acquirement scroll there,went to dragon lair,read it,and got staff of saruman!!!!(Altough I hoped for staff of Gandalf but you can't have everything)..
I would have liked to tackle the old castle now,but my resistances are horrible!.But if I go in there,I will bring 10 Archliches in Capture balls ;)

On 6.5.2015 12:25 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Screw it.I am going into the Castle quest now.I have around 10 archliches and 5 black reavers,0% failure chance lich summoning and a mighty swag.What could possiply go wrong,with 15 mana storms from 15 liches every turn?hrrrm

On 6.5.2015 12:52 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Done and Done.I did mention that Archliches battered the cloning pits like crazy...Well,my Black reavers did the same thing with the old castle!I plucked out my own eye and put in the eye of vecna!Finally!As for now,I will go after the hand of vecna!(But I am not totally sure,the dude having it can summon liches too....:o )

The worst thing that happened in the old castle was a hand druj being summoned.OMG THEY ARE STRONG OMFG.It put my life into the red area.
My black reavers were too busy offscreen doing something with Scatha.I say something because they only attacked her when I was around!Nevertheless,I freed half of them for their great performance,after the quest was done!The Archliches were useless!I freed some of them and dropped the rest in a dark corner,still in their prison.

On 6.5.2015 13:11 poschengbandplayer wrote:
O my god.The carrier of the hand of Vecna is none other than the lich king himself...Should I or shouldn't I?hrrmrmm...

On 6.5.2015 14:26 poschengbandplayer wrote:
The scroll of artifact creation from the town quest gave me an artifact +1 intelligence ring..... :@ Gonna donate it...

On 6.5.2015 14:27 poschengbandplayer wrote:
I guess I should have had used it on a dragon armour piece.......Such a waste :(

On 6.5.2015 15:51 poschengbandplayer wrote:
I am trying to kill Vecna since 2 hours or so atleast.But this is simply not the depth I should hang out,and my base speed of 3 is abysmal.I wonder why I haven't died as of now.I mean,Dio Brando cast on me time stop when i had only 57 hp....

So,Vecna seems to be sometimes friendly+anchorage.I wonder how I can take advantage of it.Maybe he is tired of the burden of his hand?:-)

On 6.5.2015 17:38 wrote:
Late reply, but I believe that ?ofArtifactCreation use the current depth/danger level to determine the power of the artifact created.

You really should've read that in as deep of a dungeon as you felt comfortable diving into.

On 6.5.2015 18:02 debo wrote:
Artefact creation doesn't work that way. Acquirement does though!

On 6.5.2015 19:13 poschengbandplayer wrote:
I had read it in a great depth.Anyway...

On 7.5.2015 02:43 krazyhades wrote:
Warg problem - level 40 haha

On 7.5.2015 05:14 debo wrote:
It turns out that i lied about the depth and ?artefactcreation! It does affect the outcome by quite a lot.

On 7.5.2015 11:17 poschengbandplayer wrote:
Due to a mix of low speed,no healing consummables,no healing activables from items and general bad choices I met my untimely demise by a single friggin keeper of secrets.And I had Conf. Res. too!Anyway,I have another character going now who is lvl 40,but I will not post till I hit lvl 50 and have some base speed more than 3!!!!!Uploading dumps of characters seems to incur the wrath of the RNG

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