The Angband Ladder: Sage, Edain Hador no-class by Sage

  [Sil 1.2.1-mpa Character Dump]

 Name   Sage          Age       26       Str   9 =  5          +4
 Sex    Male          Height   6'1       Dex   4 =  1          +3
 Race   Edain         Weight   184       Con   8 =  1  +2      +5
 House  Hador                            Gra   3 =  1          +2

 Game Turn   27,452   Melee  (+36,2d9)   Melee       36 = 21  +4  +1 +10
 Exp Pool     1,236          (+36,2d9)   Archery     14 =  0  +4  -2 +12
 Total Exp   91,836   Bows   (+14,2d9)   Evasion     33 = 21  +4  +8
 Burden       127.5   Armor [+33,7-24]   Stealth     -3 =  7  +4  -2 -12
 Max Burden   515.5                      Perception  10 =  7  +3
 Depth           0'   Health     85:85   Will        18 = 12  +3  +3
 Min Depth       0'   Voice      32:34   Smithing     3 =  0  +3
 Light Radius     7   Song     Slaying   Song        17 = 14  +3

 You are one of several children of a craftsman. You are a credit to
 the family. You have blue-gray eyes, straight brown hair, and an
 average complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You have gorged yourself!
> You have 5 Clear Potions of Miruvor (d).
> You feel more agile.
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have no more Golden Potions of Dexterity (k).
> Your strength returns to normal.
> You feel stronger.
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have 2 Sparkling Blue Potions of Strength (j).
> The Vampire lord moves away from you.
> You hit the Vampire lord!
> You burst into a furious rage!
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have a Yellow Herb of Rage (a).
> The Troll guard misses you.




a) The Mithril Longsword 'Ringil' (+3,2d5) [+3] 2.0 lb
   It is branded with frost.  It lights the dungeon around you.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) a Longbow (+0,2d5) 3.5 lb
   It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Sapphire Ring of Damage <+1>
   It improves your damage sides by 1.  
d) a Silver Ring of Frost
   It provides resistance to fire.  
e) a Coral Amulet of Constitution <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It sustains your 
f) a Silmaril
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) a Mail Corslet of Resilience (-1) [-3,2d4] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
h) a Shadow Cloak [+4] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It creates an unnatural
i) a Kite Shield of Deflection (-1) [+2,1d7]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) a Helm of Defiance [-1,1d2] <+3>
   It improves your will by 3.  It provides resistance to fear.  
k) a Set of Gloves of Swordplay [+0,1d1]
   It grants you the ability: Parry.  
l) a Pair of Greaves of Free Action [+0,1d3]
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
m) 75 Arrows
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 31 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) a Yellow Herb of Rage
b) 9 Grey Herbs of Healing
c) 7 Pale Herbs of Restoration
d) 5 Clear Potions of Miruvor
e) 8 Grey Potions of Clarity
f) 2 Brown Potions of Healing
g) 4 Copper Speckled Potions of Voice
h) 11 Dark Potions of Quickness
i) 4 Pale Green Potions of Elemental Resistance
j) 2 Sparkling Blue Potions of Strength
k) 2 Crimson Potions of Constitution
l) 6 Dark Green Potions of Grace
m) an Oak Staff of Revelations (0 charges)
n) an Oak Staff of Revelations (0 charges)
o) a Sapphire Ring of Damage <+1>
   It improves your damage sides by 1.  
p) a Feanorian Lamp of True Sight
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  
q) 2 Silmarils
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
r) a Cloak of Warmth [+2]
   It provides resistance to cold.  
s) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength [+0,1d2] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  
t) The Longsword 'Glamdring' (+2,2d5) [+2] <+2> {@w1} 3.0 lb
   It improves your will by 2.  It slays orcs, trolls, dragons, 
   and raukar.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
u) The Greatsword of Saithnar (+0,3d5) [+1] {@w2} 7.0 lb
   It slays undead.  It cuts easily through armour.  It grants
   you the ability to see invisible creatures, but it also draws
   wraiths to your level.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
   It requires both hands to wield it properly.  
v) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 15.0 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Rapid Attack
Exchange Places
Keen Senses
Poison Resistance
Song of Slaying
Song of Freedom
Woven Themes


The Ring of Melian 
The Pearl 'Nimphelos' 
The Galvorn Armour of Maeglin (found)
The Hauberk of Amon Rudh (found)
The Round Shield of Glorfindel 
The Dagger 'Angrist' 
The Shortsword of Amrod 
The Shortsword 'Dagmor' 
The Shortsword of Galadriel 
The Longsword 'Orcrist' 
The Longsword 'Glamdring' (found)
The Greatsword of Saithnar (found)
The Greatsword 'Calris' (found)
The Mithril Longsword 'Ringil' (found)
The Deathblade 'Delmereth' (found)
The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' 
The Great Axe of Nogrod 
The Glaive 'Celebrist' (found)
The Cloak of Maglor 
The Cloak of Thingol 
The Shadow Cloak of Luthien 
The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin (found)
The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil (found)
The Shortbow of Celegorm (found)
The Arrow 'Dailir' 
The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin 
The Pair of Boots of Irime 
The Pair of Greaves of Orodreth 
The Set of Gloves of Celebrimbor 
The Set of Gloves of Rumil 
The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth (found)
The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (found)


  2 /  2  Orc scout                               
  9 /  9  Wolf                                    
  1 /  5  Grey mold                               
  6 /  8  Giant bat                               
  5 /  5  White worm mass                         
 10 / 38  Orc soldier                             
  0 /  3  Brown mold                              
  2 /  2  Metallic green centipede                
  8 / 22  White wolf                              
 15 / 15  Crebain                                 
  4 / 13  Green worm mass                         
  9 / 15  Orc archer                              
  1 /  3  Violet mold                             
  2 /  8  Sword spider                            
  7 / 14  Hummerhorn                              
 41 / 62  Orc warrior                             
 12 / 14  Gorcrow                                 
  1 /  1  Clear worm mass                         
  4 /  5  Mewlip                                  
  7 / 11  Orc thief                               
  0 /  1  Shadow mold                             
  7 / 11  Metallic red centipede                  
  7 / 10  Easterling spy                          
 16 / 43  Orc champion                            
  3 /  6  Violet worm mass                        
 16 / 20  Mountain troll                          
  1 / 10  Grave wight                             
  2 /  8  Easterling warrior                      
 11 / 16  Orc captain                             
  9 / 12  Distended spider                        
  7 /  8  Giant green dragonfly                   
 13 / 27  Easterling archer                       
 11 / 15  Shadow worm mass                        
 22 / 28  Warg                                    
  7 /  9  Giant violet dragonfly                  
  (slain) Uldor, the Accursed 
 12 / 26  Snow troll                              
  5 /  6  Giant bronze dragonfly                  
  3 /  3  Lurking horror                          
  3 /  5  Giant                                   
  (slain) Othrod, the Orc Lord 
 20 / 32  Nether worm mass                        
  7 / 10  Shadow bat                              
 21 / 25  Sulrauko                                
  2 / 10  Fire-drake hatchling                    
  (slain) Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 
  (slain) Duruin, Least of the Balrogs 
  8 / 13  Werewolf                                
 12 / 14  Shadow spider                           
  6 /  7  Shadow                                  
  4 /  6  Sapphire serpent                        
  (seen)  Nan, the Giant 
 17 / 21  Cave troll                              
  3 /  6  Ruby serpent                            
  0 /  1  Creeping horror                         
 20 / 24  Ringrauko                               
  4 /  6  Emerald serpent                         
  7 / 10  Oathwraith                              
  0 /  2  Deathblade                              
 47 / 66  Cat warrior                             
 20 / 24  Greater werewolf                        
  1 /  2  Amethyst serpent                        
  5 / 12  Kemenrauko                              
  1 /  2  Young cold-drake                        
  1 /  1  Grotesque                               
  3 /  4  Spider of Gorgoroth                     
131 /170  Troll guard                             
  6 /  7  Adamant serpent                         
 16 / 22  Lesser vampire                          
  9 / 13  Cat assassin                            
  (slain) Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 
  2 / 16  Young fire-drake                        
 11 / 11  Darting horror                          
 26 / 37  Unmourned                               
 66 / 88  Ururauko                                
  (slain) The Deathblade 'Delmereth' 
  (slain) Tevildo, Prince of Cats 
  (slain) Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 
  5 / 14  Ancient sapphire serpent                
 61 / 92  Vampire                                 
  1 / 37  Nameless thing                          
  (slain) Dagorhir, the Elfbane 
  (slain) Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin 
 10 / 20  Ancient ruby serpent                    
  8 / 17  Great cold-drake                        
  0 /  6  Silent watcher                          
 67 / 77  Gwathrauko                              
  (slain) Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 
  (slain) Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 
 10 / 11  Ancient spider                          
  8 / 12  Ancient emerald serpent                 
 28 / 47  Vampire lord                            
  2 /  2  Ancient amethyst serpent                
  1 /  2  Great fire-drake                        
 20 / 27  Hithrauko                               
  (seen)  Smaug the Golden 
  (slain) Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 
  2 /  2  Ancient adamant serpent                 
  3 /  8  Unrelenting horror                      
  (seen)  Ancalagon the Black 
  (slain) Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 
  (seen)  Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 
  (seen)  Glaurung, the Deceiver 
  (slain) Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 
  (slain) Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 
  (slain) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 


Sage of the Edain
Entered Angband on 14 Jan 2015

   Turn     Depth   Note

    369    100 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
    775    200 ft   bye bye greaves
  1,002    200 ft   (Power)
  1,178    250 ft   Found The Longsword 'Glamdring'
  1,178    250 ft   hmm
  1,329    250 ft   (Dodging)
  1,329    250 ft   (Flanking)
  2,787    300 ft   mmmmmmm
  3,342    400 ft   (Lore-Keeper)
  3,926    400 ft   (Follow-Through)
  3,926    400 ft   (Opportunist)
  4,803    450 ft   Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
  4,838    450 ft   shit
  4,853    450 ft   (Lore-Master)
  5,120    450 ft   Slew Uldor, the Accursed
  6,086    450 ft   Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
  6,504    500 ft   Fell through a false floor
  6,504    550 ft   shit
  6,628    550 ft   (Sprinting)
  6,821    550 ft   Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  6,824    550 ft   hi
  7,129    550 ft   (Keen Senses)
  7,959    600 ft   Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  8,475    600 ft   Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
  8,502    600 ft   (Hardiness)
  8,546    600 ft   mm
  9,269    650 ft   Fell through a false floor
  9,269    700 ft   damn
  9,340    700 ft   Encountered Nan, the Giant
 10,629    650 ft   (Poison Resistance)
 10,665    650 ft   (Constitution)
 11,203    650 ft   hi
 11,245    650 ft   Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
 11,252    650 ft   nice
 13,071    750 ft   Fell through a false floor
 13,171    800 ft   Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
 13,171    800 ft   Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 13,171    800 ft   shit
 13,219    800 ft   Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
 13,252    800 ft   Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 14,415    800 ft   +1 "con
 15,368    850 ft   Fell through a false floor
 16,809    900 ft   Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 16,810    900 ft   hi
 16,810    900 ft   (Dexterity)
 16,834    900 ft   Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 17,192    950 ft   Found The Shortbow of Celegorm
 17,227    950 ft   bye bye dailir
 17,651    950 ft   amon rudh
 17,807    950 ft   Encountered Smaug the Golden
 17,807    950 ft   Found The Hauberk of Amon Rudh
 18,392    950 ft   Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 18,474    950 ft   Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 18,474    950 ft   Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin
 18,549    950 ft   calrisssss
 18,731    950 ft   Found The Greatsword 'Calris'
 19,004    950 ft   Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 19,006    950 ft   hi
 19,033    950 ft   Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 19,033    950 ft   Found The Glaive 'Celebrist'
 19,035    950 ft   suck
 19,098    950 ft   saithnar
 19,255    950 ft   Encountered Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
 19,259    950 ft   hi
 19,309    950 ft   Slew Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
 19,309    950 ft   Found The Galvorn Armour of Maeglin
 19,536    950 ft   Encountered Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
 19,590    950 ft   Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
 19,889    950 ft   Encountered Ancalagon the Black
 19,889    950 ft   Found The Greatsword of Saithnar
 19,924    950 ft   yay
 21,883    950 ft   Entered Gothmog's hall
 21,898    950 ft   (Rapid Attack)
 21,908    950 ft   Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs
 22,003    950 ft   too hard
 22,132    950 ft   ringil?
 22,138    950 ft   Found The Mithril Longsword 'Ringil'
 22,189    950 ft   bye glamdring?
 22,364    950 ft   nogrod
 22,931    950 ft   bye nogrod
 23,577    950 ft   bye calris
 24,310    950 ft   Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
 24,311    950 ft   hi
 24,337    950 ft   shit
 24,340    950 ft   Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
 25,217    950 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 25,234    950 ft   Encountered The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
 25,289    950 ft   Subdued The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
 25,289    950 ft   Found The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
 25,290    950 ft   pow
 25,723  1,000 ft   Entered Morgoth's throne room
 25,726  1,000 ft   Encountered Glaurung, the Deceiver
 25,726  1,000 ft   Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
 25,726  1,000 ft   shit
 25,733  1,000 ft   (Song of Slaying)
 25,733  1,000 ft   (Song of Freedom)
 25,733  1,000 ft   (Woven Themes)
 25,733  1,000 ft   (Concentration)
 25,734  1,000 ft   Encountered Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
 25,753  1,000 ft   Slew Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
 25,762  1,000 ft   Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
 25,848  1,000 ft   Slew Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
 25,848  1,000 ft   Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond'
 25,849  1,000 ft   hooray
 25,861  1,000 ft   where's the crown
 25,864  1,000 ft   ah
 25,868  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 25,874  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 25,875  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 25,953    950 ft   Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
 25,954    950 ft   (Disguise)
 25,954    950 ft   (Exchange Places)
 26,027    900 ft   Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
 26,027    900 ft   Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil
 26,324    750 ft   Fell through a false floor
 26,325    800 ft   shit
 26,445    650 ft   Destroyed Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
 27,364     Gates   Entered The Gates of Angband
 27,433     Gates   Encountered Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
 27,435     Gates   Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst

 27,452     Gates   You escaped the Iron Hells on 15 January 2015.
 27,452     Gates   You brought back all three Silmarils from Morgoth's 

  ['Score' 141372548]

Posted on 15.1.2015 05:40
Last updated on 15.1.2015 09:43

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71. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 15.1.2015 05:40 Sage wrote:
Getting pretty far on this dude.

On 15.1.2015 07:24 Sage wrote:
Good morgy-killing odds this run.

On 15.1.2015 09:43 Sage wrote:

On 15.1.2015 12:48 debo wrote:
That's quite some defense. Also, nice ringil.

On 15.1.2015 13:07 absolutego wrote:
it does not exist
*sticks fingers in ears* lalalala

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