The Angband Ladder: Dari, Centipede Monster by hjklyubn

  [PosChengband 3.4.2 Character Dump]

 Name       : Dari                         ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR! :    18/110
 Personality: Nimble                             INT  :        17
 Race       : Centipede                          WIS  :     18/88
 Subrace    : The Multi-hued Centipede           DEX  :    18/160
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :    18/189
                                                 Chr  :     18/22

 Level      :       45                           HP   :  -120/753
 Cur Exp    :  2594667                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    :  2594667                           AC   :       159
 Adv Exp    :  2700000                           Speed:    +13+10

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1939800                     Melee      : Heroic
 Kills      :     8092                     Ranged     : Fair
 Uniques    :       91                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :       41                     Stealth    : Excellent
                                           Perception : Poor
 Game Day   :        9                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :    23:20                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    13:44                     Device     : Superb

============================= Character Equipment =============================

a) a Ring of Combat (+0,+15)
b) a Ring of Combat (+0,+20)
c) a Ring of Combat (+3,+16) {cursed, Fe}
d) a Ring of Combat (+0,+7) (+2) {DxCn}
e) an Amulet (Defender) [+13] {PoNtDi;FaSiHl(Wi}
f) The Stone of Lore
g) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {Nx}
h) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {Bl}
i) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Shield of Water' [6,+19] (+3 to infravision)
j) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Tetsu-geta of Flame' (-5,+10) [6,+20] (-1 to
k) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of The Multi-hued Centipede (+2,+3) [2,+10]
(+1 to speed)
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+8] (+5)
m) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Great Icefield' [6,+14] (+3 to infravision)

              ===="*]]]]]]]                             ===="*]]]]]]]
              abcdefghijklm@                            abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : ........+.+...  65%          Speed      : .......+.+++.#
 Elec       : ..........+...  50%          Free Act   : ....+...+.+...
 Fire       : .........++...  65%          See Invis  : ....+.........
 Cold       : ..........+.+.  65%          Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : ....+.....+...  65%          SlowDigest : ..............
 Light      : ..............   0%          Regenerate : .........+..+.
 Dark       : ..............   0%          Levitation : ..............
 Confusion  : ........+.....  50%          Perm Lite  : ..............
 Nether     : ....+.........  50%          Reflection : ..............
 Nexus      : ......+.......  50%          Hold Life  : ....+.........
 Sound      : ..............   0%          Sust Str   : .........+....
 Shards     : ..............   0%          Sust Int   : ..............
 Chaos      : ..............   0%          Sust Wis   : ....+.........
 Disenchant : ....+.........  50%          Sust Dex   : ..............
 Time       : ..............   0%          Sust Con   : ........++....
 Blindness  : ......+++.....  72%          Sust Chr   : ..............
 Fear       : ..+......+...#               Dec Mana   : ..............
 Aura Fire  : .........+.... 5d6+2         Easy Spell : ..............
 Aura Elec  : .............+ 5d6+2         Anti Magic : ..............
 Aura Cold  : ..............               Telepathy  : ......+.......

              ===="*]]]]]]]                             ===="*]]]]]]]
              abcdefghijklm@                            abcdefghijklm
 Slay Evil  : ..............               Telepathy  : ......+.......
 Slay Undead: ..............               ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Demon : ..............               ESP Noliv. : ..............
 Slay Dragon: ..............               ESP Good   : ..............
 Slay Human : ..............               ESP Undead : ..............
 Slay Animal: ..............               ESP Demon  : ..............
 Slay Orc   : ..............               ESP Dragon : ..............
 Slay Troll : ..............               ESP Human  : ..............
 Slay Giant : ..............               ESP Animal : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............               ESP Orc    : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............               ESP Troll  : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............               ESP Giant  : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............               Magic Skill: ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............               Spell Pow  : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..............               Spell Cap  : ......+....... +10%
 Mana Brand : ..............               Magic Res  : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............               Infravision: ........+...+. 110'
 Quake      : ..............               Stealth    : .........++...
 Vampiric   : ..............               Searching  : ..............
 Chaotic    : ..............               Cursed     : ..+...........
 Add Blows  : ..............               Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ..............               No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : ..............               Drain Exp  : ..............
 Tunnel     : ..............               Aggravate  : ..............
 Throw      : ..............               TY Curse   : ..............

              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR!: .......3.s1...  18/70  1  0 -1  4 18/110
        INT : ......2..1....     18 -3  0  1  1     17
        WIS : ....s.2..1.... 18/118 -3  0 -1  1  18/88
        DEX : ...2......1...  18/60  5  0  2  3 18/160
        CON : ...2...3ss1... 18/109  3  0 -1  6 18/189
        Chr : ........31....  18/62 -3  0  0  2  18/52   18/22

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Attack : Your Bite (1d8)                                   Accuracy
 Weight : 7.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 15 + 24 = 39                                       25 88%
 To Dam : 0 + 73 = 73                                        50 80%
 Blows  : 1.00                                               75 72%
 Damage                                                     100 64%
 Crits  : 1.09x                                             125 56%
 Normal : 77 (74-81)                                        150 49%
                                                            175 41%
                                                            200 33%

 Attack : Your Sting (1d7)                                  Accuracy
 Weight : 7.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 15 + 24 = 39                                       25 88%
 To Dam : 0 + 73 = 73                                        50 80%
 Blows  : 1.00                                               75 72%
 Damage                                                     100 64%
 Crits  : 1.10x                                             125 56%
 Normal : 77 (74-80)                                        150 49%
 Poison : 81 (75-87)                                        175 41%
                                                            200 33%

 Attack : Your Crawl (1d15)                                 Accuracy
 Weight : 7.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 15 + 24 = 39                                       25 88%
 To Dam : 0 + 73 = 73                                        50 80%
 Blows  : 3.50                                               75 72%
 Damage                                                     100 64%
 Crits  : 1.10x                                             125 56%
 Normal : 285 (259-311)                                     150 49%
                                                            175 41%
                                                            200 33%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  96

 You were killed by a Cyberdemon on level 96 of Angband.

 Last Message:  

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  5
  Mauhur, the Orc Captain                  (Dungeon level:   6) - level 11
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 18
  Meng Huo, the King of Southerings        (Dungeon level:  12) - level 20
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 26
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  The Multi-hued Centipede                 (Dungeon level:  24) - level 28
  The Stormbringer                         (Dungeon level:  38) - level 32
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 35
  Zhar the Twin Obscenity                  (Dungeon level:  44) - level 35

< Failed Quest >
  Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep             (Dungeon level:  50) - level 38
  Dio Brando                               (Dungeon level:  56) - level 41
  Iketa, the Brave                         (Dungeon level:  62) - level 42
  Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves        (Dungeon level:  76) - level 43
  Fenris Wolf                              (Dungeon level:  88) - level 44

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 8092 enemies including 91 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  Fiona the Sorceress                      (level  68)
  The Lernean Hydra                        (level  55)
  Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos          (level  55)
  Hoarmurath of Dir                        (level  52)
  Bull Gates                               (level  52)
  Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed               (level  51)
  Charon, Boatman of the Styx              (level  47)
  Fafner the Dragon                        (level  47)
  Zhar the Twin Obscenity                  (level  47)
  Zoth-Ommog                               (level  45)
  The Stormbringer                         (level  45)
  Chameleon Lord                           (level  45)
  Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw                    (level  44)
  Judge Fear                               (level  43)
  Quaker, Master of Earth                  (level  43)
  Judge Fire                               (level  41)
  Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir              (level  41)
  Jasra, Brand's Mistress                  (level  40)
  Eol, the Dark Elven Smith                (level  40)
  Malekith the Accursed                    (level  40)

================================== Mutations ==================================

Electricity is running through your veins.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels]
b) 17 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
c) 4 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
d) 7 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) 5 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
f) a Potion of Resistance {!k!q}
g) 8 Potions of Curing
h) 25 Scrolls of Phase Door {25% off}
i) 2 Scrolls of Teleportation {50% off}
j) 2 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}
k) 5 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
l) 4 Rods of Illumination
m) 4 Rods of Detection
n) 6 Rods of Fire Bolts {!!}
o) 5 Rods of Acid Balls {!s!d!k}
p) 7 Wands of Teleport Other (82 charges)
q) a Wand of Drain Life (0 charges)
r) a Staff of Teleportation (9 charges)
s) a Staff of Healing (4 charges) {@uh}
t) a Staff of Speed (7 charges) {@us}
u) a Staff of Destruction (5 charges) {@ud}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 9 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
b) 10 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
c) 5 Potions of Neutralize Poison
d) 41 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
e) 24 Potions of Resist Heat {!k!q}
f) 23 Potions of Resist Cold {!k!q}
g) 6 Potions of Heroism
h) 6 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
i) 5 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
j) 6 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
k) 3 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
l) a Potion of Restore Mana {!k!q}

 ( page 2 )
a) 4 Potions of Restore Life Levels {50% off}
b) 9 Potions of Strength {!k}
c) 12 Potions of Enlightenment
d) 6 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
e) 21 Potions of Resistance {!k!q}
f) 23 Potions of Curing
g) a Potion of Polymorph {!k}
h) a Potion of Stone Skin {!k}
i) 4 Potions of Clarity
j) 37 Scrolls of Phase Door {25% off}
k) 42 Scrolls of Teleportation {50% off}
l) 6 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}

 ( page 3 )
a) 4 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
b) 3 Scrolls of Identify
c) 5 Scrolls of *Identify*
d) 24 Scrolls of Remove Curse
e) a Scroll of *Enchant Weapon*
f) 3 Scrolls of Recharging
g) a Scroll of Mundanity
h) a Scroll of Treasure Detection
i) a Scroll of Object Detection
j) a Scroll of Rune of Protection
k) 12 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
l) 3 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}

 ( page 4 )
a) a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
b) a Scroll of Forest Creation
c) a Scroll of Summon Kin
d) a Scroll of Weapon Branding
e) 12 Scrolls of Detect Monsters
f) 6 Rods of Trap Location
g) 5 Rods of Door/Stair Location
h) a Rod of Teleport Other
i) 2 Rods of Light {!!}
j) a Rod of Drain Life
k) a Rod of Acid Bolts
l) 5 Rods of Lightning Bolts {!!}

 ( page 5 )
a) 6 Rods of Frost Bolts {!!}
b) 4 Rods of Lightning Balls {!s!d!k}
c) 2 Rods of Fire Balls {!s!d!k}
d) 2 Rods of Cold Balls {!s!d!k}
e) a Rod of Stone to Mud
f) a Rod of Monster Location
g) 2 Rods of Escaping
h) a Wand of Stone to Mud (12 charges)
i) a Wand of Magic Missile (5 charges)
j) a Wand of Dragon's Frost (5 charges)
k) 2 Staffs of Teleportation (2x 10 charges)
l) a Staff of Teleportation (9 charges)

 ( page 6 )
a) a Staff of Teleportation (8 charges)
b) 2 Staffs of Teleportation (2x 6 charges)
c) a Staff of Perception (17 charges)
d) a Staff of Perception (5 charges)
e) a Staff of Perception (0 charges)
f) a Staff of Curing (6 charges)
g) a Staff of Speed (7 charges) {@us}
h) 2 Staffs of Speed (2x 6 charges) {@us}
i) 2 Staffs of Speed (2x 5 charges) {@us}
j) a Staff of Speed (3 charges) {@us}
k) a Staff of Power (5 charges)
l) a Staff of Holiness (5 charges)

 ( page 7 )
a) 12 Rings
b) a Ring of the Nazgul (+14,+17) (+2) {cursed, Nx/p}
c) a Ring (Defender) [+7] {AcElCo;FaSi}
d) a Ring of Speed (+3) {-Ch}
e) a Ring (Defender) [+4] {ElCo;FaSi}
f) an Elemental Ring {AcCo}
g) a Ring of Protection {PoCf}
h) a Ring of Combat (+16,+0)
i) a Ring of Combat (+8,+6) (+2) {Cn}
j) a Ring of Combat (+0,+8) (+1) {StDx}
k) a Ring of Protection [+1] {Li}
l) a Ring of Combat (+10,+3) (+1)

 ( page 8 )
a) a Ring of Combat (+0,+4)
b) a Ring of Protection {Fa}
c) a Ring of Combat (+3,+2) (+1) {Dx}
d) The Ring 'Sting' (+2) {In;SoDi;Si Sting}
e) 9 Amulets
f) an Elemental Charm {ElFiCoSh}
g) a Torc of the Hero (+6,+6) [+4] {(Cn}
h) an Elemental Charm {ElFiCoPo}
i) an Elemental Charm {AcElFiCo}
j) an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {Wi;CfNt}
k) The Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (-2)
l) 4 Feanorian Lamps

 ( page 9 )
a) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3 to infravision)
b) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching)
c) Pseudo Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+17]
d) The Double Ring Mail of Ceremony (-2) [15,+12] (+2) [-10%] {cursed,
e) Augmented Chain Mail of Elemental Protection (-2) [16,+7]
f) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
g) The Metal Lamellar Armour 'Sad Giant's Shield' (-3) [23,+16] {AcElFiCoPoCa}
h) O-yoroi of Elemental Protection (-2) [24,+11]
i) The T-shirt 'I killed the GHB and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!' [1,+0]
j) Soft Leather Armour of Protection [4,+22]
k) The Hard Studded Leather of Thunder (-1) [7,+18] (+2 to speed) {cursed}
l) The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (-10)

 ( page 10 )
a) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {Po}
b) The Cloak 'Icy Princess' [1,+9]
c) The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3)
d) The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10]
e) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth)
f) The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
g) an Elven Cloak [4,+9] (+4 to stealth)
h) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10]
i) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20]
j) The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4)
k) an Iron Crown of Telepathy [0,+6]
l) The Hard Leather Cap of Sam (+1,+1) [2,+7] (+1)

 ( page 11 )
a) a Metal Cap of the Kobold (+0,+3) [3,+11] (+2)
b) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+15%]
c) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3)
d) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
e) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
f) a Set of Cesti of the Giant (-5,+5) [5,+12] (+5)
g) a Set of Cesti of Free Action [5,+9]
h) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+5]
i) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+4]
j) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation [2,+3]
k) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+13] (+5)
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Aragorn (+7,+3) [4,+17] (+2)

 ( page 12 )
a) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,+5]
b) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots (Gnomish) [3,+7]
c) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Levitation [3,+3]
d) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Taikobo [3,+1] {SdWr(Wi Taikobo}
e) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+16] {FiDkNx}
f) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+13] {LiDk}
g) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [6,+9]
h) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [6,+4]
i) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots [6,+3]
j) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots (Dwarven) [10,+16] (+1) {(Cn}
k) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation [6,+11]
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Stealth [6,+8] (+2 to stealth)

 ( page 13 )
a) The Dagger of Fiona (3d4) (+6,+9) (+3)
b) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1 to speed)
c) The Dagger 'Dethanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1 to speed)
d) The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1 to speed)
e) The Short Sword of Merlin (1d7) (+3,+7) (+4)
f) The Tulwar 'Ice Edge' (2d4) (+15,+17) (+2 to stealth)
g) The Broad Sword 'Zombie Claw' (2d5) (+14,+7) (+2 to searching) {Sr|V/*L~Evil}
h) The Broad Sword 'Nothung' (2d5) (+12,+16) (+4 to searching)
i) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (4d5) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4)
j) The Long Sword 'Excalipur' (5d5) (-50,-50) [-5] (-3)
k) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {cursed}
l) The Spear of Hagen (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3 to speed)

 ( page 14 )
a) The Broad Spear 'Runespear' (3d9) (+15,+25) [+5] (+4)
b) The Gnomish Shovel of Rage (1d2) (+11,+19) (+5) {St|Ca/*}
c) The Sling 'Hurricane' (x2) (+17,+11) (+3 to infravision)
d) The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x5) (+10,+12) (+4)
e) The Heavy Crossbow of Alaska (x4.45) (+18,+16) (+2 to infravision)
f) The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+12) (+3)
g) a Wooden Statue of Banor=Rupart
h) a Stone Statue of an Undead beholder
i) a Copper Statue of an Octopus of Kshitigarbha
j) a Silver Statue of a Black
k) a Silver Statue of Mario
l) a Mithril Statue of a Hammer of hell

 ( page 15 )
a) an Ornate Statue of Invisible Pink Unicorn

================================== Statistics =================================

  Objects Found    :   7578
  Objects Bought   :    399
  Objects Destroyed:   4163

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds   104    101   133    42
  Curing                  51      0    14     6
  Speed                   68      0    10    13
  Healing                 19      0     5     3
  *Healing*                3      0     0     0
  Life                     0      0     0     1
  Restore Mana             7      0     1     5
  Restore Life Levels     49      9    30     3
  Strength                11      0     2     0
  Intelligence             6      0     6     0
  Wisdom                  10      0    10     0
  Dexterity                2      0     2     0
  Constitution             6      0     6     0
  Charisma                 8      0     8     0
  New Life                 2      0     1     1
  Totals                 921    118   323   266

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall          69    144   164     3
  Identify               292      2    85    17
  *Identify*              30      0    11     2
  Remove Curse            36     20    12    12
  *Remove Curse*           1      0     0     0
  Teleportation          196     20   130    28
  Teleport Level          12      0     4     0
  Destruction             12      0     0     0
  Genocide                 3      0     0     0
  Mass Genocide            1      0     0     0
  Forest Creation          1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              2      0     2     0
  Totals                 953    262   471   220

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             4      0    16     2
  Teleport Other           9      1    78     3
  Dragon's Frost           1      0     0     0
  Totals                  51      1   171    15

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Perception               8      1   228     2
  Enlightenment            2      0     0     2
  Speed                    7      0    40     0
  Healing                  1      0     0     0
  Destruction              1      0     0     0
  Totals                  86      1   278    34

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Trap Location            6      0   152     0
  Door/Stair Location      5      0    18     0
  Monster Location         1      0     0     0
  Illumination             4      0   108     0
  Detection                4      0   449     0
  Enlightenment            4      0     0     0
  Teleport Other           1      0     0     0
  Totals                  69      0  1191     2

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        31      0     0     0
  Fourth Spellbooks        1      0     0     0
  Totals                  72      0     0    41

  Egos Found    :    699
  Egos Bought   :      3
  Egos Destroyed:     33

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed            1      0     0
  Boots of Speed           1      0     0

================================ Last Messages ================================

> Fiona the Sorceress resists.
> You crawl on Fiona the Sorceress. <x2>
> It was a good hit!
> You miss Fiona the Sorceress.
> Fiona the Sorceress flees in terror!
> Fiona the Sorceress seems weakened.
> Fiona the Sorceress flees in terror!
> You feel very good.
> You have 0 charges remaining.
> You bite Fiona the Sorceress.
> You sting Fiona the Sorceress.
> Fiona the Sorceress puts a terrible blood curse on you!
> There is a malignant black aura surrounding Ring of Combat...
> You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes.
> Huh? Who am I? What am I doing here?
> Fiona the Sorceress shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!'
> You have slain Fiona the Sorceress.
> You feel something roll beneath your feet. <x2>
> The Cyberdemon misses you. <x4>
> The Cyberdemon is ticked off!
> You behold the infernal visage of Ithaqua the Windwalker!
> You have 2 Scrolls of Teleportation {50% off}.
> You failed to use the wand properly.
> The Cyberdemon resists!
> The Cyberdemon fires a rocket.
> You have been stunned.
> You have been given a deep gash.
> 1 of your Potions of Speed {!k!q} (c) was destroyed!
> You stand your ground!
> Goodbye, Dari!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Lite Town:          ON
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "ba2e6ed7c1025c2f24"]

Posted on 14.1.2015 05:13
Last updated on 15.1.2015 07:01

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7119. on the Ladder (of 19032)
510. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
6. for this player (


Jump to latest

On 14.1.2015 05:13 hjklyubn wrote:
There can be only one, you know!!!

On 15.1.2015 00:37 hjklyubn wrote:
Trashed my fame due to accidentally entering two dungeon quests in a row. Can these be toned down a lot? Otherwise I think I will just disable quests in future lite town games, since even if I remember which levels have random quests, the quest monsters tend to be far more dangerous than anything I would consider fighting at that depth anyways.

On 15.1.2015 07:01 hjklyubn wrote:
I didn't know rockets did 1000 damage...

On 15.1.2015 12:42 debo wrote:
I guess dungeon quests aren't super great with lite town because you can't just go somewhere else to grind.

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Toasty, L45 Demon Monster
499th in PosChengband (3.5.0) by debo (71%)

Dragonsmith, L45 Dragon Monster
503rd in PosChengband (5.0.5) by clouded (71%)

Ixorcist, L44 Possessor Monster
519th in PosChengband (2.0.2) by Arjen (36%)

Bird of Prey, L46 Possessor Monster
487th in PosChengband (2.0.3) by Arjen (36%)

Scroat & Bgor, L44 Troll Monster
525th in PosChengband (3.0.5) by Cardinal Rob (36%)

Ausaliman, L44 Dragon Monster
517th in PosChengband (3.2.0) by chris (36%)

Mon, L46 Possessor Monster
489th in PosChengband (3.3.5) by clouded (36%)

Hugo$oul 3221, L44 Possessor Monster
518th in PosChengband (3.3.5) by HugoTheGreat2011 (36%)

Mirin, L44 Jelly Monster
526th in PosChengband (3.4.5) by lamdadelta (36%)

Seen 1200 times.

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