The Angband Ladder: Elaugan, Petty-Dwarf Monk by <>

  [ToME 2.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name  : Elaugan                Age                 48       STR:  18/89       
 Sex   : Female                 Height              59       INT:     16       
 Race  : Corrupted Petty-Dwarf  Weight              78       WIS:  18/73       
 Class : Monk                   Social Class        36       DEX: 18/127       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:  18/10       
                                                             CHR:     15       
 + To Melee Hit          36 Level             36    Max Hit Points       427   
 + To Melee Damage       37 Experience    889650    Cur Hit Points      -169   
 + To Ranged Hit         44 Max Exp       889650    Max SP (Mana)         71   
 + To Ranged Damage      47 Exp to Adv.  1072500    Cur SP (Mana)         40   
   AC                 26+65 Gold          224523    Loan                   0   
                                                    Loan time              0   
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Fair         Blows/Round:  8         
 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Very Good    Disarming   : Very Good    Wpn.dmg/Rnd:  296       
 Stealth     : Heroic       Magic Device: Very Good    Infra-Vision: 70 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Petty-Dwarf Thief.              
          You are a credit to the family.  You have dark brown eyes,           
          straight brown hair, a three foot beard, and a dark                  

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Cth monsters:       OFF
 Zlike monsters:     OFF
 Joke monsters:      OFF
 Maximize mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ALWAYS
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Persistent Dungeons:       OFF
 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 33 (1650')
        Mordor: Level 39 (1950')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Heart of the Earth: Level 36 (1800')
        Maze: Level 36 (1800')
        Orc Cave: Level 22 (1100')
        The Old Forest: Level 14 (700')
        The Sacred Land Of Mountains: Level 45 (2250')

 Your body was a Player.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 20th Quelle of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventured lasted 34 days.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead.
Your gaze is hypnotic.
You can feel the danger of evil magic.
You can run for your life after hitting something.
You can detect hidden doors and traps.
You can mystify pets.
You can wake up a pet.
You are puny (-4 STR).
Your flesh is rotting (-2 CON, -1 CHR).
You feel rightous.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
You can see invisible creatures.
You have free action.
You can sense the presence of orcs.
You can sense the presence of trolls.
You can sense the presence of dragons.
You can sense the presence of spiders.
You can sense the presence of giants.
You can sense the presence of demons.
You can sense presence of undead.
You can sense the presence of evil beings.
You can sense the presence of animals.
You can sense the presence of dragonriders.
You can sense the presence of good beings.
You can sense the presence of non-living things.
You can sense the presence of unique beings.
You are unlucky.
You have a firm hold on your life force.
You are surrounded with electricity.
You are carrying a permanent light.
You are resistant to acid.
You are completely immune to lightning.
You are resistant to fire.
You are completely immune to cold.
You are resistant to poison.
You are resistant to bright light.
You are resistant to darkness.
You are resistant to confusion.
You are resistant to sonic attacks.
You are resistant to disenchantment.
You are resistant to chaos.
You are resistant to blasts of shards.
You are resistant to nexus attacks.
You are resistant to nether forces.
You are completely fearless.
The space-time continuum cannot be disrupted near you.
Your intelligence is sustained.
Your constitution is sustained.
Your dexterity is sustained.
Your charisma is sustained.
Your strength is affected by your equipment.
Your intelligence is affected by your equipment.
Your wisdom is affected by your equipment.
Your dexterity is affected by your equipment.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your charisma is affected by your equipment.
Your stealth is affected by your equipment.
Your searching ability is affected by your equipment.
Your infravision is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.
Your speed is affected by your equipment.

Skills (points left: 0)
	  - Weaponmastery                               00.000 [0.300]
	  - Archery                                     01.200 [0.400]
	  . Barehand-combat                             50.000 [0.900]
 - Sneakiness                                    05.995 [0.900]
	  . Stealth                                     14.500 [0.900]
	  . Disarming                                   11.800 [0.900]
 - Magic                                         13.080 [0.600]
	  . Divination                                  20.000 [0.500]
 - Spirituality                                  08.200 [0.900]
 - Monster-lore                                  04.600 [1.200]
	  . Corpse-preservation                         01.000 [0.500]
	  . Possession                                  00.000 [0.100]
 - Misc                                          00.000 [0.000]

 You saved a young hobbit from an horrible fate.
 You saved 38 princesses.

 You have defeated 6508 enemies.


 Your gaze is hypnotic.
 You can feel the danger of evil magic.
 You can run for your life after hitting something.
 You are puny (-4 STR).
 Your flesh is rotting (-2 CON, -1 CHR).
 You are telepathic.


You are fated to find something special on level 3.
You are fated to find an Essence of Cold on level 1.
You are fated to meet a Radiation eye on level 1.

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
d) a Long Bow of Extra Might (x4) (+8,+10)
   It provides resistance to shards.
   It fires missiles with extra might.
e) The Ring of Barahir (+1)
   A ring shaped into twinned serpents with eyes of emerald
   meeting beneath a crown of flowers, an ancient treasure of
   Isildur's house.
   It can be activated for...
   dispel small life every 55+d55 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your constitution.
   It affects your charisma.
   It affects your stealth.
   It affects your searching.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) a Ring of Damage (+16)
k) an Amulet of Trickery (+2)
m) The Anchor of Space-Time
   A powerful stone that provides a strong light for any who
   wields it. It is rumored that it may even protect the
   wearer from the passing of the time.
   It provides light (radius 1) forever.
   It prevents the space-time continuum from being disrupted.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
n) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3)
   A tunic and skirt sewn with thick, overlapping scales of
   hardened leather whose wearer moves with agility and
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your speed.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to shards.
   It provides resistance to chaos.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) The Cloak of Mimicry [Vampire] 'Nivrin' [1,+11] (+2 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It sustains your charisma.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It produces an electric sheath.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
p) The Large Leather Shield of Arist [4,+0]
   It sustains your intelligence.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It sustains your charisma.
   It provides immunity to electricity.
   It provides immunity to cold.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
s) The Metal Cap of Orebrith [3,+0]
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to sound.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
u) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
   These gloves glow so brightly as to light the way for their
   owner and cast magical bolts with great frequency.
   It can be activated for...
   magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
x) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+6] (+9)
   It affects your speed.
z) (nothing)
{) (nothing)
|) a Shovel of Digging (1d2) (+16,+16) (+3)
   It affects your ability to tunnel.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Tome of Knowledge {@m1 !k!d!s}
b) 22 Rations of Food
c) 3 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
d) 3 Scrolls of Teleportation
e) 4 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
f) a Scroll of Holy Chant
g) a Scroll of Acquirement
h) a Copper Rod of Charging of Illumination (20/20)
   It regenerates its mana faster.
i) an Iron Rod of the Istari of Nothing (100/100)
   It can hold more mana.
   It can cast spells for a lesser mana cost.
   It can cast spells faster.
   It regenerates its mana faster.
j) an Iron Rod of Disarming (50/50)
k) a Golden Rod of Simplicity of Detection (125/125)
l) a Wand of Teleport Other (7 charges)
m) The Wand of Digging of Thrain (22 charges)
   The miner's friend.  This wand was used by Thrain to dig
   into the walls of the dungeon and is quite useful because
   it will never be destroyed.
n) a Battle Axe (2d8) (+0,+0)
o) a Dagger (1d4) (+5,+4)
p) a Broad Sword (2d5) (-8,-5) {cursed}
q) a Fauchard of *Slay Dragon* (1d10) (+13,+8) (+2)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your constitution.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It allows you to sense the presence of dragons.
r) a Ball-and-Chain (2d4) (+0,+0)
s) a Morning Star (2d6) (+0,+0)
t) a Flail (2d6) (+0,+0)
u) a Light Crossbow (x3) (+0,+0)
v) a Light Crossbow (x3) (+0,+0)
w) a Mage Staff of Power (1d4) (-16,-26) (+7)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your spell power.

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Spellbook of Identify
b) 2 Sprigs of Athelas
c) 4 Potions of Cure Light Insanity
d) 2 Potions of Healing
e) 2 Scrolls of Phase Door
f) 2 Scrolls of Teleport Level
g) a Scroll of Reset Recall { !r}
h) an Aluminium Rod of Nothing (75/75)
i) a Rod Tip of Recall (80 Mana to cast)
j) a Wand of Stone to Mud of Plenty (13 charges)
k) a Wand of Stinking Cloud (2 charges)
l) a Staff of Teleportation (6 charges)
m) a Staff of Perception (7 charges)
n) a Staff of Healing (3 charges)
o) a Ring of Fire Resistance
p) a Ring of Flying
q) an Amulet of ESP
r) an Amulet of Regeneration
s) a 2-headed hydra Egg

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) 10 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
b) 6 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
c) an Iron Rod of Nothing (50/50)
d) a Dwarven Lantern of the Magi (+1)
   It grants you the power of...
   magic map
   ...if it is being worn.
   It provides light (radius 2) forever.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your charisma.
   It cannot be harmed by fire.
e) The Filthy Rag of the Wight [1,-1](40%) (+2 to searching)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your mana capacity.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3)
   A large stiletto dagger that glistens with odorless poison,
   to which the wearer seems oddly immune.
   It can be activated for...
   stinking cloud (12) every 4+d4 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It poisons your foes.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
g) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (E:0, L:0) (1d4) (+4,+6)
   A fiery dagger finely balanced for deadly throws.
   It is one of the 3 legendary daggers.
   It is sentient.
   It can be activated for...
   fire bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
h) The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d5) (+12,+15) (+3)
   A short thrusting blade with a large guard worn by Maedhros
   the Tall, eldest son of Feanor, and wielded with his left
   hand after the loss of his right hand in the pits of
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your speed.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
i) a Great Scimitar of Aman (4d5) (+11,+3) [+3] (+1 attack)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your attack speed.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It sustains your dexterity.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
j) an Awl-Pike of Aman (1d8) (+5,+7) [+4] (+1 attack)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your attack speed.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It sustains your strength.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.
   It has been blessed by the gods.

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) The Mirror of Alternate Dimensions
   It can be activated for...
   cure critical wounds
b) a Potion of Cure Light Insanity
c) a Potion of Cure Serious Insanity
d) 2 Potions of Healing
e) a Fireproof Scroll of Word of Recall
   It cannot be harmed by fire.
f) a Scroll of Reset Recall
g) a Scroll of Protection from Evil
h) a Copper Rod of Nothing (20/20)
i) a Wand of Rockets (3 charges)
j) an Indestructible Ring of Strength (+5)
   It affects your strength.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
k) a Ring of Constitution (+2)
l) an Amulet of Weaponmastery (+3,+4) [+3] (+2)
m) The Phial of Galadriel (+4)
   A small crystal phial, with the light of Earendil's Star
   contained inside.  Its light is imperishable, and near it
   darkness cannot endure.
   It is from a group of Elven items once entrusted to Hobbits
   It can be activated for...
   illumination every 10+d10 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It provides light (radius 3) forever.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your luck.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
n) a Robe of Permanence [2,+11]
   It sustains your strength.
   It sustains your intelligence.
   It sustains your wisdom.
   It sustains your dexterity.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It sustains your charisma.
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) The Light War Axe 'Limbslicer' (2d5) (+12,+15) (+4)
   The Petty-dwarves of Bathak forged this blade, and it
   shares their thirst for blood.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
p) The Rapier 'Forasgil' (1d6) (+12,+19)
   A slender, tapered blade whose wielder strikes icy blows
   with deadly accuracy.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
q) a wooden Boomerang of Slaying (3d11) (+3,+5)
   It poisons your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.

  [Home Inventory - Lothlorien ]

a) The Gem of Ghosts
   It can be activated for...
b) 3 Potions of Cure Light Insanity
c) a Potion of Cure Insanity
d) 98 Potions of Water Curing
e) a Scroll of Teleport Level
f) 10 Scrolls of *Identify*
g) 2 Scrolls of Reset Recall
h) an Aluminium Rod of Cheapness of Nothing (75/75)
   It can cast spells for a lesser mana cost.
i) an Aluminium Rod of Nothing (75/75)
j) an Aluminium Rod of Nothing (75/75)
k) a Wand of Trap/Door Destruction (8 charges)
l) a Staff of Perception (4 charges)
m) a Staff of Enlightenment (6 charges)
n) a Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance
o) an Amulet of Charisma (+2)
p) The Double Ring Mail 'Malin' (-2) [15,+7]
   It provides immunity to acid.
   It provides immunity to electricity.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to chaos.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
q) Elven Double Ring Mail (-2) [15,+9] (+1 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to sound.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
r) a Cloak of Mimicry [Insect] of Immolation [1,+9]
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It produces a fiery sheath.
   It cannot be harmed by acid.
   It cannot be harmed by fire.
s) a Cloak of Mimicry [Ent] of Aman [1,+14] (+2 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
t) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
   The hunting cap of King Thranduil, to whose ears come all
   the secrets of his forest domain.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to shards.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It allows you to sense the presence of trolls.
   It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
u) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3)
   A great helm as steady as the heroes of the Westdike.
   Mighty were the blows of Helm, the Hammerhand!
   It grants you the power of...
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your constitution.
   It sustains your strength.
   It sustains your dexterity.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
v) The Light War Axe of Dudelta (2d5) (+12,+7) (+3)
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your constitution.
   It drains life from your foes.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
w) a Broken Dagger of *Slay Undead* (1d1) (+2,-1) (+1)
   It affects your wisdom.
   It is a great bane of undead.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense presence of undead.
x) 25 Arrows of Frost (1d4) (+4,+6)
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It cannot be harmed by cold.

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) 10 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
b) 6 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
c) an Iron Rod of Nothing (50/50)
d) a Dwarven Lantern of the Magi (+1)
   It grants you the power of...
   magic map
   ...if it is being worn.
   It provides light (radius 2) forever.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your charisma.
   It cannot be harmed by fire.
e) The Filthy Rag of the Wight [1,-1](40%) (+2 to searching)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your mana capacity.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3)
   A large stiletto dagger that glistens with odorless poison,
   to which the wearer seems oddly immune.
   It can be activated for...
   stinking cloud (12) every 4+d4 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It poisons your foes.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
g) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (E:0, L:0) (1d4) (+4,+6)
   A fiery dagger finely balanced for deadly throws.
   It is one of the 3 legendary daggers.
   It is sentient.
   It can be activated for...
   fire bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
h) The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d5) (+12,+15) (+3)
   A short thrusting blade with a large guard worn by Maedhros
   the Tall, eldest son of Feanor, and wielded with his left
   hand after the loss of his right hand in the pits of
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your speed.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
i) a Great Scimitar of Aman (4d5) (+11,+3) [+3] (+1 attack)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your attack speed.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It sustains your dexterity.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
j) an Awl-Pike of Aman (1d8) (+5,+7) [+4] (+1 attack)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your attack speed.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It sustains your strength.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.
   It has been blessed by the gods.

Posted on 20.4.2002 03:39
Last updated on 29.4.2002 11:04

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9360. on the Ladder (of 19032)
1636. on the ToME Ladder (of 3154)
Third best for this player (

Related screenshots:
Random (Hidden) Town
Elaugen nearly dies


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On 20.4.2002 03:39 wrote:
OOOh this is fun. A petty-dwarf monk. Just got that nasty -4 STR mutation. I'm hardly exploring the levels at all, just completing the quest and diving on down. Things are cool now that adventureer quests either join or teach you skills :)

On 20.4.2002 23:45 wrote:
Well, I've defeated Gorgorach, th9ugh the drop was rubbish. Just beat the proverbial out of some balance drakes. that was fun.

On 22.4.2002 00:32 wrote:
COol, found some nice things now, and am hunting random towns for a ToME of knowledge :) Found a speed ring market too :)

On 22.4.2002 04:21 wrote:
Yay! I can finally wear those boots of speed, and a nice cloak with immunities on it! Just finished the Mirkwood quest, doing Merton and the Mallorns kind of now. Almost died from starvation in the wilderness, but fortunatley Spec pointed out I could recall to dungeon and eat a corpse. A light hound saved my life....

On 24.4.2002 11:51 wrote:
Done the Eol quest and Wights quest now Eol (or possiboy one of his summons) dropped the Anchor of Space-Time which was quite unexpected. Finished Mirkwood too. Might head over to the sacr4d land of mountains next. Got to the bottom of the Maze and failed to find Merton, so I guess I'm gonna have to be a bit more thorough. I really hate the maze. Having trouble finding a town with a nice friendly weponry-owner. Everyone's got a purse of 5000 AU which is very annoying. Having lots of fun though. Oh, and I can't find the poisoned water quest....

On 29.4.2002 11:04 wrote:
Gah. I just died. Got cocky after a lucky escape from some Dreads (see screenshot above) and then died to Gorlim, who was a quest monster. Nearly survived him but alas, the Space-Time anchor prevented me from teleporting away, and he got me with a bolt before I could run and heal fast enough. With the dreads I'd managed to unequip the anchor and teleport out, but cos Gorlim is that much faster I didn't stand as much chance. ah well.

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1586th in ToME (2.1.1) by Mars (36%)

Astaosean, L35 Human Monk
1706th in ToME (2.2.5) by <> (36%)

Buttercup, L38 Dark-Elf Monk
1545th in ToME (2.0.0) by <> (24%)

Azmaveth, L38 High-Elf Monk
1533rd in ToME (2.1.2) by <> (24%)

Kane, L34 High-Elf Monk
1734th in ToME (2.2.5) by <> (24%)

Slapper, L34 Hobbit Monk
1774th in ToME (2.2.5) by <> (24%)

Etelawyr, L34 Demon (Lygrog) Monk
1724th in ToME (2.3.1) by <> (24%)

Rock Lee, L34 RohanKnight Monk
1712th in ToME (2.3.3) by <> (24%)

Mahasamatman, L33 DeathMold Monk
1791st in ToME (2.1.0) by <> (18%)

Seen 2363 times.

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