The Angband Ladder: Bumbles, Dunadan Druid by murphy

  [TomeNET 4.5.8 @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Bumbles          Age                 63       STR:  18/10        
 Sex         : Male             Height              87       Int:      9     10 
 Race        : Dunadan          Weight             160       WIS:     18        
 Class       : Druid            Social Class        54       Dex:  18/18  18/23 
 Body        : Wyvern                                        CON:     15        
                                                             CHR:     14        
 Mode        : Unworldly (one life)                                             
 +To MHit           72      Level             27    Hit Points      -20/ 303    
 +To MDamage        44      Experience     32220    MP (Mana)        34/ 131    
 +To RHit           32      Max Exp        32220    Sanity             Sound    
 +To RDamage         0      Exp to Adv.    35000                                
 Total AC           66      Gold           18220    Status              DEAD    
 Fighting    : Legendary    Perception  : Superb       Blows/Round:  4          
 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  1          
 Saving Throw: Superb       Disarming   : Fair                                  
 Stealth     : Very Good    Magic Device: Fair         Infra-Vision: 40 feet    
 You are at -1650 ft of world map sector 30,34.                                 
          You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child of a                
          Landed Knight. You are a credit to the family. You have               
          brown eyes, straight brown hair, and an average complexion.           

  [Skill Chart]

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         09.800 [1.100]
     . Martial Arts                               27.000 [0.650]
     . Interception                               01.000 [-----]
         . Sling-mastery                          00.000 [0.300]
         . Bow-mastery                            00.000 [0.250]
         . Crossbow-mastery                       00.000 [0.250]
     . Boomerang-mastery                          00.000 [0.350]
 - Magic                                          27.775 [1.050]
         . Water                                  00.000 [1.000]
         . Air                                    00.000 [1.000]
         . Earth                                  00.000 [1.000]
         . Nature                                 23.100 [1.100]
         . Arcane Lore                            29.800 [1.200]
         . Physical Lore                          25.000 [1.200]
     . Mimicry                                    01.000 [-----]
     . Magic device                               01.000 [1.000]
 - Sneakiness                                     01.060 [0.600]
     . Stealth                                    00.000 [0.600]
     . Dodging                                    04.500 [0.500]
     . Calmness                                   00.000 [0.800]
 - Health                                         07.500 [1.100]
     . Swimming                                   00.000 [0.060]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.040]
     . Digging                                    01.000 [1.200]

  [Character Equipment]

a) (weapon)
b) (weapon / shield)
c) (shooter)
d) an Indestructible Jet Ring of Slaying {+,10} (+11,+9)
e) a Jet Ring of Slaying {+,8} (+8,+7)
f) a Silver Amulet of the Moon {+,6} (+5,+1) (+4 to infravision)
g) a Brass Lantern {+,3} (with 7016 turns of light)
h) (body armour)
i) (cloak)
j) (hat)
k) (gloves)
l) (boots)
m) (quiver)
n) (tool)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Fireproof Codex {+,5}
b) a Codex {+,4} {on sale}
c) a Spell Scroll of Vermin Control {+,1} {on sale}
d) a Spell Scroll of Nature's Call {+,2} {on sale}
e) a Spell Scroll of Focus {+,5} {90% off}
f) 4 Flasks of Oil {+,1}
g) a Silver Speckled Potion of Speed {+,1}
h) 10 Scrolls "an ornab mebul" of Phase Door {+,1} {on sale}
i) a Copper Rod of Door/Stair Location {+,5}
j) an Adamantite Rod of Illumination {+,7} {good}
k) a Zinc Rod of Trap Location {+,1} {good}
l) a Zirconium Wand {+,?} {good}
m) a Dogwood Staff of Perception {+,?} {good}
n) a Hickory Staff of Enlightenment {+,?} {good}
o) a Redwood Staff of Object Location {+,?} {good}
p) a Cedar Staff of Detect Invisible {+,?} {good}
q) a Willow Staff of Detect Evil {+,?} {good}
r) a Carnelian Ring {+,?}
s) White Dragon Scale Mail {+,?} [30]
t) a Set of Gauntlets {+,?} [2]
u) an Empty Bottle {+,4}

  [Last Messages]

The Merrow Archer resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Giant octopus resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Giant octopus is immune and takes 0 damage.
It was a great hit!
You damage the Giant octopus with a jump kick for 97 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists and takes 25 damage.
The Giant octopus resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
You damage the Giant octopus with a jump kick for 55 damage.
You strike the Giant octopus with an uppercut for 52 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists and takes 25 damage.
The Giant octopus resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
You miss the Giant octopus.
the Giant octopus crushes you for 16 damage.
The Giant octopus misses you.
the Giant octopus crushes you for 17 damage.
You are unaffected!
The Merrow Archer resists and takes 25 damage.
The Giant octopus is immune and takes 0 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Toxic Moisture.
The Giant octopus resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Giant octopus is immune and takes 0 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists and takes 25 damage.
The Merrow Archer flees in terror!
The Giant octopus is immune and takes 0 damage.
You damage the Giant octopus with a double-kick for 52 damage.
The Merrow Archer resists a lot and takes 11 damage.
The Giant octopus is immune and takes 0 damage.
the Giant octopus spits on you for 1 damage.
You are blind!
the Giant octopus crushes you for 16 damage.
the Giant octopus crushes you for 24 damage.
You are unaffected!
It is destroyed from 25 damage.
it spits on you for 1 damage.
it spits on you for 4 damage.
it crushes you for 20 damage.
it crushes you for 21 damage.
You are unaffected!
it crushes you for 15 damage.
it crushes you for 16 damage.
it crushes you for 20 damage.
You are unaffected!
Bumbles reached floor 33 in the Ironman Deep Dive challenge!
You die.
**You have been killed by a Giant octopus.**
I will not kneel. Strike!
Character dump successful.
Killed by a Giant octopus (55865 pts) ...Press '0' key to proceed


              /                       \         ___                             
             /                         \ ___   /   \      ___                   
            /            RIP            \   \  :   :     /   \                  
           /                             \  : _;,,,;_    :   :                  
          /            Bumbles            \,;_          _;,,,;_                 
         |               the               |   ___                              
         |             Dunadan             |  /   \                             
         |              Druid              |  :   :                             
         |                                 | _;,,,;_   ____                     
         |            Level: 27            |          /    \                    
         |           Exp: 32220            |          :    :                    
         |            AU: 18220            |          :    :                    
         |   Died on -1650ft of [34, 30]   |         _;,,,,;_                   
         |                                 |                                    
         |                                 |                                    
         |    Mon Nov 10 04:11:05 2014     |                                    
        *|   *     *     *    *   *     *  | *                                  
          Killed by a Giant octopus (55865 pts)                                 
ESC to quit, 'f' to dump the record or any other key to proceed                 

  [Unique Monsters]

You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Lagduf, the Snaga.
You have slain Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
You have slain The Rat King.
You have slain Ugluk, the Uruk.
You have slain It.
You have slain Angamaite of Umbar.

Posted on 10.11.2014 05:13

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433. on the Competition No.165 Ladder (of 16)


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On 10.11.2014 05:40 murphy wrote:
Farthest I've gotten so far. Druid seemed like a good ironman choice because i just ignored all weapons and armor. Except I couldnt part with the dragon scale mail, even though i dont think i ever could have used it.

Nearly died because some dungeon feature gave me a "sick to my stomach" message a couple of times. And I was relying on "herbal tea" spell for nourishment, had to cast it a couple of times and it takes a ton of turns to recharge that much mana, while my HP was draining due to being weak from hunger. Burned up all my !CCW but survived that scare.

Went through a jump gate and got mobbed by aquatic monsters. In retrospect, it would have been wise to retreat back through the gate, but I advanced instead.

On 10.11.2014 12:53 Roguer wrote:
The sick-stomach thing is actually a kind of poisonous gas trap. You'll end up hungry and need to eat, when you step on it. :-p Yes, it's pretty nasty, maybe one of the nastiest traps even though it doesn't deal direct damage or summons. I think it belongs to the red ^ symbol class of traps.

On 10.11.2014 12:56 Roguer wrote:
Oh wow you found a white DSM, that's rare until really deep floors usually.
Yes it was a good idea to keep it for selling it to town stores. Actually you can wear DSM without problem if your martial arts skill is high enough but I don't remember how high it must be exactly. And of course you will want to wear other armour pieces too, so you'd probably need a really high MA skill..

On 10.11.2014 14:01 murphy wrote:
oh, good to know it was a trap. i fled the level, just out of fear it was a monster i couldnt see doing that to me!

On 10.11.2014 19:52 Roguer wrote:
Well, there are invisible minor demons called Gremlins (brown 'u' symbol) that will cause hunger if they hit you in melee. ;) They're very weak, but if you cannot detect them they can cause a bit of a problem, because they multiply (don't feed them after midnight!).

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