The Angband Ladder: Sage, Noldor Feanor no-class by Sage

  [Sil 1.2.1-mpa Character Dump]

 Name   Sage          Age    2,021       Str   8 =  3  +1      +4
 Sex    Male          Height  6'10       Dex   8 =  4  +2      +2
 Race   Noldor        Weight   161       Con  13 =  4  +5      +4
 House  Feanor                           Gra   6 =  3  +1      +2

 Game Turn   31,419   Melee (+31,2d14)   Melee       31 = 14  +8  +2  +7
 Exp Pool       543         (+31,2d14)   Archery     19 =  0  +8  +1 +10
 Total Exp   85,943   Bows  (+19,2d17)   Evasion     34 = 20  +8  +6
 Burden       111.6   Armor [+34,6-15]   Stealth     -8 =  0  +8  -4 -12
 Max Burden   429.6                      Perception  12 =  6  +6
 Depth           0'   Health   213:213   Will        12 =  6  +6
 Min Depth       0'   Voice      59:59   Smithing     8 =  1  +6      +1
 Light Radius     7   Song     Slaying   Song        15 =  9  +6

 You are one of two children of a bard from the house of Feanor. You
 have light grey eyes, straight silver hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You feel more agile.
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have a Dark Green Potion of Dexterity (j).
> You feel stronger.
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have 3 Shimmering Potions of Strength (i).
> You burst into a furious rage!
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have a Pale Herb of Rage (a).
> It has a gentle warmth, and a taste as of flowers.
> You feel very good.
> Your feel your power renew.
> You are too full to gain nourishment from it.
> You have 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor (e).
> You are no longer gorged.




a) The Mithril Longsword "I ran out of time" (+1,2d6) [+2] 2.0 lb
   It cuts easily through armour.  It provides resistance to 
   cold and fear.  It grants you freedom of movement.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the ability: Rapid
b) The Longbow 'Wyrm's End' (+0,2d7) 6.0 lb
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the
   ability: Flaming Arrows.  It can shoot arrows 20 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) a Beryl Ring of Damage <+2>
   It improves your damage sides by 2.  
d) a Beryl Ring of Damage <+2>
   It improves your damage sides by 2.  
e) an Amber Amulet of Constitution <+2>
   It increases your constitution by 2.  It sustains your 
f) a Silmaril
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Mail Corslet of Fingon [-3,2d4] <+1>
   It increases your constitution and grace by 1.  It provides
   resistance to fear.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) The Cloak of Sage [+2] <+2>
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
i) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Helm of Health [+0,1d2] <+2>
   It increases your constitution by 2.  It provides resistance
   to fire.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
k) The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Sage (+1) [+1,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It grants you freedom of
   movement.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Pair of Boots of Great Speed [+0,1d1]
   It grants you great speed.  It cannot be harmed by the
m) 59 Arrows of Piercing
   They cut easily through armour.  They can be shot 20 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
n) 35 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) a Pale Herb of Rage
b) 3 Grey Herbs of Healing
c) a Wrinkled Herb of Restoration
d) 5 Fragments of Lembas
e) 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor
f) a Grey Potion of Clarity
g) 11 Brown Potions of Healing
h) 2 Sky Blue Potions of Elemental Resistance
i) 3 Shimmering Potions of Strength
j) a Dark Green Potion of Dexterity
k) a Bright Orange Potion of Constitution
l) 3 Copper Speckled Potions of Grace
m) a Maple Staff of Revelations (3 charges)
n) a Willow Staff of Foes (1 charge)
o) a Sea Shell Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  It 
   lights the dungeon around you.  
p) a Feanorian Lamp of True Sight
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  
q) 2 Silmarils
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
r) The Galvorn Armour of Maeglin [-1,1d8] <+3>
   It improves your smithing by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   poison.  It increases your hunger.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
s) The Cloak of Grace [+1] <+2>
   It increases your grace by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
t) The War Hammer of Smithing (-2,4d1) <+4> 5.0 lb
   It improves your smithing by 4.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It does extra damage when wielded with both hands.
u) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 13.0 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Zone of Control
Keen Senses
Song of Slaying
Song of Aule


The Galvorn Armour of Maeglin (found)
The Mail Corslet of Fingon (found)
The Mail Corslet of Durin (found)
The Mail Corslet of Gundor (found)
The Round Shield of Angrod 
The Kite Shield of Hador (found)
The Kite Shield of the Swan 
The Dagger of Azaghal 
The Dagger 'Angrist' 
The Shortsword of Amrod (found)
The Shortsword 'Dagmor' (found)
The Shortsword of Galadriel 
The Longsword 'Orcrist' 
The Longsword 'Glamdring' 
The Longsword 'Narsil' 
The Spear of Boldog (found)
The Great Spear of Melkor 
The Battle Axe of Hurin 
The Great Axe of Nogrod 
The Glaive of Gaurin 
The Great Helm of Utumno (found)
The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin (found)
The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil (found)
The Shortbow of Celegorm (found)
The Longbow 'Wyrm's End' (found)
The Arrow 'Dailir' 
The Pair of Boots of Irime 
The Pair of Greaves of the Helcaraxe 
The Set of Gloves of Rumil 
The Set of Gloves of Brethil 
The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth (found)
The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (found)


  1 /  3  Orc scout                               
  6 / 10  Wolf                                    
  0 /  5  Grey mold                               
  2 /  4  Giant bat                               
  7 /  8  White worm mass                         
  0 /  3  Orc soldier                             
  0 /  2  Brown mold                              
  1 /  2  Metallic green centipede                
  2 / 11  White wolf                              
  1 /  4  Crebain                                 
  1 /  1  Green worm mass                         
 22 / 24  Orc archer                              
  2 /  5  Sword spider                            
  5 /  7  Hummerhorn                              
 45 / 84  Orc warrior                             
  4 /  4  Gorcrow                                 
  3 /  3  Mewlip                                  
  1 /  3  Orc thief                               
  3 /  5  Shadow mold                             
  3 /  4  Metallic red centipede                  
  9 / 10  Easterling spy                          
 17 / 57  Orc champion                            
  2 /  6  Violet worm mass                        
 12 / 18  Mountain troll                          
  0 /  5  Grave wight                             
 16 / 23  Easterling warrior                      
  (slain) Boldog, the Merciless 
 10 / 20  Orc captain                             
  8 / 16  Distended spider                        
  6 /  6  Giant green dragonfly                   
 17 / 20  Easterling archer                       
 30 / 40  Shadow worm mass                        
 31 / 39  Warg                                    
  4 /  4  Barrow wight                            
 10 / 12  Giant violet dragonfly                  
  (slain) Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 
 12 / 18  Snow troll                              
  2 /  2  Giant bronze dragonfly                  
  6 /  7  Giant                                   
  (seen)  Ulfang the Black 
 75 /106  Nether worm mass                        
  3 /  4  Shadow bat                              
 16 / 19  Sulrauko                                
  4 /  8  Fire-drake hatchling                    
  (slain) Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 
  (slain) Duruin, Least of the Balrogs 
 19 / 29  Werewolf                                
  8 / 10  Shadow spider                           
  5 /  5  Shadow                                  
  2 /  2  Sapphire serpent                        
 18 / 23  Cave troll                              
  2 /  4  Ruby serpent                            
  4 /  4  Creeping horror                         
  8 / 24  Ringrauko                               
  4 /  9  Emerald serpent                         
  9 / 17  Oathwraith                              
  0 /  3  Deathblade                              
 83 /128  Cat warrior                             
 26 / 66  Greater werewolf                        
  5 /  8  Amethyst serpent                        
  5 / 19  Kemenrauko                              
  0 /  1  Young cold-drake                        
  3 / 10  Grotesque                               
  (slain) Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 
  (slain) Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 
 12 / 21  Spider of Gorgoroth                     
131 /162  Troll guard                             
  1 /  4  Adamant serpent                         
 26 / 35  Lesser vampire                          
 16 / 32  Cat assassin                            
  (slain) Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 
  1 /  6  Young fire-drake                        
 17 / 28  Darting horror                          
 10 / 30  Unmourned                               
 40 / 66  Ururauko                                
  (slain) Tevildo, Prince of Cats 
  (slain) Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 
  8 / 11  Ancient sapphire serpent                
 36 / 67  Vampire                                 
  9 / 12  Nameless thing                          
  (slain) Dagorhir, the Elfbane 
  (slain) Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin 
  6 /  8  Ancient ruby serpent                    
  3 /  3  Great cold-drake                        
  2 /  3  Silent watcher                          
 23 / 38  Gwathrauko                              
  (slain) Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 
  3 /  5  Ancient spider                          
  7 /  8  Ancient emerald serpent                 
 12 / 20  Vampire lord                            
  1 /  1  Ancient amethyst serpent                
  0 /  1  Great fire-drake                        
 10 / 12  Hithrauko                               
  (slain) Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 
  2 /  2  Ancient adamant serpent                 
  3 /  6  Unrelenting horror                      
  (slain) Ancalagon the Black 
  (slain) Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 
  (slain) Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 
  (slain) Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 
  (slain) Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 
  (slain) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 


Sage of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 1 Nov 2014

   Turn     Depth   Note

    412    100 ft   (Armoursmith)
    412    100 ft   (Enchantment)
    511    100 ft   Made a Set of Gloves of the Forge <+2>  0.5 lb
    602    100 ft   Made a Pair of Boots of Speed [+0,1d1]  2.0 lb
    723    100 ft   Made a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]  5.0 lb
    958    200 ft   (Keen Senses)
  1,597    250 ft   nice forgegaunts
  1,789    250 ft   hmmmm
  1,992    250 ft   Made a Crown of Grace <+1>  3.0 lb
  2,182    250 ft   Made a Cloak of Protection [+1,1d1]  2.0 lb
  2,250    350 ft   neat
  2,643    400 ft   (Dodging)
  3,507    400 ft   (Artifice)
  4,473    450 ft   Found The Mail Corslet of Gundor
  4,473    450 ft   nice
  4,777    450 ft   aljh
  4,893    450 ft   Encountered Boldog, the Merciless
  4,955    450 ft   Slew Boldog, the Merciless
  4,955    450 ft   Found The Spear of Boldog
  7,066    450 ft   Found The Kite Shield of Hador
  7,067    450 ft   hmm
  7,141    450 ft   Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  7,143    450 ft   hi
  7,147    450 ft   (Flanking)
  7,217    450 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,218    450 ft   hi
  7,274    450 ft   Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  7,275    450 ft   nice
  7,301    450 ft   Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,742    450 ft   (Finesse)
  7,742    450 ft   (Zone of Control)
  8,608    550 ft   Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  8,667    550 ft   (Rauko-Bane)
  8,746    550 ft   Destroyed Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
 10,500    600 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
 11,767    650 ft   (Weaponsmith)
 12,006    650 ft   Made The War Hammer of Smithing (-2,4d1) <+4>  5.0 lb
 12,520    700 ft   (Jeweller)
 12,696    700 ft   Made a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness  1.0 lb
 12,865    700 ft   Made a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3>  13.0 lb
 13,100    750 ft   Found The Longbow 'Wyrm's End'
 13,120    750 ft   Found The Mail Corslet of Durin
 13,451    750 ft   hi
 13,574    750 ft   Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon
 13,578    750 ft   well
 14,108    750 ft   Made The Cloak of Grace [+1] <+2>  2.0 lb
 14,327    750 ft   Made a Coral Amulet of Haunted Dreams  0.1 lb
 14,608    800 ft   Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 14,609    800 ft   hi
 14,879    800 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 14,919    800 ft   what the hell
 15,102    850 ft   Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 15,222    850 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 15,494    850 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 15,823    850 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 15,842    800 ft   Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 15,843    800 ft   hi
 15,843    800 ft   (Song of Aule)
 15,856    800 ft   Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
 15,864    800 ft   Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 15,864    800 ft   Found The Shortbow of Celegorm
 15,875    800 ft   Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
 16,078    800 ft   Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
 16,079    800 ft   nooo
 17,835    750 ft   Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 18,041    750 ft   _treas
 18,178    800 ft   yay _rev
 18,209    750 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 18,214    800 ft   bullshit
 18,269    800 ft   Left without entering the Cat Fortress
 18,292    700 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 18,301    800 ft   alright
 18,335    800 ft   shit
 18,848    800 ft   Found The Shortsword of Amrod
 19,222    800 ft   Made The Pair of Boots of Great Speed [+0,1d1]  2.0 lb
 19,736    800 ft   Made a Beryl Ring of Damage <+2>  0.1 lb
 19,778    850 ft   Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 20,937    850 ft   Made The Cloak of Sage [+2] <+2>  2.0 lb
 21,334    850 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 21,354    850 ft   nice
 21,354    850 ft   two forges
 22,240    850 ft   Made The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Sage (+1) [+1,1d1] 
                    <+1>  1.5 lb 
 22,733    850 ft   Made a Beryl Ring of Damage <+2>  0.1 lb
 23,190    850 ft   Made an Amber Amulet of Constitution <+2>  0.1 lb
 23,330    900 ft   damn
 23,344    850 ft   nice
 23,455    850 ft   hi
 23,526    850 ft   Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
 23,527    850 ft   woo
 24,165    850 ft   Made The Helm of Health [+0,1d2] <+2>  5.0 lb
 24,483    850 ft   out of _rev
 24,996    900 ft   finally
 25,259    900 ft   yay _rev
 25,315    900 ft   Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 25,352    950 ft   nice enchanted forge
 25,352    950 ft   masterpiece time
 25,376    950 ft   Encountered Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
 25,376    950 ft   fantastic
 25,391    950 ft   Slew Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
 25,391    950 ft   Found The Galvorn Armour of Maeglin
 25,547    950 ft   (Masterpiece)
 26,574    950 ft   Made The Mithril Longsword "I ran out of time" (+1,2d6) 
                    [+2]  2.0 lb 
 26,578    950 ft   alright
 26,757    950 ft   (Parry)
 26,823    950 ft   Encountered Ancalagon the Black
 26,840    950 ft   Slew Ancalagon the Black
 26,896    950 ft   Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 26,920    950 ft   Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 26,920    950 ft   Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin
 27,656    950 ft   (Follow-Through)
 27,656    950 ft   (Momentum)
 28,004    950 ft   hi
 28,013    950 ft   Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 29,319    950 ft   Found The Shortsword 'Dagmor'
 29,704    950 ft   (Riposte)
 29,704  1,000 ft   Entered Morgoth's throne room
 29,706  1,000 ft   shit
 29,706  1,000 ft   21 will
 29,709  1,000 ft   Encountered Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
 29,709  1,000 ft   Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
 29,710  1,000 ft   bullshit
 29,716  1,000 ft   (Song of Slaying)
 29,720  1,000 ft   Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs
 29,736  1,000 ft   Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
 29,741  1,000 ft   whoops
 29,744  1,000 ft   Slew Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
 29,748  1,000 ft   Encountered Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
 29,748  1,000 ft   Destroyed Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs
 29,775  1,000 ft   Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
 29,794  1,000 ft   Slew Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
 29,794  1,000 ft   Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond'
 29,794  1,000 ft   Found The Great Helm of Utumno
 29,833  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 29,834  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 29,839  1,000 ft   Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
 29,962    950 ft   Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
 30,916    450 ft   Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
 30,916    450 ft   Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil
 31,313     Gates   Entered The Gates of Angband
 31,394     Gates   Encountered Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
 31,399     Gates   Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst

 31,419     Gates   You escaped the Iron Hells on 01 November 2014.
 31,419     Gates   You brought back all three Silmarils from Morgoth's 

  ['Score' 141368581]

Posted on 1.11.2014 13:01

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150. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 1.11.2014 13:01 Sage wrote:
Built on a mountain of failed smiths.

Had to skip Lore Master this game since I got my useful forges too late for the lore hat. But I made a nice collection of pretty gear, so that's good enough I guess.

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