The Angband Ladder: Dismas, Petty-Dwarf Assassin by elliptic

  [FAangband 1.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name    : Dismas          Age                    78 STR!    18/140
 Sex     : Male            Height                 39 INT     18/169
 Race    : Petty-Dwarf     Weight                141 WIS!     18/70
 Class   : Assassin        Social Class           34 DEX!    18/***
                                                     CON!    18/***
                                                     CHR!     18/40

 Max Hit Points      702   Level                44   Max SP (Mana)       148
 Cur Hit Points      653   Experience      2235171   Cur SP (Mana)       108
                           Max Exp         2235171
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.     2400000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           4   Gold             134101   Shots/Round         2.5
 + to Skill           45   Score            333803   + to Skill           39
 Deadliness (%)      132   Base AC/+ To AC  19/ 98   Deadliness (%)      122
                           Game Turn        580182

 Fighting   :Superb(116)   Stealth    :Excellent(10) Disarming  :Heroic(131)
 Bows/Throw :Superb(138)   Perception :Very Good(42) MagicDevice:Superb(102)
 SavingThrow:Excellent(63) Searching  :Very Good(44) Infravision:50 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are one of two children of a Petty-Dwarf Assassin.  You
          have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a one foot
          beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : Angband Level 0
 Recall Point 1   : Angband Level 62

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:......+.+....  61% Confu:....+.+......  70%
 Elec:.+..+.+.+....  85% Sound:..+..........  25%
 Fire:.+..+...+....  77% Shard:......+......  45%
 Cold:.+......+....  61% Nexus:..+..........  60%
 Pois:.............   0% Nethr:...+.......+.  65%
 Lght:........+....  40% Chaos:.......+...+.  64%
 Dark:........+....  40% Disen:....+........  25%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.+...........      M-Mas:.............
Feath:.............      Stea.:.......3.....
PLght:.............      Sear.:.............
Regen:.............      Infra:.............
Telep:.........+...      Tunn.:.............
Invis:+............      Speed:.1.1..33.....
FrAct:..........+++      Shots:.1...........
HLife:.............      Might:.1...........

  [Specialty Abilities]

Mana Burn 
Fast Attacking 

  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str: 18/100  -1   2   3 18/140            ..1.......2.
Int:  18/99   3   1   3 18/169            .1.......2..
Wis: 18/100  -3  -3   3  18/70            .1.......2..
Dex: 18/100   3   2  12 18/***            .13...3....5
Con: 18/100  -1   0  13 18/***            ..344.....2s
Chr: 18/100  -4  -2   0  18/40            ............

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d6) (+18,+19)
Dropped by a Marilith in Angband Level 61.
It slays evil creatures, undead, orcs, trolls, giants and dragons. 

Powers:  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 4 blows av. dam.
63 against evil creatures, 87 against undead, 87 against orcs, 87
against trolls, 87 against giants, 87 against dragons, 38 against
other monsters.  + 45 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 1.5 turns, magma veins in 3.2 turns, quartz veins in
7.1 turns, and granite in 17 turns.

b) The Short Bow of Celegorm (x3) (+12,+15) <+1 to speed>
Dropped by an Elemental drake in Angband Level 62.
1 intelligence, 1 wisdom, 1 dexterity. 
1 speed, 1 shooting speed, 1 shooting power. 
Provides resistance to electricity(35%), fire(35%), frost(35%). 
Powers:  Slows your metabolism. 

c) a Ring of Physical Prowess <+1, +3> {+3 con, nexus}
Dropped by a Blue dragon in Angband Level 46.
1 strength, 3 dexterity, 3 constitution. 
Provides resistance to sound(25%), nexus(60%). Sustains strength,

d) a Ring of Arcane Resistance <+4, +1>
Dropped by a Vrock in Angband Level 58.
4 constitution. 
1 speed. 

e) an Amulet of Basic Resistance <+4>
Dropped by a Barbazu in Angband Level 58.
4 constitution. 
Provides resistance to electricity(40%), fire(40%), confusion(45%),

f) The Lamp of Gwindor
Dropped by Brodda, the Easterling in Angband Level 11.
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it
illuminates the surrounding area, dealing 2d15 damage to
light-sensitive monsters.
Takes 19 to 36 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 98.0%
Radius 3 light forever.

g) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] <+3 to speed>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 26.
3 dexterity. 
3 speed. 
Provides resistance to acid(35%), electricity(35%), confusion(45%),

h) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] <+3 to speed>
Dropped by Glaurung, Father of the Dragons in Angband Level 56.
3 stealth, 3 speed. 
Provides resistance to chaos(40%). Cannot be harmed by acid,
electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it teleports you randomly up
to 100 squares away.
Takes 81 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.9%

i) The Large Leather Shield of Haleth [2,+9]
Dropped by a Nruling in Angband Level 40.
Provides resistance to acid(40%), electricity(40%), fire(40%),
frost(40%), light(40%), darkness(40%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

j) The Hard Leather Cap of Mablung [2,+10] <+2>
Dropped by a Lightning drake in Angband Level 46.
2 intelligence, 2 wisdom. 

Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. Grants telepathy. 

k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+12] <+2>
Dropped by a Nether wraith in Angband Level 62.
2 strength, 2 constitution. 

Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 

l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' [2,+12] <+5>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 34.
5 dexterity. 
Provides resistance to nether(35%), chaos(40%). Sustains
Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it
removes fear and cures poison.
Takes 9 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.5%

n) 33 Seeker Arrows of Wounding (3d3) (+12,+10) {@f0}
Dropped by a Dreadmaster in Angband Level 62.
Av shooting dam. 48 against all monsters. 

w) 32 Arrows of Electricity (2d4) (+6,+4) {@f9}
Dropped by a Cold drake in Angband Level 46.
Branded with lightning. 
Cannot be harmed by electricity. Av shooting dam. 75 against non
lightning resistant creatures, 40 against other monsters. 

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses]
b) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Blood Novitiate]
c) a Tome of Necromancy [Mysteries of Utumno]
d) a Tome of Necromancy [Metamorphoses]
Found in a vault in Angband Level 62.

e) a Ration of Food
Bought from a store in Angband Town.
Nourishes for around 4500 turns.

f) 10 Potions of Speed {50% off}
g) 3 Potions of Healing
Nourishes for around 180 turns.

h) a Potion of Restore Life Levels
Bought from a store in Angband Town.

i) 10 Scrolls of Teleportation {!*, 25% off}
j) 10 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!*}
k) a Scroll of *Destruction* {!*}
l) 10 Rods of Perception {a@1}
m) 2 Rods of Recall {!*}
n) 9 Wands of Teleport Away (2 charges)
o) 7 Wands of Stone to Mud (3 charges)
p) a Ring of Arcane Resistance <+3 to searching> {pois shards nether}
Dropped by a Vrock in Angband Level 50.
3 searching. 
Provides resistance to poison(60%), sound(25%), shards(55%),
Curses:  Makes you afraid. 
Attempting to uncurse it may destroy it.

  [Home Inventory]

a) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses]
b) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Mysteries of Utumno]
c) 2 Sprigs of Athelas
d) 16 Potions of Speed {50% off}
e) a Potion of *Healing*
Found in a vault in Angband Level 62.

f) 4 Potions of Restore Mana
g) 12 Scrolls of Teleportation {!*, 25% off}
h) 11 Scrolls of Reveal Curses
i) 4 Scrolls of Recharging
j) a Scroll of *Destruction* {!*}
k) 5 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
l) a Ring of Basic Resistance <+3 to speed>
Dropped by a Mesmer drake in Angband Level 51.
3 speed. 
Provides resistance to fire(30%), frost(30%). Cannot be harmed by

m) a Ring of Fickleness
Dropped by a Glabrezu in Angband Level 61.
Provides resistance to light(25%), darkness(40%), sound(45%),
chaos(60%), disenchantment(30%). 
Curses:  Aggravates nearby creatures. Occasionally greatly aggravates
nearby creatures. Occasionally cuts you. Will briefly paralyze you. 

n) a Ring of Combat (+0,+16) <+1, +3> {50% off}
Bought from a store in Angband Town.
1 strength, 3 intelligence, 1 dexterity. 
Sustains dexterity. 
Powers:  Renders you fearless. 

o) a Ring of the Elements <+2 to searching> {elec conf shards}
Dropped by a Blue dragon in Angband Level 46.
2 dexterity. 
2 searching. 
Branded with lightning. 
Provides resistance to electricity(40%), confusion(30%), shards(50%).
Cannot be harmed by electricity. When aimed, it cast a cold ball for
80 damage and opposes cold.
Takes 91 to 270 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.0%

p) The Metal Scale Mail Amaril (-1) [13,+15]
Found in a vault in Angband Level 25.
Provides resistance to acid(78%), electricity(40%), fire(45%),
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. 

q) The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of the Mormegil (-2) [19,+15] <+2>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 40.
2 constitution. 
Provides resistance to acid(50%), electricity(45%), fire(45%),
frost(45%), shards(40%), nexus(40%). 
Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 

r) a Small Metal Shield of Elvenkind [1,+10] <+2 to stealth> {pois chaos}
Dropped by a Green dragon in Angband Level 62.
2 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(36%), electricity(35%), fire(42%),
frost(40%), poison(40%), chaos(32%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

s) The Steel Helm of Ecthelion [6,+20] <+3>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 46.
3 strength, 3 dexterity, 3 constitution. 
Provides resistance to acid(40%), nexus(40%). Cannot be harmed by

t) The Broad Sword 'Aranrúth' (3d5) (+20,+12) <+4>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 42.
4 dexterity. 
It slays demons and orcs. 
Branded with cold. 
Provides resistance to frost(45%). 
Powers:  Slows your metabolism. Makes you fall lightly. Prevents
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When aimed, it
fires a frost bolt for 12d8 damage.
Takes 540 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 96.7%
5 blows av. dam. 60 against demons, 60 against orcs, 49 against non
cold resistant creatures, 25 against other monsters.  + 47 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 1.6 turns, magma veins in 3.6 turns, quartz veins in
7.9 turns, and granite in 20 turns.

u) The Broad Sword 'Death's Own' (3d5) (+10,+12) <+2 to digging>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 37.
2 intelligence. 
2 tunnelling. 
It slays undead. 
Branded with acid. 
Provides resistance to acid(60%). 
Powers:  Sustains your life force. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it
slows you for 1d25+15 turns.
Takes 450 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.1%
5 blows av. dam. 60 against undead, 49 against non acid resistant
creatures, 25 against other monsters.  + 37 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 1.2 turns, magma veins in 2.6 turns, quartz veins in
5.6 turns, and granite in 13 turns.

v) The Scimitar of Eglamoth (2d5) (+9,+11) <+4>
Dropped by a White dragon in Angband Level 46.
4 dexterity. 
It slays animals, evil creatures and undead. 

Powers:  Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 5 blows av. dam.
38 against animals, 32 against evil creatures, 46 against undead, 18
against other monsters.  + 36 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 1.6 turns, magma veins in 3.6 turns, quartz veins in
8.0 turns, and granite in 20 turns.

w) a Valinorean Sword of Doriath (4d6) (+12,+12) [+4] <+3 to stealth>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 51.
3 stealth. 
It slays evil creatures. 
Provides resistance to acid(36%), electricity(43%), fire(42%),
frost(40%). Sustains charisma. 
Powers:  Makes you fall lightly. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 4 blows av. dam.
58 against evil creatures, 35 against other monsters.  + 39 to skill.

Clears rubble in 1.5 turns, magma veins in 3.3 turns, quartz veins in
7.4 turns, and granite in 18 turns.

x) The Long Bow of Bregor (x5) (+17,+19) <+2 to speed>
Dropped by a Vrock in Angband Level 58.
2 speed, 2 shooting power. 
It slays animals. 

Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 

Dismas the Petty-Dwarf Assassin

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
         1          Angband Town    1    Gained the Fury specialty.
     28486          Angband   3     5    Reached level 5
     65076          Angband   5     9    oh
     66800          Angband   5    10    Reached level 10
     66800          Angband   5    10    Killed The Thief of the Mountains
     77865          Angband   7    12    Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
     89985          Angband   7    13    Killed Pongo the Devious
     99806          Angband   8    14    Killed Mughâsh the Kobold Lord
    117845          Angband   8    15    Reached level 15
    117855          Angband   8    15    Killed The Ickiness
    140762          Angband  11    16    Killed Brodda, the Easterling
    140780          Angband  11    16    Found The Lamp of Gwindor
    143918          Angband  11    16    hi
    144147          Angband  11    16    Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
    148324          Angband  12    17    hi
    148348          Angband  12    17    okay
    151845          Angband  12    17    Killed Lug, the Hill Orc
    176188          Angband  18    19    hi
    179580          Angband  18    19    hi
    180024          Angband  18    20    Reached level 20
    196744          Angband  19    22    hm
    196861          Angband  19    22    Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
    226109          Angband  22    23    hi
    231464          Angband  22    23    sigh
    238229          Angband  23    23    Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
    242444          Angband  24    24    good
    257510          Angband  24    25    Reached level 25
    278066          Angband  25    25    Killed Othrod, Lord of the Orcs
    283723          Angband  25    26    Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
    283804          Angband  25    26    Found The Metal Scale Mail Amaril
    290808          Angband  27    26    Killed Orcobal the Mighty
    296477          Angband  29    26    meh
    297156          Angband  27    26    uh hi
    301297          Angband  27    26    Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
    304780          Angband  26    26    hi
    305852          Angband  26    26    hm
    313277          Angband  26    26    hi
    313461          Angband  26    26    hm
    317920          Angband  26    26    oops
    323616          Angband  26    27    hi
    330626          Angband  26    27    oops
    346313          Angband  26    27    hm
    348149          Angband  26    27    oops
    375618          Angband  26    29    hm
    376820          Angband  26    29    Found The Leather Scale Mail
    380337          Angband  26    29    hi
    404433          Angband  27    30    Reached level 30
    409695          Angband  32    30    Killed Orcogar, Son of Orcobal
    415526          Angband  34    30    Found The Pair of Soft Leather
                                         Boots 'Dal-i-thalion'
    429754          Angband Town   31    hi
    429789          Angband Town   31    Killed The Complainer
    431971          Angband  37    31    Found The Broad Sword 'Death's Own'
    432226          Angband  39    31    oops
    432277          Angband  39    31    Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
    432505          Angband  39    31    yay
    432530          Angband  39    31    oh
    432575          Angband  39    31    Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
    432625          Angband  39    31    Gained the Mana Burn specialty.
    437819          Angband  39    31    hm
    443187          Angband  40    32    good
    453085          Angband  41    34    Found The Small Metal Shield
    464955          Angband  40    35    Reached level 35
    465923          Angband  40    35    Found The Large Leather Shield of
    471400          Angband  40    35    Found The Short Sword 'Dagmor'
    471588          Angband  40    35    Found The Chain Mail (Dwarven) of
                                         the Mormegil
    474080          Angband  41    35    Found The Set of Steel Gauntlets
    479387          Angband  42    35    Killed Ulfang the Black
    479903          Angband  42    35    Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
    480762          Angband  42    35    Found The Broad Sword 'Aranrúth'
    482080          Angband  42    35    meh
    487311          Angband  43    35    meh
    491703          Angband  46    35    Found The Steel Helm of Ecthelion
    492632          Angband  46    36    mm
    493751          Angband  46    36    Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
    496912          Angband  46    37    Found The Cloak of Thingol
    497086          Angband  46    37    Found The Scimitar of Eglamoth
    500450          Angband  46    37    Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
    500457          Angband  46    37    good
    501224          Angband  46    37    actually
    501915          Angband  46    37    wow okay
    501963          Angband  46    37    okay
    503256          Angband  46    37    Found The Hard Leather Cap of
    503807          Angband  46    37    this pathfinding is so silly
    504932          Angband  46    38    oops
    508844          Angband  46    38    Killed The Queen Ant
    509797          Angband  46    38    hi
    509836          Angband  46    38    Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed
    509840          Angband  46    38    rip
    511304          Angband Town   38    oops
    513683          Angband  50    38    Killed Eöl, the Dark Elven Smith
    518406          Angband  50    38    Found The Iron Helm of Gorlim
    520826          Angband  50    38    good
    523119          Angband  51    38    hi
    533544          Angband  49    39    good
    533809          Angband  50    40    Reached level 40
    542327          Angband Town   41    rip
    543212          Angband  50    41    Found The Set of Cesti Lardor
    543775          Angband  51    41    excellent
    547214          Angband  51    41    good
    549040          Angband  52    41    Destroyed Quaker, Master of Earth
    551110          Angband  56    41    hi
    551244          Angband  56    41    hm
    551288          Angband  56    41    Killed Glaurung, Father of the
    551331          Angband  56    41    Found The Cloak 'Colannon'
    551454          Angband  56    41    Killed Lorgan, Chief of the
    554748          Angband  56    42    hi
    557913          Angband  55    42    Found The Long Sword 'Anguirel'
    558443          Angband  55    42    Gained the Fast Attacking
    559755          Angband  55    42    Killed Itangast the Fire Drake
    562447          Angband  58    43    Found The Long Bow of Bregor
    562752          Angband  58    43    Found The Pike 'Justicar'
    565755          Angband  60    43    Found The Iron Crown of
    568183          Angband  61    44    Found The Executioner's Sword
    569493          Angband  61    44    Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
    570287          Angband  61    44    Destroyed Adunaphel the Quiet
    571830          Angband  62    44    Found The Pair of Hard Leather
                                         Boots of Eldamar
    573616          Angband  62    44    good
    574115          Angband  62    44    Found The Sling Goladri
    574133          Angband  62    44    Found The Wand 'Ilkorin'
    574149          Angband  62    44    oh I can't genocide monsters inside
    576447          Angband  62    44    ugggggh
    577601          Angband  62    44    Found The Short Bow of Celegorm
    577752          Angband  62    44    good
    577890          Angband  62    44    Found The Long Sword Aglos
    579119          Angband  62    44    Found The Set of Leather Gloves
    580182          Angband Town   44    Still alive

  [Map and modes]

Angband dungeon
Disconnected stairs
No selling


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 24.9.2014 21:13
Last updated on 26.9.2014 19:54

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2. on the Competition No.163 Ladder (of 25)


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On 24.9.2014 21:13 elliptic wrote:
The game has been fairly painful so far, even taking it fairly slowly... mediocre offense, no HP, and limited spells isn't a great combination. I just cleared the orc/troll special level though and Thalkettoth + other assorted loot should help a bit at least.

On 25.9.2014 05:27 elliptic wrote:
Starting to have some serious melee damage, but HP is still awful. Could use some better sources for rBase and sInv.

On 25.9.2014 16:11 elliptic wrote:
Cleared several dragon/demon pits, notable finds are Haleth and Ecthelion/Mablung - using Mablung for now, but hoping to find a different source of telepathy so I can switch back to Ecthelion.

On 26.9.2014 15:44 elliptic wrote:
Cleared more dragon pits, descended a bit, etc. Killed Glaurung recently so need to choose a new specialty - thinking Armsman at the moment.

On 26.9.2014 16:17 elliptic wrote:
Actually, it looks like Fast Attacking is usually clearly better than Armsman unless you have a single-die weapon, so maybe I'll do that instead.

On 26.9.2014 19:54 elliptic wrote:
Just got the last assassin book from a very scary vault containing Cantoras, Qlzqqlzuup, Wiruin, etc. Between that and finally finding a few reasonable +con items, I'm feeling pretty strong now.

Crisdurian isn't exactly an assassin weapon, but I think it is better than my other options for now.

On 29.9.2014 08:46 Slinking wrote:
Nice cover on your resists. You are doing great.

rPoison isn't a major concern since you can cast cure poison.

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