The Angband Ladder: Otto, Dark-Elf Assassin by the Invisible Stalker

  [FAangband v1.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name    : Otto            Age                   222 STR      18/87
 Sex     : Male            Height                 90 INT      18/39
 Race    : Dark-Elf        Weight                182 WIS         14
 Class   : Assassin        Social Class            9 DEX      18/10
                                                     CON      18/27
                                                     CHR         17

 Max Hit Points      255   Level                32   Max SP (Mana)        23
 Cur Hit Points      255   Experience       196555   Cur SP (Mana)        23
                           Max Exp          196555
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.      230000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           3   Gold               2092   Shots/Round         2.0
 + to Skill            7   Score             49592   + to Skill           13
 Deadliness (%)       63   Base AC/+ To AC  50/ 78   Deadliness (%)       75
                           Game Turn        413347

 Fighting   :Excellent(94) Stealth    :Legendary(22) Disarming  :Superb(94)
 Bows/Throw :Excellent(90) Perception :Very Good(43) MagicDevice:Legendary(149)
 SavingThrow:Very Good(46) Searching  :Very Good(46) Infravision:20 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are the first child of a Dark Elf Ranger.  You have
          light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : Nan Dungortheb Level 60
 Previous Location: Nan Dungortheb Level 59
 Recall Point 1   : Ephel Brandir Level 0
 Recall Point 2   : Nan Dungortheb Level 59
 Recall Point 3   : Taur-Im-Duinath Level 0
 Recall Point 4   : Ossiriand Level 0

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:.............   0% Confu:......+..+...  54%
 Elec:.............   0% Sound:.......+.+...  71%
 Fire:......++.....  65% Shard:.............   0%
 Cold:..+....+.....  65% Nexus:.............   0%
 Pois:........+....  36% Nethr:.......+.....  76%
 Lght:.............   0% Chaos:.............   0%
 Dark:.......+.....  63% Disen:.............   0%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.............      M-Mas:....4.....4..
Feath:.............      Stea.:.......1...3.
PLght:+............      Sear.:.............
Regen:.............      Infra:.............
Telep:....+........      Tunn.:1............
Invis:.............      Speed:2.2...4......
FrAct:...+.........      Shots:.1...........
HLife:.............      Might:.............

  [Specialty Abilities]

Mana Burn 

  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str:  18/67  -2   2   2  18/87            2...........
Int:  18/39  -1   1   0  18/39            ............
Wis:     15   2  -3   0     14            ............
Dex:     15   2   2   0  18/10            ............
Con:  18/17  -1   0   2  18/27            ...2........
Chr:     18   1  -2   0     17            ............

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Trident of Nogrod (2d7) (+6,+8) [4,+0] <+2, +1>
Dropped by an Elven thrall warrior in Sirion Vale Level 28.
2 strength. 
1 tunnelling, 2 speed. 

Powers:  Provides permanent light. 
3 blows av. dam. 17 against all monsters.  + 7 to skill. 
Radius 1 light.
Clears rubble in 3.0 turns, magma veins in 7.2 turns, quartz veins in
18 turns, and granite in 64 turns.

b) a Long Bow of Extra Shots (x3) (+12,+12) <+1>
Dropped by a Master vampire in Underworld Town.
1 shooting speed. 

c) a Galvorn Ring of Basic Resistance <+2 to speed>
Dropped by an Uruk in Sirion Vale Level 30.
2 speed. 

d) a Galvorn Ring of Mobility <+2>
Found in a vault in Amon R�dh Level 29.
2 constitution. 
Sustains constitution. 
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. Prevents paralysis. 

e) an Amethyst Amulet <+4 to device skill>
4 magic mastery. 

Powers:  Grants telepathy. 

g) Red Dragon Scale Mail of Resistance (-2) [30,+20] <+4 to speed>
Found lying on the ground in Anfauglith Level 54.
4 speed. 
Provides resistance to fire(37%), confusion(23%). Cannot be harmed by
acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it transforms you into
a dragon; Activation in dragon form: breathe fire for 50-300 damage.
Takes 86 to 170 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.9%

h) a Cloak of Aman [1,+26] <+1 to stealth>
Dropped by a Spectre in Nan Dungortheb Level 48.
1 stealth. 
Provides resistance to fire(43%), frost(41%), darkness(38%),
sound(50%), nether(76%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire,

i) a Small Metal Shield of Resistance [5,+11]
Found in a vault in Sirion Vale Level 32.
Provides resistance to poison(36%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

j) a Metal Cap of Serenity [3,+8]
Found in a chest from Sirion Vale Level 30.
Provides resistance to confusion(39%), sound(41%). 
Powers:  Renders you fearless. 

k) a Set of Cesti of Magic Mastery [4,+7] <+4 to device skill>
Found in a vault in Nan Dungortheb Level 54.
4 magic mastery. 

l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+4] <+3 to stealth>
Found lying on the ground in Brethil Level 26.
3 stealth. 

n) 11 Arrows of Acid (2d4) (+4,+4)
Dropped by a Half-troll in Sirion Vale Level 36.
Branded with acid. 
Cannot be harmed by acid. Av shooting dam. 59 against non acid
resistant creatures, 30 against other monsters. 

o) 11 Arrows (2d4) (+5,+5)
Av shooting dam. 31 against all monsters. 

p) 44 Arrows of Poison (2d5) (+5,+5)
Found lying on the ground in Anfauglith Level 54.
Branded with poison. 
Av shooting dam. 70 against non poison resistant creatures, 37
against other monsters. 

q) 25 Arrows (2d4) (+2,+3)
Found lying on the ground in Nan Dungortheb Level 43.
Av shooting dam. 30 against all monsters. 

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Beginner's Curses] {@b1@m1@p1@G1!k!d!v}
b) 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Blood Novitiate] {@b2@m2@p2@G2!k!d!v}
c) 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Mysteries of Utumno] {@b3@m3@p3@G3!k!d!v}
d) 2 Rations of Food
Bought from a store in Gondolin Town.
Nourishes for around 4250 turns.

e) 13 Puce Potions of Speed
f) 10 Blue Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
Nourishes for around 85 turns.

g) 3 Ivory White Potions of Enlightenment
h) 10 Scrolls titled "prommo niaes" of Teleport Level {!*}
i) 5 Scrolls titled "redarigo ho" of Word of Recall {50% off}
j) a Scroll titled "revo nota sum" of *Remove Curse*
Found in a vault in Nan Dungortheb Level 59.

k) 5 Scrolls titled "pranio abse" of Recharging
l) 3 Scrolls titled "demus spenus" of *Destruction* {!*}
m) 9 Copper Rods of Perception
n) 2 Adamantium-plated Rods of Sense Surroundings
o) 6 Gold Rods of Light
p) a Platinum Rod of Cold Balls
Found lying on the ground in Nan Dungortheb Level 59.

q) 8 Electrum Wands of Teleport Away (30 charges)
r) 6 Gold Wands of Stone to Mud (53 charges)
s) 5 Nickel Wands of Shrapnel (13 charges)
t) 2 Rowan Staves of Cure Medium Wounds (15 charges)
u) 2 Dogwood Staves of Banish Evil (11 charges)
v) 2 Ivory Staves of Detection (37 charges)

  [Home Inventory]

a) 5 Purple Blotched Mushrooms of Restoring
Nourishes for around 425 turns.

b) 36 Blue Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
Nourishes for around 85 turns.

c) 14 Clear Blue Potions of Healing
Nourishes for around 170 turns.

d) 2 Dark Blue Potions of Restore Mana
e) a Green Potion of *Dexterity*
Found lying on the ground in Dorthonion Level 32.

f) 3 Myrtle Green Potions of *Charisma*
g) 16 Scrolls titled "prommo niaes" of Teleport Level {!*}
h) 3 Scrolls titled "macton perot" of Reveal Curses
i) 45 Scrolls titled "pranio abse" of Recharging
j) 7 Teak Staves of Object Location (131 charges)
k) 11 Rowan Staves of Cure Medium Wounds (88 charges)
l) 2 Runed Staves of Speed (14 charges)
m) 2 Ivory Staves of Detection (26 charges)
n) a Pewter Ring of Fickleness <+2>
Dropped by a Beastmaster in Sirion Vale Level 28.
2 intelligence. 
Provides resistance to fire(35%), frost(60%), darkness(25%). 
Powers:  Makes you fall lightly. Speeds regeneration. Grants the
ability to see invisible things. 

o) a Pewter Ring of Physical Prowess <+2>
Dropped by a Stone troll in Sirion Vale Level 28.
2 intelligence, 2 constitution. 
Sustains constitution. When aimed, it strongly attempts to sleep a
Takes 425 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 98.5%

p) a Brass Ring of Arcane Resistance <+2 to searching>
Found in a vault in Nan Dungortheb Level 52.
2 constitution. 
2 searching. 
Provides resistance to frost(55%), poison(45%). Sustains

q) a Bronze Ring of the Dawn
Found lying on the ground in Nan Dungortheb Level 51.
Provides resistance to light(45%), darkness(30%). 
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. Grants the ability to see
invisible things. 
When activated, it banishes evil.
Takes 680 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 98.0%

r) Partial Plate Armour of Elvenkind (-3) [22,+14] <+3 to stealth>
Found lying on the ground in Nan Dungortheb Level 54.
3 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(43%), electricity(32%), fire(40%),
frost(31%), disenchantment(42%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

s) Leather Scale Mail of Elvenkind (-1) [11,+7] <+3 to stealth>
Found in a vault in Sirion Vale Level 40.
3 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(45%), electricity(49%), fire(37%),
frost(38%), chaos(42%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire,

t) an Elven Cloak of Protection [2,+12] <+2 to stealth>
Found in a vault in Sirion Vale Level 40.
2 stealth. 
Provides resistance to electricity(17%), darkness(15%). Cannot be

u) a Large Leather Shield of Night and Day [6,+9]
Dropped by an Algroth in Amon R�dh Level 28.

v) a Small Sword of Doriath (1d6) (+10,+10) [+1] <+3 to stealth>
Found lying on the ground in East Beleriand Level 14.
3 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(41%), electricity(39%), fire(40%),
frost(33%). Sustains intelligence. 
Powers:  Makes you fall lightly. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. 
Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. 3 blows av. dam. 9
against all monsters.  + 11 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 5.7 turns, magma veins in 16 turns, quartz veins in
53 turns, and doesn't affect granite.

w) a Battle Axe of Nogrod (3d8) (+8,+6) <+2, +1>
Found lying on the ground in Dorthonion Level 36.
2 strength. 
1 tunnelling, 2 speed. 

Powers:  Provides permanent light. 
2 blows av. dam. 25 against all monsters.  + 9 to skill. 
Radius 1 light.
Clears rubble in 2.7 turns, magma veins in 6.4 turns, quartz veins in
15 turns, and granite in 50 turns.

x) a Quarterstaff of the Noldor (1d11) (+10,+10) [8,+0] <+1>
Found in a vault in Sirion Vale Level 40.
1 strength, 1 dexterity, 1 constitution. 
It slays orcs, trolls and giants. 

Powers:  Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible
2 blows av. dam. 41 against orcs, 41 against trolls, 41 against
giants, 15 against other monsters.  + 12 to skill. 
Clears rubble in 4.0 turns, magma veins in 10 turns, quartz veins in
27 turns, and granite in 160 turns.

Otto the Dark-Elf Assassin

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
        11       Anfauglith  58     1    Gained the Unlight specialty.
     22890         Gondolin Town    4    Moved house to Gondolin.
     23787         Gondolin Town    4    Killed The Complainer
     26933          Brethil  22     5    Reached level 5
     36140      Sirion Vale  30    10    Reached level 10
     41600      Sirion Vale  28    15    Reached level 15
     42133      Sirion Vale  28    17    Killed Orcogar, Son of Orcobal
     46531   West Beleriand  14    17    Killed Brodda, the Easterling
     81591      Sirion Vale  30    20    Reached level 20
     99120       Amon R�dh  18    21     Killed Lug, the Hill Orc
    101315       Amon R�dh  20    22     Killed Othrod, Lord of the Orcs
    113097       Amon R�dh  19    22     Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
    129121       Amon R�dh  28    25     Reached level 25
    131008       Amon R�dh  28    25     Killed Orcobal the Mighty
    248530       Amon R�dh  28    30     Reached level 30
    301559       Amon R�dh  30    31     Killed M�m, Betrayer of Turin
    301564       Amon R�dh  30    31     Gained the Mana Burn specialty.
    304364   East Beleriand   8    31    Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
    304970   East Beleriand   8    31    Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
    314255   East Beleriand  12    31    Killed Mugh�sh the Kobold Lord
    314938   East Beleriand  12    31    Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
    340402       Dor D�nen  28    31     Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
    373360   Nan Dungortheb  49    31    Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
    392642   Nan Dungortheb  53    32    Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness
    397823   Nan Dungortheb  57    32    Killed The Queen Ant
    404037      Sirion Vale  40    32    Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
    413347   Nan Dungortheb  60    32    Still alive

  [Map and modes]

Extended wilderness
Disconnected stairs
No artifacts
No selling


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 1.9.2014 12:21

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11051. on the Ladder (of 19032)
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On 1.9.2014 12:21 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
I guess I should have quaffed a Healing potion instead. :)

An artifactless thrall winner in extended wilderness with disconnected stairs would have been nice. Maybe next time.

On 1.9.2014 12:28 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
Odd. I'm sure I dumped after dying, but this is clearly an older version of the dump file. In any case, Otto died with -4 HP after a poison breath by Ungoliant. Or, to be more exact, died from quaffing a potion of Cure Critical Wounds rather than a potion of Healing when lightly damaged.

I'm a little surprised there aren't more Dark-Elf Assassins in the ladder. The most recent previous one is from 2008. It's a nice combination. With this choice of birth options it would be hard to reach Gondolin with any other combination.

On 1.9.2014 22:50 Nick wrote:
If I'm playing a Dark-Elf, I tend to play Rogue

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