The Angband Ladder: Andre, Giant no-class by hjklyubn

                 [Sangband 1.0.2b4 Character Dump]

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You were rolled up 23643 times before being accepted.
  Andre, the Tussler     Age    :             29  Str:  18/***   18/***
                         Height :     9 ft, 2 in  Int:       5   18/120
                         Weight :         401 lb  Wis:       6   18/130
Gender : Male                                     Dex:       5   18/120
Race   : Giant                  Slayer of         CON!  18/***
                            Morgoth, Lord of      Chr:       4   18/110
Max Hitpoints      1126  Power                97  Gold            88166
Cur Hitpoints       843  Score              7480
Max Mana              0  Unspent Exp       80090
Cur Mana              0  Max Depth       Lev 100

Blows per Round       4  Turns           1475455  Shots per round     2
Hit Rate             72  Active Turns     161312  + to Skill         19
Average Damage       64  Resting Turns     29012  Deadliness (%)      149

                        (Character Abilities)
Melee     : Legendary  Saving Throw: Heroic     Magic Device: Very Good
Shooting  : Good       Stealth     : Awful      Dodging     : Very Bad
Throwing  : Poor       Perception  : Heroic     Fame        : Immortal

   Speed       : +36
   Armor      : 118
   Kills       : 6188
   Time Elapsed: 14 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes   (1475455 turns)

  [Character Attributes]

      abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust Currnt
Stlth:.....5.3.....        Str: 18/100 ...23....3..9 18/*** 18/***
Invis:.............        Int: 18/100 .....2....... 18/120      5
Aware:.....2.......        Wis: 18/100 .....2...3..2 18/130      6
Disar:.............        Dex: 18/100 ..........2.. 18/120      5
Devic:.............        CON! 18/100 ...23....3..4 18/***
Speed:.2**.......8.        Chr: 18/100 ...2........1 18/110      4

      abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
Infra:....3.......4                     NFuel:.....+.......
Tunnl:............8                     Steal:.............
Save :.............                     NoMag:.............
Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
Light:.....2...1...                     Aggra:.............


      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
Acid :........+...+ Light:........+++.. Food :...+.........
Elec :........+...+ Dark :........+.... Feath:.............
Fire :...*....+++.+ Sound:............+ Shine:....+........
Cold :........++..+ Shard:............. Regen:...++....+...
Pois :......+.....+ Nexus:.......+..... ESP  :.....+.......
Fear :............. Nethr:......+...... SeeIn:....++...+...
Blind:.+...+...+... Chaos:......+...... FrAct:...++.....+.+
Confu:.+........... Disen:............. HLife:.............

  [Last Messages]

You miss the Emperor wight.
You hit the Emperor wight. <3x>
The Emperor wight hits you.
You are unaffected!
The Emperor wight misses you. <3x>
You get in a shield bash!
You have destroyed the Emperor wight.
You feel something roll beneath your feet.
You quaff an Amber Potion of Restore Experience.
You feel your skills return to normal.
You have 17 Amber Potions of Restore Experience (g).
You have won the game!  You need learn nothing more!
Note: fine
Replace existing file /tmp/A.txt?  y


Wrestling         : 100%
Magical Device    :  84%
Perception        : 100%
Disarming         : 100%
Spell Resistance  : 100%
Armor Forging     : 100%
Magical Infusion  :  88%

You have taken the Oath of Iron.


                You have slain Morgoth, Lord of Darkness!             
   Defeated 3 Novice rangers on level 3
   Defeated 5 Water spirits on level 10
   Defeated 7 Umber hulks on level 20
   Defeated 10 Minotaurs on level 31
   Defeated 8 Law drakes on level 41
   Defeated 17 Astral devas on level 45
   Defeated 17 Mana vortices on level 50
   Defeated 12 Hand drujs on level 55
   Defeated 20 Dracoliches on level 58
   Defeated 12 Great cacophony wyrms on level 61
   Defeated 8 Great wyrms of Many Colours on level 66
   Defeated 13 Great wyrms of Chaos on level 71
   Defeated 11 Grand master mystics on level 74
   Defeated 14 Greater titans on level 78
   Defeated Sauron, the Sorcerer on level 99
   Defeated Morgoth, Lord of Darkness on level 100

  [Character Equipment]

The Sling of Buckland (x4) (+19,+15) (+2)
     +2 Speed, Shots, Might.
     Resist Blindness, Confusion.
A Jade Ring of Speed (+11)
     +11 Speed.
The Ring of Power 'Narya' (+2, +10) (charging)
     Activates for large fire ball (225) every 125-150 turns.  [32% fail]
     +10 Speed; +2 STR, CON, CHR.  Sustain CON.
     Immunity to Fire.
     Slow Digestion; Regeneration; Free Action.
The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3)
     +3 STR, CON, Infravision.
     Permanent Light; Regeneration; See Invisible; Free Action.
The Palantir of Westernesse (lit) [2] (+2, -5) (charging) {!!}
     Activates for full clairvoyance - at grave risk - every 175-350 turns. 
[32% fail]
     +2 INT, WIS, Awareness; -5 Stealth.  Resist Blindness.
     ESP; See Invisible; Drains Exp.
     Does 10d10 thrown damage;  Permanent Light (radius 2)
The Hard Leather Armor of Himring (-1) [6,+15] (charging) {Scatha}
     Activates for protection from evil (duration 35-55) every 200-400 turns. 
[0% fail]
     Resist Poison, Nether, Chaos.
The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth) (charging)
     Activates for teleport (100) every 45 turns.  [0% fail]
     +3 Stealth.  Resist Nexus.
The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+19] {Draebor}
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Light, Dark.
The Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+18] (+3) (charging)
     Activates for heal (500) every 500 turns.  [16% fail]
     +3 STR, WIS, CON.  Resist Fire, Cold, Light, Blindness.
     Regeneration; See Invisible.
     Permanent Light (radius 1)
A Set of Cesti (runegold) (+10,+10) [4,+17] (+2)
     Activates for an especially deadly shot every 20-40 turns.  [10% fail]
     +2 DEX.  Resist Fire, Light.  Free Action.
A Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+8] (+8) {The Tarrasque}
A Pouch (holding 336 essences of 19 types)

  [Character Inventory]

60 Myrtle Green Potions of Speed
26 Metallic Red Potions of Resistance
90 Sickly Green Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
67 Blue Potions of Healing
12 Light Blue Potions of *Healing* {Lokkak}
a Tawny Potion of Life
17 Amber Potions of Restore Experience
13 Sea-blue Potions of Restore Strength
87 Scrolls titled "runtpad" of Phase Door
46 Scrolls titled "slatsluss" of Teleportation
43 Scrolls titled "munbit" of Holy Chant
10 Scrolls titled "wergbit" of *Destruction* {!*}
10 Scrolls titled "mur-p" of Genocide {!*}
11 Scrolls titled "ashrunt ashwarth" of Mass Genocide {!*}
52 Scrolls titled "munlud got gulhoot" of Forests
3 Gleaming Rods of Trap Location (1 charging)
5 Galvorn Rods of Door/Stair Location (4 charging)
3 Glittering Rods of Perception (1 charging)
5 Aluminum Rods of Recall (1 charging) {!*}
7 Tungsten Rods of Summon Hither (3 charging)
a Blanket of Elemental Protection

  [Home Inventory]

6 Sprigs of Athelas
19 Scrolls titled "brofud dad daldal" of Teleport Level {!*}
13 Scrolls titled "ko mor-ar slussrunt" of Recharging
8 Shimmering Rods of Acid Bolts
10 Platinum Rods of Acid Balls
7 Electrum Wands of Teleport Away (12 charges) {Nar}
a Linden Staff of Speed (10 charges)
     Unusually durable
the Ring of Tulkas (+4, +6)
     Activates for haste self (duration 1-20 extra turns) every 150-300 turns. 
[20% fail]
     +6 Speed; +4 STR, DEX, CON.
the Amulet of Carlammas (+2) (charging)
     Activates for banishment and protection from evil (duration 50-100) every
225-450 turns.  [10% fail]
     +2 CON.  Resist Fire.
the Phial of Galadriel (lit) [3]
     Activates for illumination, burst of light (4d24 damage),
     and some curing every 10-20 turns.  [7% fail]
     Permanent Light (radius 3)
Chaos Dragon Scale Mail of Resistance (-2) [30,+29]
     Activates for breathe chaos or disenchant (damage 244) every 120-160 turns.
 [2% fail]
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Chaos, Disenchantment.
the Brigandine Armor of the Rohirrim (-2) [18,+15] (+2)
     +2 STR, DEX.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Sound, Confusion.
the Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
     +2 STR, CHR.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Shards, Nexus.
the Full Plate Armor of Isildur (-3) [25,+25] (+2)
     +2 CON.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Sound, Nexus, Confusion.
a Robe of Permanence [2,+20]
     Sustain all stats.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Disenchantment.
     See Invisible; Hold Life.
the Knight's Shield of Earendil [10,+15]
     Activates for curing every 100 turns.  [27% fail]
     Resist Lightning, Fire, Dark, Nether, Blindness.
     Permanent Light.
the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {Tevildo}
     +2 INT, WIS.  Resist Blindness.  ESP.
the Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3) {Lugdush}
     +3 STR, DEX, CON.  Resist Acid, Nexus.
a Set of Mail Gauntlets (iron) [2,+8] (+1)
     +1 STR, CON.  Sustain STR.  Resist Dark, Fear.
     Free Action.
a Set of Steel Gauntlets (mithril) [3,+12] (+2)
     +2 CON.  Sustain CHR.
     Resist Acid, Shards, Nexus, Disenchantment.
     Permanent Light; See Invisible.
the Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Nevrast [3,+12] (+3)
     +3 CON, Stealth, Speed.
the Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+12,+16) (+1) (charging) {!!}
     Activates for haste self (duration 1-5 extra turns) every 100-200 turns. 
[20% fail]
     +1 Shots.  Brand Fire.  Resist Fire.
a chunk of Runegold
     Does 3d16 thrown damage

         0      0'    1   Takes his last practice swing.
     33265    100'    4   Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
     35616    100'    5   Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog.
     40373    150'    6   Note: mhm
     89745    250'   10   Reached power 10
     90566    250'   10   Note: fun
    100697      0'   11   Note: <3
    105089      0'   11   Note: oh right
    106585      0'   11   Killed Bill Ferny.
    110242     50'   11   Note: what
    112493     50'   11   Note: huh
    159830    150'   13   Note: what
    182583    450'   15   Killed Feldisham, the Guard.
    201503    450'   20   Reached power 20
    205581    450'   20   Note: what is going on
    210471    500'   21   Note: hm
    210992    500'   21   Note: good start
    219574      0'   21   Note: oh that makes sense
    222144    500'   23   Note: ugh
    238948    550'   24   Killed Brodda, the Easterling.
    251012    600'   24   Note: good
    293687    750'   30   Reached power 30
    297063    750'   31   Killed Grishn�kh, the Hill Orc.
    306766    750'   32   Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit.
    310041    750'   33   Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor.
    327592    850'   34   Note: ah
    358114    900'   36   Killed Lagduf, the Snaga.
    359216    900'   38   Note: huh
    368167      0'   38   Note: ah
    370554    900'   38   Note: o_o
    381328    900'   40   Reached power 40
    386325    900'   40   Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain.
    395088    900'   40   Note: RESISTED
    404765   1000'   41   Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks.
    405616   1000'   41   Note: oops
    408057   1000'   41   Note: aaaa
    418365   1000'   43   Note: wow
    419969      0'   43   Note: just what i wanted
    420379      0'   43   Note: ok that was useless
    438112   1150'   43   Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
    457164   1150'   44   Killed Mugh�sh the Kobold Lord.
    463282   1150'   44   Found the Metal Cap of Thengel (LOST)
    471498   1150'   44   Note: oops
    493210   1200'   45   Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain.
    497880      0'   46   Note: eh
    508505   1300'   47   Note: woos
    508505   1300'   47   Note: woops
    512041   1300'   47   Note: omg
    517531   1450'   48   Note: mhm
    519130   1450'   48   Note: oh that's acid
    520979      0'   48   Note: sigh
    521684      0'   48   Note: please have something good some day
    522165   1450'   48   Note: cool
    524696   1450'   48   Note: rip
    528534   1450'   48   Note: this sounds stupid
    528584   1450'   48   Note: Yep
    530343      0'   49   Note: rip
    530543      0'   49   Note: get away you freaks
    532677   1450'   49   Note: really
    535470   1450'   49   Note: rip everything
    536673   1450'   49   Note: wwoowo
    536773   1450'   49   Note: does this do anything
    537073   1450'   49   Note: no 
    537893   1450'   50   Reached power 50
    539114   1450'   50   Note: rip
    543316   1450'   50   Note: wait what was the other potion
    543316   1450'   50   Note: m
    545412   1450'   51   Killed Ugl�k, the Uruk.
    549168      0'   51   Note: hm
    550459      0'   51   Note: oh
    550474      0'   51   Note: i knew that
    550874      0'   51   Note: rip
    552180   1450'   51   Note: take that
    552520   1450'   51   Note: i didn't mean literally
    552881   1450'   51   Note: ooh
    556095   1450'   51   Destroyed Andre, the Mummy.
    562151   1450'   52   Note: good
    574068   1450'   52   Note: good summon
    575425   1450'   52   Killed Kh�m, Son of M�m.
    575651   1450'   52   Note: help
    595706   1450'   52   Note: huh
    602273   1450'   53   Note: well that was disappointing
    605989   1450'   53   Note: whoa dude
    612721   1450'   53   Note: ugh
    615417   1450'   53   Note: looks annoying
    615557   1450'   53   Destroyed Andre, the Wight.
    619782   1450'   54   Note: ...
    625061   1450'   54   Killed Bolg, Son of Azog.
    625222   1450'   54   Note: lol
    625456   1450'   54   Note: neat
    629686      0'   54   Note: p. good
    647620   1500'   54   Note: helpful.
    655896   1500'   55   Killed Ibun, Son of M�m.
    657339   1500'   55   Note: cute
    659404   1500'   55   Note: good vault
    666226   1500'   55   Killed Sm�agol.
    670024   1500'   55   Note: no
    678203      0'   56   Note: are you even trying
    683384   1500'   55   Note: ok i see the pattern here
    688327   1550'   56   Note: nice
    693215   1550'   56   Note: why are you on every level
    700536   1550'   55   Note: not falling for this again
    701619   1550'   54   Note: oh there it is
    702152   1550'   54   Note: ok
    702472   1550'   54   Killed Angamaite of Umbar.
    708224   1550'   54   Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-hai.
    711240   1550'   54   Note: that's new
    733189   1600'   57   Found the Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Nevrast
    733198   1600'   57   Note: wow
    736826   1600'   57   Note: cool
    740243   1600'   57   Killed Lugdush, the Uruk.
    740256   1600'   57   Found the Steel Helm of Hammerhand
    742064   1700'   57   Killed Sangahyando of Umbar.
    749565   1700'   58   Note: oh hi
    749565   1700'   58   Note: fine
    749583   1700'   58   Killed The Queen Ant.
    749587   1700'   58   Note: apparently i didn't need to haste
    759659      0'   58   Note: oh
    760308   1700'   58   Note: oops
    760331   1700'   58   Note: right...
    772632   1800'   58   Killed N�r, the Dwarf.
    772671   1800'   58   Note: nice
    804900   1800'   59   Note: AHA
    805011   1800'   59   Note: good chest
    819991   1800'   59   Note: AHA
    825744   1800'   59   Found the Pike of the Eorlingas (LOST)
    826137   1800'   59   Note: im a deep dwarf
    830453      0'   59   Note: boo
    830918   1800'   59   Note: m
    830995   1800'   59   Note: oops
    832711   1850'   59   Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.
    833340   1850'   59   Note: aw
    835827   1900'   59   Found the Set of Mail Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' (LOST)
    838392   1950'   59   Reached power 60
    839447   1950'   59   Note: rip something
    842216   1950'   59   Note: oh this might be annoying
    842431   1950'   59   Destroyed Draebor, the Imp.
    842506   1950'   60   Found the Large Leather Shield of Celegorm
    842741   1950'   60   Note: i guess
    845097      0'   60   Note: i wonder what that means
    845643      0'   60   Note: you're too late
    845643      0'   60   Note: sorry
    850260   2050'   60   Note: this might be unpleasant
    853803   2050'   60   Note: uh
    854314   2050'   60   Note: oh
    854314   2050'   60   Note: ok
    854776      0'   60   Note: oh
    854776      0'   60   Note: that's pretty good
    856730      0'   61   Note: ouch
    856907      0'   61   Note: rip
    856915      0'   61   Note: pretty good
    872004   2200'   60   Killed Bill the Stone Troll.
    874477   2200'   60   Note: oh no!
    883773   2250'   62   Note: ok
    885113   2250'   61   Note: just what i needed
    885396   2250'   61   Note: oh my
    885745   2250'   61   Note: rpi
    887923   2250'   61   Found the Broad Axe of Th�oden (LOST)
    893092   2250'   60   Note: ow
    895820   2250'   60   Killed Tom the Stone Troll.
    897685   2250'   60   Note: uh that's not great really
    900536   2250'   60   Note: no
    900697      0'   60   Note: ha
    900697      0'   60   Note: well
    905158      0'   66   Note: that is a lot of dex
    906553   2250'   66   Note: probably that
    907548   2400'   66   Note: remarkable
    914924   2400'   66   Killed Rogrog the Black Troll.
    918191   2500'   66   Note: nice
    918560   2500'   67   Note: this again
    926567   2500'   69   Note: more
    926905   2500'   69   Note: whopps
    926964   2500'   68   Note: well maybe that wasn't such a bad choice
    930004   2500'   69   Note: huh
    936721   2500'   70   Reached power 70
    938139   2550'   70   Found the Chain Mail of Arvedui
    939225   2550'   70   Note: bleh
    940863   2550'   70   Destroyed Vargo, Tyrant of Fire.
    941560   2550'   70   Note: nice lowercase
    941981   2550'   70   Note: my invisibility
    947079   2550'   70   Note: what
    947494   2550'   70   Note: good thing i trained that
    967731   2700'   71   Note: how can i tell
    968987   2700'   71   Note: good
    970521   2700'   71   Note: mhm
    970690   2700'   71   Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir.
    970854   2700'   71   Found the Brigandine Armor of the Rohirrim
    975972      0'   72   Note: eh
    976387      0'   72   Note: rip
    977465   2700'   72   Note: let's do this
    977780   2750'   72   Note: mmm
    977980   2750'   72   Note: maybe i won't start there
    983514   2750'   72   Note: oh hi
    983529   2750'   72   Killed Shelob, Spider of Darkness.
    983922   2750'   72   Note: stop that
    986886   2750'   72   Note: can you even resist this
    997720   2750'   72   Note: ruined
   1008709   2750'   73   Note: AAAA
   1028845   2750'   74   Note: ok
   1031227   2750'   73   Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings.
   1031871   2750'   73   Found the Cloak 'Colannon'
   1032450   2750'   73   Note: fancy
   1034079   2750'   73   Note: of death!
   1034079   2750'   73   Note: well
   1036501   2750'   74   Note: cool
   1036873   2750'   74   Note: now is a bad time imo
   1037634   2750'   74   Note: now is a good time imo
   1039034   2750'   74   Note: good
   1041232   2750'   75   Note: fr staves stack
   1044249      0'   75   Note: oops
   1044366      0'   75   Note: :(
   1044967   2750'   75   Note: dami
   1047880      0'   75   Note: oh sure
   1047880      0'   75   Note: staves stack for you
   1062320   2750'   73   Destroyed Quaker, Master of Earth.
   1064212   2750'   73   Note: you sound bad
   1064539   2750'   75   Note: good
   1064726   2750'   75   Note: happy
   1065433   2750'   75   Note: hi
   1065558   2750'   75   Note: gonna guess a red dragon
   1065574   2750'   75   Note: oh
   1069512   2750'   75   Note: oh right
   1070868      0'   75   Note: nice 0
   1071744   2750'   75   Note: good idea
   1076921   2750'   75   Note: ugh
   1076958   2750'   75   Note: this is not a good time
   1083938   2750'   75   Found the Full Plate Armor of Isildur
   1084636   2750'   75   Note: hm
   1084636   2750'   75   Note: pretty similar
   1085200   2750'   75   Note: heh
   1085965      0'   75   Note: armors
   1087749   2800'   76   Note: ok
   1091752   2800'   76   Note: gogo nether resistance
   1099392   2800'   76   Note: good 1 essence
   1103034   2800'   75   Note: cool
   1105732   2800'   75   Note: hi
   1105886   2800'   75   Note: yay
   1106463   2800'   75   Note: hi
   1106542   2800'   75   Killed Scatha the Worm.
   1106548   2800'   75   Found the Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' (LOST)
   1106552   2800'   75   Found the Hard Leather Armor of Himring
   1106597   2800'   75   Note: oops
   1106645   2800'   75   Note: good potion not to quaff imo
   1107113   2800'   75   Note: hi
   1108253   2800'   75   Note: where did it go
   1109318   2800'   75   Note: good thing i checked that out
   1109887      0'   75   Note: oh yeah
   1109956      0'   75   Note: meh
   1115146   2850'   76   Note: what
   1115181   2850'   76   Note: weird
   1115335   2850'   77   Note: well
   1116276   2900'   73   Note: im going to be so rich
   1120133   2900'   73   Note: lightning huh
   1120137   2900'   73   Note: hm
   1122286   2900'   70   Note: iugh
   1123235   2900'   70   Note: good
   1123416   2900'   67   Note: blah
   1129970   2900'   57   Note: oh dear
   1130500      0'   57   Note: what
   1131910   2900'   77   Destroyed Andre, the Phantom.
   1131941   2900'   77   Note: well
   1131941   2900'   77   Note: at least they're out there
   1132065   2900'   75   Note: ok
   1133269   2900'   74   Note: oops
   1134225   2900'   79   Note: aaa
   1134497   2900'   78   Note: hi
   1139643   2900'   70   Note: i have a lot of problems
   1139656   2900'   70   Note: oh
   1141124      0'   69   Note: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
   1141255      0'   69   Note: ok good
   1142521      0'   69   Note: since that went so well
   1143690      0'   69   Note: not like that
   1148914   2900'   69   Note: oh crap
   1154569   2900'   80   Reached power 80
   1166057   2900'   80   Note: ok
   1167401   2900'   80   Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain.
   1169213   3000'   80   Note: oh 61
   1172271   3050'   80   Note: why
   1173263   3050'   80   Found the Phial of Galadriel
   1174526   3050'   80   Found the Jade Amulet of Ingw� (LOST)
   1176087   3050'   80   Found the Javelin of Anipheler (LOST)
   1176620   3050'   80   Note: who needs see inv
   1179683   3050'   81   Note: somehow this looks bad
   1179690   3050'   81   Note: mm
   1180876   3050'   81   Note: ok
   1181617   3050'   81   Note: that was not very good play
   1181879   3050'   81   Note: hi...
   1185819   3050'   81   Found the Executioner's Sword 'Crisd�rian' (LOST)
   1187123   3050'   82   Found the Pair of Dwarven Boots of Thr�r (LOST)
   1189445   3050'   82   Note: sounds cool
   1191180      0'   82   Note: rip
   1191180      0'   82   Note: wel
   1191697      0'   82   Note: thatw as easy
   1192574      0'   82   Note: woot
   1195377   3150'   82   Note: heh
   1195615   3150'   82   Note: hi
   1197540   3150'   82   Note: ugh
   1198168   3150'   82   Note: well
   1200111   3150'   82   Note: almost forgot the most important part
   1202961      0'   82   Note: a little late on stat potions
   1202977      0'   82   Note: ty
   1205063   3250'   82   Note: oh
   1205337   3250'   82   Note: good
   1205360   3250'   82   Note: what
   1205994   3250'   82   Note: i don't know why i fought you
   1207124   3300'   81   Note: rip
   1207133   3300'   81   Note: that's not good
   1207210   3300'   81   Found the Lead-Filled Mace 'Turmil' (LOST)
   1207913   3300'   81   Note: mm
   1207931   3300'   81   Note: good level feeling
   1208015   3300'   81   Note: oh come on
   1208179   3300'   81   Note: good timing
   1208186   3300'   81   Found the Knight's Shield of Earendil
   1208310   3300'   81   Note: wow shiny
   1208803   3300'   81   Note: oh yeah that is good
   1212608   3300'   81   Note: oops
   1214113   3300'   81   Note: what
   1214159   3300'   81   Note: do i get credit if you summon one
   1217807   3300'   81   Found the Bastard Sword 'Calris' (LOST)
   1217807   3300'   81   Note: goodacq
   1218451   3300'   81   Note: orb of fire
   1219709   3300'   81   Note: one of these days
   1221034   3300'   81   Note: hm
   1222445   3300'   81   Found the Spear of Orom� (LOST)
   1223424      0'   82   Note: i see a pattern here
   1223609      0'   82   Note: where is my rod of detection
   1223778      0'   83   Note: where's my mana
   1223801      0'   83   Note: hm
   1223801      0'   83   Note: rfear is good
   1224943      0'   83   Note: rip
   1224970      0'   83   Note: ok
   1224986      0'   83   Note: rfear isn't that good
   1225517      0'   83   Note: i don't know if that is better
   1231909   3550'   83   Note: should be ez
   1233166   3550'   83   Note: neato
   1235306   3550'   83   Note: ugh
   1235785   3550'   83   Note: lol
   1235893   3550'   83   Found the Necklace of the Dwarves
   1237523   3550'   83   Note: ugh
   1237655   3550'   83   Note: yay
   1240517   3550'   83   Note: oh come on
   1242018      0'   83   Note: really
   1244553   3550'   83   Note: oh
   1244557   3550'   83   Note: take that
   1247975   3550'   83   Note: uh 
   1248157   3550'   83   Found the Star of Elendil (LOST)
   1252387      0'   83   Note: i can't help but note none of these are rods of
   1256194   3550'   84   Destroyed Waldern, King of Water.
   1257882   3550'   84   Note: oops
   1259643   3550'   84   Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed.
   1263665   3550'   83   Killed Itangast the Fire Drake.
   1263715   3550'   83   Found the Set of Steel Gauntlets 'Camlost' (LOST)
   1273441   3550'   85   Note: oh no
   1277842   3550'   85   Found the Broad Sword 'Aeglin' (LOST)
   1280935      0'   85   Note: doh
   1281584      0'   85   Note: hm
   1284832   3550'   85   Note: what is this
   1286065   3550'   84   Destroyed Adunaphel the Quiet.
   1286108   3550'   84   Found the Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (LOST)
   1286245   3550'   84   Destroyed Ariel, Queen of Air.
   1292159   3600'   85   Note: well
   1292159   3600'   85   Note: aaa
   1294516   3600'   85   Note: sigh
   1294594   3600'   85   Note: oh
   1294594   3600'   85   Note: whoops
   1295535   3600'   85   Destroyed Ji Indur Dawndeath.
   1301050   3600'   86   Note: what
   1301121   3600'   85   Destroyed Thuringwethil.
   1310805   3600'   85   Destroyed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw.
   1318016   3600'   85   Destroyed Akhorahil the Blind.
   1318032   3600'   85   Found the Scythe 'Avavir' (LOST)
   1319118      0'   84   Note: FUCK
   1321150   3700'   86   Note: really
   1324166   3700'   86   Note: awesome
   1328035   3700'   86   Note: come on
   1333749   3700'   86   Note: should have brought these!
   1338391   3700'   86   Note: ugh
   1340013   3700'   86   Note: ok
   1342413   3700'   85   Destroyed Ren the Unclean.
   1342867   3700'   85   Note: welp
   1343732   3700'   85   Note: let's not go in there
   1349286   3700'   85   Note: aha!
   1349507   3700'   85   Note: hm
   1350101   3700'   85   Note: worst quest ever
   1351162      0'   86   Note: why do i even bother
   1351655      0'   86   Note: oh i forgot about that teleport
   1354107   3700'   88   Note: aaa
   1354725   3700'   88   Destroyed Muar, the Balrog.
   1357911   3700'   88   Note: uh hi
   1358154   3700'   88   Note: yeah yeah i know
   1358452   3700'   88   Note: ugh
   1358465   3700'   88   Note: double ugh
   1358600   3700'   88   Killed Saruman of Many Colours.
   1359895   3700'   88   Note: what is that
   1362774   3700'   88   Note: a fair trade
   1362909   3700'   88   Note: Seriously what is that
   1367312   3800'   88   Note: hi
   1370235   3800'   87   Note: uh
   1370235   3800'   87   Note: why
   1370618   3800'   87   Note: this reminds me of a grunt vault somehow
   1371291   3800'   87   Note: uh oh
   1371314   3800'   87   Note: ty for not breathing
   1372002   3800'   87   Note: what a good vault
   1373155      0'   89   Note: meh
   1373213      0'   89   Note: well
   1373220      0'   89   Note: quite useless, but
   1373955   3800'   89   Note: oh you
   1374140   3800'   87   Destroyed Hoarmurath of Dir.
   1377494   3800'   87   Note: good
   1379973   3800'   89   Killed The Phoenix.
   1382117   3800'   87   Note: can't i dig the door
   1384167   3800'   86   Note: that works too
   1386856   3800'   86   Note: cool
   1388268   3800'   89   Killed Fundin Bluecloak.
   1389514   3800'   89   Note: octagon_city
   1395060   3800'   89   Destroyed Tevildo, Prince of Cats.
   1395097   3800'   89   Found the Ring of Barahir (LOST)
   1395128   3800'   89   Note: a what
   1395132   3800'   89   Found the Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil
   1395177   3800'   89   Note: a what of what
   1395967      0'   90   Reached power 90
   1396534      0'   90   Note: ugh
   1397995      0'   90   Note: are you sure you don't want to sell any healing
   1398978   3750'   90   Note: where are your pals
   1398978   3750'   90   Note: (don't summon pals)
   1399013   3750'   89   Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves.
   1400118   3750'   89   Note: ugh
   1402978   3750'   89   Note: ugh
   1403180   3750'   89   Note: what.
   1403201   3750'   89   Killed Gyrus, Necromancer-King.
   1403210   3750'   89   Found the Heavy Crossbow of Harad (LOST)
   1403224   3750'   89   Found the Jewel Encrusted Crown of N�menor (LOST)
   1403228   3750'   89   Found the Light Crossbow 'C�bragol'
   1404386      0'   89   Note: ty
   1407568   3800'   90   Note: HI
   1408625   3800'   90   Note: do these things work
   1408955   3800'   90   Killed Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst.
   1410189   3800'   88   Note: ok
   1410753   3800'   88   Note: oh yeah i guess i teled everything
   1411159   3800'   90   Found the Cloak of Ancar (LOST)
   1411220   3800'   90   Note: hey buddy i'm over here
   1411269   3800'   90   Found the Ring of Power 'Narya'
   1411579   3800'   90   Note: oh awesome
   1411966   3800'   90   Note: well that should help a lot
   1412913      0'   91   Note: rip
   1414144   3800'   91   Killed Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin.
   1414458   3900'   91   Note: slowpoke
   1414653   3900'   91   Note: good
   1416500   3900'   89   Note: ugh
   1417061   3900'   89   Note: neato
   1418954   3900'   92   Found the Ring of Tulkas
   1419600   3900'   92   Found the Palant�r of Westernesse
   1421715      0'   92   Note: fine
   1421724      0'   92   Note: ugh
   1421724      0'   92   Note: oh just str
   1421883      0'   92   Note: Alas.
   1422142   3900'   92   Note: cool
   1422582   3900'   92   Destroyed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire.
   1424747   3900'   93   Killed Ulfang the Black.
   1424856   3900'   93   Killed Bert the Stone Troll.
   1425613   3900'   92   Killed Azriel, Angel of Death.
   1426788   4000'   92   Note: fine
   1427417   4000'   91   Note: sigh
   1427505   4000'   91   Note: hm
   1427695   4000'   90   Note: oops
   1429034   4000'   93   Note: probably healing
   1429128   4000'   93   Note: good
   1429138   4000'   93   Found the Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (LOST)
   1429556   4000'   93   Note: oops
   1429556   4000'   93   Note: well i was right at least
   1431916   4000'   93   Note: good teleport
   1432074   4050'   93   Note: what
   1432870   4150'   93   Note: hi
   1433364   4150'   93   Destroyed Feagwath the Undead Sorceror.
   1433908   4200'   93   Note: huh
   1433972   4200'   93   Note: good
   1434132   4200'   93   Note: ok
   1435240   4200'   93   Note: right
   1435313   4200'   93   Note: i meant the other guy
   1436001   4200'   93   Note: good
   1436665   4200'   93   Note: oh
   1436665   4200'   93   Note: that was a good haste then
   1436729   4200'   93   Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight.
   1437632   4300'   92   Note: cool
   1442362   4300'   92   Note: good trap on stairs in vault
   1442365   4300'   92   Note: basil would be proud
   1442432   4300'   92   Note: sounds gross
   1442479   4300'   91   Note: mystic of the dawn
   1442505   4300'   91   Note: at least i'm getting xp for this
   1442505   4300'   91   Note: though not very much
   1442518   4300'   91   Note: rip
   1442755   4300'   91   Killed Castamir the Usurper.
   1443018   4300'   91   Found the Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' (LOST)
   1443280   4300'   90   Note: hm
   1443287   4300'   90   Note: didn't i just use that anyways
   1443292   4300'   90   Note: oh what
   1443382   4300'   94   Destroyed Vecna, the Emperor Lich.
   1443426   4300'   95   Found the Blade of Chaos 'Doomcaller' (LOST)
   1443432   4300'   95   Found the Seeker Bolt 'Lonwe' (LOST)
   1445692   4450'   95   Note: yeah yeah
   1446355   4450'   95   Note: these are the worst thing
   1448423   4450'   94   Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord.
   1448629   4450'   94   Note: aha
   1448699   4450'   94   Note: ok
   1448729   4450'   94   Note: oh there it goes
   1448729   4450'   94   Note: good narya
   1448789   4450'   94   Note: oh hi
   1448797   4450'   94   Note: plz don't genocide me
   1448845   4450'   95   Note: ohhhhhh
   1449014   4450'   95   Found the Cochineal Amulet of Carlammas
   1449116   4450'   95   Note: i bet that sling is good
   1449121   4450'   95   Found the Sling of Buckland
   1449121   4450'   95   Note: hmm
   1449168   4450'   95   Found the Sling of Finum (LOST)
   1449720   4450'   95   Found the Golden Crown of Gondor
   1450262   4450'   95   Note: o hi
   1450280   4450'   95   Note: gross
   1450306   4450'   95   Destroyed Tselakus, the Dreadlord.
   1451158   4450'   94   Note: wtf
   1451563   4450'   94   Destroyed Uvatha the Horseman.
   1451580   4450'   94   Found the Pair of Dwarven Boots of Azaghal (LOST)
   1451730   4450'   94   Note: oh
   1452017   4450'   92   Note: oh my
   1452381   4450'   92   Note: welp
   1454123   4450'   90   Note: i probably don't want to go over there
   1454961      0'   95   Note: i guess i have a lot of haste
   1455214      0'   95   Note: well
   1455214      0'   95   Note: pretty close
   1455242      0'   95   Note: hm
   1455491   4450'   95   Note: hi
   1455551   4450'   95   Note: ow
   1455561   4450'   95   Note: maybe i should carry resistance
   1455573   4450'   95   Note: lol
   1455614   4450'   95   Killed The Tarrasque.
   1455626   4450'   95   Note: worth it imo
   1457238   4450'   95   Note: i just want to fight smaug
   1457987   4450'   96   Note: whoops
   1457998   4450'   96   Note: uh oh
   1458029   4450'   96   Killed Gabriel, the Messenger.
   1458081   4450'   96   Note: this is dumb
   1460444   4500'   96   Note: ok
   1460575   4500'   96   Killed Smaug the Golden.
   1460937   4650'   95   Note: this just seems terrible
   1463770   4850'   96   Note: hi
   1464735   4850'   96   Note: ok
   1464742   4850'   96   Killed The Mouth of Sauron.
   1464744   4850'   96   Note: oh
   1465660   4850'   96   Note: debo says hi
   1469816   4950'   97   Note: oh right
   1469849   4950'   97   Note: that's annoying
   1470831   4950'   97   Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer.
   1470832   4950'   97   Note: oops
   1470832   4950'   97   Note: i'm sure that was very cool
   1470835   4950'   97   Found the Pair of Leather Sandals of Tasarinan (LOST)
   1470842   4950'   97   Found the Seeker Arrow of Fire and Ice (LOST)
   1470992   4950'   97   Note: oops i forgot to use my resistance
   1472525      0'   97   Note: nice
   1473423   5000'   97   Note: ugh
   1473560   5000'   97   Note: uh
   1473995   5000'   97   Note: ugh
   1474723   5000'   97   Note: hm
   1475033   5000'   97   Note: good
   1475168   5000'   97   Note: hm
   1475414   5000'   97   Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
   1475434   5000'   96   Destroyed Kham�l, the Black Easterling.
   1475455   5000'   97   Note: fine

Posted on 7.8.2014 17:45
Last updated on 22.8.2014 04:56

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2. on the Competition No.161 Ladder (of 8)


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On 8.8.2014 03:53 hjklyubn wrote:
Loving this ESP/aggravation body armor.

On 8.8.2014 06:24 mewmew wrote:
what, level 74?!

On 14.8.2014 07:01 hjklyubn wrote:
Grand master mystic was not very much fun. Some more speed would be nice.

On 14.8.2014 07:02 hjklyubn wrote:
Grand master mystic quest, that is...

On 15.8.2014 00:25 hjklyubn wrote:
Was having a bit of a rough time until I found Narya and a ring of speed (+11) in the same vault.

On 22.8.2014 14:28 debo wrote:
What did I say hi to??

On 22.8.2014 15:52 hjklyubn wrote:
Oh, I think it was a lesser titan possibly? Either that or something else entirely.

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