The Angband Ladder: Ringle 39, Ring Monster by HugoTheGreat2011

  [PosChengband 3.1.4 Character Dump]

 Name       : Ringle 39                    ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :         7
 Personality: Lucky                              INT  :    18/121
 Race       : Ring                               WIS  :        11
 Controlling: Death knight                       DEX  :        12
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :        10
                                                 CHR  :     18/20

 Level      :       27                           HP   :   246/246
 Cur Exp    :    46348                           SP   :   181/181
 Max Exp    :    46348                           AC   :        80
 Adv Exp    :    52500                           Speed:       +10

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    28782                     Melee      : Very Good
 Kills      :      206                     Ranged     : Good
 Uniques    :       30                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :        3                     Stealth    : Superb
                                           Perception : Good
 Game Day   :        6                     Searching  : Good
 Game Time  :    11:56                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    02:32                     Device     : Heroic

============================= Character Equipment =============================

a) a Ring

              =                                         =
              a@                                        a@
 Acid       : .+  50%                      Speed      : .+
 Elec       : .+  65%                      Free Act   : .+
 Fire       : .+  50%                      See Invis  : .+
 Cold       : .+  65%                      Warning    : ..
 Poison     : .+  50%                      SlowDigest : ..
 Light      : ..   0%                      Regenerate : ..
 Dark       : ..   0%                      Levitation : ..
 Confusion  : ..   0%                      Perm Lite  : .+
 Nether     : ..   0%                      Reflection : ..
 Nexus      : ..   0%                      Hold Life  : .+
 Sound      : ..   0%                      Sust Str   : ..
 Shards     : ..   0%                      Sust Int   : ..
 Chaos      : ..   0%                      Sust Wis   : ..
 Disenchant : ..   0%                      Sust Dex   : ..
 Time       : ..   0%                      Sust Con   : ..
 Blindness  : .+  50%                      Sust Chr   : ..
 Fear       : ..                           Dec Mana   : ..
 Aura Fire  : ..                           Easy Spell : ..
 Aura Elec  : ..                           Anti Magic : ..
 Aura Cold  : ..                           Telepathy  : ..

              =                                         =
              a@                                        a
 Slay Evil  : ..                           Telepathy  : ..
 Slay Undead: ..                           ESP Evil   : ..
 Slay Demon : ..                           ESP Noliv. : ..
 Slay Dragon: ..                           ESP Good   : ..
 Slay Human : ..                           ESP Undead : ..
 Slay Animal: ..                           ESP Demon  : ..
 Slay Orc   : ..                           ESP Dragon : ..
 Slay Troll : ..                           ESP Human  : ..
 Slay Giant : ..                           ESP Animal : ..
 Slay Good  : ..                           ESP Orc    : ..
 Acid Brand : ..                           ESP Troll  : ..
 Elec Brand : ..                           ESP Giant  : ..
 Fire Brand : ..                           Magic Skill: ..
 Cold Brand : ..                           Spell Pow  : ..
 Pois Brand : ..                           Spell Cap  : ..
 Mana Brand : ..                           Magic Res  : ..
 Sharpness  : ..                           Infravision: ..  50'
 Quake      : ..                           Stealth    : .+
 Vampiric   : ..                           Searching  : ..
 Chaotic    : ..                           Cursed     : ..
 Add Blows  : ..                           Rnd Tele   : ..
 Blessed    : ..                           No Tele    : ..
 Riding     : ..                           Drain Exp  : ..
 Tunnel     : ..                           Aggravate  : ..
 Throw      : ..                           TY Curse   : ..

              a@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR : ..     10 -3  0 -2  2      7
        INT : ..  18/91  4  0 -2  1 18/121
        WIS : ..     12  1  0 -2  0     11
        DEX : ..     13  0  0 -2  1     12
        CON : ..     13 -1  0 -2  0     10
        CHR : ..     18  3  0 -2  1  18/20

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc
Absorb Jewelry         1    0   0% 
Glitter                1    0   0% 
Detect Jewelry         5    1   2% 
Identify Jewelry      10   10   2% 
Charm                 15   10   8% power 60

=================================== Essences ==================================

   Stats                  Total  Need Bonus
   ---------------------- ----- ----- -----
   Strength                  11    14    +2
   Intelligence               2     6    +1
   Wisdom                     1     2    +0
   Dexterity                  4     6    +1
   Charisma                   2     6    +1

   Skills                 Total  Need Bonus
   ---------------------- ----- ----- -----
   To AC                    173   177   +53
   Stealth                    2     6    +1

   Resistances            Total  Need Bonus
   ---------------------- ----- ----- -----
   Acid                       2     6    +1
   Lightning                  3     6    +1
   Fire                       3     6    +1
   Cold                       3     6    +1
   Poison                     2     3    +0
   Light                      1     3    +0
   Shards                     3     4    +0
   Chaos                      2     4    +0
   Fear                       1     2    +0
   Teleportation              1     2    +0

   Abilities              Total  Need Bonus
   ---------------------- ----- ----- -----
   Free Action                6     1     Y
   See Invisible              5     1     Y
   Aura Elec                  1     7      
   Sustain Intelligence       2     5      
   Sustain Wisdom             2     5      
   Sustain Constitution       1     5      

   ESP                    Total  Need Bonus
   ---------------------- ----- ----- -----
   ESP Orc                    1     2      

==================================== Spells ===================================

   Offense: Bolt                   Ct Lvl Cst Fail Info
   ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- ----------------
   Magic Missile                    1   1   1   2% dam 4d6
   Lightning Bolt                   2  10   3   2% dam 7d8
   Poison Dart                      1  12   5   2% dam 8d8
   Acid Bolt                        1  14   8   2% dam 9d8

   Offense: Ball                   Ct Lvl Cst Fail Info
   ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- ----------------
   Acid Ball                        1  25  14  22% dam 87

   Buff                            Ct Lvl Cst Fail Info
   ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- ----------------
   Resist Acid                      1  15  10   2% Dur d20 + 20
   Resist Lightning                 4  15  10   2% Dur d22 + 22
   Resist Cold                      2  15  10   2% Dur d21 + 21
   Berserk                          3  25  10  22% Dur d27 + 27
   Haste Self                       1  27  20  38% Dur d20 + 20

   Detection/Knowledge             Ct Lvl Cst Fail Info
   ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- ----------------
   Detect Monsters                  1   5   5   2% 
   Detect Objects                   1   8   7   2% 

   Teleportations                  Ct Lvl Cst Fail Info
   ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---- ----------------
   Phase Door                       1   3   3   2% 

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  25
 Camelot         : level   9
!Labyrinth       : level  28
 Glass castle    : level  40

 Now, you are in Morivant.

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  8
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 25
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 25
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 25
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 26
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 26
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  Orfax, Son of Boldor                     (Dungeon level:   6) - level 27
  The Variant Maintainer                   (Dungeon level:  12) - level 27
  Jaian, the Boss of the Kids              (Dungeon level:  24) - level 27

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: 25 Victories

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 206 enemies including 30 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  The Minotaur of the Labyrinth            (level  35)
  Jaian, the Boss of the Kids              (level  29)
  The Ultimate Dungeon Cleaner             (level  28)
  Sangahyando of Umbar                     (level  24)
  Old Man Willow                           (level  22)
  Lugdush, the Uruk                        (level  21)
  Ugluk, the Uruk                          (level  20)
  Meng Huo, the King of Southerings        (level  18)
  Wutugu, the Chief of Southerings         (level  17)
  King Mulu, the Chief of Southerings      (level  16)
  Ulfast, Son of Ulfang                    (level  16)
  The Variant Maintainer                   (level  14)
  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                   (level  14)
  Lady Zhurong, the Avatar of Flame Spirit (level  14)
  Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief            (level  12)
  Mauhur, the Orc Captain                  (level  12)
  Meng You, the Brother of Meng Huo        (level  12)
  King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings     (level  11)
  Dailai Dongzhu, Captain of Southerings   (level  10)
  Orfax, Son of Boldor                     (level  10)

================================== Mutations ==================================

There is a white aura surrounding you.

==================================== Pets =====================================

 Leading Pets
  a Death knight (controlling)

  Pets open doors:                    ON
  Pets pick up items:                 OFF
  Allow teleport:                     ON
  Allow cast attack spell:            ON
  Allow cast summon spell:            ON
  Allow involve player in area spell: OFF

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 8 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
b) 2 Potions of Speed {25% off}
c) 4 Potions of Heroism
d) 14 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
e) 2 Potions of Restore Charisma
f) 4 Potions of Great Clarity
g) 22 Scrolls of Teleportation {50% off}
h) 5 Scrolls of Identify
i) 4 Scrolls of Remove Curse {25% off}
j) a Rod of Trap Location
k) a Rod of Door/Stair Location
l) a Rod of Recall
m) 3 Rods of Illumination
n) a Rod of Detection
o) a Rod of Monster Location
p) 2 Wands of Stone to Mud (21 charges)
q) a Staff of Perception (17 charges) {25% off}
r) a Staff of Door/Stair Location (15 charges)
s) a Staff of Detect Evil (13 charges)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 4 Potions of Resist Heat
b) 5 Potions of Restore Life Levels
c) a Scroll of Acquirement
d) a Rod of Probing
e) a Rod of Pesticide
f) a Wand of Teleport Other (10 charges)
g) a Staff of Cure Wounds (8 charges)
h) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
i) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+15%]
j) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2)
k) The Ball-and-Chain 'God Hand' (2d4) (+20,+17)

================================ Last Messages ================================

> The shopkeeper whispers something into your ear:
> It's deciding which things are crucial that separates the wise from others.
> You sold a Fur Cloak of Protection [3,+11] for 3535 gold.
> You have no more Fur Cloaks of Protection [3,+11].
> Selling a Small Leather Shield [3,+1] (u).
> You quickly agree upon the price.
> Okay.
> You sold a Small Leather Shield [3,+1] for 248 gold.
> You have no more Small Leather Shields [3,+1].
> Selling a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0] (u).
> You quickly agree upon the price.
> Agreed!
> You sold a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0] for 9 gold.
> You have no more Hard Leather Caps [2,+0].
> There is a permanent wall blocking your way.
> Selling a Long Sword (2d5) (+0,+0) (u).
> You quickly agree upon the price.
> Done!
> You sold a Long Sword (2d5) (+0,+0) for 185 gold.
> You have no more Long Swords (2d5) (+0,+0).
> Selling a Ninjato (1d9) (+0,+0) (u).
> You quickly agree upon the price.
> Taken!
> You sold a Ninjato (1d9) (+0,+0) for 132 gold.
> You have no more Ninjatos (1d9) (+0,+0).
> You failed to get the spell off!
> There is a permanent wall blocking your way. <x4>
> You drop a Rod of Pesticide (o).
> You have no more Rods of Pesticide.
> Entire inventory is shown.
> There is a permanent wall blocking your way. <x3>

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "ba7f77f431027cd8ef"]

Posted on 13.4.2014 04:02
Last updated on 13.4.2014 08:21

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16. on the Competition No.155 Ladder (of 53)


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On 13.4.2014 04:02 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Clvl: 26
Controlling: Ebony monk
Location: Labyrinth 15
Play time: 1:00
Game day: 4 - Game time: 8:09

39th Ringle...

Filthy street urchin (clvl 1) [killed by metallic green centipede]
-> Novice paladin (clvl 1 - 8) [dismissed in swamp north of Outpost]
-> Lizard king (clvl 8 - 25) [dismissed in Glass castle 40]
-> Berserker (clvl 25) [dismissed in Glass castle 40
-> Ebony monk (clvl 25 - now)

1 hour mark:
Currently at clvl 26 controlling an Ebony monk with AC 64 and +9 Base speed. Ebony monks are awesome with the extra speed + Nether bolt + monk attack combo. Very little can stand in my way in the early levels. As long as I don't get tossed by my Ebony monk, I think I can get far with this guy. I'm going to finish up Labyrinth as far as possible to get the CHR stat increase before my Ebony monk has any other thoughts.

On 13.4.2014 07:40 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Clvl: 27
Controlling: Novice ranger
Location: Telmora
Play time: 2:00
Game day: 5 - Game time: 20:35

-> Ebony monk (clvl 25 - 26) [tossed in Labyrinth 25]
-> Ebony monk [charmed] (clvl 26 - 27) [killed by Mature multi-hued dragon in Telmora's Arena]
-> Novice ranger (clvl 27 - now)

Currently at clvl 27 controlling a Novice ranger with AC 78 and -2 Base speed. Got rejected by my Ebony monk once in the Labyrinth. Completed the Labyrinth to increase CHR a bit. Dove into Angband to complete some quests. Taking on the Mature multi-hued dragon in Telmora's Arena was big mistake - it killed my Ebony monk! Back to square one, kind of. At least, the Glass Castle stairs didn't collapse yet!

On 13.4.2014 08:21 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Clvl: 27
Controlling: Death knight
Location: Morivant
Play time: 2:32
Game day: 6 - Game time: 11:56

Unique count - 30

-> Novice ranger (clvl 27) [killed by Giant red scorpion near Glass Castle entrance]
-> Swordsman (clvl 27) [dismissed in Glass Castle 40]
-> Agent of Benedict (clvl 27) [dismissed in Glass Castle 40]
-> Gnome mage (clvl 27) [killed by Mario in Glass Castle 40]
-> Mario (clvl 27) [dismissed in Glass Castle 40]
-> Topaz monk (clvl 27) [dismissed in Glass Castle 40]
-> Death knight (clvl 27- now)

Currently at clvl 27 controlling a Death knight with AC 80 and +10 Base Speed...30 Uniques down...Back to Competition contention!

Took out the Angband 24 quest dude. I let my summons put on the hurt - Scylla and Botei-Building, the Emperor. At the final star, I dismissed Scylla and Botei-Building, and slew the Angband 24 quest monster.

I'm going to wonder into the Orc cave and a few other lesser dungeons for a bit.

On 13.4.2014 19:05 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
FYI: I got this Death knight from the Glass Castle and after I charmed it. :)

On 13.4.2014 20:11 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
-> Death knight (clvl 27- 28) [tossed in Anti-melee cave 40]
-> Death knight [charmed] (clvl 28 - 29) [dismissed in Arena 50]
-> Warrior of the Dawn (clvl 29) [dismissed in Arena 50]
-> Novice archer (clvl 29) [killed by Shuten-douji in Arena 50]
-> Swordsman (clvl 29) [dismissed in Anti-melee cave 40]
-> Bandit (clvl 29) [killed by Energy hound in Anti-melee cave 40]
-> Jade monk (clvl 29) [got off at Anti-melee cave 40]
-> Death knight (clvl 29) [tossed in Anti-melee cave 40]
-> Death knight [charmed] (clvl 29 - now)

I mis-keyed and missed the char dump. And the RNG had to be two-faced and refused to stock up !ccw.

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