The Angband Ladder: Sage, Noldor Feanor no-class by Sage

  [Sil 1.2.1-mpa Character Dump]

 Name   Sage          Age    4,742       Str   3 =  2  +1
 Sex    Male          Height   6'7       Dex   4
 Race   Noldor        Weight   164       Con   8 =  5  +3
 House  Feanor                           Gra   3

 Game Turn   18,898   Melee (+18,2d10)   Melee       18 =  9  +4  +4  +1
 Exp Pool     6,139   Bows   (+10,2d8)   Archery     10 =  0  +4  +5  +1
 Total Exp   49,139   Armor [+20,4-10]   Evasion     20 =  8  +4  +8
 Burden        93.6                      Stealth      3 =  0  +4  -1
 Max Burden   172.8   Health     -5:85   Perception   6 =  3  +3
 Depth         850'   Voice      34:34   Will        10 =  7  +3
 Min Depth     700'                      Smithing    23 = 19  +3      +1
 Light Radius     3                      Song         3 =  0  +3

 You are one of two children of a bard from the house of Feanor. You
 have light green eyes, straight auburn hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> The Greater werewolf claws you.
> The Lesser vampire claws you.
> The Lesser vampire flees in terror!
> You hit the Troll guard.
> The Lesser vampire flees in terror!
> The Troll guard moves through your zone of control.
> You hit the Troll guard...
> The Ururauko hits you!
> You are enveloped in flames!
> The Greater werewolf claws you.
> You hit the Troll guard!
> The Troll guard misses you.
> The Ururauko hits you.
> You are enveloped in flames!
> You die.




a) a Longsword of Hador's House (+0,2d7) [+1] 3.5 lb
   It grants you the ability: Follow-Through.  
b) a Longbow (+1,2d5) 3.0 lb
   It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Bronze Ring of Accuracy (+4)
d) a Silver Ring of Evasion [+4]
e) a Crystal Amulet of Constitution <+2>
   It increases your constitution by 2.  It sustains your 
f) a Feanorian Lamp
g) Leather Armour of Resilience [-1,1d4] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
h) a Cloak of Warmth [+2]
   It provides resistance to cold.  
i) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d4]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Crown of Sage {@w2}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the
   abilities: Lore-Master and Song of Freedom.  
k) a Set of Gloves of Strength <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  
l) a Pair of Boots of Speed [+0,1d1]
   It grants you the ability: Sprinting.  
m) 40 Arrows
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) (nothing)


a) a Grey Herb of Rage
b) 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor
c) a Violet Potion of Healing
d) 2 Black Potions of Quickness
e) 7 Copper Speckled Potions of Elemental Resistance
f) 3 Bright Orange Potions of Strength
g) a Dark Green Potion of Dexterity
h) 4 Golden Potions of Constitution
i) 5 Grey Potions of Grace
j) a Golden Staff of Revelations (18 charges)
k) a Golden Staff of Revelations (3 charges)
l) a Gnarled Staff of Treasures (3 charges)
m) a Topaz Ring of Free Action
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
n) a Golden Amulet of Grace <+2>
   It increases your grace by 2.  It sustains your grace.  
o) The Cloak of Sage [+1] <+2>
   It increases your grace by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
p) a Crown of Brilliance {@w1}
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It cannot be harmed by the
q) The Set of Gloves of Smithing <+4>
   It improves your smithing by 4.  It cannot be harmed by the
r) a Set of Gauntlets [+0,1d2]
s) The Longsword 'Narsil' (+0,2d6) [+1] 2.5 lb
   It provides resistance to cold and fire.  It lights the
   dungeon around you.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
t) a Longsword of Nargothrond (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.5 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  
u) The War Hammer of Smithing (-2,4d1) <+4> {!a} 5.0 lb
   It improves your smithing by 4.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It does extra damage when wielded with both hands.
v) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 14.5 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Zone of Control
Keen Senses
Poison Resistance


The Round Shield of Angrod 
The Round Shield of Glorfindel 
The Kite Shield of Hador 
The Kite Shield of the Swan 
The Dagger of Nargil 
The Dagger of Azaghal 
The Shortsword of Amrod 
The Shortsword 'Dagmor' 
The Longsword 'Orcrist' 
The Longsword 'Narsil' (found)
The Greatsword 'Calris' 
The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' 
The Battle Axe of Hurin 
The Cloak of Maglor 
The Pair of Greaves of the Helcaraxe 


  3 /  4  Orc scout                               
  3 /  7  Wolf                                    
  2 /  4  Giant bat                               
  5 /  6  White worm mass                         
  3 /  7  Orc soldier                             
  1 /  5  Brown mold                              
  1 /  1  Metallic green centipede                
 14 / 16  White wolf                              
 15 / 15  Crebain                                 
  3 /  4  Green worm mass                         
  4 /  4  Orc archer                              
  1 /  1  Violet mold                             
  3 /  4  Sword spider                            
  3 /  3  Hummerhorn                              
 10 / 13  Orc warrior                             
  6 /  6  Gorcrow                                 
  2 /  2  Clear worm mass                         
  0 /  1  Mewlip                                  
  3 /  5  Orc thief                               
  1 /  1  Shadow mold                             
  2 /  3  Metallic red centipede                  
  1 /  1  Easterling spy                          
  2 /  3  Orc champion                            
  1 /  1  Violet worm mass                        
  3 /  4  Mountain troll                          
  0 /  2  Grave wight                             
  8 / 12  Easterling warrior                      
  1 /  1  Orc captain                             
  7 /  8  Distended spider                        
  6 /  6  Giant green dragonfly                   
  2 /  8  Easterling archer                       
 26 / 28  Shadow worm mass                        
 22 / 29  Warg                                    
  6 /  6  Giant violet dragonfly                  
  (slain) Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 
 11 / 15  Snow troll                              
  2 /  2  Giant bronze dragonfly                  
  7 / 10  Giant                                   
  2 /  2  Nether worm mass                        
  5 /  5  Shadow bat                              
  8 /  8  Sulrauko                                
  0 /  7  Fire-drake hatchling                    
  (slain) Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 
 16 / 27  Werewolf                                
 10 / 13  Shadow spider                           
  8 /  9  Shadow                                  
  1 /  3  Sapphire serpent                        
 29 / 37  Cave troll                              
  4 /  5  Creeping horror                         
  4 /  4  Ringrauko                               
  5 /  7  Emerald serpent                         
  4 /  5  Oathwraith                              
  0 /  2  Deathblade                              
 60 / 79  Cat warrior                             
 24 / 33  Greater werewolf                        
  2 /  2  Amethyst serpent                        
 10 / 17  Kemenrauko                              
  0 /  1  Young cold-drake                        
  (slain) Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 
  2 /  3  Spider of Gorgoroth                     
 15 / 24  Troll guard                             
  1 /  2  Adamant serpent                         
  2 /  5  Lesser vampire                          
  0 /  1  Cat assassin                            
  5 /  5  Unmourned                               
  1 /  3  Ururauko                                
  0 /  2  Silent watcher                          


Sage of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 21 Mar 2014

   Turn     Depth   Note

    328    100 ft   (Armoursmith)
    328    100 ft   (Enchantment)
    447    100 ft   Made a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge (-1) [+0,1d1] <+2>  
                    3.0 lb 
    568    100 ft   Made a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]  5.0 lb
    659    100 ft   Made a Pair of Boots of Speed [+0,1d1]  2.0 lb
  1,058    150 ft   oh
  1,058    150 ft   another forge
  1,140    150 ft   Made a Crown of Brilliance  3.0 lb
  1,317    150 ft   wow
  1,317    150 ft   another forge
  1,526    150 ft   (Jeweller)
  1,662    150 ft   Made a Silver Ring of Evasion [+2]  0.1 lb
  1,793    150 ft   Made a Bronze Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
  1,952    150 ft   Made a Cloak of Protection [+1,1d1]  2.0 lb
  2,153    150 ft   Made Leather Armour of Resilience [-1,1d4] <+1>  7.0 lb
  2,294    150 ft   Made a Set of Gloves of Strength <+1>  0.5 lb
  2,375    150 ft   Made a Driftwood Amulet of Haunted Dreams  0.1 lb
  2,458    200 ft   (Finesse)
  2,970    250 ft   Fell through a false floor
  2,970    300 ft   shit
  2,988    300 ft   woooooo
  2,988    300 ft   another forge
  3,355    300 ft   (Artifice)
  3,507    300 ft   Made The Crown of Sage  3.0 lb
  3,735    350 ft   (Keen Senses)
  4,341    400 ft   (Flanking)
  4,647    400 ft   (Dodging)
  5,785    500 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  5,786    500 ft   hmm
  5,786    500 ft   (Zone of Control)
  5,890    500 ft   Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  6,027    500 ft   Found The Longsword 'Narsil'
  6,045    500 ft   nice
  7,077    550 ft   Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  7,078    550 ft   hi
  7,174    550 ft   Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  7,328    550 ft   belegost
  7,716    600 ft   hooray
  7,716    600 ft   ,rest undid forging
  8,188    600 ft   woo
  8,188    600 ft   feanorian
  8,402    650 ft   ugh
  8,455    650 ft   hmm
  9,729    700 ft   hmm
  9,843    700 ft   yay _rev
 10,879    700 ft   Fell through a crumbling stair
 10,945    700 ft   Entered the Cat Fortress
 11,056    750 ft   ugh
 11,075    750 ft   damn
 11,110    750 ft   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
 11,156    750 ft   that was a lot of consumables
 11,498    750 ft   holy fuck
 11,844    750 ft   finally
 11,844    750 ft   creeping horror is dead
 11,850    750 ft   and I'm fully out of healing
 12,172    750 ft   shit
 12,180    750 ft   (Hardiness)
 12,180    750 ft   (Poison Resistance)
 12,265    750 ft   nooooooooo
 12,848    750 ft   hmm
 13,418    750 ft   Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 13,419    750 ft   aaaaaaa
 13,575    750 ft   Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 13,576    750 ft   yay
 13,698    750 ft   (Weaponsmith)
 14,666    750 ft   Made The War Hammer of Smithing (-2,4d1) <+4>  5.0 lb
 15,025    750 ft   Made a Crystal Amulet of Constitution <+2>  0.1 lb
 15,339    750 ft   Made a Silver Ring of Evasion [+4]  0.1 lb
 15,643    750 ft   Made a Golden Amulet of Grace <+2>  0.1 lb
 15,955    750 ft   Made a Bronze Ring of Accuracy (+4)  0.1 lb
 16,649    700 ft   Made The Set of Gloves of Smithing <+4>  0.5 lb
 18,182    750 ft   Made The Cloak of Sage [+1] <+2>  2.0 lb
 18,718    750 ft   damn
 18,718    750 ft   kemen shattered !dex

 18,898    850 ft   Slain by an Ururauko.
 18,898    850 ft   Died on 21 March 2014.

  ['Score' 017081102]

Posted on 22.3.2014 06:34
Last updated on 22.3.2014 07:47

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953. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 22.3.2014 06:34 Sage wrote:
I made a mistake staying on this level. I drained almost everything I have to not die, save stat potions. Hope I don't need healing any time soon.

On 22.3.2014 07:47 Sage wrote:
The ururauko entered the room when I was trying to kill a pack of other things.

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