The Angband Ladder: Maregil, Noldor Feanor no-class by taptap

  [Sil 1.1.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Maregil       Age    1,306       Str   5 =  2          +3
 Sex    Female        Height  5'11       Dex   6 =  5          +1
 Race   Noldor        Weight   157       Con   8 =  4  +1      +3
 House  Feanor                           Gra   4 =  3          +1

 Game Turn   30,305   Melee (+39,1d11)   Melee       39 = 20  +6  +3 +10
 Exp Pool     3,589         (+39,1d11)   Archery     22 =  3  +6     +13
 Total Exp  101,789   Bows   (+22,0d0)   Evasion     34 = 20  +6  +8
 Burden       100.3   Armor [+34,6-17]   Stealth      0 =  5  +6  +1 -12
 Max Burden   248.7                      Perception  18 =  7  +4  +7
 Depth           0'   Health     85:85   Will        14 = 10  +4
 Min Depth       0'   Voice      52:82   Smithing    18 = 10  +4  +3  +1
 Light Radius     3   Song     Slaying   Song        19 = 13  +4  +2

 You are one of two children of a bard from the house of Feanor. You
 have light grey eyes, straight silver hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You see a Crown of Clarity.
> Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst flees in terror!
> You hit the Orc captain!!!!!!
> You have slain the Orc captain.
> You recover from the poisoning.
> The Cat assassin fires an arrow.
> It fires an arrow.
> You miss Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst.
> You hit Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst...
> Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst moves through your zone of control.
> You hit Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst!
> You miss Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst.
> You hit Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst!
> You have slain Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst.
> You feel yourself slow down.




a) The Deathblade 'Delmereth' (+3,1d9) [+1] <+2> 2.0 lb
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It drains life from your
   enemies.  It increases your hunger.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
b) (nothing)
c) The Ring of Melian <+7>
   It improves your perception by 7.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the ability: Channeling.  
d) a Turquoise Ring of Evasion [+3]
e) The Amulet of the Ainur <+2>
   It improves your song by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the abilities: Unwavering Voice and 
   Woven Themes.  
f) The Feanorian Lamp of the Trees
   It provides resistance to fear.  It sustains your grace.  It 
   lights the dungeon around you and burns brightly, increasing
   your light radius by an additional square.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
g) a Mithril Corslet of Resilience [-1,2d5] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
h) a Shadow Cloak [+4] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It creates an unnatural
i) (nothing)
j) The Helm of the Seer [+0,1d2]
   It provides resistance to blindness.  It grants you the
   ability to see invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  It grants you the ability: Concentration.  
k) The Set of Gauntlets of Gamil Zirak (-1) [+0,1d2] <+3>
   It improves your smithing by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   fire.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Pair of Boots 'Himrannar' (+1) [+0,1d1]
   It provides resistance to fire.  It grants you freedom of
   movement, but it also enrages nearby creatures.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
m) 94 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot by a bow.
n) 87 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot by a bow.


a) a Wrinkled Herb of Rage
b) 2 Dark Green Herbs of Sustenance
c) 3 Thorny Herbs of Healing
d) 2 Russet Herbs of Restoration
e) 5 Fragments of Lembas
f) 3 Clear Potions of Miruvor
g) a Crimson Potion of Clarity
h) 7 Pale Green Potions of Healing
i) 4 Brilliant Blue Potions of Quickness
j) 3 Cloudy Potions of Elemental Resistance
k) a Yellow Potion of Strength
l) 2 Smoky Potions of Constitution
m) 5 Bright Orange Potions of Grace
n) a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+3)
o) 3 Silmarils
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
p) The Kite Shield of Hador (-1) [+0,1d6]
   It provides resistance to cold and fire.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
q) The Crown of the Lazy Elf
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the
   ability: Lore-Master.  
r) The Dagger 'Angrist' (+0,1d5) 0.8 lb
   It cuts very easily through armour.  It can be thrown
   effectively (17 squares).  It cannot be harmed by the
s) The Shortsword of Amrod (+1,1d7) [+1] <+2> 1.5 lb
   It improves your stealth and perception by 2.  It grants you 
   freedom of movement.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
t) The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' (-2,3d5) 5.0 lb
   It slays orcs, trolls, and raukar.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  It does extra damage when wielded with both
u) a Mattock (-5,5d2) <+2> 11.4 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 2.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  
v) The Shortbow of Celegorm (+1,1d9) <-1> 2.0 lb
   It decreases your grace by 1.  It slays wolves.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  It can shoot arrows 16 squares (with
   your current strength).


Maregil of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 9 Aug 2013

    Turn     Depth    Note

       0     50 ft    (Finesse)
       0     50 ft    (Dodging)
       0     50 ft    (Armoursmith)
     648    100 ft    Made Leather Armour [-1,1d4]  5.9 lb
     659    100 ft    Made a Cloak [+1]  2.0 lb
     670    100 ft    Made a Round Shield [+0,1d3]  4.6 lb
   1,744    200 ft    Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher
   1,854    200 ft    Slew Gorgol, the Butcher
   2,344    200 ft    (Keen Senses)
   3,712    350 ft    (Flanking)
   4,428    350 ft    (Subtlety)
   5,023    350 ft    (Jeweller)
   5,082    350 ft    Made a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+1)  0.1 lb
   5,103    350 ft    Made a Brass Lantern (with 0 turns of light)  3.0 lb
   5,117    350 ft    Made a Lesser Jewel  0.2 lb
   7,539    450 ft    Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
   7,581    450 ft    Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
   7,595    450 ft    Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
   7,792    450 ft    Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
   7,797    450 ft    Found The Shortbow of Celegorm
   8,252    450 ft    (Artifice)
   8,252    450 ft    Strong enough to go for uniques, but save 5.5k xp.
   8,252    450 ft    (Parry)
   8,296    450 ft    Stupid... parry cost me the saved xp I needed for the 
   8,658    450 ft    Made The Crown of the Lazy Elf  3.0 lb
   9,082    500 ft    Encountered Ulfang the Black
   9,162    500 ft    Slew Ulfang the Black
   9,649    500 ft    Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon
   9,788    550 ft    (Inner Light)
  10,550    550 ft    Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  10,559    550 ft    Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  11,009    550 ft    Made a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
  11,142    550 ft    Made a Turquoise Ring of Evasion [+2]  0.1 lb
  12,424    600 ft    Found The Shortsword of Amrod
  12,431    600 ft    Amrod is a nice find. Plenty STR boosters. Choice for 
                      a swap weapon. 
  12,464    600 ft    Nargothrond Greatsword -2, 3d6 / +1 vs Battle Axe of 
                      Hadors House 3d5 
  12,484    600 ft    Light weapons: Amrod, 2lb Doriath longsword and 3lb 
  12,485    600 ft    Hard to let Defender Longsword go when you have parry. 
  12,486    600 ft    With defender: +20, 2d8 (7!), +23, 5-14
  12,487    600 ft    Doriath looks weaker, but helps against great ww and 
                      w/ extra light 
  12,987    600 ft    Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  13,016    600 ft    Destroyed Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  13,088    600 ft    Found The Dagger 'Angrist'
  13,131    600 ft    Again hard decision... Angrist, 1lb shortsword, 1,3lb 
                      defender sw 
  14,033    650 ft    Fell through a false floor.
  14,474    700 ft    Found The Crown of Dark Secrets
  14,475    700 ft    Crown of Dark Secrets... +1 grace for danger?
  15,237    700 ft    Found The Set of Gauntlets of Gamil Zirak
  16,993    800 ft    (Precision)
  17,091    800 ft    (Riposte)
  17,485    800 ft    Encountered The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
  17,538    800 ft    Subdued The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
  17,538    800 ft    Found The Deathblade 'Delmereth'
  17,558    800 ft    Lost a lot of healing when pinned by greater ww, 
                      serpent + kemenrauko 
  17,558    800 ft    Delmereth was unbuffed with Angrist.
  17,851    800 ft    Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats
  17,852    800 ft    Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
  17,860    800 ft    Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
  17,863    800 ft    Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo
  17,865    800 ft    Found The War Hammer of Telchar
  17,866    800 ft    Lovely, found the complete smithing kit :)
  17,949    800 ft    Now I only need Aule and forges.
  18,052    800 ft    Found The Longsword 'Orcrist'
  18,066    800 ft    Seriously don't need Orcrist.
  18,066    800 ft    I am very happy with Angrist, Amrod and Delmereth.
  18,428    850 ft    Acc. _Foes there is Turkano, Dagorhir (?) and the grey 
                      C present. 
  18,428    850 ft    As there is a guaranteed forge in the cat fortress...
  18,428    850 ft    (Assassination)
  18,428    850 ft    (Cruel Blow)
  18,712    850 ft    (Hardiness)
  18,712    850 ft    (Poison Resistance)
  18,757    850 ft    Dropped gauntlets of strength.
  19,020    850 ft    Wow, -1, 2d5 Mithril Corslet of Resilience (21.8 lb)
  19,020    850 ft    Isn't this thing better almost better than Fingon?
  19,136    850 ft    Found The Longbow 'Belthronding'
  19,587    850 ft    Found The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg'
  20,164    850 ft    Entered Cat Fortress
  20,270    850 ft    (Song of Aule)
  20,271    850 ft    (Grace)
  20,678    850 ft    Made The Feanorian Lamp of the Trees  1.0 lb
  20,876    850 ft    Found The Dagger of Azaghal
  20,887    850 ft    (Song of Slaying)
  21,073    850 ft    Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
  21,082    850 ft    Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
  21,091    850 ft    Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane
  21,141    850 ft    Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
  21,144    850 ft    Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
  21,158    850 ft    Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
  21,166    850 ft    Delmereth, song of slaying and rage.
  21,166    850 ft    Wielding Celegorms bow I don't have much voice though. 
  21,205    850 ft    Cat assassins are a pain (with a slow char)
  21,293    850 ft    (Zone of Control)
  21,486    850 ft    Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin
  21,583    850 ft    The Kemenraukos obliterated the cat fortress. Open 
                      area now. 
  22,635    850 ft    Made The Pair of Boots 'Himrannar' (+1) [+0,1d1]  1.8 
  22,690    850 ft    Other things... +4 perception, 2nd lamp, revelation 
  22,705    850 ft    Dropped Fingon.
  23,198    900 ft    Found The Kite Shield of Hador
  23,200    900 ft    Do I need a swap shield, if so which? Hador or +2,1d7 
                      Mithril shield? 
  23,354    900 ft    Encountered Scatha the Worm
  23,372    900 ft    Slew Scatha the Worm
  24,460    900 ft    Made The Amulet of the Ainur <+2>  0.3 lb
  24,464    900 ft    (Song of Sharpness)
  25,694    950 ft    Made The Helm of the Seer [+0,1d2]  4.6 lb
  25,985    950 ft    Encountered Ancalagon the Black
  25,992    950 ft    Slew Ancalagon the Black
  26,343    950 ft    Made a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+3)  0.1 lb
  26,355    950 ft    (Rapid Attack)
  26,545    950 ft    Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
  26,571    950 ft    Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
  26,734  1,000 ft    Entered Morgoth's throne room
  26,741  1,000 ft    Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
  26,742  1,000 ft    Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
  26,752  1,000 ft    Encountered Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
  26,754  1,000 ft    Encountered Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver
  26,755  1,000 ft    Slew Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth
  26,757  1,000 ft    Slew Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver
  26,763  1,000 ft    Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
  26,777  1,000 ft    Slew Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
  26,777  1,000 ft    Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond'
  26,863  1,000 ft    Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
  27,012  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  27,049  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  27,051  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  27,089  1,000 ft    Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil
  27,327  1,000 ft    (Dexterity)
  27,915    850 ft    Encountered Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
  27,936    850 ft    Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
  28,303    750 ft    Found The Ring of Melian
  29,316    400 ft    Encountered Shelob, Spider of Darkness
  29,364    400 ft    Slew Shelob, Spider of Darkness
  29,374    350 ft    (Follow-Through)
  29,374    350 ft    (Whirlwind Attack)
  30,101     Gates    Entered The Gates of Angband
  30,206     Gates    Encountered Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
  30,213     Gates    Slew Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
  30,275     Gates    Encountered Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst
  30,302     Gates    Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst

  30,304     Gates    You escaped the Iron Hells on 10 August 2013.
  30,304     Gates    You brought back all three Silmarils from Morgoth's 

  ['Score' 141369695]

Posted on 10.8.2013 02:37
Last updated on 10.8.2013 18:33

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115. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 10.8.2013 02:37 taptap wrote:
Another light weapon character, this time again with smithing. Seriously I can't make my mind up for weapon choice, guess I will stay with Angrist, Amrod, Doriath longsword and Hador axe as swap. As soon as I make smithing equipment (gloves and 1 hammer I hope) I will have even more trouble with my equipment. My light armour was badly damaged so wearing Fingon by default now makes this gal surprisingly heavy armoured.

On 10.8.2013 02:44 taptap wrote:
I love the silver hair. I mean after >1000 years. :)

On 10.8.2013 02:50 taptap wrote:
I would love to hear your equipment advice. (Drop clarity, liquor, voice, sanctity and doriath longsword?)

On 10.8.2013 02:50 taptap wrote:
And the STR ring?

On 10.8.2013 11:15 taptap wrote:
Now with effective 24 smithing and up to 30 lb Mithril in 3 use forge. My peak smithing strength on an enchanted forge will probably go up to 30, but not more, later. I have trouble to decide what to smith.

What to do? (Or take slaying and loot the cat fortress first before worrying about anything else?)

On 10.8.2013 11:47 taptap wrote:
I hope I find a better cloak and would like to smith greaves, helm and maybe a lamp (I will keep the gauntlets of Gamil Zirak and I have two amazing body armours to choose). Rings or better amulet only if the opportunity arises. I am not sure what I need.

I would fancy a philosophers Mithril helm (w/ concentration) and custom Mithril greaves (w/ free action).

Do I need cold resistance? (Guess not.)

On 10.8.2013 12:08 taptap wrote:
And there is still a shopping list of abilities I want sharpness and / or slaying, follow through, rapid attack (maybe zone of control) and some more melee and evasion. And probably I should put wrath on an item so that the easy enemies don't run away.

On 10.8.2013 15:03 taptap wrote:
After clearing the cat fortress and surroundings. Sitting on 4 use forge with currently 26 smithing and some xp. (But I won't hold on all the items I have now.)

Again wondering what to do. I could make a nice amulet with woven themes + unwavering voice + 2 song bonus.

On 10.8.2013 15:11 taptap wrote:
Or "Lavawalker" (boots of free action, fire resistance, +1 attack bonus)

On 10.8.2013 18:33 taptap wrote:
Embarassing strong in the end. (Forgot to turn on rapid attack in the throne room, it wasn't needed.)

On 10.8.2013 19:15 taptap wrote:
Vallach was one of the most dangerous encounters. I had quite low will and was stunned just out of sight from a silent watcher, then Vallach disarmed me in a way that I couldn't pick up Delmereth again. (Keeping swap weapons is a clever idea.)

The actual fight in the throne room was very fast - singing sharpness with minor theme slaying - Morgoth had no chance even when I was forgot about rapid attack.
(concentration + slaying bonus + sharpness + subtlety + Delmereth). Then I wasted some turns taking out cat assassins and looking for loot but didn't bother to explore completely. (First time I saw a +5 perception ring though.)

On 11.8.2013 02:23 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Congrats! I like your stuff, especially your lamp. Could you make me one? lol

On 11.8.2013 10:40 Scatha wrote:
Nice going, congratulations.

Also, a <+5> ring of Perception? I didn't even know that was possible.

On 11.8.2013 12:57 taptap wrote:
Interestingly even wrath (on the boots) didn't stop the enemies completely from fleeing, when you whirlwind/rage with subtlety moral effects of cruel blow + killing add up quickly.

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