The Angband Ladder: Orfirch, Noldor Feanor no-class by taptap

  [Sil 1.1.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Orfirch       Age    3,279       Str   1
 Sex    Male          Height   7'3       Dex   5
 Race   Noldor        Weight   149       Con   4
 House  Feanor                           Gra   4

 Game Turn   13,192   Melee  (+20,2d6)   Melee       20 = 13  +5  +1  +1
 Exp Pool     1,026   Bows   (+10,1d8)   Archery     10 =  3  +5  +1  +1
 Total Exp   37,426   Armor  [+25,4-5]   Evasion     25 = 13  +5  +7
 Burden        67.7                      Stealth      6 =  2  +5  -1
 Max Burden   120.0   Health     -2:41   Perception  11 =  7  +4
 Depth         650'   Voice      41:41   Will         9 =  5  +4
 Min Depth     550'                      Smithing     9 =  4  +4      +1
 Light Radius     4                      Song         8 =  4  +4

 You are the only child of an archer from the house of Feanor. You have
 light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You hit the Greater werewolf!
> The bleeding stops.
> The Greater werewolf flees in terror!
> Illegal command for character sheet!
> You recover from the poisoning.
> The Greater werewolf misses you. <2x>
> You miss the Greater werewolf.
> The Greater werewolf misses you.
> You hit the Greater werewolf!
> You have slain the Greater werewolf.
> You see a Wooden Torch (with 2000 turns of light). <2x>
> You miss the Greater werewolf.
> The Greater werewolf claws you.
> You die.




a) a Longsword of Doriath (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.0 lb
   It slays wolves and spiders.  
b) a Shortbow (+0,1d7) 1.3 lb
   It can shoot arrows 12 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Garnet Ring of Accuracy (+1)
d) a Pearl Ring of Evasion [+1]
e) a Sea Shell Amulet of Grace <+0>
   It increases your grace by 0.  It sustains your grace.  
f) a Brass Lantern of Brightness (with 5896 turns of light)
   It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
   additional square.  
g) The Robe of Aredhel [+3]
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you freedom of movement.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Cloak of Protection [+2,1d1]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) (nothing)
j) a Jewelled Crown of Clarity [+0,1d1]
   It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and 
   hallucination.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
k) a Set of Gauntlets [+0,1d2]
l) a Pair of Boots of Free Action [+0,1d1]
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
m) 72 Arrows
   They can be shot 12 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 12 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot 12 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) a Pale Herb of Rage
b) a Dark Green Herb of Healing
c) a Russet Herb of Restoration
d) 2 Fragments of Lembas
e) a Clear Potion of Miruvor
f) 2 Pale Green Potions of Healing
g) a Smoky Potion of True Sight
h) 2 Brown Potions of Slow Poison
i) 6 Black Potions of Quickness
j) 3 Crimson Potions of Elemental Resistance
k) 2 Sky Blue Potions of Strength
l) a Cloudy Potion of Dexterity
m) a Dark Potion of Constitution
n) a Yellow Potion of Grace
o) an Ivory Staff of Light (7 charges)
p) a Beech Staff of Revelations (6 charges)
q) an Aspen Staff of Warding (4 charges)
r) a Lesser Jewel
s) The Filthy Rag of Dungalef [+1] <+1>
   It improves your stealth by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the abilities: Disguise and Vanish.  
t) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
u) a Helm of Brilliance [-1,1d2]
   It lights the dungeon around you.  
v) The Broken Sword of Amras (+1,1d5) <+2> 1.0 lb
   It improves your stealth and perception by 2.  It is branded
   with flame.  It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
w) a Battle Axe of Final Rest (-2,3d5) 3.5 lb
   It slays undead.  It grants you freedom of movement.  It does
   extra damage when wielded with both hands.  


Orfirch of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 14 Jul 2013

    Turn     Depth    Note

       0     50 ft    (Finesse)
       0     50 ft    (Dodging)
       0     50 ft    (Jeweller)
     351    100 ft    Made a Pearl Ring of Evasion [+1]  0.1 lb
     412    100 ft    Made a Garnet Ring of Accuracy (+1)  0.1 lb
     423    100 ft    Made a Lesser Jewel  0.2 lb
     827    150 ft    Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher
   2,078    250 ft    Short on armor, but have a curved sword of gondolin.
   3,454    300 ft    Made a Golden Amulet of Adornment  0.3 lb
   3,647    300 ft    Made a Chalcedony Ring of Free Action  0.1 lb
   4,453    350 ft    Orc thief stole longsword of Doriath :(
   4,503    350 ft    (Flanking)
   4,555    350 ft    Found The Broken Sword of Amras
   4,561    350 ft    Considering to wield Amras instead of shortsword 
   4,596    350 ft    Made a Bloodstone Ring of Hunger  0.1 lb
   4,643    350 ft    Made a Silver Ring of Sustenance  0.1 lb
   4,968    400 ft    (Subtlety)
   5,456    400 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
   5,456    400 ft    (Precision)
   5,996    400 ft    Sulrauko at 400 ft... the greaves were danger after 
   6,682    450 ft    Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
   6,853    450 ft    Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
   6,888    450 ft    Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
   6,989    450 ft    Slew Uldor, the Accursed
   7,175    450 ft    Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
   7,268    450 ft    Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
   7,318    450 ft    Found The Filthy Rag of Dungalef
   7,452    450 ft    Shadow worm spam...
   7,716    450 ft    (Lore-Master)
   8,113    500 ft    Going strong now w/ subtlety, flanking + Amras
   8,310    500 ft    Encountered Ulfang the Black
   8,328    500 ft    (Song of Elbereth)
   8,339    500 ft    Slew Ulfang the Black
   8,339    500 ft    Found The Robe of Aredhel
   8,375    500 ft    Close call - Sulrauko and Ulfang + others surrounded 
                      me in vault. 
   8,438    500 ft    Had to use several liquors and 1 !quickness
   8,438    500 ft    And took Elbereth earlier than planned.
   8,961    500 ft    Strong against everything but archers.
   9,505    500 ft    (Inner Light)
   9,663    500 ft    Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
   9,690    500 ft    Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
   9,694    500 ft    Was this dumb? +9 vs. +22(+3) but if he hits than 
   9,793    500 ft    Werewolves are bad. Still hit me a lot and poison.
   9,879    500 ft    (Rauko-Bane)
  10,635    550 ft    No oil left.
  11,101    600 ft    (Zone of Control)
  11,125    600 ft    Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  11,139    600 ft    No obvious way to kill Duruin.
  11,728    600 ft    (Sprinting)
  11,748    600 ft    Destroyed Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  11,750    600 ft    Dagger of the Feanorians... seriously tempted.
  11,750    600 ft    But 4 danger items at once would be crazy :)
  11,751    600 ft    The dagger has 1d6 grace + dexterity +1 and 0.8 lb = 
                      many criticals. 
  11,841    600 ft    Lantern of Brightness :)
  12,287    600 ft    (Song of Freedom)
  12,436    650 ft    Gauntlets of Strength? -1 attack vs. +1 STR? Hmm.
  12,506    650 ft    I should have taken the dagger. Now 1 pt. down in 
                      enchanted forge. 
  12,945    650 ft    Drop shovel.

  13,192    650 ft    Slain by a Greater werewolf.
  13,192    650 ft    Died on 14 July 2013.

  ['Score' 013086808]

Posted on 14.7.2013 15:49
Last updated on 14.7.2013 17:28

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1337. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 14.7.2013 15:49 taptap wrote:
Need advice.

Seriously strong now against everything but archers and critical resisting raukar. Also feat. free action items this time. Robe of Aredhel is a seriously good drop for this kind of build too. However, I am not sure where to go. Originally I planned for Slaying + Freedom (one more freedom of movement) in throneroom with the light weapon, but the recent Song of Mastery attempts by scatha and debo make me contemplate Mastery soon-ish (but when do I save the XP?).

Also useful for this build ZoC, maybe Parry/Riposte later when I find a good shortsword and change weapon, Sprinting, Crowd Fighting, ... overwhelmed by the possibilities.

I never killed so many midgame uniques.

On 14.7.2013 17:28 taptap wrote:
Typical end :(

On 14.7.2013 17:29 taptap wrote:
And completely unnecessary again.

On 14.7.2013 17:36 debo wrote:
1 str is very limiting b/c you can't carry heavy swap gear, and you can't even really rely on a big-dice weapon for serpents. A good partial solution is find a super light bastard sword that you can wield 2-handed, but against critical resistant monsters (kemenrauko) that doesn't work well.

This kind of character might benefit from diving 700'->900', just to get away from all the super-fast monsters. Vampires are bad, but I think there are fewer of them when you take into account all the cats + werewolves + darting horrors + blargh that show up at 700'

IMO you'd be better off with +18-20 evasion and something like 5-20 prot rather than +25 evasion and 4-5 prot. Don't be afraid to use heavy armor against fast, high-accuracy monsters, since they're going to hit you anyways. The alternative is to get a lot of Con. But even in the early-mid game vs archers, carrying a kite shield and a mail corslet to swap to means that archers are cake.

Dodging+flanking also benefits from fighting in open spaces, since you literally have more wiggle room to wiggle around and constantly get the +3 from dodging.

TL:DR; with this kind of character, get used to carrying 1 heavy weapon and 1 heavy armor around, or use something else so that you can pick fights (e.g. high stealth, diving to deeper depths with fewer fast monsters).

All my opinion, of course :)

On 14.7.2013 17:53 taptap wrote:
You are as so often right, 2 5 4 3 is the more enlightened approach to this kind of build. I aim for a 2lb shortsword/deathblade anyway. I was half roleplaying (doing things that feel right instead of being efficient) when I should not. At least I got freedom of movement this time (maybe 1 would have been enough, instead of the 4 I potentially had with robe, boots, axe and song :)) will never die again to lack of freedom of movement and 3d8 with the axe wasn't too shabby (enough for Duruin at least).

I usually was fighting in open spaces but here we are in a vault a long way from the next room (and wolves are vast) - it is also great with flanking+sprinting.

STR 2, swap armour and diving past cats and wolves it is then. This is the second char in a row lost to greater werewolves in a vault (my Finarfin, concentration from start 1336 Galadriel too).

On 14.7.2013 17:54 taptap wrote:
vast -> fast

On 15.7.2013 06:18 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
imo, I would have also taken Focused Attack + Concentration to kill off the Greater werewolves.

On 16.7.2013 00:18 taptap wrote:
Concentration + flanking (even more when incl. ZoC, Opportunist etc.) doesn't add up imo. It simply feels wrong to get an ability which is wasted in the usual fighting mode. I tried a light weapon, parry, concentration build at start with a finarfin recently (Galadriel in the ladder) to go for mastery later - and even riposte wasn't optimal with concentration but flanking? It can also work, but felt quite different.

I am quite fond of Song of Freedom these days. Addresses my previous lack of sources of free action and does a lot of other useful things. (Not the least is the rubble clearing.)

On 16.7.2013 03:45 debo wrote:
Yeah concentration is tough to use with any of the autotrigger-attack abilities, IMO. Even with flanking, as it's hard to reliably focus on one monster when you're blitting around. Perception is better spent on Master Hunter and/or Bane with those builds. Or you can just cross your fingers and hope you'll get those Tar-na-fuin boots :)

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