The Angband Ladder: Grand Master, Demigod Mystic by chris

  [PosChengband 1.0.7 Character Dump]
 Name       : Grand Master                 ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR! :    18/***
 Personality: Mighty                             INT  :     18/49
 Race       : Demigod                            WIS  :    18/118
 Subrace    : Hermes                             DEX  :    18/194
 Class      : Mystic                             CON  :    18/178
                                                 CHR  :    18/199

 Level      :       41                           HP   :   -74/693
 Cur Exp    :  4538591                           SP   :     83/77
 Max Exp    :  4538591                           AC   :       154
 Adv Exp    :  4680000                           Speed:    +21+10

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1714115                     Melee      : Legendary[10]
 Kills      :     6470                     Ranged     : Legendary[12]
 Uniques    :       93                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :       71                     Stealth    : Superb
                                           Perception : Superb
 Game Day   :       48                     Searching  : Superb
 Game Time  :    16:05                     Disarming  : Heroic
 Play Time  :    13:07                     Device     : Superb

============================= Character Equipment =============================

c) The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+12) (+4)
d) a Ring of Might (+4)
e) a Ring of Speed (+10)
f) The Goblet 'Holy Grail' (+3) {!!}
g) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) (charging) {!!}
h) The Leather Jacket of Ubbo-Sathla (+2,+3) [12,+15] (+1)
i) an Elven Cloak of Aman [4,+28] (+6 to stealth) {So, BM 207k}
j) The Steel Helm of Diamond [6,+20] {ElPoCaFe;FaSiLv}
k) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {ElFiShNx}
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of R'lyeh [2,+14] (+3 to speed)
{Sp;ElBlCfDi;Te, .}

                        ]                                         ]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .......+....#  65%           Speed      : ....+......+#
 Elec       : .......+.+++#  77%           Free Act   : .........+..+
 Fire       : ..+....+..+.#  75%           See Invis  : .......+.+...
 Cold       : .......+....#  65%           Warning    : .............
 Poison     : .........+..#  65%           SlowDigest : .............
 Light      : .............   0%           Regenerate : .......+.....
 Dark       : .............   0%           Levitation : .........+...
 Confusion  : .......+...+.  65%           Perm Lite  : .............
 Nether     : .....+.......  50%           Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : ..........+..  50%           Hold Life  : .......+.....
 Sound      : ........+....  50%           Sust Str   : .............
 Shards     : ..........+..  50%           Sust Int   : .............
 Chaos      : .......+.+...  65%           Sust Wis   : .............
 Disenchant : ...........+.  50%           Sust Dex   : .............
 Time       : .............   0%           Sust Con   : .............
 Blindness  : ...........+.  50%           Sust Chr   : .............
 Fear       : .........+...                Dec Mana   : .............
 Aura Fire  : ..+..........                Easy Spell : .............
 Aura Elec  : .............                Anti Magic : .............
 Aura Cold  : .............                Telepathy  : ......+......

                        ]                                         ]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl
 Slay Evil  : .............                Telepathy  : ......+......
 Slay Undead: .............                ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Demon : .............                ESP Noliv. : .............
 Slay Dragon: .............                ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Human : .............                ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Animal: .............                ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............                ESP Dragon : .............
 Slay Troll : .............                ESP Human  : .............
 Slay Giant : .............                ESP Animal : .............
 Acid Brand : .............                ESP Orc    : .............
 Elec Brand : .............                ESP Troll  : .............
 Fire Brand : ..+..........                ESP Giant  : .............
 Cold Brand : .............                Device Pow : .............
 Pois Brand : .............                Spell Pow  : .............
 Mana Brand : .............                Spell Cap  : .............
 Sharpness  : .............                Infravision: ..+..........  40'
 Quake      : .............                Stealth    : ........+....
 Vampiric   : .............                Searching  : ........+....
 Chaotic    : .............                Cursed     : .............
 Add Blows  : .............                Rnd Tele   : ...........+.
 Blessed    : .............                No Tele    : .............
 Riding     : .............                Drain Exp  : .............

              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR!: ..44...1.....  18/80  1  2  2  9 18/***
        INT : .............  18/69  1 -1 -2  0  18/49
        WIS : .....33......  18/88  1 -2 -2  6 18/118
        DEX : ...4......... 18/114  1  3  0  4 18/194
        CON : ...4...1.....  18/98  1  1  1  5 18/178
        CHR : .....33......  18/99  1  2  1  6 18/199

==================================== Melee ====================================

Attack            Dice    Pct     Dam   Your Fists
Punch              1d4   0.00%   0.00   Number of Blows: 5
Kick               1d6   0.03%   0.00   To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)
Strike             1d7   0.25%   0.01           95  87  79  71  63 (%)
Knee               2d3   0.68%   0.02
Elbow              1d8   1.61%   0.07   Average Damage:
Butt               2d5   3.19%   0.19    One Strike: 74.44
Kick               3d4   5.59%   0.41    One Attack: 372.20
Uppercut           4d4   8.54%   0.85
Double Kick        5d4  11.05%   1.38
Cat's Claw         5d5  13.30%   1.99
Jump Kick          5d6  12.43%   2.17
Eagle's Claw       6d6  14.32%   3.00
Circle Kick        6d8  12.67%   3.42
Iron Fist          8d8   7.76%   2.79
Flying Kick       8d10   8.58%   3.77
Dragon Fist      10d10   0.00%   0.00
Crushing Blow    10d12   0.00%   0.00
                        Total:  20.07  + 44
                    Criticals:   1.36x +  3.15
                   One Strike:  27.29  + 47.15

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+12) (+4)
 Range   : 100'
 Shots   : 0.83
 Mult    : 4.80x
 To Hit  : 10 + 32 = 42
 To Dam  : 12 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 3 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Spells ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc
Concentration          1    0   0% 
Flaming Strike         3    8   0% 
Summon Spiders         5    8   1% 
Icy Fists              7    8   0% 
Detect Ferocity        9   10   1% 
Serpent's Tongue      11   10   0% 
Sense Surroundings    13   15   1% 
Stealthy Approach     15    0   0% 
Quick Approach        17    0   0% 
Defensive Stance      19    0   0% 
Mystic Insights       21   15   1% 
Confusing Strike      23   15   0% 
Corrosive Blow        25   17   0% 
Stunning Blow         27   20   0% 
Aura of Retaliation   29    0   0% 
Haste Self            30   30   1% dur 41+1d61
Resistance            32   30   1% 
Lightning Eagle       33   30   0% 
Rush Attack           35   20   1% 
Summon Hounds         36   40   1% 
Death Stance          37    0   0% 
Knockout Blow         39   40   0% 

================================ Last Messages ================================

> Target Selected.
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a Cat's Claw.
> It was a good hit!
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with an Eagle's Claw.
> You miss The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a circle kick.
> The Witch-King of Angmar casts a mana bolt.
> You stand your ground!
> *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.
> You feel very good.
> You have 3 charges remaining.
> The Witch-King of Angmar points at you, incanting terribly!
> Target Selected.
> You miss The Witch-King of Angmar. <x2>
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a Cat's Claw.
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a circle kick.
> You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
> Target Selected.
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a jump kick.
> You miss The Witch-King of Angmar.
> You uppercut The Witch-King of Angmar.
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with an Iron Fist.
> It was a superb hit!
> You hit The Witch-King of Angmar with a circle kick.
> The Witch-King of Angmar casts a mana bolt.
> You feel scared.
> *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue.
> The Witch-King of Angmar casts a mana bolt.
> You feel terrified.
> Oof..
> Goodbye, Grand Master!

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  44
!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
!Labyrinth       : level  28
 Dragon's lair   : level  65
!Forest          : level  32
!Icky cave       : level  35
 Mount Olympus   : level  90
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Arena           : level  54

 You were killed by The Witch-King of Angmar on level 90 of Mount Olympus.

 *Winning* Message: Oof..

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  4
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 10
  Meng You, the Brother of Meng Huo        (Dungeon level:   6) - level 12
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 19
  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                   (Dungeon level:  12) - level 22
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 22
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 29
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  Kharis the Powerslave                    (Dungeon level:  24) - level 31
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 31
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 32
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 32
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 32
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 32
  M. Bison                                 (Dungeon level:  38) - level 34
  The King in Yellow                       (Dungeon level:  44) - level 34
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 34
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 41

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: 20 Victories

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 6470 enemies including 93 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  Petshop                                  (level  54)
  The King in Yellow                       (level  53)
  Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth       (level  53)
  Khamul the Easterling                    (level  53)
  Santa Claus                              (level  52)
  Hoarmurath of Dir                        (level  52)
  Bull Gates                               (level  52)
  Baphomet the Minotaur Lord               (level  51)
  Ulik the Troll                           (level  51)
  Nappa the Saiyan                         (level  50)
  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons          (level  48)
  Fafner the Dragon                        (level  47)
  Itangast the Fire Drake                  (level  47)
  Fangorn                                  (level  47)
  Ghatanothoa                              (level  46)
  Yibb-Tstll the Patient One               (level  46)
  Smaug the Golden                         (level  45)
  Zoth-Ommog                               (level  45)
  Scatha the Worm                          (level  44)
  Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source       (level  41)

=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alighnment : Neutral

You are a great champion of Faith.
You are the living embodiment of Harmony.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.
You are a bitter enemy of Patience.
You have sinned against Individualism.
You are very virtuous in Justice.
You are the polar opposite of Compassion.
You are the polar opposite of Honour.

================================== Mutations ==================================

You are untouchable and gain a bonus to AC.
You have made an infernal deal.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) a Death Spellbook [Black Channels]
b) a Sorcery Spellbook [Pattern Sorcery]
c) 22 Rations of Food
d) 4 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
e) 35 Potions of Curing
f) 51 Scrolls of Teleportation
g) 5 Rods of Trap Location (1 charging) {@z1!s!d!k}
h) 2 Rods of Perception {@z7!s!d!k!!}
i) 5 Rods of Recall {@zr!s!d!k!!}
j) 3 Rods of Detection (2 charging) {@z3!s!d!k!!}
k) 3 Rods of Teleport Other {@zt!s!d!k}
l) 6 Rods of Stone to Mud (4 charging) {@z9!s!d!k}
m) a Staff of Healing (3 charges) {@uh}
n) a Staff of Destruction (3 charges) {!u!s!d!k}
o) a Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance
p) The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20]
q) a Set of Cesti of Genji (+5,+0) [5,+14] (+1)
r) The Gun 'Railgun' (+2 to speed)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Hex Spellbook [Curse and Spelling]
b) 2 Armageddon Spellbooks [Path of Destruction]
c) 3 Necromancy Spellbooks [Return of the Dead]
d) 2 Necromancy Spellbooks [Necromatic Tome]
e) 8 Crusade Spellbooks [Exorcism and Dispelling]
f) a Daemon Spellbook [Hellfire Tome]
g) a Death Spellbook [Black Channels]
h) 3 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Channels]
i) a Nature Spellbook [Nature's Gifts]
j) 6 Life Spellbooks [Book of the Unicorn]
k) a Life Spellbook [Blessings of the Grail]
l) 8 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}

 ( page 2 )
a) 99 Rations of Food
b) 27 Rations of Food
c) 30 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
d) 3 Potions of Boldness
e) 37 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
f) 10 Potions of Resist Heat {!k!q}
g) 10 Potions of Resist Cold {!k!q}
h) 40 Potions of Heroism
i) 31 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
j) 37 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
k) 12 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
l) 9 Potions of Strength {!k}

 ( page 3 )
a) 10 Potions of Enlightenment
b) 3 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
c) 8 Potions of Resistance {!k!q}
d) a Potion of Giant Strength {!k}
e) 8 Potions of Stone Skin
f) 35 Scrolls of Phase Door
g) 85 Scrolls of Teleportation
h) 32 Scrolls of *Identify*
i) 19 Scrolls of Remove Curse
j) 6 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
k) 6 Scrolls of Mundanity
l) 29 Scrolls of Protection from Evil

 ( page 4 )
a) 7 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
b) a Scroll of Genocide {!*}
c) a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
d) 5 Rods of Trap Location {@z1!s!d!k}
e) 21 Rods of Illumination {@z5!s!d!k}
f) 15 Wands of Teleport Other (180 charges) {@at!s!d!k}
g) 26 Wands of Stone to Mud (301 charges) {@am!s!d!k}
h) 2 Staffs of Perception (2x 21 charges) {@u1}
i) a Staff of Perception (13 charges) {@u1}
j) 2 Staffs of Perception (2x 11 charges) {@u1}
k) 2 Staffs of Object Location (2x 15 charges) {@uo}
l) a Staff of Object Location (14 charges)

 ( page 5 )
a) a Staff of Cure Wounds (12 charges)
b) a Staff of Curing (8 charges)
c) a Staff of Curing (6 charges)
d) a Staff of Healing (4 charges) {@uh}
e) a Staff of Speed (7 charges) {@us}
f) a Staff of Destruction (5 charges) {!u!s!d!k}
g) a Staff of Destruction (4 charges) {!u!s!d!k}
h) a Ring of Acid [+11]
i) a Ring of Acid [+9]
j) a Ring of Flames [+13]
k) 2 Rings of Poison Resistance
l) a Ring of See Invisible

 ( page 6 )
a) The Ring of Luck (+3 to stealth) {InSl;Nt;Si}
b) a Ring of Dexterity (+4)
c) a Ring of Damage (+14)
d) a Ring of Damage (+8)
e) a Ring of Slaying (+4,+9)
f) a Ring of Slaying and Power Throwing (+17,+10)
g) a Ring of Speed (+4)
h) a Ring of Speed (+3)
i) The Ring 'Frakir' (+1)
j) a Ring of Nether Resistance
k) a Ring of Sound Resistance
l) a Ring of Confusion Resistance

 ( page 7 )
a) 3 Rings of Shard Resistance
b) a Ring of Shard Resistance and Damage (+0,+1)
c) a Ring of Shard Resistance and Random Teleportation
d) 2 Rings of Chaos Resistance
e) a Ring of Resistance {Di}
f) an Amulet of Charisma and Resist Fire (+4)
g) an Amulet of the Magi and Protection [+11] (+4 to searching)
h) an Amulet of Reflection
i) an Amulet of Anti-Magic
j) an Amulet of Resistance {Dk}
k) an Amulet of Resistance
l) an Amulet of Resistance and Hold Life

 ( page 8 )
a) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+8)
b) The Inro of Mito Koumon (+2)
c) The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2)
d) The Collar Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (-2)
e) The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2)
f) The Pendant of Gogo (+4)
g) an Amulet of High Resistance {LiSh}
h) an Amulet of High Resistance {LiSo}
i) The Phial 'Skycleaver' {SiDs(Cn}
j) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching)
k) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed)
l) The Stone of Lore

 ( page 9 )
a) The Stone of Nature [+5] {!!}
b) a Robe of Permanence [2,+14] {Po}
c) The Robe of Incanus [2,+20] (+3) [+23%]
d) Paper Armour of Elvenkind [4,+14] (+1 to stealth) {Nx}
e) Soft Leather Armour of Elvenkind [4,+15] (+3 to stealth) {Li}
f) Hard Leather Armour of High Resistance (-1) [6,+10] {Sh}
g) The Hard Leather Armour 'Righteousness' (-1) [6,+19] (+5) {Wi;AcElFiCoPo}
h) Cord Armour of High Resistance [6,+17] {BlDi}
i) Cord Armour of High Resistance [6,+9] {BlCf}
j) Leather Scale Mail of Resistance (-1) [11,+18] {Po}
k) Leather Scale Mail of Elvenkind (-1) [11,+15] (+1 to stealth) {Cf}
l) a Leather Jacket of Elvenkind (-1) [12,+16] (+2 to stealth) {Fe}

 ( page 10 )
a) a Leather Jacket of High Resistance (-1) [12,+16] {NtNx}
b) The Cloak of the Borg [1,+16] (+1 to infravision) {If;DkFe}
c) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15]
d) The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
e) an Elven Cloak of Stealth [4,+15] (+6 to stealth)
f) a Fur Cloak of Aman [3,+23] (+3 to stealth) {Nx}
g) a Small Leather Shield of Resistance [3,+8]
h) a Large Leather Shield of Resistance [6,+22] {Po}
i) The Large Metal Shield 'Avatar of Might' [8,+18] (+2) {St;CoShNtNx}
j) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {Dk}
k) a Dragon Shield [8,+16] {PoLiCfSoNx}
l) a Dragon Shield [8,+13] {Di}

 ( page 11 )
a) a Dragon Shield [8,+16] {Li}
b) an Iron Crown of Might (+2,+1) [0,+8] (+3) {Di}
c) an Iron Crown of the Magi [0,+9] (+3) {Dk;Si}
d) The Iron Crown 'Undiscoverd Paradise' [0,+19] (+1) {InDxCh;SoNt}
e) a Golden Crown of Lordliness [0,+3] (+3) {Po}
f) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi [0,+9] (+3) {Ca;Si}
g) a Hard Leather Cap of Ego [2,+5] (+4)
h) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+23%]
i) The Iron Helm 'Dal-i-Thalion' [5,+8] (+2 to stealth) {Sl;NtCaDi;Si}
j) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3)
k) a Dragon Helm [8,+18] {ElBlSoNt}
l) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2)

 ( page 12 )
a) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
b) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
c) a Set of Gauntlets of Slaying (+5,+7) [2,+2]
d) The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+7]
e) The Set of Gauntlets of Thanos (-11,-12) [2,+0] (+2) {cursed}
f) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+12] {LiCfNt}
g) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+20] {AcPo}
h) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Keeper of Darkness' [2,+13] (+2 to stealth)
i) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Arcane [2,+19] (+2) {In;Lv}
j) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Frodo (+1,+1) [4,+8] (+2)
k) The Pair of Glass Slippers [0,+0] (-3)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Levitation [3,+7] {Cf}

 ( page 13 )
a) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Hyper Nature [3,+11] (+2) {Cn;Dk;Lv}
b) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+14] {ShSo}
c) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+12] {ShNx}
d) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+19] {So}
e) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thievery [6,+6] (+2 to speed)
f) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thievery [6,+2] (+2 to speed)
g) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thievery [6,+6] (+1 to speed)
h) The No-dachi of Destruction (5d4) (+20,+27) (+4 to infravision)
i) The Blade of Chaos of Death (7d6) (+16,+16) {Fa|V/PU}
j) The Sling 'Skullbuster' (x2) (+17,+18) {Fe}
k) The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+12) (+3)
l) 2 Harps (+3)

 ( page 14 )
a) a Harp (+2)
b) 11 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+8,+8) (185/154)
c) 33 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+9,+8) (185/154) {@f1=g}

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Ring of Might of Pacifist (-13,-18) (-7) {cursed}
b) The Hard Studded Leather of Agony (-1) [7,-10] (-6) {cursed, Ch;Cf(Ch}
c) The Wizardstaff of Kaschei (3d2) (-6,-6) (-6) <+46%> {cursed}

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       OFF

  [Check Sum: "093ea1a62b00d317ec"]

Posted on 8.2.2013 01:56
Last updated on 10.2.2013 03:19

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7933. on the Ladder (of 19032)
567. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
256. for this player (


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On 8.2.2013 01:58 chris wrote:
Samurais are to Warriors what Mystics are to Monks.

On 8.2.2013 03:36 chris wrote:
[CL12:DL14] 00:53
A pretty good start so far. I'm not sure which is better: Ring of Damage +8 or Ring of Speed +3?

On 8.2.2013 05:11 chris wrote:
[CL21:Azog] 02:12
Azog dropped to my Dragon's Frost ... I didn't even need to bother with my fists of fury! However, leaning of rings of damage and speed means base resistance is nigh impossible. Without fire resistance, archviles are exceptionally deadly. And don't remind me of my lack of free action or see invisible. But hey, at least I have levitation covered, right?

On 8.2.2013 07:10 Arjen wrote:
Oh, your table for percentage of monk attacks looks nice, never knew how the special move was chosen. You're one busy guy improving PosChengband this fast. :) I like it

On 8.2.2013 17:25 chris wrote:
I actually did the monk melee info in Chengband. Its useful to see the impact of the various monk postures on your damage output.

[CL28:DL34] 04:23
Still seeking resist base, resist poison and see invisible. I did pick up free action through attrition (leveling up to L25). Perhaps I should have played a draconian instead? Races with innate resistance are very strong, but I wanted Hermes for another reason. With the extra speed and the guaranteed namesake artifact, I'm banking on wielding two rings of power in the end game. Of course, I could just be spoiled by my last character's finding all three rings of power in extremely short order. Perhaps this guy won't be so lucky?

I sold my RoS +3 and Sam (another +1 speed) to buy this elven cloak of Aman. Well, it does have the mystic's most important resistance and the stealth and ac bonuses are phenomenal. So I think it was a good trade.

My day count is getting high as I keep hoping the towns will stock armor of resistance. I'll just have to settle for these slaying gloves to tide me over and try to stay alive until the next restocking. I've already run into Kavlax (one shot lightning insta-kill?) and Dwar and King Koopa, so death is out there for the unwary.

On 8.2.2013 17:30 chris wrote:
BTW, monks and force-trainers are a bit broken in PosChengband (Their attack calculations are messed up and the two-handed martial arts bonus is not being counted). I've fixed things for 1.0.5 so if anyone is wanting the fix, give me a shout and I'll push it. Otherwise, I'll keep playtesting the new Mystic class as I am still making gameplay adjustments.

On 8.2.2013 20:35 chris wrote:
[CL30:DL36] 05:36
Mystic Power! I'm just waiting on SI and RPois, at the moment. Also, some more experience so I can grab that 4th blow without wearing a ring of dex. I'm about ready to concede that SI is more important, but not quite yet.

Its been the heavy armor bonanza so far with Caspanion and Arvedui. I finally scored some light armor of resistance in the armory, however, and that frees up some jewelry slots. Previously, I had been relying on some amazing lucky dragon gloves. Normally native to DL50, I got a pair early with 4 resists! Nice ...

On 9.2.2013 00:22 wrote:
Maulers are still broken in 1.04. Will this also be fixed for 1.05 or is that somewhere later on?

On 9.2.2013 00:51 chris wrote:
Well, that's embarrassing. I didn't realize they were broken even though they are one of my favorite classes!

I went ahead and uploaded a fix on the website. As always, give me a shout if you see something broken and I'll fix it.

On 9.2.2013 02:04 wrote:
Lol. I figured you knew and had too many other little things to fix and change. I will be more vocal in the future. Thank you!

On 9.2.2013 03:58 chris wrote:
[CL33:Smaug] 08:43
Mystics seem quite a bit weaker than Weaponmasters, though I can vouch for their amazing end game prowess. Its just that my weaponmasters always seem to have 400+ melee damage by this point. Now why is that?

Anyway, I'm holding off on NewLife for this character due to an 18/120 intrinsic strength. My dex is low, but Hermes boots can compensate for that. My only concern is a low charisma ... spells are OK, but I'm worried about fear. Well, I'll just stockpile for the time being and see what happens.

Smaug only required one !Healing and one panic teleportation. My newly acquired lightning eagle owned his arse! And he dropped an uber crown of might for me, though the damage boost is somewhat disappointing.

On 9.2.2013 04:09 kingvictory2003 wrote:
Ohhhh mystic...I'm so gunning to play one :)

On 9.2.2013 16:38 chris wrote:
[CL34:Cloning Pits] 09:06
Whoa, Ubbo-Sathla dropped the uber rare (5%) monster king armor. This is rather nice for me, as it is light and all those jelly redundancies are necessaries for a poor demigod :)

To celebrate, I took it to the Pits were a quick Cambeleg drop (It) rocketed my melee damage into the stratosphere. With amazing stealth, I was able to sneak up on foes, Eagle them to a crisp cinder, recharge, and repeat. The only somewhat hairy moment was with a lesser black reaver, woken up by the ant army, but even that died a shocking death! And really, the eagle is only mediocre at this point as my martial arts damage is only middling powerful. No, it is the end game, where Crushing Blows rain and *GREAT* hits abound that the Eagle shall truly shine!!

On 9.2.2013 23:15 chris wrote:
[CL39:DL53] 11:32
Well, I stupidly tussled with NewLife. After 4 potions (5 lives) this is where I am at: 104% life (was 102%), 18/80 Str (was 18/120), 18/120 Dex (was 18/80), 18/100 Con (same) and 18/100 Chr (was 18/80). Hardly a gross improvement, but I guess it will have to do.

Without telepathy, I kept getting ambushed by Death Beasts in the Dragon's Lair, so I figured I'd move to The Arena after a long hiatus. At least monsters are thinned out a bit here, and I won't get interrupted while fighting something big.

Now, where is that palantir?

On 10.2.2013 02:26 chris wrote:
[CL41:DL54] 12:25
CL40 brings untouchability, chosen to sweeten the Death Stance. The difference in damage output between my Defensive Stance, no stance, and my Offensive Stance is a bit deceptive until one realizes that the damage number that is boosted is precisely that which comes into play when figuring mystic damage enhancements. However, the Defensive Stance is still occasionally recommended: Santa Claus (and his mighty reindeers), Ulik the Troll, and Bloodthirsters all deserve a bit more respect. Also, I'm leaning on that Stone of Nature for the Stoneskin activation, which I won't have forever.

On 10.2.2013 03:18 chris wrote:
Hah! Just when I was thinking Victor was on to something with those early Olympian exploits, The Witch King of Angmar put me in my place. Double Manabolt for about 600hp was enough to end my high hopes at mystical victory. And this after scoring RoS +10, Railgun, Genji (useless, I know) and Mook. Damn, I should have fled :)

On 10.2.2013 03:23 kingvictory2003 wrote:
Ha, you're not alone, don't worry :) I've recently had my early characters completely blown to smithereens by metal babbles in Mt. Olympus. Hence, why I actually chose Peerless Tracker as my lvl 20 ability on my Mystic, and I haven't even delved into Mt. Olympus yet given the 95% fail rate with my Int of 7 :)

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