The Angband Ladder: Daeron, Sindar Doriath no-class by clouded

  [Sil 1.1.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Daeron        Age    4,604       Str   1
 Sex    Male          Height   6'5       Dex   6 =  2          +4
 Race   Sindar        Weight   154       Con   7 =  4          +3
 House  Doriath                          Gra  10 =  5  +2      +3

 Game Turn   17,780   Melee (+20,1d11)   Melee       20 = 13  +6      +1
 Exp Pool     1,934   Bows   (+7,1d10)   Archery      7 =  0  +6      +1
 Total Exp   66,934   Armor  [+20,3-4]   Evasion     20 =  7  +6  +7
 Burden        79.8                      Stealth     21 = 16  +6  +3  -4
 Max Burden   120.0   Health     -5:71   Perception  24 = 10 +10  +4
 Depth         1000'  Voice    120:123   Will        10 =  0 +10
 Min Depth     1000'  Song      Lorien   Smithing    10 =  0 +10
 Light Radius     3                      Song        26 = 15 +10      +1

 You have always loved Luthien, and when you heard Thingol agree that
 Beren could marry her if he brought back a Silmaril, you saw your
 chance: you'd just have to go and get two.

  [Last Messages]

> The Orc champion flees in terror!
> The Troll guard becomes unwary.
> The Orc champion becomes unwary.
> The Troll guard becomes unwary.
> The Troll guard falls asleep.
> The Troll guard becomes unwary.
> The Orc champion becomes unwary.
> The Troll guard becomes unwary.
> The bleeding stops.
> The Greater werewolf misses you.
> The Greater werewolf claws you.
> Low hitpoint warning!
> Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth claws you!
> You die.




a) a Shortsword (+0,1d8) [+1] {@w0} 1.4 lb
b) a Shortbow (+0,1d8) 1.2 lb
   It can shoot arrows 15 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Garnet Ring of Damage <+1>
   It improves your damage sides by 1.  
d) a Beryl Ring of Perception <+2>
   It improves your perception by 2.  
e) a Dragon Tooth Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
f) a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness
   It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
   additional square.  
g) a Filthy Rag [+1]
h) a Shadow Cloak [+3] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It creates an unnatural
i) (nothing)
j) a Jewelled Crown of Grace [+0,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Swordplay [+0,1d2]
   It grants you the ability: Parry.  
l) The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin [+1,1d1] <+2>
   It improves your stealth and perception by 2.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  It grants you the ability: Master
m) 63 Arrows
   They can be shot 15 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 16 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 15 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).


a) 7 Mottled Herbs of Sustenance
b) 5 Grey Herbs of Healing
c) 2 Russet Herbs of Restoration
d) 5 Fragments of Lembas
e) 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor
f) 7 Emerald Potions of Healing
g) 5 Sparkling Potions of Voice
h) 7 Smoky Potions of Quickness
i) 2 Copper Speckled Potions of Strength
j) 2 Dark Potions of Dexterity
k) a Golden Potion of Constitution
l) 2 Vermilion Potions of Grace
m) a Gnarled Staff of Revelations (8 charges)
n) a Gnarled Staff of Revelations (6 charges)
o) an Amethyst Ring of Strength <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It sustains your strength.  
p) a Silmaril
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
q) a Jewelled Crown of Brilliance [+0,1d1]
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It cannot be harmed by the
r) a Shortsword (+0,1d7) [+1] 1.2 lb
s) a Greatsword of Shadows (-2,3d5) [+1] <+2> {@w0} 6.9 lb
   It improves your song by 2.  It creates an unnatural darkness.
   It requires both hands to wield it properly.  
t) a Great Axe of Final Rest (-4,4d4) 8.4 lb
   It slays undead.  It grants you freedom of movement.  It
   requires both hands to wield it properly.  
u) a Mattock (-5,5d2) <+2> 12.4 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 2.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Daeron of the Sindar
Entered Angband on 4 Oct 2012

    Turn     Depth    Note

       0     50 ft    (Song of Elbereth)
       0     50 ft    (Song of the Trees)
       1     50 ft    (Power)
     864    200 ft    (Disguise)
   1,207    350 ft    (Song of Silence)
   2,243    400 ft    (Keen Senses)
   3,804    550 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
   3,867    600 ft    (Lore-Master)
   4,689    650 ft    (Dodging)
   4,689    650 ft    (Sprinting)
   5,139    750 ft    (Dexterity)
   5,628    850 ft    (Listen)
   6,034    850 ft    (Vanish)
   6,529    900 ft    (Assassination)
   6,591    900 ft    (Finesse)
   7,283    950 ft    (Subtlety)
   7,836    950 ft    (Focused attack)
   8,012    900 ft    spied delmereth
   8,844    800 ft    Entered Cat Fortress
   8,852    800 ft    hmm cat fortress? 
   8,852    800 ft    would be a risky proposition to go in there
   8,868    800 ft    yeah there's a bunch of kemenrauko in there...
  10,774    750 ft    (Song of Lorien)
  11,091    750 ft    god damn! one point of damage short of killing Umuiyan 
  12,472    750 ft    Found The Pair of Greaves of Orodreth
  12,903    850 ft    Found The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin
  13,709    850 ft    Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
  14,699    950 ft    Found Orodruth, but I can't step on it
  16,753    950 ft    Entered Gothmog's hall
  16,754    950 ft    Vallach and Dagorhir are in Gothmog's Hall
  16,792    950 ft    wow and Lungorthin and Thuringwethil?
  17,187    950 ft    Found The Bastard Sword 'Anglachel'
  17,359  1,000 ft    Entered Morgoth's throne room
  17,382  1,000 ft    Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon
  17,400  1,000 ft    Gorthaur is right infront of Morgoth
  17,618  1,000 ft    (Woven Themes)
  17,626  1,000 ft    Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
  17,627  1,000 ft    not bad, only 3 or 4 turns to pu Morgy to sleep
  17,640  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  17,641  1,000 ft    are you kidding
  17,641  1,000 ft    the fucking sil fell under morgoth!
  17,641  1,000 ft    gfdfffffffffffffff
  17,653  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  17,655  1,000 ft    shit shit shit
  17,655  1,000 ft    fffff
  17,655  1,000 ft    guess I take the third then?
  17,761  1,000 ft    :afgdf

  17,780  1,000 ft    Slain by Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth.
  17,780  1,000 ft    Died on 07 October 2012.

  ['Score' 020182220]

Posted on 6.10.2012 20:17
Last updated on 7.10.2012 11:43

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5. on the Competition No.129 Ladder (of 25)

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A even worse situation


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On 6.10.2012 20:17 clouded wrote:
Inspired by Psi I did some diving too, including some bizarre choices of skills. Power? I don't know why I took it.

Have some assassination skills now so maybe I can kill some stuff.

On 6.10.2012 22:01 clouded wrote:
Cursing the starting songs now, because sharpness is going to be so expensive, and I need to remember to actually get two sils out for once...

Also I linked this screenshot to the wrong character:

On 6.10.2012 22:03 clouded wrote:
I have Lorien so I think I'm okay on getting the crown off, but I worry about retrieving the sils and also Morgoth waking up after the crown falls off. Not sure what to do at the moment, though I have plenty of turns to think about it.

On 6.10.2012 22:06 clouded wrote:
Welp I just found Anglachel in Gothmog's hall! Good thing I actually explored it.

On 6.10.2012 23:07 Scatha wrote:
Part of the idea with the starting stats and songs was to make the more traditional builds less obviously attractive. We'll see if they still prove most effective. Certainly this character looks pretty impressive!

On 7.10.2012 06:00 ewan wrote:
OK, I guess I need to go remember how to play Sil :).

If I read the comp rules right, it's basically fastest out with 2 Sils, no need or benefit to kil V. Hmm.

On 7.10.2012 09:51 Psi wrote:
That is impressive work. Perhaps I shouldn't have ascended again.

On 7.10.2012 11:43 clouded wrote:
no words

On 7.10.2012 12:19 Scatha wrote:
Talk about a dramatic end.

Good going getting that far. Do you think Elbereth would have been better at keeping you alive at the end and letting you escape with the gems?

On 7.10.2012 12:23 clouded wrote:
Maybe, I did try Elbereth for a little bit, but I had some serpents and orcs in my way, which I needed to stab - hence Lorien. It worked and I got through, but I didn't have the turns afterwards to switch.

On 7.10.2012 12:24 clouded wrote:
Shouldn't have spent all my XP beforehand, should have saved enough for exchange places. And I will never cut a sil out without free inventory space again.

On 7.10.2012 14:48 clouded wrote:
Details on what happened...

After finding Anglachel I decided to go for the gusto and do the throne room right away. Looking over my dump I had high enough stealth and song and lots of consumables, so why delay? I scanned over the 950ft I had just explored looking for a great axe, should I need one - but all were sitting under dragons, so I went down.

Upon arriving I used my last charge of treasures, but I saw nothing of interest, though I did notice an unusual amount of loot in the semi-oval room to the SE, I assumed Glaurung was there. So, I headed to the right first to get a look at him and collect some XP. I opened to double doors to the throne room to have a peek in... Since I was generating the throne room with danger, I knew Gorthaur would be there, which made me very anxious. Of course, he was in the worse spot possible - right infront of Morgoth.

I moved back up around the right, to the stairs and then to the NW room, finding the secret passage, which I headed down. Coming out behind Morgoth I quaff a grace potion and sing my soothing song, putting him to sleep within a few turns. Moving on top of the crown I fully buff myself - I knew there was a chance he would wake up and wanted to be prepared. This is where the game ruins my life. As I've done many times before, I cut out the sil. With Anglachel it only took one attempt. "But you have no room!" Oooops. The sil slides right under Morgoth. Not going to lie, I got quite upset at this point.

I curse for a while and then cut the second sil out. I have one, Morgoth has one, and there is still one in the crown. Now I wonder what to do. In hindsight, one option would have been to move back up to the north of the map and break tension, hopefully vanishing from everything - and causing Morgoth to move off the sil. I didn't think this at the time however. I had to get the third sil out. Still buffed, I go for it... Obviously, this was the time Anglachel breaks. And yet more obviously, Morgoth wakes up.

I'm now standing next to the alert Vala, a few steps from the back passage. The rest of the room is still asleep - if I remember correctly. There is potential here to dance around him and try and get the sil, but there is no chance I could do it without the rest of the room waking, and with Gorthaur so close I thought it a foolish plan. I flee back into the passage. A small way in, perhaps past the silent watcher, Morgoth creates an earthquake. Not much damage, nothing else seems to have become aware of me, so I keep going. Once I reach the NW rooms, I close some doors and stand still, trying to vanish. A waste of time, you can't hide from a wrathful god!

Because of the setup of these rooms, I thought I would draw Morgoth and loop around, running back into the passage for the sil. So I did, though I wasn't running as fast as I could, because Morgoth wasn't too far behind. Once I get near the silent watcher I notice something: Morgoth's earthquake had blocked my path. The door to the east of the watcher was now rubble, but no big deal - I have my trusty mattock. Now I make a mistake. I swing at the the rubble without thinking, the watcher wakes up. I should have sung silence first. My path is clear, but I am stunned, afraid and the shrieks have woken the main hall.

I had to get to the sil. No matter what was ahead, Morgoth was behind. No going back at this point. I move foward a few spaces, but the silent watcher had heavily stunned me at this point. I use one of my miruvor potions and get some buffs on too. Morgoth wasn't too far behind now and an ancient serpent had come into the entrance of the passage. Dearly wishing I hadn't been a fool, neglecting to save experience for exchange places I sing Lorien, hoping I can kill my way to the sil. The serpent falls asleep instantly, while I am now next to it. I wish I had to time to focus my attack, but I don't. I pray and hit, managing a killing blow. Now I am at the situation seen in this screenshot:

Well okay, apparently that was before the serpent? Since I am holding the mattock, I must have killed that orc before the serpent came, it's a bit blurry at this point. You can see how close Morgoth was behind me... I think he may have even been next to me while I stabbed the serpent.

Anyway, after I had managed to overcome this, death was staring me truly head on.

Standing on the silmaril was Gorthaur. What hope had I at this point? I was injured. I would like to heal, if I did Gorthaur would move forward and I would be completely trapped. I had no choice but to step forward. As I stepped towards my doom, I was bitten. No damage, but now I had a large amount of poison, Gorthaur, Morgoth and probably that amythest serpent standing next to me. Have to heal. I did, and I survived. Now I don't know what happens, I was still singing Lorien so I would think the serpent had already fallen asleep next to me. I must have stabbed it, because I had an opening to move. Away from Morgoth is a good direction in my book, so let's go there. Still alive somehow, and probably injured, more healing required. Gorthaur's pack of werewolves had closed in at this point, but I still had space to move. Where would I even go? But I had to keep moving at least, staying still wouldn't do anything. A move, and more healing.

Now I am on my last turn, the next would be my death. Desperately I see an open path, away from wolves next to me and between an orc and some trolls. I try, but no. Now it all ends...

Ah well... Frustrating death, that it all came from one mistake - not thinking about the sil overflowing. I had done it this way many times before. Now I've reflected on it, at least I can say it was memorable.

On 7.10.2012 23:01 Antoine wrote:
Nice story

On 8.10.2012 00:22 Nick wrote:
That is just excellent

On 8.10.2012 00:36 Nick wrote:
In fact, you really should take this explanation and post it in the AAR section - that way it's more accessible to everyone, and you can link the screenshots properly.

If you don't, I will :)

On 9.10.2012 06:05 half wrote:
Wow! Great description of the throne room. I can see that dropping a Silmaril and having it roll under a sleeping god is a problem!

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Daeron, L20182220 Sindar Doriath no-class
604th in Sil (1.1.0) by clouded (100%)

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