The Angband Ladder: Faeros, Noldor Feanor no-class by debo

  [Sil 1.1.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Faeros        Age    1,064       Str   3 =  2  +1
 Sex    Male          Height   6'5       Dex   5
 Race   Noldor        Weight   174       Con   7 =  4          +3
 House  Feanor                           Gra   3

 Game Turn   10,865   Melee (+13,1d12)   Melee       13 = 15  +5  -3  -4
 Exp Pool       765   Bows    (+0,1d8)   Archery      0 =  0  +5  -2  -3
 Total Exp   34,165   Armor  [-5,6-19]   Evasion     -5 = 12  +5  +2 -24
 Burden        92.7                      Stealth     -1 =  0  +5  -2  -4
 Max Burden   172.8   Health     -6:71   Perception   8 =  9  +3      -4
 Depth         650'   Voice      34:34   Will         3 =  4  +3      -4
 Min Depth     450'                      Smithing     6 =  6  +3      -3
 Light Radius     3                      Song        -1 =  0  +3      -4

 You are the only child of an archer from the house of Feanor. You have
 light grey eyes, wavy black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You can see again.
> The Cave troll is hit by falling debris.
> You can see again.
> The Ringrauko hits you!
> You are covered with frost!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> The Cave troll hits you...
> The Kemenrauko hits you!
> You can see again.
> The Ringrauko hits you...
> The Cave troll hits you!
> You die.


  # +%   
  # %### 


a) a Trident of Nargothrond (-1,1d9) [+1] 5.0 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  It can be thrown effectively (4
   squares).  It does extra damage when wielded with both hands.
   It counts as a type of polearm.  
b) a Shortbow (+0,1d7) 1.2 lb
   It can shoot arrows 12 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Beryl Ring of Protection [+0,1d1]
d) an Adamant Ring of Warmth
   It provides resistance to cold.  
e) (nothing)
f) a Brass Lantern (with 4471 turns of light)
g) Leather Armour [+0,1d5]
h) a Cloak [+2]
i) a Kite Shield of Frost (-2) [+0,1d7]
   It provides resistance to fire.  
j) a Great Helm of True Sight [-2,1d3]
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  
k) a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Strength [+0,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
l) a Pair of Boots [+1,1d2]
m) 20 Arrows of Piercing
   They cut easily through armour.  They can be shot 12 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
n) 32 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 12 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).


a) a Pale Green Herb of Rage
b) 4 Dark Green Herbs of Healing
c) 2 Mottled Herbs of Restoration
d) 4 Fragments of Lembas
e) 6 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor
f) 2 Sparkling Blue Potions of Clarity
g) a Golden Potion of Healing
h) a Brilliant Blue Potion of Voice
i) 3 Cloudy Potions of True Sight
j) a Violet Potion of Slow Poison
k) a Dark Green Potion of Quickness
l) an Emerald Potion of Elemental Resistance
m) 2 Brown Potions of Strength
n) 2 Shimmering Potions of Dexterity
o) a Yellow Potion of Constitution
p) 2 Crimson Potions of Grace
q) a Bronze Trumpet of Terror
r) 3 Wooden Torches (with 2000 turns of light)
s) a Helm [+0,1d3]
t) a Longsword of Gondolin (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.0 lb
   It slays orcs and trolls.  
u) a Longsword (+0,2d6) [+1] 2.4 lb
v) a Greatsword of Doriath (-1,3d6) [+1] 7.9 lb
   It slays wolves and spiders.  It requires both hands to wield
   it properly.  
w) 6 Throwing Axes (+0,2d4) 9.0 lb
   It can be thrown effectively (9 squares).  


Faeros of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 4 Oct 2012

    Turn     Depth    Note

     350    100 ft    (Armoursmith)
     350    100 ft    (Artistry)
     449    100 ft    Made Leather Armour [+0,1d5]  5.9 lb
     550    100 ft    Made a Round Shield [+1,1d4]  4.6 lb
     651    100 ft    Made a Pair of Boots [+1,1d2]  1.9 lb
   1,123    150 ft    (Finesse)
   1,392    150 ft    Slew Gorgol, the Butcher
   1,455    150 ft    This build is insanity.
   1,621    200 ft    Violet mold :/
   2,780    250 ft    Made a Cloak [+2]  1.5 lb
   2,892    250 ft    Made a Helm [+0,1d3]  5.0 lb
   2,995    250 ft    Made a Set of Gloves [+0,1d1]  0.5 lb
   3,198    300 ft    Thank you HM!
   3,429    350 ft    FalseFloor
   3,609    350 ft    LOL TROLLS
   3,609    350 ft    Glaive of Gondolin + godly evasion at this floor = :)
   3,800    350 ft    5d11 to a troll = LUDICROUS GIBS
   4,440    400 ft    4 staves. Not one is sanc
   4,440    400 ft    And lamp of flickering shadows :(
   5,196    450 ft    HOLY CRAP
   5,196    450 ft    Flame trap dropped me to 1HP
   5,196    450 ft    And destroyed my Glaive of Gondolin :( :( :(
   5,455    450 ft    Slew Boldog, the Merciless
   6,152    500 ft    This lantern is driving me NUTS
   6,152    500 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
   6,152    500 ft    (Lore-Master)
   6,152    500 ft    Found The Spear of Boldog (from 450 ft)
   6,222    500 ft    Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
   6,304    500 ft    (Blocking)
   6,304    500 ft    (Controlled Retreat)
   6,849    500 ft    Gilim and Ulfang both lining up to kill me
   6,849    500 ft    WHY can't I ever face 1 unique at a time :(
   6,849    500 ft    (Focused attack)
   6,922    500 ft    Fled the level
   7,128    500 ft    My lamp of shadows has 200 turns of oil :/
   7,128    500 ft    I hope it falls off when it runs out.
   7,366    500 ft    Fuck. It stays on when it's out of oil?!?!
   7,439    500 ft    (Curse Breaking)
   7,440    500 ft    Shitty :(
   8,107    550 ft    Gilim: The Rematch
   8,174    550 ft    Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
   8,191    550 ft    TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF
   8,501    550 ft    Finally !Con!
   8,544    550 ft    I think I just cloned 45 arrows
   9,054    550 ft    Never realized how hard it is to rest without stealth
   9,054    550 ft    How is it that I even sleep noisily?
   9,336    550 ft    Jesus H christ finally found a lamp
   9,556    600 ft    Awesome slugfest with a lurking horror
   9,556    600 ft    Afraid? Just spam z till it wears off :)
   9,680    600 ft    600' is like puberty
   9,680    600 ft    all kinds of holdovers from childhood
   9,680    600 ft    but all sorts of new experiences too
   9,998    600 ft    FUCK YA BITCHES
   9,998    600 ft    Mithril gauntlets of strength
  10,012    600 ft    Whoa shadows are tough
  10,012    600 ft    Protection means nothing
  10,384    650 ft    Focused attack works with throwing!!!!!!!!!!!
  10,565    650 ft    A very lucky giant hit me for 19 then 20 :/
  10,719    650 ft    Found The Longsword 'Orcrist'
  10,720    650 ft    I'm an apothecary!!
  10,842    650 ft    Ruh roh kemenrauko

  10,865    650 ft    Slain by a Cave troll.
  10,865    650 ft    Died on 05 October 2012.

  ['Score' 013089135]

Posted on 5.10.2012 06:36
Last updated on 6.10.2012 01:11

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On 5.10.2012 06:36 debo wrote:
Trying out HM's artistry build for the first time. I threw in a bit of controlled retreat, clouded-style. First non-stealth build I ever loved!

Now I just have to find myself a +10 deathblade :P

I was thinking that this would be a crazy start with archery. Having this much evasion basically means you get what is functionally like point-blank archery for "free". Also, bows don't benefit _that_ much from artifice, so you could take Weaponsmith a bit later and make yourself something nice.

Evasion this high in the early game basically functions like stealth, in many ways -- stealth avoids things by not waking up monsters. With this build, I just don't get hit / hurt, so e.g. shadow spiders who I can't see still can't blind me, and I can just kite backwards until they die.

Fun stuff! Have no idea how the later floors will be... I need to buff melee big time.

On 5.10.2012 06:39 debo wrote:
Also, getting hit by a violet mold at 200' has taught me that this build doesn't really need 4 Con. Maybe I'll take more Strength or Grace next time.

On 5.10.2012 11:33 Scatha wrote:
Nice going. I find that it's only in the late game (around when dragons show up) that I find I want Con, and if you have a smith you can generally take care of that.

On 5.10.2012 14:14 debo wrote:
Well, I was thinking about going for Will-based skills, but now I think it might be really cool to get Song of Staying with this build. I've never used that before, either.

I'd love to have Song of Sharpness too, but from what I remember of the requirements, those both have at least one other song as a prereq. Add minor themes, and that's a lot of XP into Song :/

On 5.10.2012 14:19 Scatha wrote:
Sharpness and Staying both have Slaying as a possible pre-req, so that's not impossible.

On 5.10.2012 14:20 debo wrote:
YES!! I remembered Staying having Trees or something as prereq, but I bet I'm thinking of Este.

On 5.10.2012 14:21 debo wrote:
If I survive the next 200', this is going to be SO COOL

On 5.10.2012 14:31 Scatha wrote:
Staying is Slaying or Trees; Este is Trees only (it might make sense to add a second pre-req to that, perhaps Freedom).

On 5.10.2012 15:40 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
Are you killing everything? Make sure you are killing everything! I don't think I've ever tried controlled retreat. Maybe I'll give it a run soon. You've managed pretty good protection with that +20 evasion! Gut 'em up.

On 5.10.2012 15:41 debo wrote:
I am indeed killing everything. Blocking + focus + controlled retreat is so freaking awesome.

That protection score may be misleading -- I think I passed a turn before doing the chardump, which added my blocking bonus to the score.

On 5.10.2012 17:59 Scatha wrote:
I'm really happy with the way Controlled Retreat plays now, and glad you're enjoying it. For most of development CR didn't have the restriction about not moving the previous turn, which made it:
(a) kind of ridiculously good
(b) not actually that much fun -- it was too straightforward

The synergies with Blocking are a nice way of making the latter decently relevant. I like the choice between whether to block or just make another attack on the turns between retreating.

On 5.10.2012 19:21 debo wrote:
I also like how focused attack can compensate for the melee penalty you get from the high-protection shields. I was going to ditch this kite shield until I remembered my effective melee score was actually 5 points higher :)

I can't wait to meet my first deathblade mwahaha

On 5.10.2012 19:27 Psi wrote:
Ha. Didn't see you were doing an HM (c) build too. All the best!

On 5.10.2012 19:28 debo wrote:
The guy makes one video and all of a sudden he's a star! It's a rough business, I tell ya :D

On 6.10.2012 01:11 debo wrote:
That was a pretty legit death. I honestly didn't know what to do. I was tangling with a cave troll when 3 Sulrauko, 2 Ringrauko, and 2 Kemenrauko suddenly appeared out of the darkness. I fled for the stairs (using controlled retreat, of course) but have 2 Kemenrauko spam earthquakes just trapped me in a fuckfest, and I had no digger. I couldn't kill them.

It was the stun that killed me -- I think I probably should have drank !Clarity, maybe then I could have found a way out. But I had to heal every turn just to stop from dying, so...

How do people deal with Kemen? I usually sneak past them, but that's not an option without stealth. Even with finesse, a Nargothrand trident, and +26 focused attack, I couldn't really hurt it.

On 6.10.2012 01:13 debo wrote:
Well I guess my melee wasn't +26 with a spear and being heavily stunned... :)

On 6.10.2012 01:14 debo wrote:
What? I found orcrist????? I didn't even see it!!


On 6.10.2012 10:12 clouded wrote:
You need a big weapon or sharpness for them - they are critical resistant, else you probably just have to abandon a bunch because they create hell when they chase you. They are one of the most dangerous monsters in the game, in my opinion.

650ft is pretty early for them so it's not surprising you couldn't deal with them too well. Their native depth is where I really want sharpness, for those and ancient serpents too.

On 6.10.2012 11:38 Scatha wrote:
I think a Trident of Nargothrond would count as a big enough weapon here. I'm pretty sure it should have been enough for you to kill one on its own, but perhaps not instantly. A big group has other problems. Did you try a herb of Rage?

On 6.10.2012 15:48 HallucinationMushroom wrote:
They've got a cave troll...

On 8.10.2012 17:04 half wrote:
I agree that big weapons are important, and that the trident of Nargothrond was probably big enough. My finesse type characters normally carry a greatsword or something for Kemenraukar, Sulraukar, molds, and other critical resistant things. Ideally this heavy swap weapon can also double as some other kind of swap (i.e. it has an occasionally useful special type)

On 8.10.2012 17:09 debo wrote:
I was carrying the greatsword of doriath for just that reason, but I thought the slaying bonus would help AND I still got to use my shield. Perhaps I should have switched to the greatsword and eaten a herb of rage.

I'm not sure any of those things would have helped, though. I should have just run instead of using controlled-retreat. I don't think I've ever had more than one Kemenrauko earthquaking me before, so I didn't realize how dangerous it would be. It's like having Master Mystics falling from the sky :)

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