The Angband Ladder: Inigo Montoya 2, Spanish Dashing Hussa by letslaugh

  [Steamband 0.4.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Inigo Montoya 2                          Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Male           Age            31  MUS:    153  ....6.......2   233
 Race   Spanish        Height         69  Agi:    163  ............2   173
 Class  Dashing Hussar Weight        196  Vig:    102  .............   159
 Title  Lt. Colonel    Status         25  SCH:    120  .............   120
 WP     -2/30          MaxDepth  Lev  39  EGO:    114  .............   114
 SP     45/45          Preserve        Y  CHR:    104  .............   104

 Level           21       Armor     [27,+20]     Saving Throw           Poor
 Cur Exp      13313       Blows       1/turn     Stealth          First-rate
 Max Exp      13313       Shots       0/turn     Fighting               Poor
 Adv Exp      15300       Infra         0 ft     Shooting            Abyssal
                                                 Disarming               Bad
          Stat     Skill     Equip.    Total     Magic Device      Tolerable
 Melee   (-1,+2)   (+0,+0)   (+0,+0)   (-1,+2)   Perception           Superb
 Shoot   (-1,+0)   (+0,+0)   (+0,+0)   (-1,+0)   Searching      Legendary[4]

     You are the only son of a great sword maker. You are a
     beloved child.  You have brown eyes, shoulder-length wavy
     brown hair, and a scar on each cheek.

  [Resists & Abilities]

   Critical:.............   Fthr Fall:...........+.   Hvy Curse:.............
   Vampiric:.............   Telepathy:.............    Mutation:.............
      Throw:.............   See Invis:.........+...    No Magic:.............
     Vorpal:.............    Free Act:...+.........   No Teleprt.............
     Return:.............   Wraithfrm:.............    Drain SP:.............
  Frce Brnd:.............   Hold Life:.............    Drain HP:.............
  Fire Brnd:.............     Reflect:.............     Disrupt:.............
  Elec Brnd:.............   Invisible:.............   Drn Items:.............
  Ice Brand:.............   Res Confu:.........+...   Drn   Exp:.............
  Acid Brnd:.............   Res Blind:.........+...    Teleport:.............
  Psn. Brnd:.............    Res Fear:.............   Aggravate:.............
  Ice  :10% .......+......
  Poisn:30% ..+...........
  Light:10% .........+....
  Dark :10% .........+....

            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
              =="~(([]]]                =="~(([]]]                =="~(([]]]

  [Last Messages]

> You feel rested.
> You feel a little better.
> You have 9 "Happy Home Blood Purifier and Health" Tonics of Cure Serious
Wounds (f).
> You feel rested.
> You feel a little better.
> You have 8 "Happy Home Blood Purifier and Health" Tonics of Cure Serious
Wounds (f).
> You are surrounded by a white light.
> You dig in the rubble. <25x>
> You have removed the rubble.
> You failed to pick the lock. <29x>
> You have picked the lock.
> You are surrounded by a white light.
> Spring-Heeled Jack, the Terror of London breathes fire. <2x>
> Your wounds hurt!
> You die.


   Disarming Traps  1
           Stealth 20
         Searching  1
    Pain Tolerance  1
   Neophyte Combat  5
   Standard Combat 10
   Accurate Strike  1
    Vicious Strike  1
      Martial Arts  1
 Neophyte Firearms  1
            Rifles  1
          Throwing 20
  Advance Throwing 10
 Throwing Accuracy  3
          Polearms  1
            Swords  1
           Daggers  1
 Combat Techniques  1
         Latin {*}  1
   Occult Lore {O}  1
  Ritual Magic {O}  1
  Spirituality {S}  1
 Tempered Will {*}  1
     Using Devices 20
  Advanced Devices 11
 Device Efficiency  2
  Device Power Amp 11
    Device Bio Amp  4
         Toughness 14
    Dragon's Heart 20
         Athletics  6

  [Character Equipment]

c) a Lapis Lazuli Ring of Resist Poison
d) a Zircon Ring of Freedom of Mobility
e) an Oak Amulet of Muscle <+6>
f) a Brass Lantern [3] <Fuel: 11966>
g) a Tweed Jacket [9,+4]
h) a Fur Cloak [3,+3]
i) a Set of Petticoats [5,+7]
j) The Green-tinted Glasses of Auguste Dupin [8,+1] <+8>
k) a Set of Gloves [1,+1]
l) a Pair of Laced Shoes of Slow Descent [1,+5]

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Meat Pies
b) 10 Flasks of oil
c) a "S.S. Clark's Diamond Family" Tonic of Detect Invisible
d) a "A. M. Bininger & Co. Wheat" Tonic of Neutralize Poison
e) a "Brother Benjamin Great Herbalo" Tonic of Speed
f) 8 "Happy Home Blood Purifier and Health" Tonics of Cure Serious Wounds
g) 15 "Dr. Beard's Alterative" Tonics of Cure Critical Wounds {10% off}
h) 3 Moaning Hydrograph Mechanisms of Phase Door {10% off}
i) 14 Steel-Plated Hydrograph Mechanisms of Etheric Travel {75% off}
j) 2 Chromium Astrophonic Mechanisms of Returning {90% off}
k) 12 Gold-Plated Macropan Mechanisms of Power Cell {25% off}
l) 2 Bronze Anemocopter Mechanisms of Structural Analysis
m) a Ruhmkorff (recharging)
n) a Zinc Ray Gun of Fire (40 charges) {10% off}
o) a Pearl-Plated Ray Gun of Ice (1 charge)
p) a Copper-Plated Ray Gun of Voltage (14 charges)
q) an Intricate Tool of Object Analysis (8 charges)
r) a Balanced Tool of Egress Detection (12 charges)
s) a Fur Cloak [3,+2]
t) a Dagger (1d4|0) (+0,+0)

  [Home Inventory]

4 "Brother Benjamin Great Herbalo" Tonics of Speed
20 "Dr. Beard's Alterative" Tonics of Cure Critical Wounds {10% off}
28 Moaning Hydrograph Mechanisms of Phase Door
5 Chromium Astrophonic Mechanisms of Returning {40% off}
40 Gold-Plated Macropan Mechanisms of Power Cell {25% off}
a Copper Ring of Sustain Muscle


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 27.5.2012 20:40
Last updated on 29.5.2012 16:27

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6. on the Competition No.122 Ladder (of 13)


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On 27.5.2012 20:40 letslaugh wrote:
Finally managed to pass my previous character. Throwing works well in the beginning but doesn't have much oomph. I'm still hoping devices will eventually pack some punch.

On 28.5.2012 16:17 letslaugh wrote:
Plugging away at it but life is risky at this point.

On 29.5.2012 16:27 letslaugh wrote:
You can sure die quickly in this variant!

On 30.5.2012 01:48 ewan wrote:
Yep. And the number of things that can instakill is *large*.

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