The Angband Ladder: Glirien, Edain Haleth no-class by decoy

  [Sil 1.0.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Glirien       Age       22       Str   1 =  0  +1
 Sex    Female        Height  5'11       Dex   5 =  4  +1
 Race   Edain         Weight   158       Con   2 =  1  +1
 House  Haleth                           Gra  10 =  3  +2      +5

 Game Turn   31,196   Melee   (-2,6d3)   Melee       -2 =  0  +5  -7
 Exp Pool     2,286   Bows   (+5,1d11)   Archery      5 =  0  +5
 Total Exp   63,986   Armor  [+7,5-13]   Evasion      7 =  7  +5  -5
 Burden       128.5                      Stealth     16 =  8  +5  +2  +1
 Max Burden   120.0   Health     28:28   Perception  20 = 10 +10
 Depth           0'   Voice    228:247   Will        10 =  0 +10
 Min Depth       0'                      Smithing    10 =  0 +10
 Light Radius     8                      Song        32 = 22 +10

 You are one of several children of a warrior. You are a credit to the
 family. You have dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, and an average

  [Last Messages]

> You are struck by rubble!
> The Troll guard wakes up. <2x>
> The Troll guard stirs.
> The Troll guard wakes up.
> The Troll guard falls asleep.
> You feel better.
> You have 3 Pale Green Herbs of Healing (a).
> There is a flutter of wings from high above.
> The Giant bat falls asleep.
> Your feel your power renew.
> You have 6 Cloudy Potions of Voice (f).
> You feel more attuned to the world.
> You have 3 Golden Potions of Grace (k).
> You have picked the lock.
> You end your song.




a) a Mattock of Belegost (-7,6d2) <+3> 16.0 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  
b) a Longbow of Radiance (+0,1d10) [-1] 3.9 lb
   It fires shining arrows.  It can shoot arrows 16 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) a Ruby Ring of Dexterity <+1>
   It increases your dexterity by 1.  It sustains your dexterity.
d) a Pearl Ring of Free Action
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
e) a Golden Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
f) a Silmaril
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Mail Corslet of Fingon [-3,2d4] <+1>
   It increases your constitution and grace by 1.  It provides
   resistance to fear.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Cloak of Stealth [+1] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  
i) (nothing)
j) a Mithril Helm of Brilliance [-1,1d3]
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It cannot be harmed by the
k) a Set of Leather Gloves of Power [+0,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  
l) a Pair of Leather Boots of Softest Tread [-1,1d1] <+3>
   It improves your stealth by 3.  
m) 69 Arrows of Piercing
   They cut easily through armour.  They can be shot 16 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
n) 31 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 16 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).


a) 3 Pale Green Herbs of Healing
b) 4 Pale Herbs of Restoration
c) 2 Fragments of Lembas
d) 4 Clear Potions of Miruvor
e) 5 Black Potions of Healing
f) 6 Cloudy Potions of Voice
g) 7 Sky Blue Potions of Slow Poison
h) 5 Yellow Potions of Quickness
i) 5 Dark Green Potions of Strength
j) 5 Brown Potions of Dexterity
k) 3 Golden Potions of Grace
l) an Ashen Staff of Treasures (1 charge)
m) an Ebony Staff of Slumber (7 charges)
n) a Yew Staff of Recharging (4 charges)
o) a Yew Staff of Recharging (2 charges)
p) a Bloodstone Ring of Sustenance
   It reduces your need for food.  
q) a Filthy Rag of Stealth <+3>
   It improves your stealth by 3.  
r) a Jewelled Crown of Majesty [+0,1d1]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the
   ability: Majesty.  
s) a Helm of True Sight [+0,1d3] <+3>
   It improves your perception by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   blindness and hallucination.  It grants you the ability to
   see invisible creatures.  
t) a Longsword of Brilliance (+1,2d5) [+1] 2.1 lb
   It lights the dungeon around you.  
u) The Halberd 'Celebrist' (+0,2d10) [+3] <+1> 5.0 lb
   It increases your dexterity by 1.  It decreases your 
   constitution by 1.  It grants you freedom of movement.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  It counts as a type of polearm.  
v) The Great Axe of Nogrod (-4,4d5) <+1> 11.0 lb
   It increases your strength by 1.  It slays orcs, trolls, and 
   raukar.  It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  It requires both hands to wield it


Glirien of the Edain
Entered Angband on 31 Jan 2012

    Turn     Depth    Note

      41     50 ft    (Disguise)
      41     50 ft    (Keen Senses)
      41     50 ft    (Song of Silence)
   1,313    250 ft    (Vanish)
   3,784    400 ft    (Listen)
   4,227    500 ft    (Lore-Keeper)
   5,567    550 ft    (Lore-Master)
   5,567    550 ft    (Exchange Places)
   6,651    600 ft    (Dodging)
   6,917    600 ft    (Sprinting)
   9,401    650 ft    Found The Halberd 'Celebrist'
  10,052    700 ft    (Unwavering Voice)
  12,119    750 ft    (Grace)
  12,494    800 ft    Found The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg'
  12,523    800 ft    (Song of Lorien)
  13,490    800 ft    (Woven Themes)
  15,203    850 ft    (Grace)
  16,414    900 ft    Found The Great Axe of Nogrod
  17,622    950 ft    Found The Longsword 'Aranruth'
  18,003    950 ft    (Song of Slaying)
  19,458    900 ft    Entered Chambers of Thu
  20,467    900 ft    Found The Great Spear of Melkor
  21,165    950 ft    Entered Hoard of the Worm of Greed
  21,195    950 ft    (Song of Sharpness)
  21,244    950 ft    Found The Mail Corslet of Fingon
  22,855  1,000 ft    Entered Morgoth's throne room
  23,872  1,000 ft    Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
  23,888  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  23,889  1,000 ft    Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
  31,082     Gates    Entered The Gates of Angband

  31,195     Gates    You escaped the Iron Hells on 01 February 2012.
  31,195     Gates    You brought back a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown!

  31,196     Gates    Took Silmaril to the Undying Lands

  ['Score' 041168804]

Posted on 1.2.2012 11:26
Last updated on 1.2.2012 13:30

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458. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 1.2.2012 11:26 decoy wrote:
For the love of an Elf maid, Elost of the valiant People of Haleth set out to wrest a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth, the Enemy. But he became bewildered in the mazes of Angband, and was lost.

When he did not return, his sister Glirien set out after Elost, coming herself through many perils to the Gates of Angband. She descended into the fortress of the Enemy, and there came in time to the throne room of Morgoth Bauglir himself. There she wrought in her brother's stead the deed for which he had entered that foul place...

On 1.2.2012 11:28 decoy wrote:
P.S. Filthy Rag of Stealth gets 'em every time.

On 1.2.2012 11:35 Psi wrote:
That is a great effort - all the best with the throne room!

On 1.2.2012 12:00 decoy wrote:
...And Glirien sang before Morgoth a song of loveliness and rest, of the scent of grass and taking one's ease by the water. The images conjured by her voice were of such power, all the minions of the Dark Lord's court passed into a restful slumber. Even spirits who had known only wickedness for untold ages were struck down.

Then she declared herself and sang before Morgoth, who indeed fell, momentarily drowsy and dazed. Then there came a note of vengeance on her voice for her beloved brother Elost, and keeping the servants at bay she cleaved a Silmaril from the black iron of the Enemy's circlet.

She quickly began her escape from the pits of Morgoth's hell...

(P.S. Uh-oh, dad's mad...)

On 1.2.2012 12:42 half wrote:
Great work! Here's hoping for the first ever Edain winner -- we never achieved this even in the years of playtesting.

On 1.2.2012 13:30 decoy wrote:
...Glirien took the Silmaril and, guided by its light, made good her perilous escape from Angband and all the minions of Morgoth Bauglir. Upon the threshold, she was set upon by trolls as the fortress crumbled about her.

So at last Glirien called upon Manwe, and Eru Iluvatar in her hour of need, and she felled all about her again with her song of power. Even Carcharoth, set to guard the gates by Morgoth himself, was powerless when faced with the full might of her words.

So she took the Silmaril and, still mourning for her brother Elost, set forth across the Sea to bring her prize to the Undying Lands that know no sorrow.

(Had some close calls, including a stair crumble at 100' and getting busted by some guards at the gate. Blew my last experience on a bit more Song, and chugged a potion, for insurance.)

On 1.2.2012 13:35 Scatha wrote:
... and never more was Glirien, fairest daughter of all the people of Haleth, seen to wander in mortal lands. And the Feanorians were brought to wrath when they heard that one of the jewels had been brought forth from under mighty Thangorodrim, and yet taken forever beyond their reach ...

Congratulations; you deserve them!

On 1.2.2012 14:10 Psi wrote:
Amazing run with an Edain - well done!

On 1.2.2012 14:45 HallucinationMushroom wrote:

On 2.2.2012 04:10 decoy wrote:
Just a technical note, the dump reflects artificially "pumped up" stats due to a Potion of Grace. Unmodified stats were Grace 7 (3 naturally + 2 from abilities + 2 from equipment) and Voice maximum 143.

A Voice maximum of 247 would be pretty sweet, though. You wouldn't even really have to stop singing. Ever.

Thoughts and impressions coming in a future comment, it seems to be in fashion and I didn't really have the chance or desire to think about it when the final dump was posted.

On 2.2.2012 04:44 decoy wrote:
Okay, here goes. First of all, I'm really impressed by this game. I think the winner-board thus far is really a testament to the depth and quality of the gameplay. Winning characters occupy the whole spectrum from "kill everything" (including Morgoth, as of today--congratulations, by the way...) to "kill nothing", representing Noldor/Vanyar, Sindar, Naugrim, and Edain, and a very broad range of styles. Awesome work. I'm not usually a gamer anymore, but I like Angband. As a Tolkien maniac (particularly with regard to the Silmarillion), I really, really, really love and appreciate this game.

As for the Edain, if you compare this character with my similar Elf, Eluvindi, you'll see a few differences. At first I was committed to _not_ changing my strategy for the Edain because I thought it would work best, but a lot of deaths later (cf. Osgil, my initial attempts at the Edain) I decided it just wasn't working. I had a lot of early deaths to wolves, bats, of course crebain, etc. from being spotted and run down (I'm not sure how it happens, but wolves seem to be able to spot from another room, even--I learned to dread distant howls if I thought I had a decent character going).

Elves in general have better stats, chiefly more hit points, so even a crappy non-combat Elf can probably take on some wolves in a hallway and win. At least a bat probably won't kill an Elf at 50 feet depth. No guarantees, with an Edain.

In the end, I tweaked my stats and switched around the order in which I got some key abilities and it tended to work a little better. I still had a lot of quick and brutal deaths, but the statistics were probably a little better with this build (not that I really kept track, it just felt that way). So, in response to a comment on someone else's Edain dump, I did find I had better luck with an "Edain strategy", and that simply applying my Noldor strategy to a character with crappier stats didn't tend to work that well. The tweaks seemed all pretty minor, but the effect was surprisingly large.

I also had to be very careful about the order in which I got those first ten or eleven abilities. With my Elf, I didn't think about it as much (because I think there's more room for error), but as the corpses piled up my strategy evolved. After that there is more room for leeway, I think, and I was able to make adjustments on the fly to balance immediate needs and the endgame mix I was aiming for.

At some points I was really amazed at how powerful this kind of character can be, but then again looking at some of the insane winning builds others have posted, I think a character _should_ be very, very powerful toward the end of the game. It's part of what makes the experience fun!

Even in the endgame, I noticed some differences with an Edain, though. The endgame had more tense moments, because I was keenly aware of both her fragility and her overall lower stats versus an Elf. Being spotted by Morgoth gave me a bit of a fright. Being spotted at 150 feet by Elfbane and his escort of eight or ten Cave Trolls in a room barely big enough to hold all of us was...Intense. And don't even get me started on waking up the guards at the door. I seriously thought she was going to die on the doorstep. Once I pumped her up fully, though...Well, you'll notice in the dump that there is nothing with regard to Carcharoth in the final messages--that's because he was snoozing before she even walked through the door.

The only thing I would say is that you might want to tone down the new "stair crumbling" feature. Having the stairs crumble high up, in a small level where the stairs popped in adjacent rooms, was...Frustrating. At least there were stairs up on the level I fell to, though!

And there you have my recap. The short, short version is that playing an Edain is definitely quite a bit harder than playing a similar build as a Noldor/Vanyar. Mission accomplished?

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