The Angband Ladder: Fuivie, Half-Troll Adventurer by thapper

  [Ironband First stable release Character Dump]

 Name   Fuivie         STR:  18/10 +4 +0  +0  18/50
 Sex    Male           INT:  18/10 -4 +0  -5     10
 Race   Half-Troll     WIS:     16 -3 +0  -5      8
 Class  Adventurer     DEX:  18/30 -2 +0  +0  18/10
 Title  Champion       Con:     18 +4 +0  +0  18/40 18/30
 HP     -30/306        Agi:  18/10 +0 +0  +0  18/10    17
 SP     5/5            STE:     13 -2 +0  +4     15
 Level  23             PER:  18/10 -2 +0  +0     17
 Depth  19             Luc:     11 -1 +0  +3     13    12

 GameTurn      263027  Armor   [20,+63]
 PlayerTurn     28845  Fight(+11,+245%)
 Cur Exp        30788  Melee(+20,+390%)
 Max Exp        30788  Shoot  (+25,+10)
 Adv Exp        36000  Blows      27/10
 Gold           15084  Shots      13/10
 Burden       216 lbs  Speed     Normal
 % Burden         72%  Infra      30 ft

 Your father was a Stone-Troll Warrior. You have slime-green
 eyes, dirty bright red hair, and green leprous skin.

  [Last Messages]

> Ardomar, Former King of Cardolan misses you.
> Your armor protects you from Ardomar, Former King of Cardolan.
> It nips you.
> It stings you.
> Ardomar, Former King of Cardolan misses you. <4x>
> It nips you.
> The Young green dragon breathes.
> 4 Ghouls resist a lot.
> It shrugs off the attack.
> It squelches.
> Ardomar, Former King of Cardolan resists a lot.
> The Rattlesnake resists a lot.
> You hear a scream of agony!
> You are hit by poison!
> You die.

  [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

(+/-)     + +  -  
      ��������ٌ��               ��������ٌ��
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Str: .............        Str:  ............s
 Int: .........5...        Int:  .............
 Wis: .........5...        Wis:  .............
 Dex: .............        Dex:  .............
 Con: .............        Con:  .............
 Agi: .............        Agi:  .............
 Ste: ......4......        Ste:  .............
 Per: .............        Per:  .............
 Luc: ....3........        Luc:  ....s........
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@ 
 Acid:......+......        Blind:............. 
 Elec:......+......        Confu:............. 
 Fire:..+...+......        Sound:............. 
 Cold:......+...+..        Shard:............. 
 Pois:.............        Nexus:............. 
 Fear:.........+...        Nethr:............. 
 Lite:.............        Chaos:............. 
 Dark:+.....+.....+        Disen:............. 
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@ 
S.Dig:..........+..        Sear.:.........+...
Feath:.............        Infra:.............
PLite:+............        Tunn.:.............
Regen:............+        Aggr.:.........+...
Telep:+............        Blows:.............
Invis:+........+...        Shots:.............
FrAct:+........+...        Might:.............
HLife:.............              .............
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
      ��������ٌ��               ��������ٌ�� 

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Broadsword of Gondolin (2d5) (+9,+11) {Telep}
   It slays orcs, trolls, dragons, and demons.  It provides
   resistance to dark.  It lights the dungeon around you.  It
   grants you immunity to paralysis, the power of telepathy, and 
   the ability to see invisible things.  It cannot be harmed by 
   acid or fire.  It gives you 27/10 attacks per turn.  
   It was dropped by Shagrat, the Orc Captain on dungeon level 9.
b) a Sling of Accuracy (x2) (+15,+8)
c) an Engagement Ring of Resist Fire
   It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.
d) a Moonstone Ring of Protection [+17]
e) a Silver Amulet of Fortune (+3)
   It increases your luck by 3.  It sustains your luck.  
   It was lying on the floor on dungeon level 14.
f) The Phial of Galadriel
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It activates for
   illumination every 10+d10 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
   It was dropped by Orfax, Son of Boldor on dungeon level 7.
g) The Leather Jerkin 'Hithlomir' [4,+12] (+4)
   It increases your stealth by 4.  It provides resistance to 
   acid, lightning, fire, cold, and dark.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
   It was dropped by a Hill orc on dungeon level 18.
h) a Cloak [1,+1]
i) a Tower Shield [5,+5]
   It was dropped by Sangahyando of Umbar on dungeon level 18.
j) The War Helm of Gorlim (+8,+8) [5,+10] (-5) {cursed}
   It decreases your intelligence and wisdom by 5.  It decreases
   your searching by 5.  It provides resistance to fear.  It
   grants you immunity to paralysis and the ability to see
   invisible things, but it also aggravates creatures around you 
   and is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
   It was lying on the floor on dungeon level 18.
k) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' [2,+7]
   It provides resistance to cold.  It slows your metabolism.  
   It activates for resist cold (20+d20 turns) every 50+d50 turns.  
   It was dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief on dungeon level
l) a Pair of Leather Boots [3,+2]

  [Character Equipment -- Quiver]

n) 6 Arrows (1d5) (+7,+4)
o) 21 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0)
p) 20 Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (+3,+5)
q) 19 Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (+2,+2)
r) 25 Rounded Pebbles of Slay Undead (1d2) (+6,+5)
   It slays undead.  
   They were dropped by Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman on dungeon
   level 16.
s) 26 Rounded Pebbles of Frost (1d3) (+10,+3)
   It is branded with frost.  It cannot be harmed by cold.  
t) 21 Iron Shots (1d4) (+6,+6)
u) 88 Iron Shots (1d4) (+0,+0)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Books of Mage Spells [Magic for Beginners]
b) 3 Books of Mage Spells [Defensive Magical Theory]
c) 4 Books of Mage Spells [Ancient Runes Made Easy]
d) 2 Books of Mage Spells [Bigby's Handy Handbook]
e) 2 Crimson Potions of Lightness
f) a Hazy Potion of Heroism
g) 2 Clotted Red Potions of Cure Light Wounds
h) a Scroll titled "ip socon rirok" of *Identify*
   It was lying on the floor on dungeon level 19.
i) a Scroll titled "cos jo rea cre" of Treasure Detection
j) a Lead Wand of Identify
   It was dropped by Azog, King of the Uruk-hai on dungeon level 17.
k) 2 Titanium Wands of Phase Door
l) a Malachite Ring of Sustain Wits
   It sustains your intelligence, wisdom, and perception.  
m) a Tortoise Shell Amulet of Resist Acid
   It provides resistance to acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid.
n) a Flint Stone Amulet of Resist Lightning
   It provides resistance to lightning.  It cannot be harmed by 
o) a Helmet [3,+6]
   It was dropped by Azog, King of the Uruk-hai on dungeon level 17.
p) a Dagger (1d4) (+0,+0)
   It can be thrown effectively.  It gives you 27/10 attacks per
q) a Broadsword (2d5) (+5,+5)
   It gives you 27/10 attacks per turn.  
r) a Longbow of Accuracy (x3) (+16,+11)
   It was dropped by Mughash the Kobold Lord on dungeon level 8.
s) a Longbow (x3) (+5,+6)

Fuivie the Half-Troll Adventurer
Began the quest to kill The Witch-King of Angmar on 09/09/2010 at 08:45 PM
|    14519|     2 |  5  | Reached level 5
|    20509|     3 |  5  | Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog
|    41760|     5 |  9  | Killed Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog
|    48828|     6 | 10  | Reached level 10
|    67960|     7 | 12  | Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
|    73104|     7 | 13  | Found The Phial of Galadriel
|   101796|     8 | 15  | Reached level 15
|   103305|     8 | 15  | Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
|   113358|     9 | 16  | Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
|   143916|    12 | 18  | Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
|   174207|    14 | 19  | Killed Nar, the Dwarf
|   176612|    12 | 19  | Found The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen'
|   178761|    14 | 20  | Reached level 20
|   179908|    14 | 20  | Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
|   197115|    15 | 21  | Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
|   210153|    16 | 21  | Killed Ugluk, the Uruk
|   211253|    16 | 21  | Killed Angamaite of Umbar
|   213504|    16 | 21  | Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
|   229874|    17 | 22  | Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
|   230042|    17 | 22  | Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-hai
|   240690|    18 | 22  | Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
|   244167|    18 | 22  | Killed Grishnakh, the Hill Orc
|   263027|    19 | 23  | Killed by a Young green dragon.
|   263027|    19 | 23  | Killed on 09/26/2010 at 01:35 PM.



Generate dungeons with aligned rooms         : yes (dungeon_align)
Monsters exploit players weaknesses          : no  (smart_cheat)


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts       : no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Never stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Adult: Have notes to written to a file       : yes (adult_take_notes)
Adult: All levels generated small            : no  (adult_force_small_lev)
Adult: Retain squelch settings               : no  (adult_retain_squelch)
Adult: No special statgain at DL 2, 4, 6     : no  (adult_no_discovery)
Adult: Easy start (but mid game is harder)   : no  (adult_no_easy_start)


Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 26.9.2010 11:43
Last updated on 26.9.2010 16:19

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6. on the Competition No.92 Ladder (of 16)


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On 26.9.2010 11:43 thapper wrote:
My third attempt (out of 20+) to make it anywhere and the first where I remembered to save the progress for the competition. Just found two more magic books so I should be able to make my food and perhaps id (*id*) a bit more.

On 26.9.2010 16:19 thapper wrote:
Argh! Forgot that {unique} things could be cursed and lost so many spell point that I couldn't cast remove curse, and from there it just went downhill...

On 26.9.2010 22:31 Antoine wrote:
oh no! gorlim! thats pretty harsh

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