The Angband Ladder: Ginko Biloba, Ent Adventurer by <>

  [TomeNET 4.0.0 @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Ginko Biloba     Age                308       Str: 18/115

 Sex         : Female           Height              54       INT:      6      

 Race        : Ent              Weight              92       WIS:     17      

 Class       : Adventurer       Social Class        32       Dex:      8     

 Body        : Player                                        CON: 18/100      

                                                             CHR:      6      


 +To MHit           19      Level             23    Max Hit Points       332  

 +To MDamage        30      Experience     28162    Cur Hit Points      -145  

 +To RHit           19      Max Exp        28636    Max SP (Mana)         10  

 +To RDamage         0      Exp to Adv.    30600    Cur SP (Mana)         10  

 + To AC            41      Gold            4773    Cur Sanity         Sound  

   Base AC          12                                                        

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                            

 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Very Good    Blows/Round:  3        

 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Very Good    Shots/Round:  1        

 Saving Throw: Superb       Disarming   : Fair         Spells/Round: 1        

 Stealth     : Poor         Magic Device: Fair         Infra-Vision: 70 feet  

 You are at -1750ft of (32, 32).                                              


                         (Character Background)                               

          You are of the first beings who awoke on Arda.You have              

          brown skin and unflexible members.                                  



Skills (points left: 0)

 - Combat                                         25.500 [0.600]

     - Weaponmastery                              00.000 [0.500]

         . Sword-mastery                          00.000 [0.250]

         . Axe-mastery                            00.000 [0.300]

         . Hafted-mastery                         00.000 [0.250]

         . Polearm-mastery                        00.000 [0.300]

     - Archery                                    00.000 [0.500]

         . Sling-mastery                          00.000 [0.400]

         . Bow-mastery                            00.000 [0.300]

         . Crossbow-mastery                       00.000 [0.200]

         . Boomerang-mastery                      00.000 [0.450]

     . Martial Arts                               25.200 [0.300]

     . Mimicry                                    00.000 [0.300]

     . Calmness                                   00.000 [0.500]

     . Interception                               05.000 [0.500]

 - Magic                                          00.000 [0.500]

     - Spell-power                                00.000 [0.500]

         . Sorcery                                00.000 [0.400]

     . Mana                                       00.000 [0.500]

     . Fire                                       00.000 [0.550]

     . Water                                      00.000 [0.550]

     . Air                                        00.000 [0.550]

     . Earth                                      00.000 [0.550]

     . Meta                                       00.000 [0.500]

     . Conveyance                                 00.000 [0.350]

     . Divination                                 00.000 [0.550]

     . Temporal                                   00.000 [0.500]

     . Mind                                       00.000 [0.550]

     . Nature                                     00.000 [0.550]

 - Sneakiness                                     05.975 [0.500]

     . Stealth                                    02.000 [0.400]

     . Disarming                                  01.000 [0.500]

     . Trapping                                   00.000 [0.500]

     . Backstabbing                               00.000 [0.400]

     . Stealing                                   00.000 [0.500]

     . Dodging                                    05.000 [0.500]

 . Necromancy                                     05.000 [0.250]

     . Aura power                                 00.000 [0.500]

     . Aura of Fear                               00.000 [0.500]

     . Shivering Aura                             00.000 [0.500]

     . Aura of Death                              00.000 [0.500]

     . Antimagic                                  00.000 [0.500]

 - Health                                         05.000 [1.000]

     . Training                                   00.000 [1.000]

     . Swimming                                   00.000 [1.000]

     . Digging                                    00.000 [1.000]

     . Magic-device                               04.000 [1.000]

     . Fly                                        00.000 [0.050]

     . Climb                                      01.000 [0.050]

     . Confusion Resistance                       01.000 [0.050]

     . Blindness Resistance                       01.000 [0.050]

     . Free Action                                00.000 [0.050]

     . Telepathy                                  00.000 [0.050]

     . See Invisible                              00.000 [0.050]

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)

b) (nothing)

c) a Ring of Damage {+,12} (+15)

d) a Ring of Searching {+,6} (+3)

e) an Amulet of Regeneration {+,18}

f) Feanorian Lamp of Infravision {+,19}(+2infr){on sale}

g) (nothing)

h) (nothing)

i) a Small Leather Shield {+,1} [2,+5] {on sale}

j) an Iron Helm {+,7} [5,+0] {on sale}

k) (nothing)

l) (nothing)

m) (nothing)

n) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 10 Flasks of oil {+,0}

b) a Potion of Cure Light Insanity {+,3}

c) 14 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {+,1} {!* @q8}

d) 3 Potions of Healing {+,3}

e) 6 Scrolls of Phase Door {+,1} {@r1}

f) a Scroll of Teleportation {+,13} {@r4}

g) 8 Scrolls of Word of Recall {+,0} {50% off}

h) 3 Scrolls of Magic Mapping {+,2} {25% off}

i) 14 Scrolls of Trap Detection {+,1}

j) 16 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger {+,0}

k) 5 Scrolls of Life {+,5} {on sale}

l) a Rod of Lightning Bolts {+,15}

m) a Wand of Light {+,?}

n) a Wand of Fire Bolts {+,18} (14 charges)

o) a Zirconium Wand {+,?}

p) a Staff of Teleportation {+,5} (5 charges) {@u7}

q) a Staff of Perception {+,4} (15 charges) {10% off}

r) a Staff of Perception {+,5} (20 charges) {on sale}

s) a Staff of Starlight {+,16} (7 charges)

t) 2 Amulets of Teleportation {+,12} {cursed}

u) 11 Magic Bolts {+,9} (1d4) (+6,+2)

  [Last Messages]

You see Ribbed Plate Armour {?} [28].

You have Ribbed Plate Armour {+,?} [28] (u).

You see a Scroll of Light {9}.

You see a Zirconium Wand {?}.

You have a Zirconium Wand {+,?} (p).

You see Chain Mail {?} [14].

You have no room for Chain Mail {?} [14].

This is an identify scroll.

In your pack: Ribbed Plate Armour {+,23} (-3) [28,+3] (v).

You destroy Ribbed Plate Armour {+,23} (-3) [28,+3].

You have no more Ribbed Plate Armours {+,23} (-3) [28,+3].

You see Chain Mail {?} [14].

You have Chain Mail {+,?} [14] (v).

The Phase spider blinks away.

You feel less ugly.

You see a Scroll of Light {9}.

You have no room for a Scroll of Light {9}.

This is an identify scroll.

In your pack: Chain Mail {+,18} (-2) [14,-3] {cursed} (v).

You destroy Chain Mail {+,18} (-2) [14,-3] {cursed}.

You have no more Chain Mails {+,18} (-2) [14,-3] {cursed}.

You have 3 Scrolls of Magic Mapping {+,2} {25% off}.

*** Dammit has attained level 9.

The Phase spider blinks away.

You tunnel into the quartz vein. (x3)

You tunnel into the granite wall.

The White wraith hits you for 5 damage.

The White wraith hits you for 2 damage.

The White wraith touches you.

You feel your life draining away!

You hit the White wraith for 100 damage.

You have destroyed the White wraith.

You see a Battle Axe {?} (2d9).

The Magic mushroom patch gestures in shadow.

Darkness surrounds you.

The Hellhound breathes fire.

One of your Scrolls of Trap Detection {+,1} (i) was destroyed!

The Magic mushroom patch blinks away.

You tunnel into the quartz vein.

The Hellhound breathes fire.

You feel very weak.

One of your Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {+,1} {!* @q8} (c) was destroyed!

You are hit by something invigorating!

You feel better.

One of your Scrolls of Phase Door {+,1} {@r1} (e) was destroyed!

One of your Scrolls of Trap Detection {+,1} (i) was destroyed!

Some of your Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger {+,0} (j) were destroyed!

Killed by a Hellhound (50590 pts) ...Press '0' key to proceed

Posted on 27.1.2003 03:25

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459. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)


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