i've never personally met another person (outside of my brother) that has played angband. i was somehow introduced to moria when i was 8 or 9 years old (1990-91ish)when my mom obtianed it (through some sort of shareware mail-order program or something) for the amiga 2000 computer she had. it had no hard disk, the game was loaded from a floppy every time i wanted to play it, there was no save. for quite a long time my best charater was something like a level 9 dwarf warrior, something stupid killed him. then the computer was replaced with a macintosh LC II. no moria for a couple of years...... then it was obtained once again, and shortly there after angband. have played it off and on since then. have never won, always enjoyed it.
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I once met a guy in the pub who was an Angband vet. We talked several hours straight about our tactics, our previous games and stuff. Must have been a real drag for the other people at our tableSee the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.czComment
I've personally introduced more people to angband and variants than people I've met who know what it is...
was first introduced to roguelikes in fall/winter '84 on the OU Vax with Moria...found angband in 1996 and been playing since...
for quite awhile I did MacPPC compiles...for Eyangband, Drangband and a few others. Once the base got too far away from the 2.8.3 makefiles I gave up compiling...didn't have the time or desire to code dive to get things to work, but I still love to play...
Scot MeyerComment
welcome to the forum kansas guy!Comment