I always want to buy the selected item in the shop, so why ask which item I want to buy? That was the whole idea behind the improved shop menu in the first place...
I miss the object - verb UI in the shops.
(Hi Pete! *wave*)Last edited by takkaria; April 12, 2013, 19:36.takkaria whispers something about options. -more- -
"Would you like to supersize that dagger? (y/n)"
"Can I interest you in any of our other wares? (y/n)"
"Would you like to get a cup of coffee sometime? (y/n)"
"No ma'am, the door is this way, just past our nice collection of helmets. (press xCq2$f to exit)"
"You typed, xCw2$f, does that mean you've reconsidered the offer for coffee? (y/n)"Comment