In object.h/line~379, the artifact allocation probability is a byte.
A large number of artifacts have probabilities over 255, which are then stuffed into that byte in parse_a_a @ init2.c/779
This is going to be causing wackiness with the allocations.
If the artifact.alloc_prob got tweaked, we would then still have issues with alloc_entry.prob3 @ types.h/l156
A large number of artifacts have probabilities over 255, which are then stuffed into that byte in parse_a_a @ init2.c/779
This is going to be causing wackiness with the allocations.
Originally posted by object.h
Originally posted by init2.c
If the artifact.alloc_prob got tweaked, we would then still have issues with alloc_entry.prob3 @ types.h/l156
Originally posted by types.h
Originally posted by obj-make.c