stat drain

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  • saarn
    • Apr 2009
    • 112

    stat drain

    I think I'm coming to the conclusion that the old behavior for stat restoration (potions randomly available in shops and dungeon) was nicer. In the early game drainers aren't evil now since you get levels very quickly. But by even the mid game they are a pain. I'm on CLVL 26 and got blinded and repeatedly stung by something that drained my strength down to 6. Can't even wield my crossbow now. I have about 8000 experience till my next level, and with my character this crippled (struggling against even black orcs and moving at -5 speed), I'd have to find and kill something something like 200 uruks to get the level restore. My other option is to scum the early dungeon for mushroom of vigor. Guess there are going to be several thousand annoying turns coming up :-(.

    My complaint is that it's not really dangerous to the character since I can recall and scum the early dungeon, but it is a nuisance. Being able to stockpile restores as I found them in the store let me avoid this sort of headache in older versions.
  • Malak Darkhunter
    • May 2007
    • 683

    Originally posted by saarn
    I think I'm coming to the conclusion that the old behavior for stat restoration (potions randomly available in shops and dungeon) was nicer. In the early game drainers aren't evil now since you get levels very quickly. But by even the mid game they are a pain. I'm on CLVL 26 and got blinded and repeatedly stung by something that drained my strength down to 6. Can't even wield my crossbow now. I have about 8000 experience till my next level, and with my character this crippled (struggling against even black orcs and moving at -5 speed), I'd have to find and kill something something like 200 uruks to get the level restore. My other option is to scum the early dungeon for mushroom of vigor. Guess there are going to be several thousand annoying turns coming up :-(.

    My complaint is that it's not really dangerous to the character since I can recall and scum the early dungeon, but it is a nuisance. Being able to stockpile restores as I found them in the store let me avoid this sort of headache in older versions.
    I agree, it contributes to boring aggravating gameplay, it's not much of a problem for certain race/class combo's. but it is annoying. your best bet is to find a ring of body/soulkeeping either in BM or further down in the dungeon. or scum the BM for a potion of strength to restore and gain your stat, if you have the money. Later on deeper it's really not as bad a problem as you find stat resistance on artifacts, and rods of restoration. but from about CL20 to CL40 it's a real pain, DL25-40 are tough until stat gain levels, where you find stat gain potions to negate those effects.

    I think angband is moving in a direction to try and force the player to play in a certain way, to succeed, which is diving and not scumming levels. Honestly I don't think that will please everybody/all players, I myself like my options and my own way of playing the game.


    • CliffStamp
      • Apr 2012
      • 64

      Originally posted by saarn
      I'd have to find and kill something something like 200 uruks to get the level restore.
      Find something that does weak exp drain, drain down to just under your level and then kill it to gain the level back (you may need to kill a few more things). That restores all your stats. You can use potions of lose memories for the same purpose.


      • saarn
        • Apr 2009
        • 112

        wow, clever. I would never have thought of that :-). I don't think it would have worked for this character though-- hobbits have hold life. With sense object though, I was able to find mushroom of vigor on dlvl 3 so it didn't end up being quite as annoying as I thought.

