Questions about default auto destroy settings [Frog]

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  • budswell
    • Jun 2008
    • 156

    Questions about default auto destroy settings [Frog]

    So there've been a few things that puzzle me in the default autodestroy file (pickpref).

    Have two questions about this:
    ~mushroom of hallucination
    ?:[EQU $RACE Snotling Doppelganger]
    1. Why would you ever not want to auto destroy a mushroom of Hallucination? When are they ever useful?
    2. What is special about mushrooms for snotlings and doppelgangers? (I am playing my first ever doppelganger)
  • Sideways
    • Nov 2008
    • 886

    Snotlings get special bonuses from eating a mushroom (any mushroom): in addition to the mushroom's normal effects, it will temporarily make the Snotling hasted, stone-skinned, heroic and gigantic. Doppelgangers can assume the form of a Snotling, and receive the same bonuses Snotlings do if they eat a mushroom in Snotling form. Doppelgangers and Snotlings are banned from all shroomeries so they don't have access to a cheap and reliable mushroom supply.

    Mushrooms of hallucination have some niche uses. In particular, if they hallucinate you they also set your mana to zero, which can be an advantage if you plan to fight somebody who heals from your mana. But mostly they're there so people can eat them
    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


    • Bostock
      • Aug 2007
      • 333

      I found that particular autodestroyer line useful for being so annoying that it forced me to learn how to edit the autodestroyer.
      So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Originally posted by Bostock
        I found that particular autodestroyer line useful for being so annoying that it forced me to learn how to edit the autodestroyer.
        Was having to manually pick them up that much of a hassle?

        Gotta free free free your mind....


        • budswell
          • Jun 2008
          • 156

          Another question about this:
          ?:[EQU $CLASS Ninja Ninja-Lawyer]
          (~ego lights:of darkness
          Iron Spike#@vz
          Why would Ninjas want feanorian lamps? If I carry a lightsouce I cannot hide right?


          • Sideways
            • Nov 2008
            • 886

            For reforging. Ego lamps of darkness are rare, and even if found they give nothing to the player besides the darkness, so ninjas would much like to have an artifact dark lamp; reforging doesn't guarantee one, of course, but with enough attempts you will likely get lucky eventually.
            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


            • budswell
              • Jun 2008
              • 156

              Ah. 2nd reforging answer in a row for me. One day I'll get far enough along to find out what its all about.
              Thanks again for your quick answer. All this infor is very much appreciated


              • budswell
                • Jun 2008
                • 156

                Couple more. Why are the following no auto destroyed (or why will the shops buy them for 1gp):
                - Mushrooms of Disease
                - Mushrooms of Unhealth
                - Potions of salt water
                - Potions of slowness
                - Potions of poison
                - Potions of booze

                Are they not completely useless?
                Can you throw(v) the potions as crappy weapons?


                • Sideways
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 886

                  Originally posted by budswell
                  Couple more. Why are the following no auto destroyed (or why will the shops buy them for 1gp):
                  - Mushrooms of Disease
                  - Mushrooms of Unhealth
                  - Potions of salt water
                  - Potions of slowness
                  - Potions of poison
                  - Potions of booze

                  Are they not completely useless?
                  Can you throw(v) the potions as crappy weapons?
                  Mushrooms of Disease and Unhealth can hurt monsters when thrown. Splashes from Potions of Slowness can slow monsters (although it's a very low-level effect, and so not really useful). Splashes from Potions of Booze can confuse monsters, they are frequently used for that purpose by early-game characters and by berserkers. (Booze is the most-used of the items you listed, and its usefulness is noted at a couple places in the help.) Potions of Salt Water cure poison and gorgedness, albeit at a heavy cost.

                  Potions of Poison are worth 0gp and treated as worthless junk by both the Mogaminator and the Easy Destroyer, although they can still be thrown for (almost negligible) poison damage.
                  The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                  • budswell
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 156

                    Thanks. My low level chars just tend to throw ammo when I can't/won't melee. Will keep in mind these options too.


                    • CyclopsSlayer
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 388

                      Try throwing flasks of oil, they used to be a standard goto in old vanilla. As I recall, they did 1-10 fire damage.
                      BTW, old as in 2.4 Frog-knows from nearly 30 years ago. lol


                      • Pete Mack
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 6697

                        Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
                        Try throwing flasks of oil, they used to be a standard goto in old vanilla. As I recall, they did 1-10 fire damage.
                        BTW, old as in 2.4 Frog-knows from nearly 30 years ago. lol
                        In V they did 3d4 damage, then in the "ridiculously easy era" they did 3d4 damage with fire brand, comparable to a (+0,+5) longbow. Then it went to 1d4 with fire brand. Now it is back to 3d4, no brand, I think.


                        • budswell
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 156

                          Another one:
                          Why are empty bottles not auto destroyed?
                          In Tome2 there were fountains you could fill them with. Is there something similar in Frog?


                          • Sideways
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 886

                            You can fill empty bottles with water, salt water or poison (not that it's a particularly useful thing to do). If you have virtues on, you can also sell empty bottles back to the shops to improve your Nature virtue
                            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                            • budswell
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 156

                              Out of interest, which command would you use to fill the bottles? I assume I would have to stand on a tile of the relevant water/poison.

                              I have turned Virtues off ever since I had a character with Daemon magic who could not summon manes because I was "too good" - which I think had occured because I'd killed too many evil chars (or used too much nature magic). This was back in poschengband

