Equipment optimiser for frogcomposband characters
Can you put this up into a public repo?
We spoke about this a little before on angband live, I have more time to spare now and can take a closer look. If it makes it onto the site as an integrated feature I'll be sure to credit you somewhere visible.Comment
I've been using it again the past 2 days and all seems to be working finebut I think I've found another bug, for some reason the weapon The Cutlass 'Mandible' (2d9) (+13,+6) {|CaV/U} won't show up in Optimiser
other than that it's been working great again & thank you so much for taking the time to make this it is amazingComment
I will have to do quite a fair bit of cleanup (removing aws secret keys and the like) before I am able to put this up on a public repo. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons I don't have the time to look into this for now. Will add to the todo list.Comment
How to quickly update an existing character?
Periodically I would like to re-optimize an existing character. I've been uploading the new HTML dump file and starting all over each time. The tedious and time consuming part is adding all the attribute constraints one at a time before I can start optimization. Is there a way to do one of the following?
1. Have all the attributes open by default (with a neutral value), or as a menu option (e.g."expand all attributes")
2. Apply the existing set of open attributes from the last incarnation of a character to the updated copy of the same character (same file name). Maybe as a saved preference file?
Thanks again for this useful tool.Comment
You should not need to create a new character. Click on the link to the existing character and then click on the edit button at the bottom. You should then be able to upload the new HTML dump file for that character. Optimisation will then happen for the new HTML dump file.Comment
Optmizer not parsing some attributes corerectly
You should not need to create a new character. Click on the link to the existing character and then click on the edit button at the bottom. You should then be able to upload the new HTML dump file for that character. Optimisation will then happen for the new HTML dump file.
But I have noticed a failure of the program to properly parse the attributes of some items. For example I have this weapon:
The Broad Axe of Lokar (2d7) (+25,+21) (+4) {StInCnSr|V/XU/*o(St}
The optimizer is recognizing Vampiric brand and *Slay Demon* but is not recognizing the Slay Evil or the Slay Orc.
Here's another example:
The Lochaber Axe of Fiona (3d9) (+16,+16) (+1) {WiSlSr;LvBs/XL/*p}
The optimizer sees *Slay Undead* but not Slay Evil or Slay People.
As you might imagine, missing some weapons with Slay Evil is going to have mess up endgame optimization quite a bit.
It's not just Randarts that are affected:
a Lochaber Axe of Gondolin (3d9) (+18,+15) {Dk;FaSiLu/DoTU}
Is not recognized as having slay Dragon, Orc, or Undead (strangely, it is seeing the Slay Troll attribute for some reason), which greatly underestimates its value and can eliminate it from consideration is /D (for example is a required attribute.
Can this be fixed by telling the program that:
Slay Troll = /T or /T? or /?T or /??T or /???T or ...Comment
Also, some of the Elemental Brands are not even being looked for:
|E and |P
(but |A, |F, and |Co are available for selection as attributes, and show up in the table)Comment
I backed out one step and went into the list of items again. The "of Gondolin" weapons are properly showing all four slays now (/DoTU), but the two Randart examples above are still broken.Comment
Character 41 gives 500 error
Every attempt I make to access character #41 gives a 500 error. I was using it fine for quite a while before this happened.So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.Comment
Another oddity: the Optimiser is only counting Nenya as 1Wm (and is perhaps undercounting it in other ways too, since it never picks Nenya unless forced). See character 43. Had the same behavior with character 41 (the one that ran into the recurring server error).
Also, the first dump I uploaded that had the Dagger of Amun did not lead to that item being added to the item list. I tried putting it in my home and re-uploading, and then it was visible to the Optimiser.So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.Comment
Although the optimiser is correctly respecting my restraints for *Fi>=1 and *Co>=1 (and thus using Nenya and Narya), the attribute list at the bottom shows *Fi and *Co as 0.
Character 48 (a Beholder).So you ride yourselves over the fields and you make all your animal deals and your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.Comment
Apologies for the late response. Hopefully better late than never.
But I have noticed a failure of the program to properly parse the attributes of some items. For example I have this weapon:
The Broad Axe of Lokar (2d7) (+25,+21) (+4) {StInCnSr|V/XU/*o(St}
The optimizer is recognizing Vampiric brand and *Slay Demon* but is not recognizing the Slay Evil or the Slay Orc.
Here's another example:
The Lochaber Axe of Fiona (3d9) (+16,+16) (+1) {WiSlSr;LvBs/XL/*p}
The optimizer sees *Slay Undead* but not Slay Evil or Slay People.Comment