Mindcrafter damage on lvl >25

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  • TheQuest
    • Aug 2013
    • 74

    Mindcrafter damage on lvl >25

    Playing as mindcrafter in FrogComposband. Everything was pretty fine up until now. I am now lvl 27 and using pulverize spell to do almost all of my damage that is 14d8 (14-112) now and it seems that this is not quite enough for me to be at Castle lvl 32, especially when unique monsters appear.

    So I have 2 questions:
    1. What is the most common pattern of damage dealing for mindcrafter? Melee, bows, devices, magic only, some combination of all of them?
    2. What increases mindcrafter's abilities damage? From what I understand it mostly Wis and CLVL that affect how much damage I can deal.

    Any other hists are welcome as well.

    Thank you
    Last edited by TheQuest; May 10, 2018, 06:35.
    As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    From what I recall, Mindcrafters get amazing utility spells, but their damage is not great. You should not expect to be killing high-value targets solely with spells past...uh, let's say 1500' or so. Just enjoy your cheap detection/enlightenment, targeted teleportation, mass teleport-away, stunning, and SP drain abilities.


    • CyclopsSlayer
      • Feb 2009
      • 388

      Basically, a weaker Warrior with a ton of free inventory space as many scrolls, rods, and wands can be left at home.


      • TheQuest
        • Aug 2013
        • 74

        I am now CLVL 38 and here's what I discovered:
        • Pulverize spell stays around the same - average for most of the time. Ok for most cases, rather weak when uniques appear.
        • Melee is ok to use once good weapon is obtained, but still it is better (for me) to teleport around and flood enemies with pulverize.
        • Magical damage can be increased with items, with rign of wizardy, for example, although gain is quite weak.
        • good to have some magical devices what you can smash strong monsters with. Now I carry around wand of mana bolt (130-200 dmg) wand of Dragon frost (160 dmg). Still not enough to take down elites, but still nice to have.
        • Always have wand of teleport away when some nasty unique appear
        • Usual tactics for me is Pulverize + minor displacement + phychic drain.
        • Tactics against uniques sometimes - domination + stay away (let all dirty job be done by pets)
        As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time


        • TheQuest
          • Aug 2013
          • 74

          staffs of destruction are very good
          definitely will use them once good melee weapon will be acquired.

          I think staffs of confusing lights
          Never seen them before. What do they do?
          As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            Mostly just golems (presumably drolems too) but there may be others. One of the nicer hidden perks for player golems too.

