Friendband is my Unangband branch and playground for many ideas. I'm not sure if it counts as a variant.
With Friendband I'm trying to make Unangband easier and faster to play. I want to simplify the game as much as possible while still offering the core experience of Unangband. My tweaks are partially inspired by Brogue, DoomRL, EyAngband and Vicious Orcs among others.
- player does not get hungry
- player always has light, range changes based on terrain
- 3 always-active movements controls: arrows/numpad, hjkl and wsad
- all item interactions go through the inventory: open inventory, choose item and choose action for item
- press space to target enemy, press again to shoot
- press o to open chests and M in towns to view the world map
- the sidebar gives information about the surrounds and current room, including travel directions
- touch the thinnest north/east/south/west map edge to travel in that direction
- no race and class choice
- player auto-levels
- items display all known stats averages for the current player level
- no character screen
- main menu with campaign mode and single dungeon mode
- press ? for controls, the game is playable with only 7 buttons excluding movement
This is of course highly experimental. I have fixed as many crashes as I could find through playthroughs and GCC warnings, but no guarantees. If you're interested, here is the link: ZIP and TAR.GZ.
With Friendband I'm trying to make Unangband easier and faster to play. I want to simplify the game as much as possible while still offering the core experience of Unangband. My tweaks are partially inspired by Brogue, DoomRL, EyAngband and Vicious Orcs among others.
- player does not get hungry
- player always has light, range changes based on terrain
- 3 always-active movements controls: arrows/numpad, hjkl and wsad
- all item interactions go through the inventory: open inventory, choose item and choose action for item
- press space to target enemy, press again to shoot
- press o to open chests and M in towns to view the world map
- the sidebar gives information about the surrounds and current room, including travel directions
- touch the thinnest north/east/south/west map edge to travel in that direction
- no race and class choice
- player auto-levels
- items display all known stats averages for the current player level
- no character screen
- main menu with campaign mode and single dungeon mode
- press ? for controls, the game is playable with only 7 buttons excluding movement
This is of course highly experimental. I have fixed as many crashes as I could find through playthroughs and GCC warnings, but no guarantees. If you're interested, here is the link: ZIP and TAR.GZ.