Elliposchengband windows download?

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  • Fnord
    • May 2014
    • 92

    Elliposchengband windows download?

    Is a win compile of the current version available anywhere?
  • GenericPseudonym
    • Jan 2016
    • 91

    Now's a great time to promote https://github.com/GenericPseudonym/...liposchengband, right?
    It does have a win executable download.
    I'm a lazy lazy man and I haven't touched it since 6.1.0, though it has everything elliposchengband does (other than the few changes I specifically removed)

    If you want to see the differences vs elliposchengband (and ellipcb's differences vs poschengband) the changelog is here:
    A mod of a mod of a mod of a mod of a mod of a mod of a mod of a clone of Moria - dante-chiesa/pseudoelliposchengband


    • Fnord
      • May 2014
      • 92


      Still gonna finish my 7.0 char first before I switch over, but that's looking good!

      Could you maybe summarize your design philosophy? Just "quality of life" improvements?


      • GenericPseudonym
        • Jan 2016
        • 91

        Yeah it's almost all quality of life with a few small bugfixes. All the heavy lifting was done by Chris and Elliptic.


        • Fnord
          • May 2014
          • 92

          Playing it right now.

          A few things, if you care:

          * For ninjas, resting breaks hiding. That's silly since manually resting (5) doesn't.
          * Really minor, but ninja hiding in shadows doesn't need to interrupt running.

          And my general wishes:
          * Show max reforge without bringing an art to the store
          * Show damage for ninjas (and duelists and maulers etc) based on their abilities in character sheet
          * Show the missing properties from gear (like genji) on char sheets and elsewhere
          * Show missing properties in monster recall (like pushing past other monsters)

          More if and when I think of them!

          This actually goes for anyone thinking of forking main pcb (and even Chris, though I doubt he agrees with many)!


          • Fnord
            • May 2014
            • 92

            Minor bug: Ninja spells ignore "use old target" (e.g. chain hook).


            • CyclopsSlayer
              • Feb 2009
              • 388

              All the Ninja troubles seem to be inherited from Poschengbang as I am seeing all of them there.


              • Fnord
                • May 2014
                • 92

                CyclopsSlayer - yeah, I know, I'm just collecting though for the variant I currently care most about. Once again, any other pcb derivate is more than welcome to my ideas/thoughts!

                And since I'm at it, more random bits:

                * Push past other monsters is missing from monster recall. Other things that I don't recall right now are as well
                * I never understood why Genji and some other rare properties are not reflected directly in C - they should be
                * Same goes for various mage casting bonus things and the rare/unique artifact bonuses
                * Back to Ninjas - it would be nice to have the various bonus modi (backstab etc) displayed in weapon damage, together with chance (and ideally, what modifies them). Same obviously goes for other classes with similar hidden bonuses (rogues etc)
                * Formerly (well, years ago) unloved chaos brand could use C weapon damage display help as well
                * Display ingame what weapons work for Ninjas (and similarly restricted classes)
                * Display ingame the weight limit for armor for classes that care, and percentage etc met


                • CyclopsSlayer
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 388


                  Yes! The effects need some form of documentation. I have a Ninjato of Sharpness and see messages 'cuts deeply', 'cut in half' etc... What does each mean? As well there are blades of Sharpness of varying quality, ie: Sharpness and *Sharpness* I am sure the *X* is better, but...?

                  As to weight, AFAIK Monks and Ninjas are the same at (0.4 x Lvl ) + 10 = Weight. So at L50 the limit is 30 pounds, this includes any Shield worn.
                  Monks have an additional penalty for items in the chest slot.

                  As to useable weapons, I keep trying anything I have found, but other than the list you posted elsewhere they are all Icky Wields.


                  • Fnord
                    • May 2014
                    • 92

                    Another couple things:

                    * With self-knowledge, max stats and LR should be in char dumps
                    * Vanilla's damage per hit display would clarify a lot
                    * Why not also do that for enemies - i.e. display damage numbers?
                    * Show the healing/damage/etc values for wands, staves, rods without inspection (perhaps by inscription?)
                    * Why is there no darkness specific light source art? Ninjas want one!


                    • Fnord
                      • May 2014
                      • 92

                      Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
                      As to weight, AFAIK Monks and Ninjas are the same at (0.4 x Lvl ) + 10 = Weight. So at L50 the limit is 30 pounds, this includes any Shield worn.
                      Monks have an additional penalty for items in the chest slot.

                      As to useable weapons, I keep trying anything I have found, but other than the list you posted elsewhere they are all Icky Wields.
                      I'm aware of both ot these - my point is that both this information should be easily available ingame.


                      • HugoVirtuoso
                        • Jan 2012
                        • 1132

                        It would be nice if elliptic could update his fork someday to make those information more easily accessible.
                        My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                        If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                        As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                        • CyclopsSlayer
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 388

                          Originally posted by Fnord
                          I'm aware of both ot these - my point is that both this information should be easily available ingame.
                          Ah yes, very true. I have a weird math brain and some things just pop into my head without having to consider it at all, ie; the armor weight. But yes, it would be very nice to have a ticker like is done for Speed.
                          The only hard part might be not having it display garbage values for classes without armor limits.


                          • Fnord
                            • May 2014
                            • 92

                            I've just found The Ring of the Future King (+3,+8) (+3) <+23%> {SpStInDxCnChSl;-StDxCn;FiCoCfDi;Si(In Power (Narya)}

                            Which seems a bit buggy.

                            No idea if it affects pcb pure as well.

