The only one I'm having trouble seeing is the dark blue of orc shaman and wand of lightning bolt/ball. I looked in the options but I couldn't really see a way to lighten it. (Otherwise, the colors are really great!)
[Poschengband 7.0.0] Any way to change the text color?
If you consult the in-game help you'll see that the & key is for "interact with colors". From this menu you can adjust the dark blue that shamans and water and lightning bolts use to be a different, more visible color.
Note that changing it here will affect every instance of that dark blue color in the game. You can also change an individual monster's colors (maybe you want orc shamans to be red instead of blue) in the ~m menu. -
If you are using the windows release or x11 though you'll have to use gpseudo's method.Comment