Poschengband, Sorcerer - why so few +SP per level?

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  • TheQuest
    • Aug 2013
    • 74

    Poschengband, Sorcerer - why so few +SP per level?

    I have started to play as Sorcerer with a pretty good stats (as I thought) and noticed that each level in a row I got only +2 to SP for each level. I have started with only 8 SP and now I am on lvl 4 with 12 SP.

    Now I thought that my spell casting abilities, fail rates and extra spell points per level all are dependant on how much INT you have. Is it not with +SP?

    Also what is "Dec mana" in my charated sheet? Is it like "decreased mana" that may be the answer why I got so few extra SP each level?

    As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    The casting stat for a sorcerer is actually charisma.
    Decrease mana is from the wizard staff. Means your spells are cheaper.


    • TheQuest
      • Aug 2013
      • 74

      What about +SP each level? Does 14 charisma gives only +2SP/level?
      As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time


      • krazyhades
        • Jun 2013
        • 406

        14 starting charisma in the casting stat for a class that can basically only cast is....not a great idea. You don't need int.


        • GenericPseudonym
          • Jan 2016
          • 91

          The game's default stat point-buy for sorcerers is the same as for mages, with max int and no points in charisma. (This probably counts as a bug.) So really this is the game's mistake, not the OP's.

          But I'm kind of impressed. I think that's the first sorcerer I've ever seen with more hp than mp.

