[Announce] PosChengband 4.0.0 Released

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  • HugoVirtuoso
    • Jan 2012
    • 1132

    I ran into this bug in 4.0.0 recently with my Hugo$oul 8217 Possessor:
    While I am now possessing a Deep one (currently at clvl 26?) that has a handful of major melee boosting equipment boosting my melee damage well beyond 200, my savefile crashes upon viewing the character sheet ('C'). I'm unable to save a chardump at all. I'm getting chris to fix my savefile and I have no idea what caused the bug.

    What I remember:
    I was fighting a slew of monsters a 'special' Glass castle level (40?). I recalled out of there. I traveled southward to Morivant and then I keypressed '~' (I really thought it was '~' at the time [I CAN'T remember if that was '~' or 'C') and it crashed. I re-opened the savefile, which reverted to a Word of Recall point. But, now from here on, every time I use 'C' for Hugo$oul 8217's character sheet, the game crashes.

    If anyone would like to have my Hugo$oul 8217 savefile and try to fix it, PM me. Chris has a copy.

    My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

    If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

    As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


    • Roch
      • Oct 2008
      • 100

      Agree -- would like to be able to go back to having all the textual information in one spot -- i.e., stats, ac, hp, exp. drain, speed info, etc. near the messages. Easier on my ancient eyeballs to not have to fly back and forth across the screen even more.

      And agree with clouded on the change to wand/staff/rod id. Too tedious.

      Not sure about all the new font colors; it's getting pretty busy.


      • Exo
        • Oct 2013
        • 15

        Really enjoying this Variant, probably gonna eat up months of my life so thanks a ton for working so hard on this

        I don't know how things were before 4.0.0 but I'd have to agree with clouded's complaints about the current state of the ID-part of the game being tedious at times.


        • Regalia
          • Dec 2008
          • 85

          Gui and input

          Sorry if it's trivial but for the life of me I cannot find the way to:
          - activate the unified use command,
          - move the char status/summary to the left of the screen.

          So.. any hints or it not possible (anymore)?


          • debo
            • Oct 2011
            • 2320

            Originally posted by Regalia
            Sorry if it's trivial but for the life of me I cannot find the way to:
            - activate the unified use command,
            - move the char status/summary to the left of the screen.

            So.. any hints or it not possible (anymore)?
            It's possible... depending on how well you know C
            Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


            • Regalia
              • Dec 2008
              • 85

              Originally posted by debo
              It's possible... depending on how well you know C
              Yea... I really don't want it solve like that. Makes me feel like I'm cheating :/. Even if it's just a gui change.

              I have a very peculiar way of 'dealing with' roguelikes...

              Edit: Unless maybe if I make the modification it could eventually be merged back into a release so that I could still use the official build?
              Edit2: I see that you can declare macros in the autodestroyer now (or maybe you always could). Is there a way to declare/define your own variables that could be evaluated deeper in the script? Or maybe a trick of some sort, like declaring a macro and then checking its value later on?
              Last edited by Regalia; December 6, 2015, 15:37.


              • Exo
                • Oct 2013
                • 15

                I didn't feel like this question deserved an extra thread so I'll just ask it in here:

                I've been banging my head against the wall trying to find the turncount on the character sheet but somehow it only displays it on the ladder entries.
                My best guess is that it has to do with play time/game time, not sure how those get calculated either and what the difference is between them to be honest.

                Maybe someone knows more about this.


                • Regalia
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 85

                  If you take the turncount from the ladder, then I think every in-game minute of gameplay is that turn.

                  Only you get a fake bonus day since it counts from day 0 but you start from day 1.

                  As for actual 'moves'... I wonder that too.


                  • nikheizen
                    • Jul 2015
                    • 137

                    Originally posted by Regalia
                    If you take the turncount from the ladder, then I think every in-game minute of gameplay is that turn.

                    Only you get a fake bonus day since it counts from day 0 but you start from day 1.

                    As for actual 'moves'... I wonder that too.
                    That might explain why my ladder turncount for my devicemaster character is so damned high! I was wondering how I spent 150k turns, but I guess sleeping at the inn a lot will do that now.

                    I was wondering this as well, thanks.


                    • Raccoon
                      • Oct 2015
                      • 38

                      Does prohibiting selling items to shops make the gold drops in the dungeon more valuable to compensate, like in vanilla?


                      • debo
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 2320

                        Originally posted by Raccoon
                        Does prohibiting selling items to shops make the gold drops in the dungeon more valuable to compensate, like in vanilla?
                        Yes, but it sucks. The early game is slowed down way too much in poscheng noselling for it to be worth it, IMO. I think in the lategame it's ok but you still do better by selling crazy shit.
                        Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                        • HugoVirtuoso
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 1132

                          I wonder if Mac users are also affected by 4.0.0's "Option Menu > HTML Dumps not working" bug?
                          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                          • Raccoon
                            • Oct 2015
                            • 38

                            Originally posted by debo
                            Yes, but it sucks. The early game is slowed down way too much in poscheng noselling for it to be worth it, IMO. I think in the lategame it's ok but you still do better by selling crazy shit.
                            Hm. If you could still ID potions and scrolls by selling, I'd consider it a fair trade-off, just to avoid the tedium of recalling to town to sell things. But the way no-sell is currently implemented, I think you're right. the early game is just kind of obnoxious when you have to risk ID-by-use or save up for ID scrolls.


                            • debo
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 2320

                              Originally posted by Raccoon
                              Hm. If you could still ID potions and scrolls by selling, I'd consider it a fair trade-off, just to avoid the tedium of recalling to town to sell things. But the way no-sell is currently implemented, I think you're right. the early game is just kind of obnoxious when you have to risk ID-by-use or save up for ID scrolls.
                              It's really just the amount you get back. In Vanilla, it's reasonable. In poscheng, money is much more important, and what you get from the nosell bonus is not enough, IMO.
                              Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                Originally posted by Raccoon
                                Hm. If you could still ID potions and scrolls by selling, I'd consider it a fair trade-off, just to avoid the tedium of recalling to town to sell things. But the way no-sell is currently implemented, I think you're right. the early game is just kind of obnoxious when you have to risk ID-by-use or save up for ID scrolls.
                                Once you get a large stash of $ recalling to sell becomes pointless. If you just keep going the junk you find will be worth more then what you're carrying & eventually everything you step on is 30k. Maybe no-sell would be fine if the option also removed the need for *id. That was probably the biggest cash killer last time I played with selling off.

