[poschengband] Beserk questions

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  • budswell
    • Jun 2008
    • 156

    [poschengband] Beserk questions

    I am playing my first beserker. I'm enjoying it alot, very different to the way I normally play. Almost feels like a different game.

    So just have a handful of questions, kind of want to confirm what I'm thinking is right? And that I'm not doing anything too stupid.

    1 - I took the class help literally when it said no scrolls or magic devices. Got them all being auto-destroyed by pickupref. Is that reasonable? Or could I be missing out on something. (I really miss detect traps/doors and light area). And no (A)ctivates will work either?

    2 - Escapes (teleport etc). Do I just have to play without them? If I run into something to scary for me, I am thinking I'll just have to recall and quaff all my healing potions while I wait

    3 - I am wielding my first anti-magic item. What exactly does it do? I assume no spells (doesn't affect me). Does it offer so protections? Or boost to saving throw?

    4 - Distance attacks. Am I right in assuming its not worth bothering with bows or throwing stuff? Guess I'll just ignore awake breeders and magic mushrooms
  • chris
    PosChengband Maintainer
    • Jan 2008
    • 698

    Originally posted by budswell
    I am playing my first beserker. I'm enjoying it alot, very different to the way I normally play. Almost feels like a different game.

    So just have a handful of questions, kind of want to confirm what I'm thinking is right? And that I'm not doing anything too stupid.

    1 - I took the class help literally when it said no scrolls or magic devices. Got them all being auto-destroyed by pickupref. Is that reasonable? Or could I be missing out on something. (I really miss detect traps/doors and light area). And no (A)ctivates will work either?
    That is correct: no devices or activations at all! (You can drink potions, of course). Wands and staves are useful only for those races that eat charges (e.g. zombies, which make excellent berserkers, btw).

    2 - Escapes (teleport etc). Do I just have to play without them? If I run into something to scary for me, I am thinking I'll just have to recall and quaff all my healing potions while I wait
    Yup! Recall can be deadly, as can traps which you can never detect (unless Dwarf/Nibelung, but the fail rates are too high anyway). Try to stay near stairs as much as possible.

    3 - I am wielding my first anti-magic item. What exactly does it do? I assume no spells (doesn't affect me). Does it offer so protections? Or boost to saving throw?
    For you, anti-magic just means saving throws. Without it, you will fail every saving throw (I think) so it is pretty darn important, at least in the end game (e.g. Hand of Doom takes 60% of your hp if you fail the saving throw!)

    4 - Distance attacks. Am I right in assuming its not worth bothering with bows or throwing stuff? Guess I'll just ignore awake breeders and magic mushrooms
    Bows are for defence and stat boosts only Some races (e.g. Android) get good distance attacks, though. In general, tunnel into walls in a zig-zag fashion and let monsters come to you. You also have quake and massacre if you get caught in the open.


    • budswell
      • Jun 2008
      • 156

      Thanks heaps

      Wow, that was fun. Easily my best char in any variant. Beserker is so much simpler. A lot of the inventory management and things to be scared of are not part of the game.

      Died like I thought I would, went one round too long with something I shouldn't have. Think most of the damage was from its sheaths. Over 800 HP taken in that round.
      Last edited by budswell; May 28, 2015, 06:15.

