I really would like a variant with the following features:
- no more 10.000 different monsters (just because there are flags for "red","green","pink" in the code; Sil got that at least partly right)
- monsters with equipment they use, and that is lootable
- no (only) dungeon levels with growing difficulty, but growing overall dangerousness, depending on time elapsed (like ADOM)
- monster AI from Sil
- sighting/lighting system from Sil
- jewellery and ego items from FAA (yes, you really want to use some of those items with .. drawbacks. "curse" is such a harsh word ...)
- terrain tiles/features from Un, including
- traps that can hurt monsters (if confused, unintelligent and lured upon it, etc.)
- fixed light sources in the dungeon (torches, fire places, etc.; no way all monsters can see perfectly well in 100% darkness)
- bookless spellcasting (like that one class in Tome2.3.5, and maybe others; similar to Sils songs, maybe)