[Zangband] A Love Letter...

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  • ElectricPaladin
    • Jan 2008
    • 32

    [Zangband] A Love Letter...

    Dear Zangband,

    Where have you been all my life?

    I started playing roguelikes in elementry school with the Mines of Moria. It was something to burn time with, and to have in common with my father, who was an avid player (though I don't think he ever won). We switched over to Angband together, but when I went away to college, I ended up with a laptop, and without the eight-direction numeric keypad, my interest in Angband waned. During college, I briefly experimented with Nethack, but it wasn't able to really catch my attention.

    After college, but still on a laptop, I began exploring the internet for Angband, and I found it again. It took a little patience, but I eventually learned how to play on a laptop keyboard using the function key... and it was just as fun as I remembered.

    Then, abruptly, my Angband stopped working. So I fished around for more versions, reasoning that if Angband had stopped working for some reason, maybe something else would, and discovered... Zangband.

    I eventually got Zangband working on a different computer... and wow. It's wht I've been waiting for. I'm playing as different a character as I can imagine - a Beastman Chaos Warrior - and I never know what to expect next: mutations, visits from a demon patron, levels that are huge open underground lakes, rather than the same old same old of rooms linked by tunnels. An outside! Trees! Oddly shaped rooms, just for fun!

    So, I'm sold. I still want to beat Angband one of these days, but I think I'm a Zangband player from here on out.


    PS: Incidentally, I encountered a creature called the Greater Hellbeast at 150' that scared the pants off me... and discovered that, while I couldn't hit it and it ignored my spells, it's gazes and crushes didn't do any harm to me, either. It bothered me for a while, then ran off. What's up with that?
    A/Z/Steamband W H- D c-- f PV+ s- TT? d P++ M+

    A C "Perra" HPa L:25 DL:'800 A R !Sp w:*Holy Avenger* Mace
  • Djabanete
    • Apr 2007
    • 553

    Originally posted by ElectricPaladin
    PS: Incidentally, I encountered a creature called the Greater Hellbeast at 150' that scared the pants off me... and discovered that, while I couldn't hit it and it ignored my spells, it's gazes and crushes didn't do any harm to me, either. It bothered me for a while, then ran off. What's up with that?
    It's just a joke monster. Although it can't hurt you, it's quite resilient and tends to teleport away before you can kill it. When it dies, it drops a special artifact that can't be obtained any other way.


    • AR_chie
      • May 2007
      • 63

      Originally posted by ElectricPaladin
      Dear Zangband,

      PS: Incidentally, I encountered a creature called the Greater Hellbeast at 150' that scared the pants off me... and discovered that, while I couldn't hit it and it ignored my spells, it's gazes and crushes didn't do any harm to me, either. It bothered me for a while, then ran off. What's up with that?
      It is very hard to destroying by starter chars but you can dismiss those annoying monsters in options: 'allow silly monsters on/off'


      • ElectricPaladin
        • Jan 2008
        • 32

        The rough thing is I can almost kill him now. A few levels ago, Arioch gave me an Electricity Aura. Now, whenever the Hellbeast pounces, he gets zapped. Usually, when he zaps me enough he teleports himself or me away, but once I got him down to one star and actually hit him with my Chaotic tanto (another gift from Arioch)... and turned him into a mushroom patch!

        #@$*^!@ tanto!
        A/Z/Steamband W H- D c-- f PV+ s- TT? d P++ M+

        A C "Perra" HPa L:25 DL:'800 A R !Sp w:*Holy Avenger* Mace


        • AR_chie
          • May 2007
          • 63

          Originally posted by ElectricPaladin
          but once I got him down to one star and actually hit him with my Chaotic tanto (another gift from Arioch)... and turned him into a mushroom patch!
          as you can see that monster is a joke


          • ElectricPaladin
            • Jan 2008
            • 32

            I know it's a joke. I get it already!

            Actually, I'm amused, and I'm looking forwards to being able to kill the thing already. I know I can turn it off whenever I like. I've started imagining it as a vaguely doglike creature - hellish, but doglike - that runs up, tunneling through walls as it comes, to jump and slobber all over my character without actually harming him.

            I'm going to be so pleased when I can kill that thing... and take the artifact that it apparantly drops.
            A/Z/Steamband W H- D c-- f PV+ s- TT? d P++ M+

            A C "Perra" HPa L:25 DL:'800 A R !Sp w:*Holy Avenger* Mace


            • konijn_
              Hellband maintainer
              • Jul 2007
              • 345

              Originally posted by ElectricPaladin
              I know it's a joke. I get it already!

              Actually, I'm amused, and I'm looking forwards to being able to kill the thing already. I know I can turn it off whenever I like. I've started imagining it as a vaguely doglike creature - hellish, but doglike - that runs up, tunneling through walls as it comes, to jump and slobber all over my character without actually harming him.

              I'm going to be so pleased when I can kill that thing... and take the artifact that it apparantly drops.
              I doubt you will be pleased
              * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *


              • Djabanete
                • Apr 2007
                • 553

                Originally posted by konijn_
                I doubt you will be pleased


                • Anne
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 134

                  Oh dear. Now I'm envisioning something like a rubber chicken. Or perhaps Rubber Chicken of Doom.

                  Truthfully, I tend to head for the stairs when he starts after me since the slowdown he causes me can be annoying. But I haven't been playing it long, so I'm not at the point of wanting to disable those joke monsters - I'm curious to see what else they've come up with.

                  It's funny, ElectricPaladin, but I was thinking the same as you - the hellbeast reminds me of my over-exuberant dog who is so excited to see you that you can't get past her to take off your shoes.


                  • Jude
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 112

                    Chaos Warrior is by far the funnest class I've ever played in any game. Not only is he pretty powerful - a good fighter (although no ranged capability) and Chaos magic is awesomely powerful to augment that fighting. However it's the chaos patrons that really make it fun. Sure, sometimes you get killed by a horde of summoned monsters and paralyzation when you level up, but that's pretty rare, and what with the liberal stat boosts and free ego/artifact items you usually get early in the game, it more than makes up for it.

                    Plus mutations are just awesome - I've gotten some really interesting ones over the years. I think my favorite is the laser eyes...I love using that on a row of goblins down a hallway.

                    Chaos magic is fantastic too, for offensive power. Sonic Boom is great and if I live long enough and find the right book, Disintegrate is my favorite spell - not only does it do massive damage but it also blows away any walls in its radius, so you can blast the dungeon to pieces. What fun! Unfortunately I've never gotten to any spells higher than it.

                    I used to play as a Vampire Chaos Warrior for the drain life ability and the high starting stats, but got tired of levelling so slowly when the prospect of levelling up meant a potential awesome gift...Also the drain life starts to suck when you can only use it once or twice before you get full. it's a lot harder getting started with a human after all those years but more challening, in a good way.

