[Un] .. at a loss ..

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  • Arralen
    • May 2007
    • 309

    [Un] .. at a loss ..

    Hello folks, I'm trying out Un for some time now, but it's the first time I got as deep as BD15 .. and I'm really at a loss what to do now :

    Level feeling & vaults
    The level is "superb". I only found a magical shovel and some ?oMapping .. monsters where only some dragonflies and icky things. So where is the superbness? I vaguely remember reading something about hidden vaults, not connected to the rest of the level and not scryable by any means - how am I supposed to find them? Can't dig granite wall with that shovel, and my WandOfMud has only 10 charges or so ...

    I found some runes. I know I'm supposed to "y"apply them, eg. to my weapon, but what is that good for (blood rune stone, eye rune stone)? And how can I find that out? Or are those things -and any *ID*- that much "work in progress" that they either do not work at all atm., or it changes from subversion to subversion ?

    I found a "Magical Bag of Supplies". How is it supposed to work? Looks like I can store spikes, oil flasks and empty bottles in it, but no food items. Strange .. would have though "supplies" are food, and maybe something else .. so what is supposed to go into the different bags?
    No, I don't have a clue 'bout C, and I'm not starting my own variant.
    Never. Ever.
  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    Originally posted by Arralen
    Hello folks, I'm trying out Un for some time now, but it's the first time I got as deep as BD15
    Great! Have you done some travelling, too? In case you get bored in BD or they get too dagerous...

    Level feeling & vaults
    No clue about that.

    They work OK. If you want to get spoiled, check out the sources. lines "Y:x" in various .txt files where x corresponds to rune number in object.txt. Without spoiling: just experiment and/or use the spell/scroll of Runic Magic, or whatever is the name.

    They work OK, too. Just experiment. Letting all normal food into "Magical Bag of Supplies" may be a good idea, though...


    • GCD
      • Aug 2007
      • 7

      Levels with lots of statues tend to have superb feelings. I'm guessing that's what caused it in your case.


      • andrewdoull
        Unangband maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 816

        Originally posted by GCD
        Levels with lots of statues tend to have superb feelings. I'm guessing that's what caused it in your case.
        Level feelings are moderately broken in Unangband because the frequency assumptions about how many high level monsters/objects are so different from Angband.

        Thats not to say level feelings are not broken in Angband either...

        I'm sure we'll come up with a fix - even if it's just eliminating level feelings.

        As for food in Supplies bag - there's a Provisions bag that holds food...

        The Roflwtfzomgbbq Quylthulg summons L33t Paladins -more-
        In UnAngband, the level dives you.
        ASCII Dreams: http://roguelikedeveloper.blogspot.com
        Unangband: http://unangband.blogspot.com


        • Arralen
          • May 2007
          • 309

          At first, thanks for all your answers ...

          Originally posted by GCD
          Levels with lots of statues tend to have superb feelings. I'm guessing that's what caused it in your case.
          2 statues only.
          And a "shrine dedicated to the stars" - is that's what is causing the level feeling?

          And what is it good for?
          Can't see any description anywhere other than the standard "you can walk on it" etc .., but nothing about the special effects of "stars".
          If I study on it, I see nothing different.
          I can't study from it.
          I can apply it - I tried armor, ring and trollslaying harpoon (savegame is your friend), but it doesn't seem to do any difference other than applying the tag <Star> to it (quitting and savegame, again ).

          Btw. - no-one answered my question if there are unconnected parts of dungeon sometimes ?

          No, I don't have a clue 'bout C, and I'm not starting my own variant.
          Never. Ever.


          • Matthias
            • Apr 2007
            • 192

            A shrine is basicly a rune that cannot be picked up, in this case a star rune. I used to carry around a useless rod all the time to make use of the door and eye shrines. I don't think there is anything you can get out of a single star rune. Applying 3 stars to a helm should turn it into a helm of brilliance, at least according to my notes from some versions ago.


            • Bandobras
              • Apr 2007
              • 676

              Originally posted by Arralen
              Btw. - no-one answered my question if there are unconnected parts of dungeon sometimes ?
              Because it's a bit embarassing. There are. About intentional such cases I don't know anything sure.

