Random theorycrafting: "Pyrl"

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Random theorycrafting: "Pyrl"

    Since we seem to be posting about our ideas for roguelikes lately, and since I'm in a bit of a coding slump now that the first push for finesse/prowess combat is out, here's the basis for a roguelike that I've kinda-sorta wanted to write for awhile. It's called Pyrl, because my project name was originally PyRL, a.k.a. "Python Roguelike". The setting is tentatively future fantasy (a.k.a. soft sci-fi) but does it really matter?

    The main goal would be to mix modern 3D tactical RPG combat with roguelikes*. Thus there'd be a procedurally-generated grid-based map with each tile having both elevation and terrain in addition to the usual monster/items/traps/etc. Terrain manipulation and abuse should be vital to succeeding at combat; each class would have several abilities to alter terrain for defensive and offensive purposes, and terrain would also have significant impacts on combat calculations. For example, growing hedges to provide cover (reducing enemy hit chance), or setting a region on fire to damage incoming enemies, or even hopping into lava (for particularly advanced or suicidal characters!) to get a temporary fire attribute on your attacks.

    The secondary goal is to encourage risk-taking. To give some context, some of my favorite moments in videogames have been when I've been wandering around in dangerous territory for a long time, I've made serious progress, but I'm also getting low on health and supplies. Somewhere on the path ahead lies a safe zone where I can recover and save my progress; otherwise, the only other option would be a fighting retreat all the way back where I came from**. That uncertainty, combined with the risk I'm having to make (of losing all the progress I made since I last saved) is what I want to replicate that feeling in Pyrl.

    I have three main mechanisms for this: elimination of traditional recovery mechanisms, biasing risk/reward calculations based on how long you've been in the dungeon, and removing easy escapes from the dungeon. I'm sure Mikko's going to chime in now with how he's already done all this. Anyway, in order:

    * Recovery should happen only by two mechanisms: instant-use items that monsters drop, or one-shot fountains. That is, when you kill a monster, it drops "orbs", healing or mana or whatever, and when you walk over them you pick them up and use them, automatically. Likewise, if you encounter a fountain you can use it to heal, and then it's used up and never recovers.
    * Risk/reward: the longer you stay in the dungeon, the better the stuff you find. So even when you're on your last legs, you should be wanting to stick it out just a bit longer in case you get lucky. Every time you leave the dungeon, you're reset to a baseline, though of course the baseline scales with how difficult of monsters you're facing. But if you've never been to town, then the level-20 monsters you're fighting might be dropping level-40 gear -- once you go to town and then come back, they're dropping level-20 gear instead.
    * Removing easy escapes: basically, this means no Word of Recall or "give me a new level, please" escapes. If you can't handle a monster, then you have to either run away the hard way, or block it off so it can't reach you. Actually returning to town requires finding portals in the dungeon.

    Given all that, I don't actually envision Pyrl as being predominantly a permadeath game. Of course, it could be played that way if you wanted to, but I feel like that would end up making the player too cautious to really get the good risks going. If you find a portal to the surface, whether or not you're going to risk ignoring it to continue the dungeon dive is going to be strongly influenced by if you're risking the last hour's worth of play, or the last ten hours' worth.

    Anyway, that's about all I have in my brain at the moment. Don't expect Pyrl to ever see the light of day, but it's fun to think about.

    * Except that I find most tactical RPGs these days to be incredibly dry, focusing more on character building than on combat. The only ones I've really enjoyed have been the Disgaea series, where you have the ability to rapidly move units about the map, and, more importantly, to skip combat animations.
    ** Probably the best example of this I can think of is the Phazon Mines in Metroid Prime 1, though it happens with the better Castlevania games as well.
  • Mikko Lehtinen
    • Sep 2010
    • 1149

    Originally posted by Derakon
    Somewhere on the path ahead lies a safe zone where I can recover and save my progress; otherwise, the only other option would be a fighting retreat all the way back where I came from**. That uncertainty, combined with the risk I'm having to make (of losing all the progress I made since I last saved) is what I want to replicate that feeling in Pyrl.
    This reminds me of Sid Jackson's simple board game Can't Stop. It's one of the most addictive board games in existence, so a roguelike based on the same principles should be fun!


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      Hm, I'll have to check that out there. Might be a good gift for my kids-having relations.

      Some more thoughts to encourage the player to stick things out:

      * Have monsters randomly drop pieces of a map (automatically picked up when the monster is killed). Once the map is fully assembled, it reveals a hidden treasure room for the player to loot. But if they leave the dungeon then they lose all progress on the map.

      * Orbs dropped by monsters decay rapidly with time -- no saving them for later!

      * Tie monster drops strictly to the current dungeon level + current alarm level (i.e. irrespective of the monster's native depth). Aggressively prune out monsters that are deeper than they should be...but occasionally let a wimpy monster through with a guaranteed drop. Basically easy loot, but only if you've been aggressive about your alarm levels.

      * While there shouldn't be items that the player can buy to manipulate their alarm level, there could be one-shot dungeon features that do. Gongs to raise the alarm, cardboard boxes to lower it?


      • d_m
        Angband Devteam member
        • Aug 2008
        • 1516

        Originally posted by Derakon
        Given all that, I don't actually envision Pyrl as being predominantly a permadeath game. Of course, it could be played that way if you wanted to, but I feel like that would end up making the player too cautious to really get the good risks going. If you find a portal to the surface, whether or not you're going to risk ignoring it to continue the dungeon dive is going to be strongly influenced by if you're risking the last hour's worth of play, or the last ten hours' worth.
        Many sci-fi authors (I am thinking of Iain M. Banks but there are tons of other examples) introduce the concept of "backups" which people can take periodically. When death happens a signal is given to grow a new body.

        This could be a fun mechanic: when you die your body (and gear) are left somewhere else but a clone is grown (at some financial cost and time). Assuming you have money or equipment "in the bank" you can then outfit yourself and continue on.

        If you don't like the "hunt down old body/gear" mechanic you could just assume that the body is looted. You could even do a compromise based on how long it takes to find the body (combination of cloning time + travel time).

        Anyway, neat idea.


        • Mikko Lehtinen
          • Sep 2010
          • 1149

          Here's another take that tries to mirror the gameplay of Can't Stop as closely as possible in a single player rogulike context.

          The world is ending, and you have time to take exactly 10 dungeon trips before that.

          Every time you return safely, your current state is saved. If you die in the dungeons, you return to your previous saved state and waste one dungeon trip.

          After 10 trips, either successes or failures, the aliens attack the surface world. Basically the idea of the game would be to collect equipment for this end game.


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Now that is clever. Ten dives to prepare for an unwinnable (or merely incredibly difficult?) battle, and your actual score is determined by how far you make it in that last fight. Neat idea. Especially since you could e.g. sprinkle informers and spies and so on for the invading force into the dungeon, which could, if killed, tweak the difficulty of the final battle (and serve as minibosses for the main portion of the game).

