FayAngband 1.0.1 is now available from the home page. This is a bugfix, balancing and polishing release.
Compiled versions available for Windows, Linux 32 bit, and Linux 64 bit. Source code is available here. It should compile for Mac OS X quite easily using Makefile.std without modifications.
Competition 104 was a real boon for FayAngband development. Thanks to Nick for holding the competition, and to Therem Harth, jevansau, SaThaRiel, buzzkill, Matthias, soyaki, Hudstone, ewan, william.hamaker, and cheekycatchymonkey for valuable comments.
Future development will grow quite organically from my own playtesting and player feedback. Eventually, I want to get this monster balanced. In 1.1 I'm planning to make dying more difficult, and in 1.2 I'm adding some extra abilities for player characters.
The game is designed to be played with small levels always on, but for now the option can still be switched off.
FayAngband 1.0.1 changes
- Phlogiston didn't work on magic lanterns.
- Bug with the artifact spellbooks: The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom (in
Inventory) was really the Necronomicon when used, and Mathemagical
calculations was really the codex of ultimate Wisdom.
- Some mage spellbooks were not available at the bookstore.
- Fixed a bug with starting weapons: characters couldn't get the last weapon on
their list.
- Rogues only had level +2.5 percentage point bonus to critical hits, should
be level +5.
- Added wands of Sleep Monster, Confuse Monster, and Blind Monster back to game,
but made their rarity 0. This allows Wand of Wonder to replicate their
effects, and fixes the bug. (I had removed the wands to make the effects
exclusive to powder vials.)
Combat rebalancing
- Increased damage for early weapons weighting more than 16 lbs. (Max one
blow/turn.) Now both STR and DEX based characters should be competitive
right from the start.
- Flail damage reduced a little, 2d7 -> 3d4. Bastard Sword now weighs 14 lbs
and deals 1d15 damage, so it's a perfect weapon for many starting Warriors.
- Broad Axe is now a common starting weapon, and Broad Sword a good starting
weapon, so only warriors and spellswords can get it.
- Reordered the starting weapon lists so that if two weapons have a tie at
damage per turn, choose the weapon with more blows.
- If STR is 18+, double thrown weapon damage. If STR is 25+, triple thrown
weapon damage. Only applies to weapons, not powder vial effects.
- Increased all classes' throwing skill by +1 per 10 levels to help powders
(which do not get any enchantment bonuses).
- Shamans now only get better blows with bludgeoning and blessed weapons.
Other stuff
- Nerfed Curse Equipment and *Curse Equipment*.
- Panel size doesn't affect detection area anymore. Detection area is a rectangle
about the size of the smallest possible dungeon level in FayAngband. That's
also the size of the panel you would get on classic terminal screen. All
detection spells and mapping "bounce off" dungeon border. You always get the
same sized rectangle, even if you cast detect at a corner of the dungeon.
Detection spells flash with yellow stars, so you can easily tell the detected
area. Much of the code stolen from Vanilla 3.2. and Oangband 1.1.0.
- All sorts of magical disarm now only work on known traps. This is to prevent
potentially slow and boring gameplay at vaults.
- Allow Scroll of Trap Detection, but it is now as deep and expensive as
Enchant Weapon. Found in shops only rarely. Also Word of Recall exists as a
scroll but it's rare and expensive.
- Potion of Stealth changed to Potion of Sneakiness. In addition to temporary
Stealth bonus, it also increases critical hit chance by 10 percentage points
against distracted monsters. Increased the cost a little.
- Added some scrolls to the shops: Identify is now 33 % more common and Remove
Curse 100 % more common.
- Restore potions now restore two stats. Restore Vigor (STR & CON), Restore Wit
(INT & WIS), and Restore Grace (DEX & CHR). Also tweaked the sustain rings to
have the same names and ability pairs.
- Updated and corrected many help files.
FayAngband 1.0.1 is now available from the home page. This is a bugfix, balancing and polishing release.
Compiled versions available for Windows, Linux 32 bit, and Linux 64 bit. Source code is available here. It should compile for Mac OS X quite easily using Makefile.std without modifications.
Competition 104 was a real boon for FayAngband development. Thanks to Nick for holding the competition, and to Therem Harth, jevansau, SaThaRiel, buzzkill, Matthias, soyaki, Hudstone, ewan, william.hamaker, and cheekycatchymonkey for valuable comments.
Future development will grow quite organically from my own playtesting and player feedback. Eventually, I want to get this monster balanced. In 1.1 I'm planning to make dying more difficult, and in 1.2 I'm adding some extra abilities for player characters.

The game is designed to be played with small levels always on, but for now the option can still be switched off.
FayAngband 1.0.1 changes
- Phlogiston didn't work on magic lanterns.
- Bug with the artifact spellbooks: The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom (in
Inventory) was really the Necronomicon when used, and Mathemagical
calculations was really the codex of ultimate Wisdom.
- Some mage spellbooks were not available at the bookstore.
- Fixed a bug with starting weapons: characters couldn't get the last weapon on
their list.
- Rogues only had level +2.5 percentage point bonus to critical hits, should
be level +5.
- Added wands of Sleep Monster, Confuse Monster, and Blind Monster back to game,
but made their rarity 0. This allows Wand of Wonder to replicate their
effects, and fixes the bug. (I had removed the wands to make the effects
exclusive to powder vials.)
Combat rebalancing
- Increased damage for early weapons weighting more than 16 lbs. (Max one
blow/turn.) Now both STR and DEX based characters should be competitive
right from the start.
- Flail damage reduced a little, 2d7 -> 3d4. Bastard Sword now weighs 14 lbs
and deals 1d15 damage, so it's a perfect weapon for many starting Warriors.
- Broad Axe is now a common starting weapon, and Broad Sword a good starting
weapon, so only warriors and spellswords can get it.
- Reordered the starting weapon lists so that if two weapons have a tie at
damage per turn, choose the weapon with more blows.
- If STR is 18+, double thrown weapon damage. If STR is 25+, triple thrown
weapon damage. Only applies to weapons, not powder vial effects.
- Increased all classes' throwing skill by +1 per 10 levels to help powders
(which do not get any enchantment bonuses).
- Shamans now only get better blows with bludgeoning and blessed weapons.
Other stuff
- Nerfed Curse Equipment and *Curse Equipment*.
- Panel size doesn't affect detection area anymore. Detection area is a rectangle
about the size of the smallest possible dungeon level in FayAngband. That's
also the size of the panel you would get on classic terminal screen. All
detection spells and mapping "bounce off" dungeon border. You always get the
same sized rectangle, even if you cast detect at a corner of the dungeon.
Detection spells flash with yellow stars, so you can easily tell the detected
area. Much of the code stolen from Vanilla 3.2. and Oangband 1.1.0.
- All sorts of magical disarm now only work on known traps. This is to prevent
potentially slow and boring gameplay at vaults.
- Allow Scroll of Trap Detection, but it is now as deep and expensive as
Enchant Weapon. Found in shops only rarely. Also Word of Recall exists as a
scroll but it's rare and expensive.
- Potion of Stealth changed to Potion of Sneakiness. In addition to temporary
Stealth bonus, it also increases critical hit chance by 10 percentage points
against distracted monsters. Increased the cost a little.
- Added some scrolls to the shops: Identify is now 33 % more common and Remove
Curse 100 % more common.
- Restore potions now restore two stats. Restore Vigor (STR & CON), Restore Wit
(INT & WIS), and Restore Grace (DEX & CHR). Also tweaked the sustain rings to
have the same names and ability pairs.
- Updated and corrected many help files.