There is no code that I've written in there (just in an unpublished variant). I was simply wondering if this code was the code by the mysterious hmj, and if so, what was it still doing there? and if not, then where is the hmj code (so you and I and other variant authors can delete it)?
New Verison of NPPAngband version 050 to be released in about a week
There is no code that I've written in there (just in an unpublished variant). I was simply wondering if this code was the code by the mysterious hmj, and if so, what was it still doing there? and if not, then where is the hmj code (so you and I and other variant authors can delete it)?takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment
It was mostly because Angband had two different ways of interacting with files (fd_ and my_f* functions), which was untidy and irritating.takkaria whispers something about options. -more-Comment