as I am reviewing my files in the file folder, I noticed that the victory text file was drastically modified by my predecessor :
I would need something more dramatic like a defeated lucifer on the floor, because I took the love story part out of Hellband. Is there anybody that could draw a defeated winged character lying half broken on the floor ?
If you have ASCII experience but find that imagery too hard, a sunrise is good enough as well, since that imagery would be fitting once the hero gets out of the dungeon. Of course some placeholder for a small victory text would be most convenient.
as I am reviewing my files in the file folder, I noticed that the victory text file was drastically modified by my predecessor :
( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` ) `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' .-. .-. .,,,,,,,,,,. .-. .-. ( ` ) Congratulations! ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ( ` ) `. .' ,;;;;;;;;;;;)));;(((,,;;;,,_ `. .' `.' You have rescued ,;;;;;;;;;;' |)))))))))))\\ `.' .-. .-. your true love ;;;;;;/ )'' - /,)))((((((((((\ .-. .-. ( ` ) from the depths ;;;;' \ ~|\ )))))))))))))) ( ` ) `. .' of hell. / / | (((((((((((((( `. .' `.' /' \ _/~ ')|())))))))) `.' .-. .-. Now you can /' `\ /> o_/)))(((((((( .-. .-. ( ` ) be together / /' `~~(____ / ())))))))))) ( ` ) `. .' once more. | ---, \ \ ((((((((((( `. .' `.' | `\ \~-_____| ))))))))) `.' .-. .-. | `\ | |_.---.(((((((( .-. .-. ( ` ) \ | | ))))))))) ( ` ) `. .' (((((((( `. .' `.' ))))))) `.' .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. ( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` )( ` ) `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.' `.'
If you have ASCII experience but find that imagery too hard, a sunrise is good enough as well, since that imagery would be fitting once the hero gets out of the dungeon. Of course some placeholder for a small victory text would be most convenient.