Beta version of PWMAngband 1.6.0 released

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  • PowerWyrm
    • Apr 2008
    • 2941

    Beta version of PWMAngband 1.6.0 released

    New PWMAngband 1.6.0 beta 1 released!

    (seems like I totally forgot to post about development version of PWMAngband 1.6.0, oh well...)

    Here's the list of changes that have been implemented since 1.5.0:

    User interface

    Angband 4.2.x:

    - Show spell description by default when browsing
    - Update scalable 16x16xw.woff to the newest upstream version
    - Allow '@' to fast forward the birth process using random choices and a default
    point buy for the statistics
    - Change keymap terminator to =
    - Change key to reset birth options to the Angband defaults
    - Changed purchase message to show if a book is not usable
    - More consistent background handling
    - Allow yes/no interface options to carry over between characters
    - Generate sounds when entering or leaving stores
    - Reorder checks/confirmations so they happen before additional prompts
    - In open targeting mode, allow running keys to step 10 grids at a time
    - Use the color table values in screenshots for COLOUR_DARK and COLOUR_WHITE
    - GCU: also set background color on standard screen
    - Add option to include monster list in screenshots
    - Print total number in pack/quiver when dropping, picking up, or consuming
    an item that's in the pack/quiver or ends up there
    - Improve "puff of smoke" messaging
    - Allow monster races to customize the spell casting messages
    - Clarify rejection message for the fire command
    - Add comma to monster's name where appropriate
    - Change messages when a new keymap is entered
    - Drop phrase in monster name when forming a possessive
    - GCU: for 256 or 88 color terminals, default to using init_color() for the
    color table
    - SDL2: fix handling of '=' key
    - Allow more menus to use the rogue-like movement keys for navigation
    - Change message from "You see" to "You recall" when targeting an unseen grid
    - Add borders around option menu prompts that don't clear the screen
    - Suppress "You have ..." message for artifact jewelry when all non-curse runes
    are known
    - Modify text when player is aware of a monster via detection or telepathy
    - Change default Enter key behavior in stores
    - Don't beep when escape is pressed while '*' targeting
    - Adjust description of Mana Channel
    - Move artifact light sources to top of item list if unidentified
    - SDL: make use of scalable fixed-width fonts in lib/fonts
    - Windows: allow "Enable nice graphics" to use all tile multipliers available
    in the menu
    - Align store item's context menu keys with the command keys in the store
    - Better match store's in-game help description to the keys available
    - Have lurkers and trappers become noticeable in ASCII
    - Remove ctrl-c keymap


    - Allow negative cost for object kinds to tag them "not for buying" in stores
    - Add option to hide controlled monsters in monster lists
    - Add /race and /class custom commands to display race and class stats during
    - Clarify message when creating a character with a name that is already taken
    - Revert default ignoring options to "no ignore"
    - MotD shown on login in message window (from motd.txt in /lib/screens)
    - Add slays/brands to character sheet
    - Allow to polymorph directly using form name with the V command
    - Add swear word protection for names and messages
    - Don't refresh monster list after a pause due to detecting some monsters
    - Add /dps command to display average normal damage per round
    - Always display all character symbols on the minimap
    - Highlight party members in blue on the minimap
    - Display ASCII symbols for distorted tiles in knowledge screens
    - Don't clear monster/player detection counter if using the 'L' command
    after detection until the player has finished looking around
    - Add a loading screen between character selection and MotD display
    - Allow to color portions of a message using {} tags
    - SDL: rearrange options menu like for the Win client and only allow changing
    tile options during setup phase
    - SDL2: only allow changing tile options during setup phase

    Gameplay changes

    Angband 4.2.x:

    - Apply temporary and off-weapon slays and brands to unarmed combat
    - Reduce monsters passing through or tunneling walls
    - For special artifacts, remove additional out-of-depth check on the kind
    - Have DETECT_DOORS detect all types of doors, not just secret ones
    - Forget remembered impassable terrain at the player's grid if the player is
    - Don't disturb the player when a chest trap is detected
    - Factor in player trap immunity for failed attempts to disable chest traps
    - Broaden the possible grids for teleport destinations
    - Adjust calculation for holding summoned monsters
    - Don't deduct energy in move_player() when the player doesn't move


    - Limit ESP_RADIUS to 75% of z_info->max_sight if LIMITED_ESP is set
    - Drastically reduce dark elven warlock group size
    - Allow curative spells/potions to heal controlled monsters
    - Allow permanently polymorphed DMs, turn ghost mode off in that case
    - Tweak dragons a bit, reduce HP bonus from high level forms by roughly 5%
    - Prevent entry to shallow dungeons based on max level instead of current level
    - Buffed The Lost Silmaril of Maglor
    - Take half a turn when taking off/dropping/refilling an item (ported from V)
    - Make pit walls much less likely to be pierced by steamers deep in the dungeon
    - Exclude wearing from !* inscription
    - Implement RAND_100 flag and assign it to goldfishes
    - Remove level requirement from shops
    - Rework level requirement to depend only on object level and power
    - Increase the number of fountains in dungeons
    - New formula for average damage per attack for polymorphed players
    - Polymorphed monks get half the to-dam bonus
    - Allow monsters to cross one tile of damaging terrain if it doesn't kill them
    - Allow multiple values for race/class abilities depending on level
    - Allow chance of generating features in wilderness to be as low as 1/10000
    - Use time bubble when digging
    - Give UNLIGHT players extra infravision
    - Add INC_BY_FIXED and DEC_BY_FIXED to increase/decrease satiation by a fixed
    amount instead of using percentage
    - New class: Villager

    Bugs fixed

    Angband 4.2.x:

    - A couple of minor fixes
    - Stop monsters hasting themselves
    - Set kind's cost for special artifacts
    - Allow dumping a color with all zero components if in the basic colors
    - Only identify teleport away/scare/dispel/sleep/turn effects if the monster is
    - Fix Triple diamond room
    - Fix awkward word in the description for Create Arrows
    - Learn feather falling if equipped and exposed to fiery terrain
    - hit_trap(): interaction with disturb() and learning trap immunity rune
    - Check for resistance before issuing message about confusion from strong light
    or sound attacks
    - Fix incorrect scaling of monster hearing and smell


    - Fix unarmed rogues able to "stab" monsters
    - Fix crash when enabling/disabling tiles during character creation
    - Fix crash during ego/artifact generation by saving ego/artifact indexes as
    u16b instead of byte
    - Prevent calling exit_game_panic() after shutdown_server() succeeds
    - Add missing checks when switching place with a friendly monster or another
    - Prevent switching place with another player if standing on potentially harmful
    - Check for dead monster/player when fading detect over time
    - Fix out of bounds crash when generating a death dump from a small labyrinth
    - Fix moronic crash when looking at a pile of floor-size items on the floor
    - Fix moronic bug allowing players to walk while paralyzed
    - Fix spell info/description for spells using SET_VALUE or spell power
    - Fix Cloud room template
    - Correctly set mana pool cap to +10 from items and +15 overall
    - Add spell name to spell info sent to client to allow keymap by spell to work
    - Fix object_all_modifiers_are_known()
    - Redraw equip subwindow when inscribing items in the quiver
    - Fix crash in file_newer()
    - Learn "on wield" runes when picking up ammo
    - Fix attacking while walking/jumping/running with extra moves not spending
    a full turn of energy
    - Fix READ_MINDS
    - Fix some va_arg argument types in vstrnfmt
    - Learn FEATHER flag when walking on water
    - Fix monster AI bug
    - Fix crash when targeting a healing spell with a friendly monster in sight
    - Fix Dungeon Master pet attacking other monsters
    - Fix pets attacking non-hostile player pets
    - Fix PROJECT_BEAM error making limited length beams not working
    - Hardcode poison effect on potions of poison to avoid identifying issues
    - Consider spells on cooldown as okay to cast by the client
    - Update browse book screen when a spell enters or goes off cooldown
    - Fix wilderness mapping

    Coding changes

    Angband 4.2.x:

    - Add a return value to new_player_spot() to indicate success/failure
    - Restart cave generation in case of failure in new_player_spot() instead of
    generating a panic save
    - Tidy up vault_chunk()
    - In ranged_helper() get the object description after the knowledge updates
    - Split effect handlers into multiple files
    - Move choice between the old and new vaults to dungeon_profile.txt
    - In TAP_UNLIFE, cancel the target set if the creature dies
    - Rewrite scatter() and add an extended version
    - Make calc_inventory() more efficient
    - Simplify prepare_next_level()
    - Split target_set_interactive_aux()
    - Move the modifiable bits of the artifact structure into their own structure
    and make the artifact structure const
    - Limit the maximum number of attempts at rooms for modified and moria chunks
    - Cache the result of is_quest() in the dun_data structure for cave generation
    - Don't set player upkeep flags when using an item from the floor
    - Relax assumption that ignore_type_of() for all ego items is not ITYPE_MAX
    - Tidy logic for message about revealed object when rubble cleared
    - Use TF_LOS, remove square_iswall()
    - Perform the extra color table set up for more than 16 colors in init_gcu
    - Improve object origin merging
    - Remove some suspect uses of format()
    - Refactor object_similar()
    - Refine combining origins
    - Account for SET_VALUE/CLEAR_VALUE effects in get_spell_info()
    - Remember cursor size
    - Stop treating quiver items as wielded for learning of runes
    - Add Term_redraw_all()
    - Don't overwrite a normal save with a panic save
    - Fix some comments in z-file.c
    - Constrain search in drop_find_grid() to avoid out-of-bounds access
    - Make highscore_read return value consistent
    - Use C99 types for the fixed size integers
    - Avoid most integer conversion warnings from Visual Studio
    - Add a mode to object_desc() that allows overriding obj->number
    - Move effect datafile functions to the right place
    - Mark dice_t* arguments as const if the function doesn't modify them
    - Add const to pointer arguments for functions in z-util.h
    - Add an iterator-like version of cave_find_in_range()
    - Move remove_object_curse() to obj-curse.c
    - Make ui-player-properties
    - Move logic for bookkeeping after a player's move from move_player() to its
    own function so it can be called in other cases when the player moves
    - Avoid platform-dependent right shift of negative values
    - Drop use of Mix_Init() to test for sound file compatibility
    - Protect calculation in monster/object rating against overflow
    - Protect calculation in object_value_real() against overflow
    - Check against overflow when boosting the value of out-of-depth object
    - Correct some comments related to the sound system
    - Remove sound.cfg
    - Changes to UN_KTRL and ENCODE_KTRL
    - Return early from process_world() if the player takes fatal damage
    - Damage player last so messages are ordered properly if the player dies
    - Fix places where monster_is_mimicking() was used as a synonym for
    - Tweak obj-init.c for robustness, consistency, and formatting
    - Small optimization for lookup_sval()
    - Tighten parsing in z-expression.c
    - Tweak init.c for robustness and consistency
    - Replace my_strcpy(b, format(...), sizeof(b)) with strnfmt(b, sizeof(b), ...)
    - Don't modify names in projections array while parsing player_property.txt
    - Tighten parsing in mon-init.c
    - Have expression_base_value_f functions return an int32_t to match declaration
    - Move more special cases hard coded in player-timed.c to player_timed.txt
    - z-virt: remove memory poisoning support
    - ui-term: remove attr_blank & char_blank
    - Tidy some monster-related parsing
    - SDL2: keep track of subwindow visibility in sdl2init.txt
    - When _WIN32 is set, use GetCurrentProcessId() to mutate the seed in
    Rand_simple() and Rand_init()


    - Remove random roller, use default roller instead
    - Fix potential crash with standard roller
    - Implement SHORT_BEAM effect, replace BOLT_MELEE effect by SHORT_BEAM with
    length 1
    - Remove bogus END_INFO effect
    - Remove square_hack_iscloseddoor() hack
    - Don't display "Could not accept TCP Connection, socket error = 0" messages in
    the log
    - Rework account management
    - Add file_get_savefile() and port Rand_simple() from V


    - Support for SDL2 client (compiling using Embarcadero C++ 7.30)
    - Modify the comment about room cutoffs in dungeon_profile.txt
    - Update attack.rst
    - Put in first draft of "how it works" documentation for dungeon generation
    - Update comments in artifact.txt, ego_item.txt and object.txt
    - Adjust brief description for commands
    - Update comment about swap weapons keymap in pref.prf
    - Add configure option to store gamedata on libpath
    - Add panic directory to windows packaging
    - Update lib/readme.txt
    - Use a top-level help file customized for the chosen keyset
    - For the specialized pref files, fix a typo and change some markup
    - In the documentation, use lowercase letters with ^ (or Ctrl/ctrl)
    - Add descriptions of all the knowledge menu entries to the documentation
    for the '~' command
    - Fix some compiler warnings
    - Extend and update comments in player_timed.txt
    - Extend comments in brand.txt and slay.txt
    - Add to the comments in monster_spell.txt
    - Extend comments in projection.txt
    - Remove stdint.h check
    - Avoid most of the "redundant declaration" warnings
    - Update documentation for keymaps

    Source code is available on Git:
    Binaries will be updated later (probably tomorrow).
    PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!
  • PowerWyrm
    • Apr 2008
    • 2941

    Binaries are now available for download at the usual location:
    PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


    • PowerWyrm
      • Apr 2008
      • 2941

      New PWMAngband 1.6.0 beta 2 released!

      List of changes since last beta:

      - Change partial message coloring tags to $ and ^ (to avoid mismatch with inscription tags)
      - Apply partial message coloring to top line
      - Apply V's SELECT effect as an average of all effects
      - Some SDL and SDL2 client fixes
      - Prevent trying to add a player to the "Neutral" party
      - Fix double free in Receive_minipos()
      - Use codes rather than the printable names in data files
      - Fix allocation/deallocation of player body
      - Configure categories for the monster knowledge menu from a data file
      - Add to default keymaps so shift+numeric keypad works for running on more systems
      - SDL2: limit the number of builtin fonts tracked
      - SDL2: return early in pict hook if tiles aren't enabled
      - Fix Venn diagram room template
      - Loosen coupling between MAX_COLORS and the BG_* constants
      - In inventory item context menu, change "Drop All" command key to 'A'

      Source code is available on Git:
      Binaries are available for download at the usual location:
      PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!


      • PowerWyrm
        • Apr 2008
        • 2941

        My IP decided to shut down personal webpages so will disappear at the beginning of september. For this reason (and since it's common practice), I started to fill the Releases section of the Github page for PWMAngband's source code. There is currently a prerelease for forthcoming 1.6.0 build 1 and I'll make a full release after my holidays.
        PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!

