does Stealth affect awake mobs?

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  • Sky
    • Oct 2016
    • 2309

    does Stealth affect awake mobs?

    Does your stealth stat affect anything else besides the rate / distance etc at which mobs wake ? Specifically, does it have any effect on the distance at which mobs can track you?

    I've had this annoying Cyclops on my ass forever and no matter how many times i keep teleporting, he shows up before i've healed. He's chasing me from one side of the map to the next.

    I dont know exactly how that works, but i've observed that some mobs, e.g. Radagast, will rush back to you no matter how many TO you cast, while other .. "dumber" mobs, like Glaurung, are easily confused by TO.
    "i can take this dracolich"
  • bughunter
    • Nov 2019
    • 140

    If you look at the monster description for monsters, some will tell you the detection range for that type.

    For instance, Plasma Hound has "It is ever vigilant for intruders, which it may notice from 300 feet." That quote reveals that it has two quantities, the first is its "awakeness" and the second its detection range.

    I don't code dive, would rather play, and figure it out that way. But one must assume each monster has both quantities, and that their values vary from monster to monster, possibly for each instance of a monster type. Your cyclops may have a larger than normal detection range.

    Either that, or @ needs a bath.
    Last edited by bughunter; January 19, 2021, 22:38.


    • bughunter
      • Nov 2019
      • 140

      Also, I have noticed that the bigger H's *do* seem to be able to find you from farther away.

      I've been chased around the dungeon by Greater Titans, too... annoying buggers.


      • Neigeden
        • Jan 2021
        • 21

        So do all monsters basically have esp within a certain range? That certainly tracks with my experience playing the game, but I'd be curious to know exactly how it works.


        • Selkie
          • Aug 2020
          • 434

          I always find hasty ents are about the worst bloodhounds in the game


          • DavidMedley
            • Oct 2019
            • 995

            I just added, like a month ago, this line to the hints file:
            H:Stealth is very helpful against sleeping monsters but not against alert ones.

            That's not terribly clear I suppose but I've only got 80 characters to work with. I also created a stealth calculator in my public spreadsheet.

            I'm pretty sure stealth does nothing except keep sleeping monsters asleep. Sleeping monsters have a chance to wake if they can see or hear you. Awake monsters can see or hear you, and some can smell you. Sight range for all creatures is 20 spaces (but not around corners). Hearing is listed in monster recall. Smell is not listed in-game.

            I'm pretty sure all that information is correct...
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            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Yeah monsters have a hearing value which is how far away they track from and a sleep value which goes down when you fail a stealth check. Stealth checks are based on stealth and distance. The other thing that matters is speed. Stealth checks happen on the monster's turn. The faster it is, the more checks its getting.

              Smell is new-ish and I'm not convinced Nick ever got round to getting it to do much.


              • whartung
                • May 2020
                • 101

                Whole bunch of behaviors here.

                So, if you (or the monster) teleport farther than "hearing" range, will the monster stop tracking you?

                When it's not tracking you, is it just idle or does it start wandering?

                Do monsters ever fall back asleep if left alone?

                If you use Sleep Monster, does that actually sleep the monster until it wakes up normally (using normal awake mechanics), or is it "asleep" only for a few turns?

                If the latter, will Sleeping a sleeping monster "wake it up"?


                • wobbly
                  • May 2012
                  • 2577

                  Originally posted by whartung
                  Whole bunch of behaviors here.

                  So, if you (or the monster) teleport farther than "hearing" range, will the monster stop tracking you?
                  Yes. Though some monsters have a hearing range bigger then any level.

                  Originally posted by whartung
                  When it's not tracking you, is it just idle or does it start wandering?
                  It'll just idle.

                  Originally posted by whartung
                  Do monsters ever fall back asleep if left alone?
                  no. Not in vanilla angband. Play Sil or Sil-q if you want to take a look at monsters falling back to sleep.

                  Originally posted by whartung
                  If you use Sleep Monster, does that actually sleep the monster until it wakes up normally (using normal awake mechanics), or is it "asleep" only for a few turns?

                  If the latter, will Sleeping a sleeping monster "wake it up"?
                  Magical sleep will set [MON_TMD_SLEEP] which is exactly what is set when the monster is originally generated asleep. e.g. same as normal sleep. Hold monster wands set [MON_TMD_HOLD] which is a set number of turns or until you hit it or something similar.


                  • DavidMedley
                    • Oct 2019
                    • 995

                    I'm pretty sure if a monster can't see or hear you, it goes towards where your scent is strongest, which is where ever you were most recently within their smell range. Someone on the forum remarked that teleportation really confuses smelling monsters, but smell is the 3rd option so it only means that smelling monsters will go to your last location when they otherwise would have completely lost track of you.
                    Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      All the above is wrong... but only if you are playing Sil. Then stealth really comes into its own

