Melee and Shooting To-Hit Values

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  • epatton
    • Sep 2017
    • 21

    Melee and Shooting To-Hit Values

    Hi guys,

    I don't understand what the To-hit values on the character sheet represent.I'm used to the old-school THAC0 values in DND, but these don't seem to be like that, as they increase over time. How do I read this information, and is it useful for judging my attack effectiveness against opponents?
  • Grotug
    • Nov 2013
    • 1562

    I'm not familiar with DND but the To-Hit in Angband represents how often you miss when melee or shooting.

    Unlike to-dam, small increases in to-hit have a negligible effect on your hero's overall damage output. +15 to-hit will make a very small difference, only slightly noticeable, therefore rings of accuracy are not nearly as exciting as they sound. A ranger will almost always take a ring of damage over a ring of accuracy.
    Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:

    Detailed account of my Ironman win here.

    "My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --Fizzix


    • Werbaer
      • Aug 2014
      • 182

      Originally posted by epatton
      I don't understand what the To-hit values on the character sheet represent.I'm used to the old-school THAC0 values in DND, but these don't seem to be like that, as they increase over time.
      They are like THAC0. But your fighting skill improves a bit each time you level up, so the numbers increase, even without changing equipment.

      To judge the effect, don't look at the numbers. Look at the monster memory of an enemy. It will tell you how likely you are with your current equipment to hit the monster. For example, a level 1 Half-Troll warrior with +31 to hit will hit a Battle-scarred veteran 73% of the time, while an Elf Mage with +10 to hit only hits 23% of the time.


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Its pretty much:

        1d(to-hit * 3) > (ac * 2 / 3)

        but yeah easier to just check the chance in monster memory.
        Last edited by wobbly; July 6, 2020, 17:01.


        • DavidMedley
          • Oct 2019
          • 995

          There are minimums that are important as well. IIRC it's a min 12% to hit and min 5% to miss.
          Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


          • luneya
            • Aug 2015
            • 279

            Originally posted by Grotug
            I'm not familiar with DND but the To-Hit in Angband represents how often you miss when melee or shooting.

            Unlike to-dam, small increases in to-hit have a negligible effect on your hero's overall damage output. +15 to-hit will make a very small difference, only slightly noticeable, therefore rings of accuracy are not nearly as exciting as they sound. A ranger will almost always take a ring of damage over a ring of accuracy.
            IIRC, ring of damage only works for melee damage, whereas accuracy applies to both melee and shooting. A ranger is the one class that might conceivably prefer accuracy over damage, or perhaps stat rings over either attack modifier. (In melee classes, rings of accuracy are only useful until you find something better, but there are times when a ring of strength or dexterity outperforms ring of damage by pushing the player into a higher blows/turn tier.)

