Which bow is more powerful?

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  • icefyre
    • Nov 2016
    • 37

    Which bow is more powerful?

    Hello all,

    I found a longbow of Accuracy and a longbow of Extra Might. Usually I'd say Extra Might is much better but looking at the damage numbers I don't see such a big difference. Is the Extra Might bow really much better in this case? Why isn't the damage differential much bigger between the two? (see screenshots attached)
    Attached Files
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Uploaded screenshots are unfortunately of such tiny resolution as to be nearly useless. I recommend uploading to Imgur in future and using [ img ] links to embed the images into your post.

    Anyway, I can just barely make out that the Accuracy bow is (x3) (+15,+15) while the Extra Might bow is (x4) (+6,+11). (or maybe that's +8 to-hit). With unenchanted arrows, then, you're doing either 45+3d4 or 44+4d4 damage, more or less. Those numbers are pretty similar! The difference would be starker with enchanted arrows, as the bigger multiplier on the Extra Might bow would have more to work with. The Accuracy bow does also get a slight boost to its damage from being more likely to score critical hits (because it has a higher to-hit enchantment), though I expect it's pretty marginal in this case.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      might is better when they are that close. You won't be using ordinary +0 arrows against tough opponents. Once you start using enchanted (or big dice) ammo, the bow of might will come into it's own


      • mrfy
        • Jul 2015
        • 326

        And you can use Scrolls of Enchant Weapon To-Dam and To-Hit on the longbow of extra might, to make it better, whereas the Accuracy bow is already at its maximum.


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          it's very difficult to enchant above 11. He is almost certain to find a better bow before that happens. Much better to spend the scrolls on arrows, and improve damage that way.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            I never noticed range could be different. The accuracy bow says 120', the extra might 140'. Is that the multiplier?

            Edit: to answer my own question, range is 6+2xmult
            Last edited by wobbly; January 23, 2020, 16:43.


            • mrfy
              • Jul 2015
              • 326

              Originally posted by Pete Mack
              it's very difficult to enchant above 11. He is almost certain to find a better bow before that happens. Much better to spend the scrolls on arrows, and improve damage that way.
              Shrug. I'd rather have the long-term effect of increasing to-hit and to-damage on the bow rather than use it on expendables like arrows. I shoot a lot of arrows. I do regularly get my weapons above 11, but I try to buy every enchant scroll I see, or use when found in the dungeon.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                That worked when the scrolls were available in the alchemist, and with the rogue/ranger spell. but I'd rather get a stack of +5 arrows now than an extra 4 damage per turn some indeterminate time in the future.

